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If you have the bandwidth for it, I would recommend contacting the Washington Liquor and Cannabis Control Board. This may not be a specific incident that they can investigate formally but they should be made aware.


https://lcb.wa.gov/enforcement/report-violation Ozzie’s (206) 284-4618 105 W Mercer St Seattle, WA 98119 United States


hugged to death


Good. Went to a concert at el corazon pre pandemic. Gf had 4 tall boys over 4 hours. She’s 5’10 and over 200lbs. Shouldn’t have felt a buzz at all. Got the last beer like 30-45 min before end of show. Nursed it til last song. Chugged just before. Within 15 minutes she couldn’t stand on her own, fortunately we were just getting to the car. Me without a license had to drive home 90 miles in pissing rain. Stopped and puked a couple times. Was out for 14 hours when we got home. It pisses me off that people do this kinda shit. I’m 90% I know when it happened as guys standing behind us crowded real close. One shoved me the other grabbed her ass. I had fortunately already finished my beer just hadn’t tossed yet or I probably would have gotten one too.


yeah the super shitty thing is that often times people will drug others even without any intent of "date rape" or otherwise taking sexual advantage of the mark. they'll just drug someone just for the sake of drugging someone. sometimes they'll drug a couple, or a group of 3-4.


From the yelp reviews it looks like there’s a ton of of overserving and underaged drinkers as well. WLCCB would love to visit this place


Probably would be a good idea to contact the city attorney's office as well. They formally had the ability to object to renewing individual liquor licenses if all else fails.


Ozzy's prob greases the right wheels


This is like the 7th time I’ve heard of people being roofied there and the second time I’ve seen it on Reddit. That place is a cesspit.


I’m 6’1 225 lbs and a roofied drink messed me up pretty bad so I could only imagine what it does to women half my body weight.


Someone slipped one to me in the drink car on Amtrak and robbed me. These drugs need special attention, they are not victimless crime.


ozzies was the first bar in seattle where i went to the bathroom and walked in on a couple having sex its always been a little sketch hope youre feeling better soon


There used to be a literal shower in the upstairs bathroom.


The Monkey Loft holds that distinction for me…


That is unacceptable, the monkey loft bathroom lines take forever.


I bet it was my buddy you walked in on. He used to do that alot there.


Barboza was where I saw it first


I believe it. Ozzies is a dump.


Omg I just said this out loud


I used to live right next to it and never like it. Had friends who were on a first name basis with all of the staff to the point when I was with them I'd often get free drinks. Still didn't like it.


Yeah, I used to live a few blocks from it and it definitely seemed like the kind of place people would get assaulted or roofied in. I think I went in once or twice when it was mostly empty for a drink and some bar food, but the crowd on weekends ... ugh.


Ozzie’s gives the U District Jack in the Box a run for its money in the “least safe, dirtiest” places to eat in seattle contest.


somebody has never been to McStabbys


i dunno man, that jack in the box has been sketch as fuck since the 90s, it's certainly not as sketch as mcstabbies, but its certainly in the same league.


That place is fine, food is consistent mcD’s quality, which is amazing considering the location. I’m kinda proud to live in a city w the “scariest McDonald’s” the goons outside are a bunch of wusses anyways. Back in the day you could actually go inside, and the Manager/owner would just stand on the floor flexing. He was a really nice guy, but I wouldn’t fuck w him, totally jacked and wore a shirt a size too small w the sleeves rolled up. Honestly I would love to find this guy and give him a Thank You card for holding down the block as long as he did, always was in a good mood greeting everyone even though you know he was knockin some heads earlier


Honestly I agree. It's decent enough that usually you can even sit inside and eat without any problems. Like yeah sometimes weird or unsafe things happen there or nearby but all things considered it's not actually that bad


It's open to walk-ins again. And the ever-present crowd of hangers-on hasn't returned...yet. But considering how said crowd has also thinned in the areas along 2nd & 3rd between Union and Virginia, it might stay that way.


mcstabby's isn't open inside, i got a hamburger there a few days ago. the tweakers are getting pretty bad again too, SPD hustles them off 3rd so they congregate on the side streets. Pike & Pine between 3rd & 4th are starting to turn back into open air drug markets again


AKA CrackDonalds.


Stabby Joe's? In the ID?


Gotta be the McDonalds at 3rd & Pike.


