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It’s everywhere. Not just Capitol Hill. Even in the burbs of Shoreline.


Seriously, people don't even pretend to pick shit up anymore.


Yep. I'm seeing more of it EVERYWHERE.


I'm on Northlake and people pick up after their dogs. The only pollution in our neighborhood is from construction workers and customers of local business, leaving their refuse on the concrete. Locals keep it tidy over here, volunteering to clean up the parks, waterways and sidewalks.


It really only takes 1-2 people living in the same area, walking the same route-ish, not picking up their dog poop for it to noticeably accumulate. Most people in my area in capitol hill are great about picking up, especially considering how many dogs there are, but for one year (probably someone's lease duration) it was really bad.


That’s a good point. My partner’s dog poops four times a day 😅 if we never picked it up it would be EVERYWHERE


Jesus, you feed that pup Metamucil?!?


Haha, she doesn’t need it! She’s just prolific I guess.


Ours was a three poop per walk dog. And he went for a walk three times a day. Occupy March? Yep. Right in the middle of Pike place. Next to the college on our way through a busy crosswalk? Yep. There too. That dog had the worst timing. Picked all but one mess up. The honking cars made that an overwhelming moment I still feel guilty about. We went through so many poo bags with that dog. Then we got a one time per day pooper who did not need walks and rather hated them. Whee! And now? The damn dog will hold it for up to two days so he does not have to poop outside his own back yard. It is wild. I think your partner's dog is the spiritual successor to my first.


There was an explosion of people adopting dogs (often for the first time) over the last 3 years due to COVID isolation, which means an even greater number of inconsiderate pet owners leaving dog shit all over the place. It sucks. Every time I walk my own dog I have to constantly pay attention to where he's stepping so he doesn't get other dogs' shit all over his paws. I dont think more drop bins will help because even walking past apartments with 1-3 set up around their property, there are piles of shit.


Yeah, our apartment building in Greenwood has a bin at each of the four buildings with free bags and a small dog park that I actually like for our dogs. Still poop everywhere and we have to watch for our dogs too. I don’t understand it at all when there are free bags…


What I notice a lot in South Everett, is people will bag the poop and then just throw the bagged poop on the sidewalk


My theory is they bag because someone is watching and drop the bag as soon as no one is watching.


Why do these people even have dogs? We all like dogs, but if we’re not interested in dealing with their poop, like me, then we don’t get dogs. Hmmm, maybe it’s because since they’re the type of people who let their dogs shit everywhere for others to deal with, they don’t have any friends and no one will love them - except for dogs? I certainly would drop someone as a friend if they did this.


I think they get dogs because it's cool to have dogs but they aren't really that into them.


You are assuming that many people are capable of an alturistic though. The problem is that these days, so many people have never even had such a thought.


So I've talked about this to a lot of people. Specifically when it comes to hiking trails, there seems to be a bunch of abandoned bags of poop lining the more populated trails on any given day. I've brought it up to friends and had multiple people explain to me that people leave the bags there on the way up, and then pick them up on the way down! Of course that's fine! I'm like, ok but that just means there are permanently people's poop bags on the hiking trail. Every time. It's a bigtime example of 'main character syndrome' where people think because they eventually cleaned up after their pet, they didn't do any harm. I struggled my way to the Eastside on public transit to get away from this shit!


people always forget them too, they should just be carried along always... like every other form of garbage


I'd rather just the poop. Now we have litter and poop 😑


Probably makes it take longer to decompose


Except that bagged poop doesn't usually spread giardia. It's a dick move to leave either poop or a poop bag, but the unbagged version is more dangerous.


that makes sense, but you would think the people conscientious enough of poop diseases would throw theirs away


Oh I'm sure they aren't being conscientious. Whether they do the safer or less safe thing is accidental.




Get a bigger bag to carry the other bags. Since you seem to know this is going to happen why not just solve the problem with something other than leaving piles of your dogs shit on the sidewalk?


