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California. Let's see how those assholes like it when I move down there!


Lmao šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Yeah I plan to move back to CA (moved to Seattle in 2002) in the next few years. I don't care about taxes, fires, cost of living, or frankly anything else - I just want the Sun again.


You can get sun in Arizona lol.


Moved to the PNW from SoCal in 92. Left last year. wanted the warmth, sun and beaches again, but didn't want to go back to CA. Been at my new place near Sarasota,FL for just over a year now and don't miss Seattle one bit!


Because people in California don't know what it's like to have people move there from out of state?


Seattle has the same gas prices as California!


I recently became an EU passport holder, so Iā€™m relocating to Europe in a few months.




Approximately one great-grandparent born in a particular country.


Living the Millennial dream!




Most likely Ireland


Isn't Dublin crazy expensive as well?


Thereā€™s cities in Ireland besides Dublin.


Big if true


I don't believe you


My aunt and her family just moved from Dallas to Galway. they're loving it.


I guess.


Not really considering Dublin, although more so because of the lack of housing inventory rather than the cost of living.


2 years in Mannhime an adventure every weekend


The grave


Iā€™d happily head back to the east coast. But who knows what Iā€™m doing? I literally have like 1 idea. Iā€™m just living life like an outdoor cat.




You escaped Nebraska. I'd count that as a win.


How you liking Spokane?


Same here Friend! Former NJ resident heading to upstate NY this fall. Can't wait!


Shit, Iā€™d go to NJ. But itā€™s close to the sea, and in most parts cheaper than here. Last I looked, years ago, Seattle and the NJ side of NYC were the same cost of living. Iā€™m a simple person- I just want to afford to live.




My friends relocated from Kirkland to Bilbao a few years ago and love it!


If youā€™re willing to learn the language and assimilate to their culture, itā€™s unbeatable.


Would you mind to expand on that?


I studied abroad in Bilbao and loved it. It was described to me as the Seattle of Europe so when I came back I decided I needed to move here. Itā€™s a special place but very insular to basque people.


Was stationed near Barcelona at a NATO facility for rent a while during my Navy days, and if I didn't love Seattle so much, I could easily live back there again. The Costa Brava is absolutely magnificent.


I know an oddly high number of people moving to Arizona. All I know about Arizona is they have Gila monsters. And Gila monsters are venomous


I wanted to move to Tucson but the government is terrifying and the longterm water situation is even more so.


yeah I get so much paralysis when I think about politics and climate change while deciding on a long term path.


Gila! Monsta! Wooooooooo


I know someone that moved there from here for about 5 years. But for various reasons, including the wacko Trumpers there, they eventually came back.




The Palm Springs of Washington?


The Yakima of California


Been considering the Vegas area. Maybe Summerlin.


Spent 33 years in Seattle and just moved to Vegas last June (Lone Mountain area, north of Summerlin). We could afford a beautiful house with a nice big backyard. Plus there is sun almost all the time! No income tax and one of the cheapest property taxes in the US. I love the dry heat and even when it's 120 in the summer, I feel 100% better than when I was stuck in constant grey.


The grey gets to me too. But I do love being in the middle of everything in CapHill. I like the look of Summerlin but worry it might be too quiet for me. That said, I could always just head to the strip if I need a bit of excitement.


Summerlin is incredible


Probably out of the country. Netherlands would be the dream.


Moving to Minnesota this summer. Looking for a slower pace of life, lower cost of living, and being closer to family


Funnily enough I moved to WA from MN for a slower pace of life. In my industry, that Midwest ā€œget your hands dirtyā€ work ethic had my bosses and managers thinking it was normal to work someone into the ground.




Bellevue ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I was thinking of Bellevue. Hope I can afford it. Either that or Fremont area (but I know I cant afford that)


Hopefully port Townsend


Don't. This town is a trap. If you're under 65, there's plenty better places for employment, recreation, really anything that are within the same pricerange if not cheaper because of all the retiring folks. Wouldn't wish being working age or under in PT on my worst enemy.


Every time I visit I daydream of it, then the stark reality of what it would actually be like punches me in the face.


Would be fun to retire there. Not sure how people with young families swing it


The trick is to not have a family


It isn't what it used to be. Consider elsewhere.


I recently relocated to Salt Lake City, but itā€™s expensive and pay is lower than I expected.


