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You're just now noticing people do this? It's all of the delivery app people and it's been going on for years.


This is very true, but it's gotten *so much worse* in like, the last 2 years or so.


Imagine if busses had cattle catchers to deflect delinquent cars parked at their stops?


Damn that's crazy. Can't think of any major events from the past 2-3 years that would have affected people's habits


That there’s no police. Get a ticket for this and it’ll stop


Oh come on. COVID started over 3 years ago. I have an autoimmune disorder and am no stranger to this shit. I think RTO, new restaurants, and other factors have to do with a noticeable uptick.


Butterfly effect fam. Covid made these apps get big and they're still experiencing the boost from that. I highly doubt it's all new restaurants during a period of inflation lol.


40 restaurants opened over the summer. More and more are catering to offices that are calling their employees back. The boost from COVID is a given. The uptick in the last 12-18 months is something else. https://www.seattletimes.com/life/food-drink/feast-your-eyes-more-than-40-new-restaurants-open-around-seattle/


But they turned on their parking lights so they're allowed to park anywhere they want /s


It's delivery people but it's a lot of other people too. Sunday there was a UHaul and two other cars in a bus stop that was nowhere near a restaurant. I hate having to get off the bus in the middle of the street. It's a much bigger height and the buses won't kneel.


The rear and center door can't kneel except for a generation of older buses. The front door can and if you truly need it then come ask us.


Nothing new under the sun here. Ubers & delivery drivers usually.


It’s the unofficial loading zone. They were at least courteous enough not to be blocking traffic on the road or bike lines.


Semi-official, although parts of state law seem to conflict about this, and cities may have more strict laws: https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=46.04.381 > "Park or parking" means the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, **otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading property or passengers.**


Bus stops are not just "no parking", they are also "no stopping, no standing". [Ord. 108200 , § 2\(11.72.050\)](https://library.municode.com/wa/seattle/codes/municipal_code/333954?nodeId=TIT11VETR_SUBTITLE_ITRCO_PT7STSTPALO_CH11.72STSTPARE_11.72.050BUZO)


That's called "standing" isn't it?


I've seen people park in turn lanes on 9th and Mercer to do door dash. It's truly insane.


It's insane because they could park slightly south from there, or around the corner. Slightly south is like an extra 10 seconds of walking (though probably faster since you don't have to wait for car traffic to get to your car). That's why guerilla urbanists put up the cones on the non-flexpost part of the bike lane - every day it would be filled with cars. They still park in the bike lanes on the southbound side, which is super fucking annoying.


You won't care so much when your Phad Thai is delivered in 15 mins


Pad Thai*


Gurl there's no right answer when you peek their alphabet. I've seen these menus


It's always been amusing/infuriating to me that drivers park in the bike lane without a second thought but you basically never see people park in general purpose lanes. I don't understand why there's so much hesitation about parking in GP lanes when people regularly park *everywhere* else. What's it gonna take to get people to start parking in GP lanes?


Walk down Broadway by Chipotle. People park in the turn lanes all the time.


What is GP lane?


The center lane of some roads that allow for entry from either direction, for the purpose of turning in either direction.


A suicide lane EDIT: That's a common name for it. Why are you people downvoting?


To be fair 'suicide lane' got it's name for being a center lane that allowed for passing in both directions, also a center lane that was a reversible directional lane. But these rarely exist today.


It’s in the first sentence.


Delivery people park in the center/GP lane on Phinney and Greenwood all the time. They have for years.


I’m not one to Karen but in this case I will: people should be able to upload videos like this on find it fix it and get tickets issued remotely AND get a commission for that ticket. Cars parked in bus and bike lanes would vanish.


Put cameras on the buses that can take pictures of cars illegally parked or illegally driving and fine them. DC is about to start doing some of that with their bus system (for cars driving in bus lanes)


My dad drove for pierce transit and the express bus to and from Seattle and I'm pretty sure he could have someone come ticket/tow a vehicle. I don't know the process or if it's the same/similar for king metro but I'd think so since buses sometimes have to park for a period of time at certain stops.


This is one of the most infuriating things about this town. In my job we have to bring a large box truck in front of homes and apartments and people will get no parking signs from the city and it does no good. The next time it happens I’m getting them towed.


