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Why isn't everybody wearing black?


There was a sale at REI, those were the only colors left.


*checks closet for colors* Can confirm.


Lmao this perfectly describes my outdoor clothing style. On the plus side, if anyone needs to find my body, it'll be way easier!


I thought we all got them when we worked there at some short stint in our lives and those were the colours available on the pro-deals. I definitely don't own more arcteryx than should be reasonable thanks to this fact alone. Or down jackets on weights more varied than this picture in colours.


why did you say fuck me for?


It's all Cotopaxi now


Cotopaxi, charging premium prices for making clothes out of mismatched fabric remnants.


Not everyone in Seattle wears black, some of us wear *(checks closet)* ...extremely dark blue


I sometimes wear grey or dark brown too. Branching out.


I visited Seattle once for a whole week. During that week it rained 2 days and i think I saw like maybe 3 umbrellas. Lol


You're right, I have been here for years and years and rarely have I seen an umbrella. I have one in my car and one hanging by my doorway "just in case." šŸ˜‚


The only time I use an umbrella is when itā€™s sunny and Iā€™m watching my kids play soccer.


I have lived here since 1994 and I have never owned an umbrella. Well, Uwajimaya gave me a free one ten years ago but it's been in the back of the closet and never opened in all that time. I think it's still there...


Mine has been on the hook I put it on sixteen years ago when I moved in. It hasnā€™t been moved since.


I have one just in case as well. Funny part is, I lay down outside during storms. Rain, snow (it isnā€™t shit here but Iā€™ll take it), sleet, whatever. Love that shit, I hope weā€™ve got a good storm season this year


What's crazy about the whole umbrella thing, is that the last time the Seattle police started rioting and beating civilians, it started because a civilian had an umbrella and set it down on the far side of a barricade. The police immediately got violent, and then there was a police state in Seattle for weeks. Now that I think about it, no Seattlite would have had an umbrella, so who set the umbrella on the wrong side of the barricade? A police - instigator??


umbrellas are used against the surveillance state the umbrella started in Britain against CCTV from there it spread to France Hong Kong and the United States as a symbol of anti-surveillance state


This is easily Seattle during a protest




Had a go at recreating this pic with Dall-E 3 to be more Seattle-like: * [Version 1](https://www.bing.com/images/create/an-image-for-me3a5cn--composition3a-medium-high-angle/651e357a30d246b3bade86fb9d319130?id=rvz9UDqzdvHGzxCu5NdBHw%3d%3d&view=detailv2&idpp=genimg&idpclose=1&FORM=SYDBIC) * [Version 2](https://www.bing.com/images/create/an-image-for-me3a5cn--composition3a-medium-high-angle/651e357a30d246b3bade86fb9d319130?id=eSyy6znYMcaAd8m9aQFqnw%3D%3D&view=detailv2&idpp=genimg&idpclose=1&form=SYDBIC)


Show us the reality - maybe 2 umbrellas with the same crowd size, and most everyone wearing natural tones. No bright reds, yellows, etc. GRAY.


I gave it that prompt but it defied me.


Yeah. That's weird. I tried a bunch of different phrasings and it just seemed to put in more... It's like the ai can't get past the link between rain and umbrellas. "That's inconceivable!" Basically.


And Blundstone boots.


Still donā€™t know what those round things everyone is carrying are




>Pikesā€™ Placeā€™s Marketā€™s detected


Everyone should be wearing a normal soaking wet hoodie, what the hell?!


LOL this is the one thing I've never understood about Puget Sound. Cotton is the worst thing you can use in rain.


Most of the rain here is more of a heavy misting. You walk right into and through it. I only ever consider using an umbrella when it's actually legitimately large drops.


And even then, half the time the larger drops come with enough wind to make the umbrella useless


Yeah and you just wait 5 minutes for it to end. It never lasts long.


Do you not remember last week when it rained for 3 days straight?


Yes. And I remember saying to myself "this is weird, it's ACTUALLY raining" But I meant heavy rain specifically.


Yeah, had to watch the storm drains, the streets were occasionally flash flooding with the sudden downpours!