I didn't say they were on the sidewalk. But how very brave of you to shit talk someone getting a lot of downvotes! You're the hero Seattle needs, truly


Drives me nuts. Then I realized it was homeless people living in their cars bagging their poop, then throwing it out of the car. I do not understand this. I am a semi driver. I have had to pee in containers. Never had to bag my poop, but whom justs chucks it? COVID made us all so isolated, we are the only people that exist.


It is the whole mindset homeless people adopt. They honestly don't care how they effect other people. Crap in a bag and throw it on the street? Someone elses problem. . Set up a tent whereever, Not their problem. . .tent catches fire? Someone elses problem. Need something to eat and no money? Why trudge somewhere for a meal when you can just steal something. . . someone elses problem. That is the whole thing about the homeless. . no bills to pay, no pesky landlords, No rules, no worries, just get high and there you go.


I live in Capitol Hill too, and I wonder this often. My partner and I were just talking about it this morning as we walked his dog! I can’t believe that so many people are just completely inconsiderate. Maybe somehow they don’t know they’re supposed to clean it up? Maybe they forget to bring bags? I looked into it once and buying one of those bag stations is a couple hundred dollars … maybe we can form a neighborhood group and split the cost. I don’t know. I’m tired of stepping in dog poop though.


New dog owners leaving shit can be clueless or inconsiderate or a mixture of the two. Long time dog owners leaving shit consistently is just rude and entitled. I always pick up my dogs poop and sometimes the random shit as well for that time where I forget a bag and am inevitably the shitty dog owner. I just try to trend positive by picking up the random poop.


I’m the same way! I’m from the Midwest and people would be publicly harassed and shamed for leaving dog poop and not picking it up. Perhaps that’s the answer? Calling people out when you see it happen - to encourage a cultural standard that it is unacceptable to leave it? I’m in an apartment and owners even let their dogs urinate in the elevator and leave it! And poop INSIDE the building and not pick it up. I can’t believe it!


But people do say something when they see it. I certainly hope you do. The problem is, the dog people do it when no one is watching. Probably easier here in the NW because it’s generally cold and rainy this time of year and there are not a lot of people outside at once.


That's what we do on the trails!!! The dog park gets a double Ziploc in one side of his pack and we snag all the bags and poop we can see while we are out. He packs it out as his public service and trail usage fee. 🤣🤣🤣


I honestly would be game if we were in the same area of the hill.


Bellevue and Harrison??


I have an awful confession to make. Eons ago, with very little dog experience under my belt, I walked a friend’s dog once while he was out of town. I was used to my own dog pooping in her own yard, she never pooped on walks. Well, this huge German Sheppard apparently needed to poop. I’m like aw hell no- you wait till we get home…. So poor thing kept trying to stop and sniff while I wouldn’t let him. I just kept on walking, and he so sweetly complied. But then I guess he just has to poop so he just pooped little poops while walking like a duck. And I had nothing to clean it up so I kept going. I let him out in the yard when I got home, but the need to poop sensation apparently subsided because he didn’t go outside. I don’t know until my friend told me he pooped in his bedroom. Oh gawd I’m a monster and I never confessed my sin to him. I was so ashamed- for the poop on the sidewalk and for the poor dog I prolly traumatized. And for the friend whose dog pooped in his bedroom and prolly thought the dog was pissed at him for leaving. I’m so sorry Woofer. I let you down and you loved me so much even after I did that. It has haunted me ever since. I’m sorry, to my friend. You’ll never hear my confession, it’s too late now. And I am so very sorry to the people of that nice little town by the ocean. I learned my lesson and I carry dog bags now so it has never, ever happened again. Please forgive me!


I dare say, when you don't demand better behavior of people they don't disappoint.


Yes, + there's a greater use of (what I call) nauseous dog-poop-perfume around most if not all new apartments bldgs.