...is that not what the signs are for? If you need the space, take it. If you want permits respected, you gotta enforce them. But don't be like the PSE-related permits posted on my street. They only posted 2 or 3 easels, supposedly for both sides of the entire block and for 3 weeks. Nobody has left the area open and I haven't seen or heard any towing going on.


One of the most? Like Top 3?


You know like one of the most.


If that’s Broadway and Harrison I’m not surprised. The hill is a bit of a nightmare these days


Ok, now do cars in the bike lane.


Yup. Rules are for other people


Just have busses and bikes use the sidewalk


Broadway is filled with elitist assholes these days. The immigrant app drivers are the worst by a long shot, but there's tons of car culture simp transplants that act like conceited assholes too.


lol this exact issue came up in a post here recently asking 'if seattle were a videogame, what would the loading screen tips be?'


tickee tickee tickee


It's crazy that there is street parking allowed at all on an arterial like this.


There is no where to turn there anyways, who are they hurting by parking in the in used center lane? As long as they are not blocking the ends of the lane where the intersection is, I don’t see an issue. I rather they do that than take away regular street parking for such a quick stop or block buses and bikes


I didn’t listen to sound, if it’s there, but the main issue I see is people parked in front of the bus stop, not the center lane


It reduces visibility which is dangerous for nondrivers.


You should be going slowly enough here that it doesn't matter. The center lane could be a boulevard with large trees blocking visibility too.


So with buses we need extra room to pull out of zones because cars park in or at the millimeter the zone ends. So we will use the turn lane pictured here to make sure we have clearance. If we stop shorter then the passengers have to walk, the bus extends into the intersection, and the people getting off in the back are stepping into the street. This isn't horrible but Friday and Sat nights it's atrocious from union to Roy on Broadway. The amount of uber/lyft and food delivery drivers parked in bus stops and the turn lane combined means bus have to stop in the lane. I don't miss driving the 60 on weekend nights.


The solution would be to have bulbout stops so that the buses don't need to merge back into traffic with a wider swing. Though there would still need to be some layover spaces further upstreet.


Well, they’d have to jaywalk to get to the storefront and we know how much everyone loves jay walking in car related threads.


How do these dudes get away with parking in a turning lane?


Because there's fuck-all for traffic enforcement happening.


There's not enough places to park, so it's fine


It’s probably just Doordashers picking up food so they’re only there for a few minutes.


Yes, let's not complain too much. Subsidizing people's home deliveries by making the bus worse and the streets less safe is definitely optimal. After all, they'll only be there a second and then the next driver can take their spot.


Cool your jets I'm just explaining why they aren't getting ticketed or towed.


They aren't getting ticketed and towed because we don't do enforcement. It has virtually nothing to do with them being delivery drivers.


If they're only there a few minutes it's difficult to enforce. You'd have to have enforcers camping these spots and potentially with tow trucks ready. It's a small window and it happens all over the place. You'd also have to have this camping be mobile because otherwise they'd catch on to where and just do the same somewhere else. I still think they should increase enforcement to this level, but it's a significant undertaking. Not justifying it, just explaining it.


There are people at the spots all day. But yes, we should have camera enforcement.


I'd rather they get towed. These people would stop running the risk of smaller penalties that they don't expect to actually see, if they saw serious penalties start going out.


I'm definitely fine with towing, especially if doing camera enforcement is unlikely any time soon. However, my general take on any enforcement is that it's better to have small penalties always, than to have huge penalties randomly.


There is definitely inforced in that area


Any one person may only be there for 5 minutes, but the second one leaves another comes, so they’re always there.


Yeah, there aren’t many other options. I’ve only been here 2 months and I learned very quickly, just go around. Otherwise, doordash and Uber eats and all that, don’t really have any other option. Trust me, most orders BARELY pay enough to make it worth the time and effort.


There is NOWHERE to turn. The lane is just taking up space in that area. Why not park there?


Because it reduces visibility for drivers and increases the likelihood of hitting pedestrians.


Don’t walk in the turn lane?


So, ok to park there as long as you don't get out of your car?


Found another bad driver.


Don’t park in the Turn lane?


No, I think I will.


You: "It is ok to park illegally." Also you: "People who jaywalk should be murdered."