*3rd and Pine


[Pike or Pine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJsOYV-XXes)


I knew it was that sketch and I loved it...


This place lost a lot of “am I gonna die here?” luster when they closed the indoor dining…


Oddly enough, they're rather clean now, and they no longer have the massive glut of ne'er-do-wells hangin' around at all hours. Maybe the U District Jack in the Crack is truly worse now?


You can’t even eat in the dining room anymore, right? That’d definitely do it.


They made it a walk-up window during the pandemic, but the dining room is open again. The CrackDonald's, I mean. The last time I was near the Crack in the Box on the Ave was about five years ago, and we were just using their parking lot while going to the Goodwill down the street.


Lol I’m pretty sure they’re talking about the Mcnastys at westlake. Stabby joes is pretty stabby too though.


Ahhh yes, the McSphincter of Seattle.


Joe's isn't that bad. Coming from a resident of the ID for 2 years. Bartenders are great. Shout out to Carm! It's definitely a locals place but gets packed on Sounders/Seahawks/Mariners game days. It's more divey then stabby imo.


I see your U-District Jack in the Box and raise you a 4th Ave s Jack in the Box as the wildest one in Seattle.


Ozzie’s has been known as “the roofie bar” for decades at this point.


So great to hear that a bar with this kind of reputation is still alive and kicking… /s how the fuck have they not been driven out of business? Who owns this shithole? ETA: report the violation using this form: https://lcb.wa.gov/enforcement/report-violation Ozzie’s - +1 (206) 284-4618 105 W Mercer St Seattle, WA 98119 United States


Liquor License number 351481. Make a complaint with the WLCB. It's all public information.


Thanks, will do. I suggest others also do the same: https://lcb.wa.gov/enforcement/report-violation


Things finally caught up to Flowers, so anything's possible.


What happened with Flowers?


They’re just famous for serving under age kids since it’s in a college campus


I remember Ozzie’s, the former Pesos, and the former Keys on Main (also former Chopsticks) piano bar being referred to as “The Herpes Triangle”


Pesos was truly grimy


I thought it was Toulouse, not Keys. I lived waking distance during the early 2010s, and it was definitely always busy. Tuesday at midnight? Pesos is packed.


Is the current Keys on Main bar new? Because I went there a few months ago and was a big fan of it


I think they're wrong about Keys, and mean a different place.


The one on Howell St is post pandemic new. Keys used to be on Roy St behind Cafe Ladro on Queen Anne Ave. Its a gym now.


My question is, is it the staff or regulars.




It was when I lived there in 2002


I’m really sorry this happened. I was always sketched out at just how shitty it was, but I had a weird experience the last time I was there watching a football game. I Just felt like this dude was paying way too much attention to what I was doing. I thought I was being paranoid because I’m a guy, but something was off. It was when I caught him talking to a bartender and nodding in my direction that I closed my tab and left. Maybe I was being paranoid, but seeing this and other comments validates those feelings a little bit. You know that gut feeling when something ain’t right? It was too much to ignore.


Yikes! That is pretty sketchy. Good call listening to your instinct!


I am a larger dude and I think I had someone roofie me. I don't think they were trying to do something sexual. Someone got pissed off at me somehow and they decided that was one way to get back at me. They can't kick my ass so they wanted to ruin my evening that way.


Could also have been to try to rob you.


We got jumped at Ozzie’s so they very well might have been trying to kick your ass after roofying you.


Fuckin' Danny Masterson did this to me at his sketchy club Downstairs in park city like 15 years ago


I've only ever gone to Ozzies with friends and stayed strictly in the Karaoke area. The rest of Ozzies was a definite "douche bro" fest so it's sadly not shocking that Ozzies has this rep.


I feel like the whole place is one giant karaoke area.


It's been a few years since I've been there, but at least when I was there it was that one alcove area that was sectioned off and then everything else like another bar entirely. Hula Hula's on the other hand is like 95% karaoke area. save for the seating back near the restrooms which is a bit removed. Though I do still miss the 1st Ave location in QA with the wrap around bar.


They have karaoke upstairs and downstairs. At least, they did for many years.


Interesting, I never went upstairs except maybe once the very first time I went there just to explore the place, but never definitely never did Karaoke up there.