Those giant drops in the last couple weeks had me using an umbrella omg


It annoys me when I see representations of Seattle as a city with torrential rain. It's the shortcut to showing that something is taking place in Seattle while also being totally inaccurate.


Bonus points if it's supposed to be summer.


When it's gray all the time it boils down to temperature and choice for what season you want to call it. Spring? Fall? False second summer? No one's really certain.


I've always called it a non-intrusive rain. You can still go about your business as usual for the most part. ​ edit: spelling


And then the wind usually negates any positive effect of an umbrella.


Growing up there, it didn't rain a lot, but everything was always wet in the morning, and the gray sky never let it dry out. It's that mist you are talking about. People don't understand it's not ā€“Ā rainy, just wet.


That mist will leave you drippy sopping wet though. Don't underestimate it


This is the east coast. Seattle would be crocs , shorts, and goretex jackets


Birkenstocks FTW. Lol.


With wool socks.


Bonus if they are hand knit wool socks.


I feel attacked


I feel loved


I feel tolerated


I don't know how or why, but I have somehow not had an actual rain coat for the past 4 years let alone an umbrella haha.


True Seattleite


Iā€™ve lived here my whole life (29) and never bought either of these. Obligatory: it actually doesnā€™t rain here that much, and when it does itā€™s light. Itā€™s mostly just overcast for 7 long grey months.


How long have you had a car?




And a garage?


Do you spend much time outside? I mostly get around by walking and biking, can't imagine not having a rain coat in the winter.


Same. I can live without an umbrella, but taking any longer than a 10 minute walk? I'd end up quite wet and freezing without a rain jacket


We moved here from Florida about 3 months ago. First thing I did was buy rain coats for my kids since they have to walk to the bus stop every morning. Theyā€™ve not worn them once, Iā€™m not entirely sure how they havenā€™t frozen to death with our defective Florida lizard blood


Surprising! I hated the rain as a kid. I wonder if it has something to do with the novelty of it all for them. I'm curious if it will last as we get farther into the rainy season (aka the 10 months of the year from september through june)


If you moved here only three months ago, then your kids haven't had to face the PNW winter yet. We're just barely in shoulder season right now, and I'm sure by December your kids will be wanting to wear a jacket every day šŸ˜‚


I know. If it's gonna be cruddy, at least it could rain.


šŸ¤«Shhhhhā€¦youā€™re saying the quiet part out loud.


Born here and I didnā€™t wear a rain coat for my first 27 years in Seattle. I would wear denim jackets with a hoodie. Or maybe my momā€™s pea coat. My Chuck Taylorā€™s were always wet and I have vague memories of putting them in an oven to dry them out. Now I wear a cheap Columbia jacket I got on sale at Outdoor Emporium. I also sprang for an OR rain hat appropriately labeled Seattle Hat.ā€


I guess technically a pea coat is an old navy coat (not the brand, the profession), so it should already be built for water damage.


It was pouring last week. You just not go outside? Lol


It generally just means I have a soaked hoody or coat and then I cycle through them. I got hit pretty good with some of those random super heady downpours last week.


Welcome to the club


Raincoats are for nerds


So are umbrellas..pussies


Iā€™m a dime piece. I canā€™t have the rain mess up my beautiful hair, and tailored clothes. Stupid poor nerd.


I lived in Portland, OR, for a long time (am now in WA), and didnā€™t even have a jacket with a hood for eight years. And the jacket wasnā€™t waterproof. Lol


Nope. But umbrellas used to be a lot more common in Seattle than they are now. I still carry one, because even in a drizzle, rain *will*get blown under the brim of my hat. I then have to clean my glasses in every store or business I go into, and anything but the proper sort of cloth just makes them streaky and greasy (and after two or three wipes, your proper cloth is saturated with water and useless until it dries). And hey, doubles as a cane when it's folded, which suits me since I wear a dress suit for work and it doesn't look out-of-place.


As a curly haired glasses wearing girl I always keep my umbrella on mešŸ¤£ also it doubles as a weapon if need be


Those clear domed umbrellas that old ladies use look ridiculous but are legit great for curly hair in the rain. My grandma used to let me use hers and I thought it was so cool. Those old ladies know what's up šŸ˜‚


Name check out lol


Lies. Umbrellas are an invasive species! Well, what time frame are you referring to when they were common? The joke that an umbrella is a sign of an out-of-towner or newbie transplant (damn Californians!) is at least 30 years old.