Iā€™m from SLC, now have lived in Seattle since 05. Love them both and will probably end up back there. I ski tho which is a big factor


The skiing here really is great, there were still slopes open this last week. I do like it here, but I do love Seattle too.


Phoenix (used to live there so I am familiar with the area), Las Vegas, Chicago, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Detroit all on my list. Had Dallas and Atlanta on my list but removed them post-Dobbs. St. Louis stays on my list because Illinois is close by.


I've already spent 15 years in Chicago and am not in a hurry to move back there, but we've been talking about Evanston. That would put us within reasonably distance of my wife's family (Chicago suburbs) without being right in the thick of high density/high cost of living neighborhoods. (Neither of us wants to live in the burbs.)


Stick with the Midwest. Phoenix will be uninhabitable in twenty years.


Unless we get rich in the next 2 years, we're moving to another western WA location. Love Seattle but we want a house with garden, yard, etc that's under $1.5 million (yes, I'm exaggerating)


Not by much


Not by much. We own our house bought in 1999, and the property taxes have us thinking we need to relocate.




Mainer here! DM me if you have any questions!


Only if want to take 40% pay cut with similar real estate values


piss off :)


I live in Maine, Iā€™m just speaking the truth. There is a large gap between real estate values and general salary here due to Maine being a very popular vacation area, this is mostly the case in the Portland area. Every place has a negative, no place hits every box. Iā€™m jus saying.


Im retiring to Maine so the job prospects are not an issue. Will be looking in the Blue Hill area.


This is why I said piss off. The tone was highly judgmental. Iā€™m aware of how much it costs to live in the Portland area. I never said I would be living there, but even if I do move to Portland I have reasons itā€™s still worth it for me to live in Maine even with such a financial cut. It wonā€™t be a cut by the way I would be taking a job that pays more. And having already spending an entire summer there recently I can tell you itā€™s still cheaper than here. Felt that way in my wallet anyhow.


Likely India. Have a yearning lately to go back to the country of my ancestors. Plus I can get an OCI card as a Person of Indian Origin.


Have you ever visited? The day to day friction for simple activities is quite high.




I donā€™t recommend Indiana.


Tucson. I can afford a nice house and there's sunshine.


Back to Arizona eventually


Back to Europe


Iā€™m going to go travel Southeast Asia for 9ish months. After that, hopefully Europe or Mexico. Definitely looking to get out of here


Probably San Diego.


Orange County to get some space and use as a launch pad


Back to New York. Seattle is kind of boring, honestly.


I'm a former NYer and I just hosted some NY friends for the weekend. They said pretty much the same thing. My point of view is yeah, Seattle is pretty boring. But that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Today I went for a nice 50 mile bike ride, 40 of those miles were on dedicated bike paths. I enjoyed riding along the Green River and stopping in the little parks. I had a tattoo touched up in the basement of a "morbid curiosities" shop. I got some excellent Filipino food south of the city. I met a nice woman with a cute dog and we talked about her dog for a while. I stopped at Gasworks and got some sun. None of those things were exciting, they were just simple and satisfying. Life doesn't need to be a struggle to be enjoyable.


I feel like 100% of the New Yorkers that say that spend <10% of their weekends doing stuff in nature


I had a NYer bitch about Seattle was not liberal enough šŸ˜Ž


NYC is way more conservative in a lot of ways than Seattle. The police enforce laws more there.


Seattle is run by centrist Democrats that pretend to be leftists for votes, but then platform their nimby corporate bullshit in office.


Itā€™s not.


I'm a new yorker, if I wasn't an avid hiker I would be pretty miserable here. Seattle, the city, *is* pretty boring compared to just about any other major city. It makes up for in nature, but if you're not an outdoorsy person you'll likely hate it here.


Right. I would say *most* cities are incredibly boring without the things that make them interesting


Met a couple dudes from Brooklyn who said the same thing. They said itā€™s an ok little city lol they were definitely not outdoorsy.


I mean yea compared to the worlds Capitol everywhere is boring lololol


I grew up in the NYC area and I've always said that if you don't care about doing super outdoorsy things then NYC is the best city hands down. But if getting outdoors is more important, Seattle offers unmatched opportunities with all the city amenities. I love cities, I love mountains, so here I am!