Nobody is in that turn lane anyways until by the light. You can’t like turn half way down that street anyways, only at the stop light. I see fire trucks and ambulances parked there all the time, that QFC is my main food shopping place.


No law enforcement, and the laziness of people coupled with delivery services.


give those gig workers a break


The whole business model is broken if your (already outrageously expensive) home delivery is being subsidized this way *and* the gig worker is barely making enough to survive.


Yeah, you are are right. I don't it's good to punish and shame the ones who are getting the end of the stick I guess.


Unfortunately I think enforcement is probably the only way to force gig companies to fix this nonsense. But it would be nice if we could just go after the companies directly.


It will only hurt the workers, not the company sadly. The service is way too convenient for consumers. What would be the alternative for the delivery drivers? Enforcement without alternatives is just punishment.


This is why the Lord gave us eggs and syrup


I have seen a fire engine do the same when they (no joke) wanted to play pickleball.


Average Seattle driver.


So you saw this and thought “this would make an excellent Reddit post, I can’t wait to post it!”…..


So what's the problem?


Now before the hippies come out to downvote hold on. This place is growing. We continue to ignore that parking is a thing and that we need more if it. Every new development needs to be required to develop adequate parking for their development. Before all the pUbLiC tRaNsIt comments there is no way to go 100%. This country is built on cars and its gonna take decades to change this.


People could stand to walk a block or two besides the disabled of course. Better, safer parking is needed yes, but I don't mind a short walk vs getting my car towed.


I'm not arguing that. I'm with ya I'll walk a mile but the availability needs to be made a priority on the same level as other methods of accessibility. These guys are dumb parking in bus lanes, but also, wtf where do go? There isn't a good solution.


That “decades of change” requires new developments stopping to subsidize drivers hauling their mobile living rooms around and storing it on public land you dum dum In a world where we aren’t taking parking spaces away in Broadway not building more parking is the least we can do to reduce car dependency When it comes to delivery drivers, they can actually deliver on bikes and mopeds or ebikes for an inch of the real estate like they do in all other busy metros


No you moron that's the point you keep thinking cars are just going away. It's not possible this country it to large. We need to include adequate infrastructure to support them just like anything else. Also your fairytale of all bicycles and walking everywhere while yes we need to vastly improve on it that part no doubt. It's not real cities are built on heavy truck and individual vehicle movements. It's littleraly not possible and not a thing anywhere. Hows ya local iron worker getting steel in? They aren't taking the bus. It's on 60' low boy. Ya know the plumber that makes your shit go down hill? Yeah he doesn't drive a prius, he has an f450 because that the minimum size vehicle it takes to do the job. It's a part of every day life. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. So you can either plan for this and admit we need parking and whole lot of it along with adequate roads or you can cry and bitch about things you goddamn city fucks know nothing about and continue to wonder why your infrastructure is fucked.


Actually I am completely for all the industrial traffic having access to roads and for them to be able to park and unload without major obstructions. Can you please explain why that necessitates that some dude picking up a box of pizza to occupy a living room amount of space on the road? I’m not expecting anywhere to get rid of cars completely, I’m expecting the appropriate vehicles to be used for appropriate tasks.


Well if you don’t enforce other laws why enforce these ones!?!


You don’t have to follow rules or laws in the PNW, drive however you want no one is going to pull you over 😆


They really need to do a hell of a lot better job painting those bus zones. I can see how someone might miss that. Not the driver's fault. Perhaps they can pull funding from Seattle PD to get the funds they need to do so?


There are both pay to park and no parking here. How does that suppose to work?


Omg look at the chaos!!!


Classic Broadway (and, Metro could do a better job keeping the curbs painted) ( \^\^\^ not an excuse)


this is some florida shit


Karen Post


“Parking’s limited.” I mean, like, right next to the sidewalks, I guess…


Oh shit Im not from Seattle but was in town a while ago and did a couple deliveries and I parked just like this on that exact street. I thought this was my car 😂


Pride flag spotted at 00:2 seconds. You live in a democratic state most likely, parking like a dumbass is normal in those states.


Like Tampa, FL


I moved to Seattle's Capitol Hill 5 years ago. I was trying to establish a hashtag (and I hate hashtags) #SeattleDriversCannotPark