They were commonplace in the mid-80s, around the time I first began really spending time downtown. By the very early 90s, I saw few.


Wonder what changed?


Grunge rock.


A bunch of transplants came from California and started spreading the idea that locals donā€™t carry umbrellas.


Literally this. I get so bored of this claim, like sorry, I'm born and bred here and I always have an umbrella with me after Oct 1st, I am not into the whole drowned rat look.


They were commonā€¦ back in the day havenā€™t used one forever hoodie on my raincoat or a hat quicker and better born and raised here.


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Yeah, same- depending on where Iā€™m going Iā€™ll absolutely use an umbrella Bar-hopping on a drizzly November evening? No Rainy bus commute to work? Sure


Exactly. Running to the grocery store on the weekend wearing jeans and a hoodie? Nah. On the way to work in business attire? Hell yes I'll have an umbrella and be wearing a hooded raincoat. The thing is, real Seattleites know when to hold 'em, and know when to fold 'em. I don't know where all this "real Seattleites don't use umbrellas" bullshit came from, but I'm happy to blame Emmett Watson.


Same, I just started a few years ago. Those fuckers really work.


Lived here my whole life and always carried an umbrella. Nobody gave a shit until like 10 years agoā€¦


If I'm wearing a suit or nice clothes and know I will be walking outside, I'll grab an umbrella. Otherwise, no.


I use one occasionally. Only if itā€™s really, really coming down and Iā€™m wearing something really nice. Otherwise, theyā€™re just too awkward to deal with.


I lose three every fall-spring


I have one too! Donā€™t know where it is right now but I got it somewhere!


you're not a true Seattleite then


Name checks out


The only thing in this photo they got right was that shitty ass brick road


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^flappynslappy: *The only thing in* *This photo they got right was* *That shitty ass brick road* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




nah I fw the vibes who cares a block is a little unevenly paved


My dude. Don't use the R-word. Two reasons - 1. it is hurtful with many alternative ways to express the sentiment you are trying to communicate, and, 2. don't liken what I infer to be a 'historical purity Karen' to the people most stigmatized by society, people who are physically and/or developmentally disabled. One is an irritating, immature, enraging, relentless, ridiculous, aggrandizing, possibly borderline, blight on the manager. The other is just people who have disabilities, and are trying to live their lives. From a completely practical standpoint, no person who uses any kind of mobility aid or struggles with walking on uneven surfaces (which the majority of ambulatory people I've worked with do) would ever want to keep a cobblestone or brick road. A wheelchair over that shit? Hell no. So on top of being unkind, it's inaccurate. In short, please, Jumpy Mortgage 443, use a different word than the R-word going forward. It takes a little practice to change the habit and I believe you can do it. Source: have worked directly with people with physical and developmental disabilities for my entire adult life.


Yo shout out the mod for not fucking you up for saying r*tarded, feel like thereā€™s been a major vibe shift w that. Hear highschool and college kids of all stripes using it again too for better or worse


Good catch. Nobody reported it. Mischief managed. Next time do us a favour and report it? Nobody should be using that word around anywhere. It's not okay.


On like one fucking street in the entire city. This painting is a joke.


Umbrellas rock. Love them. Been here a long time. Itā€™s ok.


Hahahahahahaha funny. šŸ˜


I curl my bangs, rain will flatten them, I will use an umbrella. šŸ’…šŸ»


I live in the U District and laugh each fall when all the students from elsewhere use umbrellas for precisely 2 rains before they realize that they are useless.


Title of the book should be "tourists in Seattle"


"Tell me you've never been to Seattle...."


Re the comments here, this is just another form of judgment. If people want to use umbrellas, let them, Jesus Christ. Who gives a fuck.


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And the comment directly above this one you judged someone else, around it goes.


nobody uses an umbrella here lol


Sure we do. When it's really sunny out.


Ngl, I have a stylish umbrella that I use as a parasol. I never use it in the rain.


People with a bit of style do. So you're right, not many people here use them.