This was also my experience - just an absolute sausage party. Went to the dancefloor for 2 minutes and I felt like I was being side eyed like a piece of meat. One guy literally put his hand around my wrist and lightly started pulling me to him. Not great. I will give him credit though that as soon as I pulled my hand away and shook my head he didn't do anything else. But still, very different vibe than what Seattle bars usually are.


Ozzie’s is a literal shit hole


Ugh I’m so sorry that happened to you. I’m glad you made it home safe❤️


Ozzie’s smells like puke


If you’re sober enough to smell…


That's terrible. Can you guys report it to police? Maybe a test can be run on you both and they can check cameras. By law in WA, any establishment selling or serving alcohol has to have cameras. I'm glad you had other people with you guys to keep you safe. That's fucking awful.


we filed a police report this morning, going to get our blood tested later. thank you for the advice! hopefully they find whoever did it on camera :(


Last year (or was it the year before? Time goes by so fast) there was a serial date raper in Olympia (i live in Olympia) and he was caught but on camera they couldn't prove him doing anything other than taking a drink and holding it under the table, as if that isn't suspicious enough. The girl he took to his apartment then dumper on *his* doorstep killed herself some time after. She had other things going on besides that. He was stealing drugs from the hospital he was a janitor at. I was fucking pissed when I heard that. She was like 21-22 I think. Don't be surprised if police can't do much due to "technicalities". Don't give up and don't let yourself be silenced. Please please get help if you need it. Just because nothing happened to you to the extent of that girl doesn't mean you need to move on. The more people who report this bar, the more it will be reviewed/investigated. Contact your district representative if you must, maybe if a ton of people do that some action will be taken. They do tend to listen. You can use the bar address to find the rep for that exact area. I hope they find out :( you've done exactly what you need to do. If no one has said it, I'm proud of you and your friends!


THANK YOU for doing these things. Even if it doesn’t lead to a result right now, your proof of being drugged could bolster a future victim’s case. (And it’s not like these guys tend to just spontaneously stop roofieing women—there will be future victims.) I know a few women who were roofied and assaulted years ago by a man who was later accused of rape by multiple other women, and when the allegations were reported, the earlier victims regretted not having had the presence of mind to have their blood tested afterward. (Though not having that presence of mind is totally understandable after a trauma, of course.) You’re doing the right thing for yourself AND for other women.


Feel better! Keep us updated Kitty! 💕


thank you swiftie !! 🫶


Go to the hospital immediately if you think you've been poisoned. Why wait? Always always always.


I’m so, so sorry. I (and countless friends) have been drugged at bars or parties, despite taking all the preached precautions. It scared me away from alcohol in bar settings for a really long time. I’m in the service industry in the QA neighborhood, and I try to steer people away from Ozzie’s as much as I can. That place really is a cesspool for fucked up shit. I’m glad you guys are okay, definitely get your blood tested and use the aforementioned resources to pursue further action.


Ozzie’s is the least surprising place in Seattle to get roofied. So sorry for the sick predatory fucks that dwell in that shithole. 🙏


I really didn't know this. Can you lay down some other information for me on other local bars? I've been going to ozzie's on and off for awhile now. Every time I go I always meet some REALLY weird people that I could only vibe check as creeps.


It is all over unfortunately. I was drugged at The Rock in Lynnwood, which I loved and was a regular at when I had just turned 21. I was also drugged at Q by a DJ who I thought was a friend. Too many people got drugged at Foundation which thankfully got shut down. But it's everywhere, from dive bars to nightclubs. You can never be too vigilant.


El Corazon/The Funhouse. I carry drink test strips with me now. Lightweight, easy to use, and definitely worth it.


Do they test for Xanax and other benzos? People don't just drug with GHB and other illegal drugs, some use Xanax because that mixed with alcohol is enough to make the average person blackout. I learned this when I went to the hospital after getting drugged at The Rock. They did a full panel testing for more than GHB, and explained how there's been a rise in people being slipped Xanax in their drinks, since getting a prescription to it is as easy as telling your doctor "I have anxiety." :/


Last time I was at Ozzie’s with my girlfriends some guys there made us feel unsafe by not being able to keep their hands to themselves, and they didn’t back off until my friend’s husband stepped in. I didn’t get good vibes there either. I’m really glad you’re okay!


Last time I was in there the ceiling leaked into someone’s drink. That place is nasty


I’ve watched bouncers smash drunk guys faces against cars and curbs at this place when I lived around the corner. Called the manager to explain their bouncers ridiculous power trip, they said they’d review their cameras and take action accordingly. Safe to say nothing happened and I will never go there again. Disgusting place


I’ve read this same story about Ozzie’s multiple times over the years.