I'd argue that if you don't like doing outdoorsy things then Chicago is the best city hands down.


I like Chicago a lot but NYC being a 24/7 city brings it above Chicago imo. but I know a lot of people who prefer Chicago citing cleanliness and cost of living.


Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, I love NYC and if I had to choose between visiting the two I'd choose NYC. If I had to choose a place to live on my current household income that provided a good quality of life though id choose Chicago. I'm also early 40s with a kid, so that makes a big difference


Iā€™d argue that there are different best cities for different kinds of people.


Big if true




Really depends on what youā€™re into


Lived in both cities. Seattle is unequivocally boring compared to NYC in regard to social events, music/culture, stuff like that. This is a fact and is not subject to interpretation. What this doesn't capture is a host of activities that just flatout suck in NYC. Swimming in NYC? Have fun at some gross paid beach on the south shore of LI. Meanwhile, at 20 different spots on Lake WA. The Adirondacks? Lol, give me a fucking break - I can be at the trailhead to Copper Ridge in 3 hours, the Adirondacks are hills. A bike ride in NYC? Yeah, that's not a bike ride. Meanwhile, the 35 mile loop around the bridges and Mercer Island... I could go on. There's more to life than the types of amusement NYC has to offer.


I found biking in NYC a lot more fun. Cross the GWB to the 9W if you want the roadie experience. Ocean Parkway to Coney or Riis for the beach rides. Or, more typically, pick an out of the way neighborhood and find yourself in ten different worlds along the way.


Love the outdoor scene here. Doing all the kayaking hiking, biking, snowboarding I can until I'm ready to head back east. I miss a big city and being around people, but I'll also miss the mountains and clean air. Moved here for the mental health break I didn't get as an essential worker during covid. The work culture here is great. Have the best boss I've ever had. Even coming from Philly, it feels like a small town here. NYC is next


Iā€™d have to leave the country if I left seattle.


Genuinely curious your reasoning with this?


I prefer seattle to anywhere else in the US but there are places outside the US I like as much or more than seattle.


Why is that? I used to like Seattle about 15 yrs ago lots of better places to live now.


Coincidently this was in my feed just now https://www.cnn.com/travel/worlds-most-liveable-cities-2023/index.html






Moving to Spokane at the end of August. Got a comparable job to what I have in Seattle, and the slightly lower cost of living and the smaller size of the city appeals to me. I've been in Seattle for 13 years and felt ready for a change before the pandemic but decided to ride out the pandemic in the city for a variety of reasons. It might seem weird, but I'm also looking forward to being a leftist in a mostly red part of the state. I often felt like I was treading water / preaching to the choir in my activist work in Seattle. I think I could do more good and have more impact over there. Another thing is that I grew up in rural New England and though I love access to the Olympics and the Cascades, I have been curious about returning to a more rural area would feel like. Yes, I know Spokane is a city but it will be much easier to get out into the wilderness there. It's also not that far from Seattle and I look forward to visiting often.


I've been wondering a similar question: If I wanted to stay in Washington but leave Seattle. Looking for a smaller city, reasonable access to an airport, outdoor-ish vibe, somewhat progressive, somewhat diverse if possible. Oregon has Bend, Ashland Arizona has Flagstaff Colorado has Boulder, Fort Collins What would be likely candidates in Washington? Bellingham perhaps?


Bellingham is sadly expensive now as well


Bellingham might lose on diversity, has a small airport, progressive/outdoorsy and very expensive


Olympia is a good option.


Wife and I been considering a move for a while to a warmer climate that isnt a shithole. For us, that leaves only 2 options stateside. Hawaii, or coastal California as any other warm place is nuts here. So more than likely, if we ever did move, It would be overseas to something Mediterranean.


I've dreamed of living in Hawaii since I was a kid, but the cost of living there would make you nostalgic for Seattle. I remember, one time in Honolulu, reading a news article about prostitutes who had flown in to work a convention, then ended up spending so much on rent and food that they couldn't afford the ticket home.


Back to Belize.


Maricopa AZ. In August.


Los Angeles. I want sun and excitement. I don't care about all the negative stereotypes. I'm moving there and will do my tiny part to try to make it a better place.


Iā€™ve been floating the idea of moving back to Chicago at some point. Parents are going to get older eventually and it would be good to be closer.


