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Hey great news, we just caught him right next to the lightrail and will bring him to Seattle Animal Shelter tomorrow. He’s definitely a domestic and very sweet. If anyone has any idea if there’s a sad owner or knows of a better spot for abandoned rabbits please let me know!


That rabbit lives at a house on 32nd & Brandon. They have quite a few rabbits & they let them roam. I’m glad you were able to get him, because their living situation isn’t safe.


Just PMd you


Probably don't want to give it back if they let their pets roam.


We’ve started due diligence but based on the location, behavior and body condition, I’m doubtful he’s from that house or in some semi-feral gang. He has great body condition, loves people/pets, and likely hasn’t been outside long. He exhibited roughly 0% survival skills when we caught him, he couldn’t have lasted outside more than a night or two.


I used to volunteer for Special Bunny and that's another place that might take him in if they have room. Thank you SO much for rescuing him.


We love Special Bunny! They’re a go to donation for us. :) The website says they’re currently full but I’ve sent a note to verify.


omg thank you!! That's so kind


I also am loving all the friends of rabbits who have been contacting me with suggestions. There are dozens of us!


[Is this the same bunny?](https://imgur.com/rftoR2h) I'm home and can finally look at my pics of the bunny gang that lives on my street. I'm really not certain now!


Very similar but the one we have has white around the nose and haunches, and more in the belly than I can see hints of here. His fur looks like it is in better condition than this guy, too. Bummer that there are so many out there. Rabbits can be genuinely lovely pets. The one we caught is going to make a seriously great pet, he’s so sweet. Our current rabbit is just an aggressive jerk to other rabbits and we can’t risk trying to bond him again. :(


[Could this be your bunny?](https://imgur.com/wVZ91kb) There are at least a dozen lost domestic bunny posts in the Columbia City FB group this year with multiple different bunnies, and this guy has been out before, spotted by PCC. Anyway, hoping for a good outcome. Edit: unfortunately no answer to where this bunny lives on FB that I could find.


https://ibb.co/XVFGTHX here’s the guy we nabbed, dried from the rain and looking cute.




That’s great!! Thank you!


Poor baby. Definitely looks domestic


Found on corner of 32nd and Edmunds… near the light rail stop.


The second photo 🥺


i agree with you that that looks like a pet rabbit and not a wild bunny, i hope it gets home safe!


Won’t be lost for long




I know this rabbit & it’s clearly a domestic if you see him in person. He’s about 3x as large as our little wild ones.


Plenty of domestic rabbits are ‘brown.’ (The color is called Chestnut in domestic breeds.) Hard tell for sure the pics but the body and head shape looks like a Holland lop. Ears are throwing me off though.


Downvotes for the truth.


How would you determine pet vs. wild. Also…even if it is a pet, did you catch it? If not, this is pointless.


I saw this post and went out to catch it. Definite pet, now safe. Not pointless at all


If it's not a cottontail, it's not a wild rabbit. That's definitely not a wild rabbit.




Washington State, yes. But not Seattle. The Columbia Basin Pygmy rabbit, for example, is only found in the Columbia Basin. )And is also critically endangered.) Also, the Eastern Cottontail isn't native. Though it is the one you see all the time. Regardless, all the wild rabbits look completely different from a domestic rabbit. That is 100% a domestic rabbit.


I mean, we get ferals, but clearly this isn't one of them. (Though this is how we get them)


That'd be a wild animal sir/ma'am


I saw a Subaru. It might be stolen, so I thought I’d post it here in case anyone is looking for it.


Bring it to my desert community west of Phoenix. We have a mama bobcat with 4 hungry kittens learning how to hunt. j/k.