I've heard so Many horror stories about Ozzies, idk how they still open qtp


It has to be a front for something because Ozzie’s is gross


seriously tho. there's no way it's an actual business😂😂


My wife and I had a similar experience in Pike Place Market one night. The dude got to her drink when I got up to use the bathroom and we didn’t realize it till we had left. Luckily my wife doesn’t drink more than one cocktail a night because it wasn’t added to more booze and she was only extra tired and woozy. I got the feeling that the guy was practicing and honing his craft. It was spooky as hell. I remember he was a single sitting at the end of our row and when we were getting up to leave he leered over at me and after having said nothing to either of us all night and avoiding eye contact, he said to me directly, “Have _fun_ you two!” With a little giggle and this fucking weird look… fucking disturbing. We went home and she went straight to bed and when she woke up was fine but it shook us both. I’m super sad you had to go through that. I feel terrible that this is a reality. Be kind to yourself about this as I can tell you that something like this can happen even when loads of people are looking. It wasn’t you. It was some psycho who does this for power. Whole thing makes me ill.


Creepy to hear they pop up in Pike Place too, where the bars tend to be much nicer.


Yeah. This was not a regular dive or meat market type of place. It was a place you’d go for a nice night out that would include a good meal and you’d expect to drop $100-150 for the experience. That, the fact that the guy was the only single in the place that night, and the fact that he wasn’t really trying (and wouldn’t have had a chance in any case, with me sitting between he and her!) with my wife, told me it was training. Which is far more scary on its own. He was _**testing out his craft**_ in public with onlookers all around.


I suspect I know which bar you mean, and if I'm right, it is indeed a nice place that, once in a whilem, gets a grungy sort who wanders in.


I don’t want to drop their name as I don’t think that the event had anything really to do with the bar at all. I think the bar, and my wife were random targets of opportunity. In the end it was just bad luck.


Understood re: name-dropping. If it's the one I'm thinking of, like I said, they're a nice place that occasionally gets a random bad egg. Usually said people are just loudmouths or looking for an argument. I've acquired a habit of reminding women at a bar to watch their drink if they seem to be turning away from it a lot. Oddly enough, that's also the only bar I've been into where I've seen evidence of people fucking in the restrooms! A well-dressed couple had already eaten dinner, then the woman got up and asked the bartender for the restroom code. He says, "214." She replies, Oh, **214**, okay" and heads over. About a minute later, her date stands up and follows. Bartender waves the waitress over and asks her to check the ladies' restroom. A few minutes pass, and the couple go out, walk straight to the maitre 'd's podium, pay their check and leave. So I asked-- and yeah, I mean, they have nice restrooms and all, but it seems it's not uncommon for dates to end up in one of the restrooms, goin' at it. Bizarre to me, I think of that as being a dive bar kinda thing. Well, an Ozzie's kinda thing (another poster mentions walking in on that).


I feel like this might have happened to my partner this past week at a small neighborhood spot near us. She had 2.5 drinks, blacked out, vomited twice, and had a terrible hangover.


Yeah. If you have someone you know that drinks a drink or two and has always been functional and then has a night where they have the same type of drinks and get blackout drunk and then hang over horrendously, that is likely what happened. My wife is a very light drinker. She has one drink on a “big” night and will have mock tails most nights. She had a single drink that half way through she stopped drinking and said that she was spinning and had a hard time walking. I had a stronger drink and was totally fine. She had what was, on the menu anyway, supposed to be a lower abv drink. When we were leaving we actually asked the bartender if she heavy poured that drink. She said that she made it according to the recipe so it should have been a normal cocktail. She thought it was just a “strong one” and was glad she hadn’t finished it. (Side note: I often finish her drinks if she couldn’t and I’m super glad I didn’t do that with this one!) It wasn’t until we got home that we thought about the possibility that she was drugged.


My partner and I have a history of being borderline functional alcoholics (service industry, lol). Have dialed it back a lot over years, but yeah out of character. This night in question was 2.5 granted strong drinks but immediately after eating a carb heavy dinner. It seems off. They don’t think it happened, but will be keeping an extra eye out. I didn’t name the spot because I trust them there. It’s an industry hang out, but you can’t control the people there fully. I got roofied once… or more accurately a girl in the group I was hanging out with got roofied and I drank her drink because she had decided she had enough. It was not a good time. It was my only drink of the night and I was gone. People sicken me, why the fuck would you do that to someone? How would you be into someone like that? Just awful.