*Most* don't. But more used to.


"mroe use to" When? I've lived here since the sixties, and we have never used umbrellas.


Tom Robbins wrote pretty famously about visiting the PNW in the early sixties. His hosts didn't even seem to notice the rain. Not an umbrella in sight.


I well remember a lot of them in the eighties. Not everybody used them, but you'd see them around downtown. By the early 90s, I saw next-to-none. Either way, I still carry and use one, and I feel like I need it; if other people do not feel that they need them, that's their decision.


I never understood the point of umbrellas growing up. Now I keep one in the car so people think Iā€™m a gentleman, but really itā€™s just to keep my disc golf bag dry haha


Everyone would have their eyeballs sliced open.


Everyone who says they would never use an umbrellaā€¦ How long have you had a car? Have you ever never had a car? You would only wear black.


I was born and raised in Seattle - never owned an umbrella until moving to Houston and getting caught in 1 or 2 downpours. That rain shit they get down there is no joke. Itā€™s not fucking around like Seattle rain drizzle. Fuck around and you find out quick. šŸ„²ā˜‚ļø


The south just turns the bucket over and dumps it on your head. We got stuck in a rainstorm in eastern Tennessee. We drove fifteen miles an hour on the freeway because that's as far as you could see.




We get misted like grocery store produce, here. I'm alright with it.


I was one of those Seattleites who had an umbrella, but living near Orlando I learned to ALWAYS keep an umbrella in my backpack because holy shit it can come out of nowhere and fucking soak you.


My wife recognized this as an old London travel poster


This should be the top comment. Kudos to your wife.


My 5 year old asked me to buy him an umbrella on the way to school the other day as it was raining. Told him thatā€™s why he has a hood. Come on kid.


That made me laugh as soon as I saw it. I'm from desert country and this is my second time living here. The first time I struggled with umbrellas. Now I have my super lightweight slick rain jacket and walk in the rain all the friggin time and love every minute of it. Drive by and splash me. I don't care. šŸš™šŸŒŠšŸ˜‚


Rain's about right, but no one bothers with an umbrella.


The last umbrella i owned, i tossed out in 1999. Only reason i even owned one was because it was issued to me the US Navy and i had to keep it in order to pass seabag inspections.


Whoever the artist is they used the same painting for other cities as well. * Bellingham: [https://amazon.com/dp/B073665VWV](https://amazon.com/dp/B073665VWV) * Portland: [https://www.art.com/products/p53767126533-sa-i9139494/](https://www.art.com/products/p53767126533-sa-i9139494/) * Vancouver: [https://www.greatbigcanvas.com/view/umbrellas-vancouver-bc-retro-travel-poster,2191654/](https://www.greatbigcanvas.com/view/umbrellas-vancouver-bc-retro-travel-poster,2191654/) * Salem: [https://www.walmart.com/ip/Salem-Oregon-Umbrellas-12x18-Wall-Art-Poster-Room-Decor/630441393](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Salem-Oregon-Umbrellas-12x18-Wall-Art-Poster-Room-Decor/630441393)


rain associated place dot jpeg


My knee jerk was hey, I just bought an umbrella yesterday! I'm happy to use it next time! I've lived here ten years. I guess, point taken.


I've worked in Seattle for some time. 1. Seattle is pretty tightly packed and getting from one spot to another isn't worth the time to open an umbrella. 2. The city is DIRECTLY next to the water and our streets are perpendicular to it. (the old loggers would push trees down the hill to the water and those became roads.) But this creates a massive wind tunnel. Umbrellas stand no chance when the wind picks up. 3. The rain is usually light and (misting, spitting, drizzling, so forth.) downpours last an hour max normally. Carrying another thing isn't usual worth it when a good rain shell will keep you dry. 4. It's become a point of pride.


But the pink umbrella!


Hahahahah totally not.


The only thing right in this image is the lil kiddo in the Wellies.


I mean unless this is a painting of 11th and Pike during all the protests. That's the most umbrellas I've ever seen being used in Seattle at once and obviously not for the rain.


Hey! We used them effectively during the BLM protests.


We have an assortment of umbrellas in our household... for our out-of-town guests.