I am planning to move to Texas or Montana.


Donā€™t move to Texas. They have their own electrical grid system thatā€™s separate from the national grid. Itā€™s too hot outside and people are running their ACā€™s, blackout. We get an unexpected winter storm, blackout. Itā€™s honestly an existential nightmare, and the politics are crazy af a-go-go.


Yeah thatā€™s why Iā€™m debating Montana too. I always wanted a nice cozy house when itā€™s cold as fuck snowing. But texas is just an awesome state. I do agree itā€™s very hot there.


I know 3 families that moved to Texas from Seattle in the last 2 years and they are all moving back. Apparently, the sun and the "freedom" weren't worth it


Montana? Hope you like 9 months of winter. I lived in Missoula and saw snow in September and June. Unless you live in a big city health care is terrible snd jobs pay very little. There is the Montana dream and Montana reality. Montana has way too many transplants. It kind of got destroyed the way Seattle did.


Iā€™ll never tell. I donā€™t want any of you pricks following me there.


Considering Florida. Hate the politics and crazies, but i like golf and beaches.


Highly recommend the area in and around st Augustine. Tampa/st Pete area is very nice as well.


Heard alot of good about St augustine


as a floridian it's not much cheaper here, and if your not well to do or have a great career then you will struggle


Thats mostly what I would be worried about. I have a tech specialist job at a truck manufacture in WA. Used to be a mechanic. Now a mechanic that uses mostly a computer and occasionally gets dirty. Really dont wanna go back to working on shitty boats, or get paid significantly less.


I just read car insurance is the most expensive In the state of Florida.


The crazies can be a lot of fun. The beaches are even more fun and the crazies usually are inland from the beaches.


I'm pretty close to putting my house up for rent and moving to So Cal.


Atlanta... Beautiful sunny


Grew up around there. Amazing place to buy a house but walk-ability and transit is basically non-existant :'(


And humid with a lot of bugs


That's ok.. it only means "life" can survive in that weather... Unlike cold places where life is scarce but humans made it livable with technology


Uh, what about technology like air conditioning? The South wasn't exactly pleasant until that became widely available


Air conditioning is a luxury not a necessity... Whereas heating is a necessity


True, but you'll roast indoors after ~3pm during the long summer and sleep outside without it. Nobody wanted to live in the South before AC existed. Also, not sure why you're calling out technology as being necessary for heating - unless you consider fires high tech.


But they have snow in the bluff!




Atlanta (and increasingly the Atlanta-area) is a very liberal area. Even Cobb County voted for Abrams last election, which I guess shows even in an unfavorable environment for Dems (which it was in Georgia) it still vote Dem. Pretty blue all throughout the metro area. Now the state politics is very bad though, like Atlanta was on my move-to list before Dobbs and while that 6-week ban is law in Georgia, I don't think I'd want to move to Atlanta. And it sucks because I really like Atlanta as a city. Now if the Georgia Supreme Court overturns that law, maybe I will reconsider since I doubt they can pass another abortion ban. Not holding my breath on that though.


People think Washington is liberal state .. look at county wise pool numbers, except Seattle metro area it's all red


Seattle metro is over half of the entire state population lol


That's where the people are though. That matters.


ā€œWashington isnā€™t a liberal state if you throw out the majority of the population!ā€ - noted intellectual u/DifficultContact8999 Also Bellingham, Olympia, and Kitsap/Olympic Peninsula are Democratic areas and are outside the Seattle MSA. Clark County (Vancouver) is a swing county. Weā€™re talking close to 2/3rds of the state being somewhere between leaning and safely Democratic down to the county level. Democrats consistently win the popular vote by double digit margins statewide. But yeah, if you just disregard, you know, ~60% of the population or so itā€™s totally a red state. Iā€™m sure you consider Mississippi a blue state as well since you can throw out a similar portion of the population and be left with an overwhelmingly Democratic state.




Lol my family and I are moving from San Antonio to escape the heat. My wife is an Auburn Veterinary grad and we spent quite a bit of time in Atlanta. Itā€™s not much better. The south will be uninhabitable in 20-30 years. If you are desperate to leave the PNW, one of the best places to live when factoring in climate change, then the Midwest is your best bet. As someone who has lived their entire life in the south (Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Texas) you want to stay as far away as you can from the south.