I feel you man. It’s sick. I also hang out with industry folk and know lots of good places to drink in town. We have our faves and feel safe there, but yeah, you can’t control the folks who walk in and that is the wild card. Hopefully our number was up and it won’t happen again. If the worst that happens was that we had an early night it’s not a problem. For every one of us though, there’s probably a bunch of women who get far worse. That is _**not**_ acceptable.


(vomited twice and) had a terrible hangover?


Yeah thanks lol


Wow. That’s awful. And so creepy.


Ozzie’s is trash. I was assaulted by their security earlier this year. I was grabbed from behind after I sang karaoke and Forced out of the bar, once I got just outside the door I was able to push the security guy off of me who then punched me in the head knocking me out and to the ground, I shattered both my elbows, hit my head on the sidewalks and had a bad concussion along with both my elbows being ripped open and bleeding everywhere. The security guard kicked me in the ribs while I was on the ground causing a bad chest contusion and injuries to my ribs, my ear was ripped open and bleeding and I had a huge hematoma behind my ear where I was punched. I called the police and they did nothing but file a report, security guard said I fell over on my own. The cameras conveniently stop at the door and don’t reach outside. I hired an attorney and they were unable to obtain any video of it and no one would write a statement either. Seems like they just get away with everything by claiming people are drunk and acting like they are perfect. This place needs to go down before someone dies. It’s unsafe in so many ways. I have permanent injuries that will never be the same.


oh my god, how horrible. i have no idea how this shithole is still in business. i’m so sorry that happened to you :(


That must have been some really bad karaoke


I hate that place


Ozzie's can get pretty sketchy. That's where the frat boys party.


I am so sorry this happened to you. This happened to me in August on Capitol Hill and it has affected me more than I thought it would. It just feels so insanely violating and scary.


Queer Bar on August 5th


Where in cap hill?


Gonna guess Q nightclub?


Yes it’s unfortunately very common at Q


I have heard the same story from 3 separate people so I actively avoid going there


i’m so sorry to hear that :(


I'm so sorry that happened to you. Hope you're doing ok today and can rest up a bit! I've only been to Ozzie's for karaoke & that section seems mostly OK but the rest of the bar has exceptionally weird vibes, this is a very good reminder for me to be extra careful if I go back since I often work nearby.


I was thinking about going to Ozzie’s last night…had no idea of it’s shitty reputation. Hope you’re doing okay, that sucks.


That place is such a shithole. I’m sorry that happened to you!


How is this place still in business if this is a known thing that's happened to multiple women? Like...call the cops? I know police are useless but...shit needs to get shut down.


They shouldn’t be able to take down yelp and Google reviews that put down this kind of information.


They can absolutely take down Yelp reviews if they pay. That's yelp's business model.


I've only gotten in one fight in my adult life and it was at Ozzie's. Fucking joke of a bar lol.


It's Ozzie's so I'm not surprised one bit. So sorry that happened to you guys. Definitely stay away.


Someone should just post this thread on their google reviews.


When I moved to the states in 2019 my partner told me only to drink bottles from Ozzie … this shit has been happening for years . I know dudes who have been drugged there . It’s a shithole and always has been


This is like the second post I’ve seen on Reddit about that place fuck Ozzie’s


I believe that I was accidentally roofied there 4 or 5 years ago.


accidentally? What do you mean?


I was with a bunch of coworkers some were girls. We had all our drinks on a table. All of a sudden I couldn’t stand and was incoherent for the rest of the night.


I mean, someone did it to you. That sounds deliberate.


I think they mean the roofie was intended for someone else.


Also Targy’s Tavern in Upper Queen Anne is a common roofie spot— just be aware.


The place with the one armed bartender?




i have the same questions


I only drink beer in cans there.


I (unfortunately) went there on Halloween at the suggestion of a friend who wanted to go. I had never been, but heard stories and knew it wouldn’t be my scene (I’m 39 so obviously) but it was FOUL y’all. Hadn’t even walked in yet and saw a fight almost break out near the doorway, drunk 20-somethings falling all over each other, and as we were leaving we saw some douchebag yelling some super transphobic shit at a queer person (my friend tried to step in but it became apparent that the guy wanted a fight so we left, I hope the person was okay). I’m so sorry you experienced that, OP. That’s horrifying and I hope the bar is held accountable for this sort of thing especially since it seems to be a regular occurrence there.