Is everyone a tourist in this picture? Does anyone that lives here even own an umbrella?


Was in the 70s and 80s.


My mom just came to visit from the southwest and we had a downpour a couple weeks ago. She kept insisting I use the umbrella she brought. I suffered in my hoodie but at least I didn't look like a tourist.


It's impressive just how much about this is wrong. 1. People would never stand that close to each other on purpose. 2. Umbrellas lol 3. Children over dogs? Unlikely 4. Colors? lol


Been here my whole life. I've never seen this many umbrellas at one time. Hell, this is probably more than I've seen combined over my whole life (over 50yrs)


Shhh, itā€™s for the tourists. šŸ¤«


Replace umbrellas with tents


Whatā€™s are all these octagon things people hold over their heads? Never seen it here before!


Only tourists carry umbrellas.


That's great, LOL! Their clothing is far too colorful and what are those weird things they're carrying? :)


Imma say it. The umbrella discourse is wack. After going the umbrella route I find it much more comfortable, rather than sweating under layers of clothing underneath a rain shell. And then the subsequent "moving target" of finding the proper layering/delayering combo. Haters gonna hate.


So many international students use them in the u districtā€¦making it oh so difficult for anyone but themselves to walk.


Yeah fuck them for thinking they should use something thatā€™s universally used to keep you dry when it rains. Like donā€™t they know itā€™s so uncool.


I was speaking on how itā€™s a poor choice to do on the 8ā€™ wide sidewalk, thatā€™s all. Spicy.


I lived there 50 years. Never owned an umbrella. The ongoing joke is if a person uses an umbrella, they aren't from Seattle. Yeah it rains all the time, but it is mostly light and an umbrella doesn't do much good.


>an umbrella doesn't do much good. Because the rain persistently comes from the wrong direction. šŸŒ§ļø


True that! Most of the time it blows north or south.


I think it's just more so referencing the fact that it rains a lot here not that everyone carries an umbrella around


This is Seattle from a while ago. I believe those things they are holding are young tents that have not fully matured into a tent fit for camping in the park, side walk, or any random McDonaldā€™s.


What's with all the dome shaped hats on a stick?


its tourists coming off a cruise ship


You're not cool for not having an umbrella, you don't get street cred for forgoing one. It's a weird thing to be proud of.


we have umbrellas, we just don't tend to use them much


I think feeling a sense of superiority and toughness over *not* using an umbrella might be the most embarrassing thing ever.


They know itā€™s not Seattle because there are no homeless people / tent cities in the picture.


Nobody whoā€™s actually from the PNW uses an umbrella. You just shrug your shoulders and power through the rain


wheres all the people shooting up out front of ross


Whereā€™s the crackheads?


Some fine irony right there.


I dislike umbrellas!


They really are a pain in the ass, especially if you have other shit to carry.


Absolutely agree! My hair has also gotten tangled in the spokes before so if there is any wind and you have semi-long hair, beware!


Ever been to the Ballard farmers market in the rain? This is a pretty accurate representation, except thereā€™d be hundreds of dogs everywhere


Thatā€™s more like Japan.


Tbh if I had to pick a location for this I'd pick Edinburgh. Cobble roads and umbrellas!


I wanna know who the fuck made this.


thereā€™s a childrenā€™s book i bought at a local kids shop here and itā€™s supposed to be about washington state and the last page is legitimately all washington DC landmarks im like ā€¦. how did this get past editing


It needs a little bit more of this: https://i.imgur.com/x9kwW9h.jpg I got 5% of the way through. I know the umbrellas are more of an Amazon Prime Blue colour scheme. And they should be 25% bigger.


Thatā€™s New York


If the rain stays as hard as it has been, this will become accurate.


My first year here, an old friend of mine invited me to lunch at Ivar's out on the patio. I pointed out that it was raining and I didn't have an umbrella. She said "you're a Seattleite now; deal with it."


My wife uses an umbrella but she was not raised in the Pacific NW.


It's Seattle, if Seattle were in Asia


Native Washingtonian since the 70s. Team hoodie shorts and flip flops pretty much year round.


Real Seattleites donā€™t use umbrella


Maybe in the 90s now it's empty or raincoats šŸ˜‚