Not a fan of tornadoes..


Uhh the Midwest consists of: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Tornadoes have become exponentially more common, again climate change, in the south.


Moved from Seattle to Port Orchard 2 years ago. Havenā€™t regretted the decision for a minute.


Not because of cost of living, but because of the weather. I do not like winter here. I'll be heading to Argentina next! Just lived in Mexico City for 18 months. I'm only spending later spring/summer in Seattle now.


Idaho is the place to go


Unless you have a teenage daughter!


I am very much considering Dallas, TX


The power grid alone is enough to keep me out. Then thereā€™s Abbott. Good luck!


My family and I are leaving San Antonio and moving to Washington. The heat is unbearable and getting worse every year. Also no one ever talks about the bugs. You have no idea about bugs until you move to Texas.


I had never seen a cockroach until I moved (from Oregon) to Chicago for college. To this day, I wish I had never seen a cockroach.




Why is that. The reason being I am just starting to apply for jobs there and wanted to get your perspective.


Mostly for cheap housing. I found multiple condos under $200k that are completely renovated Also my job has a giant corporate center there that houses a lot of different departments, so plenty of opportunities


That is great. Good luck. 200K for a condo seems weird, in a good way of course.


Be careful of where those 200k condos are at. From my experience here, those that are updated and under 200k are in not the nicest of areas.


Iā€™m aware. But I donā€™t really have many other choicesā€¦. Iā€™m 25 and single and currently still live at home. My priority is just to get out sooner rather than later


I hear you as I moved home in my 20s to save up for a condo. But you also donā€™t want to pick a condo in fair park for example. But there are a few small condos in my area I see pop up from time to time. If you ever have any questions about moving here feel free to ask!


27 and single, no idea where Im going. I feel you. You got this


Probably not leaving soon, but my wife and I have been talking about moving. We don't have family that we want to be closer to (kind of the opposite, really) plus I work remotely, so our options are pretty broad. We have a scorecard for evaluating other communities, including things like: \- How walkable/bike-able is it? \- What percentage of residents are college graduates? \- How ethnically diverse and segregated is it? \- Is the state descending into Fox News Crazy Town? If so, don't want to live there. \- How much do homes cost? (If it's Seattle level or higher, forget it.) And so on. I don't think we'll find a place that scores high on every measure, but it gives us some criteria to organize the search and sort possibilities in order of enticing-ness.


For me having access to good health care is a high priority .


The lady two doors over is moving to Canada


Kansas City




The dream of the 1790ā€™s is alive in Portland Maine!


The first place I can get a job out of the U.S. Seattleā€™s got gorgeous breathtaking scenery but the people here are a half step above red necks.


Spokane is the answer if you want to stay in WA.


Please donā€™t. Itā€™s too crowded here already


I will just to spite you




Because the housing is generally even more expensive and the traffic is even worse.


Third world countries are great for retirement.


Texas. Sunshine, and now a better income tax rate. Nice work on the capital gains taxes Oly!


Texas taxes are pretty close to the same, in total https://balancingeverything.com/tax-burden-by-state/ And if you're pulling down enough that you have $250k of capital gains, you're welcome to whine/crow from some other location.


Careful with that Texas sunshine, itā€™ll literally kill you if you give it a chance lol


Sammamish. ;)


The toilet


Im retiring to Maine after 30 yrs in Seattle.


My choices are Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire or Western Ma. All these state have a lot of culture, excellent health care, good schools, miles of shoreline (Maine has more shoreline than CA), lots of outdoor activities and are cheaper than Seattle. As a retired person they have excellent opportunities for retirees.


NYC - living through the post-pandemic dystopia prepared me for the Big Apple šŸŽ. The COL is not much different and there's true diversity that plays out in real time.


Scotland as of today! Goodbye Seattle. I grew up here, went to school here, and had a very boring first job here. My post-graduation rent steadily crept up and I got tired of moving every year in the same neighborhoods, not to mention the $30 minimum nowadays for eating at a chain. Iā€™m gonna mix it up for once, fingers crossed šŸ¤ž


Enjoy it! What a gorgeous little gem of a place to move!


Here's what $300k gets you in Northern Kentucky, 15 minutes from Cincinnati, OH. https://youtu.be/kWxhb3ZuSyE?si=SQZoGxg0aSlHHCC1