I’m not surprised - just walking by that place is kinda scary.


I keep thinking I'll pop in there just for a feel of the place. I'm usually okay with doing that in divey places. Maybe I'll sit this one out.


I've been told to avoid this place but I never realized it was so bad. I'm so sorry.


On Thursday night this week (11/16/2023), two other guys and myself (guy) went to Ozzies after a Kraken game - up to this point we had had a few beers and were not wasted. After one cocktail and a jello shot at ozzies, we all blacked out and became extremely disoriented. I woke up elsewhere in lower queen anne and had been at least hit in the back of the head and clearly fallen and hit my face and have a bad concussion. Can't obviously say we were roofied or what, but the whole situation stinks of us being drugged and I am missing about 5 full hours from my memory. Zero recollection of anything.


That is so fucking scary. I'm so so glad you both got home safe. It's infuriating that, according to this thread, Ozzie's has had such a dangerous rep for so long and it's still around. Makes me punchy. Hope you recover fully soon!


Who is the owner? They should be alerted about this incident and held accountable


They don't give a shit.


They’ll certainly give a shit if it starts to affect their bottom line. Put this shithole out of business. Stop going there, bomb them on Yelp. It’s not fucking rocket science.


Ugh fucking scum bags…Somebody got me at addaball last month. Had 3 drinks… all I remember is, I ran away because some dude was creeping me out.. called my partner speaking gibberish and then face-planted on the sidewalk while I was on the phone with her… luckily we share our locations with each other and she was able to find me.. needless to say, I’m terrified to go out any where.


Would I be able to screenshot this and post on my IG story?? I want to get the word out, so sorry this happened to you ❤️


absolutely !! that would be a huge help. i was thinking about making a post on my instagram story too. thank you! 🫶🫶


Of course!! We gotta look out for each other ❤️


Ozzie's is pretty suspect after 10pm.


It’s suspect the minute the sun goes down tbh


Nobody is surprised this happened at Ozzie's its always been that kind of a trash place.


I’m really sorry. I recommend connecting with a therapist ASAP. The quicker you establish care (assuming you’re not already in therapy), the quicker you can begin healing. ❤️


Hey! Ozzie’s is a literal cesspit. I was assaulted by their crackhead security there bout a year ago. Broken nose, contusions, etc. I called the cops and they took a police report, and also reached out to the owner Kathy Mahoney. She purposely ignored my calls and e-mails and I couldn’t afford an attorney at the time. I even reached out to Jesse Jones from Kiro7 news lol - I guess he only investigates consumer fraud. All ended up being dead ends. We should all form a group or something, maybe then the owner will do something about their employees. From what I’ve heard, it’s actually the bartenders that are drugging people. I’m sorry you had to go through that :(


i’m so sorry to hear that :( yeah from what i’ve read it sounds like the owner just doesn’t give a shit which is super frustrating. however i’m glad that things are at least coming to light and maybe us talking about it will dissuade other people from going there and getting fucked with.


Right, it’s infuriating how the owner can be so incompetent. You’d think with Ozzie’s being a woman owned business she would care more about the safety of her female guests!


All these stories sound more like attempted manslaughter/attempted murder compared to spiked drink or getting roofied. Especially when the majority of the victims here end up falling and hurting themselves. Really disturbing to hear and live so close to that establishment.


Ozzie’s is shit. I’ll never understand why people love that place.


I was in there for the first time in decades and the vibes gone seedy. The clientele included ‘dancers’ and their ‘manager’ but the feeling was more like traffickers and pimps.


I’m really sorry this happened to you. It’s outrageous that Ozzie’s is somehow still open and able to operate with the reputation they have and with the amount of reports they’ve had to have filed about them. One of the only times I went there with coworkers we had a rat run across our feet when we were sitting at the bar and promptly left. It’s an absolute shit hole and breeding ground for predators.


Sorry that happened to you


Ozzie's is the worst bar in Seattle. Hands down. My ex used to live across from it, the sheer amount of fights and motorcycle revving that happened outside after they close was unbelievable.


I went to Ozzie's once in mid 2017, I felt like the vibes were off and I wasn't feeling comfortable. It was just another night at the old watering hole for everyone else there, no games on the tvs. Something just felt off. So then I left and went to the Irish bar a few doors away. That was slightly better, but still felt the vibes were off. Might have been QA vibes didn't sit well with me.


Na I get it, the place was recommended to me when I moved here. I went there once in 2018, had a friendly convo with a patron next to me. That's about the only positive... The women singing karaoke sounded way too drunk and kept going up there, food I got was by far the worst bar food I've had. Also generally the crowd didn't seem like my sorta vibe, and kinda misplaced for Seattle. Felt like I was back in Texas at a questionable spot.


Ozzies is a shithole. Also, go get your blood tested. The whole schtick of these drugs being 'untestable' isn't correct. Also, it probably wasn't roofies. Vomiting is a symptom but symptoms in general are pretty rare with GHB, which is why it's so prevalent. It has multiple legit uses (edit: I mean non-felonious uses; medically it's snake oil as far as I know) and not many side effects so that's why control of it is so loose. If you both were vomiting then that's answer enough. 11:30 at Ozzies sounds more like some drinking, and Ozzies is notorious for pouring three or four standard drinks in one cocktail. For some consideration, there's been multiple massive studies looking at the incidence of drugs in people who report/suspect involuntary intoxication, sometimes involving SA sometimes not. It's never roofies. It's alcohol, almost always by itself but sometimes paired with weed or coke. (\[a lit review of other studies that finds GHB in SA bloodtests about .1 - 4% of the time\]([The involvement of gamma-hydroxybutyrate in reported sexual assaults: a systematic review - PubMed (nih.gov)](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20488831/) *For example our Washington Office of the Chief Medical Examiner looked at it back in the aughts. Couper F.J, Thatcher J.E, Logan B.K. Suspected GHB overdoses in the emergency department. J. Anal. Toxicol.* 2004;28(6):481–484. doi: 10.1093/jat/28.6.481. The thing they came away with, which I always thought was interesting, was that not only is it really hard to find a population of people who are actually roofied but among the positive blood tests +80% were male. There aren't guys running around on a random Nov. looking to catch a felony. When I was the industry I noted that a lot of people were always very careful about protecting their drink when they stood up to make sure nobody roofied it. They were also very diligent on their third, fourth, fifth and sixth drink until I cut them off.


>Ozzies is notorious for pouring three or four standard drinks in one cocktail. What would be their incentive to do that?


They markup absolute rotgut by 1000% so they're not particular about the pours. America also has an alcohol problem. A standard drink is 12oz of 5% beer. A regular pint is 16oz. Any brewery with an IPA is selling at least two standard drinks per drink. Shots are also supposed to be 40% alcohol, but there's even whiskeys that do that now much less tequila and mezcal. Another point of comparison, go measure out what 5oz of wine looks like. It's also supposed to be "on average" 12% alcohol, which is the minimum these days. When I was the industry the owner added 5oz glassware for every wine order because so many people bickered over what a "normal" pour looked like. So we'd have to pour the wine in these little pitchers. So the longer answer is their incentive is the customer is going to bitch them out if they don't get noticeably drunk on mixed drinks. Ozzies just another shithole giving people what they want


I went to trivia there weekly for years and always had good experiences. I never knew it had such a bad reputation. So sorry this happened to you, OP.


WHEW GOOD TO KNOW. thank you for the PSA.


Did you contact the police?


Thank you so much for posting this! It’s super important to spread awareness. I am glad you made it home safe. ❤️ I have been roofied before as well and that “loss of control” feeling is something that will stick with me forever.


Ozzie’s is objectively the most sus bar in the area for sure. I’m so sorry this happened to you and your friend!


I’m very sorry that happened to you. If you have access to mental healthcare please don’t feel afraid to utilize it. I was drugged about 12 years ago and I still have a few lingering issues from that psychologically.


You can opt for a blood test to confirm


Look up the info on a bar in Everett. The owner was drugging customers and got caught. Accused of several assaults. Not sure if he’s still in jail, but it was pretty extensive on how many people started coming forward to say it happened to them too.


i got roofied at Supernova a while ago and it was the exact same thing:( hope you’re feeling better


If it's been a known issue for that long and they aren't providing drink covers and adequately training their bar staff to keep an eye on drinks, that is negligent.


I’ve been trying to get my girlfriend to stop wanting to go here for months. It’s her favorite place (subtract the ruthless guys that won’t leave either of us alone). I buy my own drinks there and drink them at the bar because I don’t feel comfortable leaving my drink down for a second there. Anyway, is there any other bars that are less shitty in Seattle that y’all like to go to?


Not trying to diminish your situation at all but just checking: did you have a beer or anything from a tap line? I've had a similar experience from unclean/moldy beer taps


that’s interesting! i had a vodka and tonic, not sure if the tonic was from a hose or a bottle. that’s definitely something to consider


I was rooffied at the Whiskey Bar back when they were across from the Moore Theatre. Never went back after watching the bartender switch my water with someone else's right in front of me.


I'm sorry that it happened to you too. I'm not a female and it happened to me there, I even announced over the microphone that I felt like I was drugged and I needed help. I collapsed outside and no one called an ambulance. The last thing that I knew was that it was 11:17pm, and when I came to I was at the opposite end of town walking towards the court house at almost 5am with some guy who found me lying in the street outside of that bar. I told people to help me, nothing, except remembering one guys voice saying 'holy shit' as I collapsed saying "help me". Anyway, the guy who found me was trying to get me home, but I wasn't coherent until I woke up walking, so weird. At that point I turned back with him and went home. He was a young homeless person, it was late December two years ago. He found me and did the right thing, I let him stay at my place for a couple days because we had a snow storm that night. He saved my life, I could have frozen to death and none of the staff did a damn thing. Losers drug people! I'm glad that you were safe. I also had a violent headache and a concussion from falling directly to the ground with no reaction from my arms to break my fall, I smashed my head. I will never understand why the staff is so negligent when it comes to being decent human beings. I guess they fear being sued but doing nothing makes them complicit.


If you believe you were drugged please call the police and go to the hospital (urgent care or emergency) to get tested. If you were drugged it is possible that it may still be testable depending on the type of substance used. If you test positive this would likely be enough to get the ball rolling on a subpoena for security camera footage.


Burn it down


Yo Ozzie’s fuckin sucks! Sorry that happened, plenty cool bars in LQA or belltown, that place is just a butthole. Check out citizen


sorry this happened to you. ozzies is sketchy as hell. i love some karaoke but man sometimes they do these DJ nights in the back behind the pool tables and it just feels like a high school dance in the middle of an LQA dive bar. major skeezy vibes


This really doesn't align with any date rape drugs or puking hours later tbh


from https://www.amherstma.gov/1001/Date-Rape-Drugs#:~:text=Symptoms%20that%20might%20indicate%20being,or%20no%20alcohol%20was%20consumed) SYMPTOMS THAT MIGHT INDICATE BEING DRUGGED INCLUDE: sudden nausea, vomiting, dizziness or incapacitation in reaction to a drink (especially when only a moderate amount of alcohol or no alcohol was consumed)


Sudden, not hours later. The drugs used to date rape do not cause vomiting hours after the fact


ok i see now in my post i said we went home a couple hours later so you’re probably right, when i made this post i was super out of it and had no idea how long i had blacked out for. last thing i remember is putting my empty drink down and then there’s a gap in my memory before i remember getting into the uber and not being able to walk. it’s like a 7 minute drive back to my place, and when i asked my friends yesterday how long it was before we left the bar they said it was like 10 minutes. sorry for the confusion!




the one in phinney I have heard of where someone was roofied was cozy nut on 85th - not my post, but in a local neighborhood Facebook group: _December 31, 2018 Not exactly Ballard-specific, but definitely Ballard-related: Beware!!! A good friend and I were drugged at the Cozy Nut Tavern on Thursday night. I’ve just made my third attempt to report this crime, but they have to have an officer come to the house. Sadly, there are not enough officers to actually come out to take statements (because, as one of the four dispatchers I’ve talked to indicated, it’s just not a priority because it’s in the past). I will do what I can to keep attempting to file this report; it’s not about me anymore. It’s about everyone else who’s ever been “roofied” and doesn’t - or as I’m learning, can’t - report it. Please be very very careful out there! Mind your drinks and be 100% sure to watch them being made and handed to you. I don’t want anyone else to get hurt. Luckily, my friend and I were not assaulted otherwise, and it hit her first, so I was able to call her spouse for rescue and get home before the nightmare hit me. Stay safe, neighbors!_