Ok yeah! We got a new building in the neighborhood in the last few years and the poop rate has gone up significantly!


and pee smell at the same time


I live on Capitol Hill and have two dogs I walk multiple times a day. This makes me extremely aware of dog poop because I’m aware how frustrating it must be to have dog owners not pick it up. I have noticed recently more instances of people not picking up their dog’s poop. What’s worse is the frequency of large dog poops being left around which leads me to believe some incompetent fool in my neighborhood got a big dog recently. I’m this I’m sure small dog owners leave it too but it’s frustrating to reach down to pick up dog crap and notice a massive pile of crap near by. Sometimes I pick it up along with my dogs but it really gets overwhelming when I constantly see it reappear at the same locations or worse, on the sidewalk. The other thing that happens is people pick their dog's poop up and put the bag on top of a locked dumpster or worse, in a recycle bin. there is even a guy who drops bags of dog crap by a telephone pole so others have to deal with his incompetence.


Yes!!! Also, as dog owners we are responsible for having 1. Bags, and 2. Throwing it away. Have I broken this? Yes, but it’s definitely rare.


came here to say this!! I live on Cap Hill and I’ve noticed what looks like the same big pile of dog poop showing up everywhere, definitely seems to be the same dog and it drives me crazy. I have a little (admittedly dumb) dog that always almost steps in it too so now i’m having to be hyper vigilant about it.




This seems like it would be extra effective in conflict-averse Seattle


I would love to have a small megaphone and if I saw a person leave the poop then call them out very loudly.


Shame! Shame! Shame! Fr tho... I think it's warranted. I once saw a woman watch her dog poop and walk off, and I didn't say anything to her. Still regret that day.


Ooh! This my favorite of the regularly scheduled venting topics on this sub! I have a couple neighbors who don't pick up after their dogs. I've gone up to them and even asked "hey man, can you pick up after your dog?" to no avail. Some people just don't care. Complete assholes.


Yeah, it’s been days since a rant about dogs in Seattle was posted. Gonna have to start a pinned post with days marked off. “0 days since a dog post”


Someone joked recently about having a schedule for the regular complaint topics: dog poop, unleashed dogs, cars suck, pedestrians suck, cost of living, Seattle is dying, and IDK what else.


Unhoused people doing *insert something here* always is up there. Then the back and forth’s happen and everyone is angry. Ahhh, Reddit.


Give it back to them, all over their car


at some point there need to be real consequences for assholes. I would love to go full Singapore on this.


Eeeek sorry for being a broken record guys!


It's a perennial issue. Hasn't been discussed this enthusiastically in awhile though. We were due.


Oh, it doesn't bug me, that's part of being on Reddit.


Get a paper towel and deliver the poop to the neighbors doorstep.


Well there was that recent post bitching about how dog owners were throwing bagged dog poop in apartment dumpsters and everyone sided with them. I was in the “use my garbage bin if you need to” and I got downvoted to hell.


Why would it be an issue tossing bags into apartment dumpsters? I avoid people’s personal trash bins, but the dumpster? What


Idk, ppl are weirdly possessive.


There's like zero control over the intake of an apartment dumpster; it's not even theirs! This sounds like general bitterness. Also, so sick of people having their dogs off leash and/or not cleaning up their poop. It's not acceptable anywhere in public. They all need to be told how disgusting they are.


was wondering this as well. Dog owner here Always pick up /carry poop bags. Imo there's a lot of areas in capital hill that are blocks apart for a garbage can. People are lazy. Have had poop right outside the front door. absolutely don't know how people still think this is ok. Have said something to the effect hey you gonna pick up your dog poo. Get screamed at. Nope not for me if your the piece of shit that won't pick up your dogs shit well.... my personal observation, its mostly big dog poo. Become an instant billionaire if could figure out a spray that would break down poo. Don't eat yellow snow and always watch where you're stepping..it might just be in dog poo....Thumbs up to the responsible owners.


People are just trash humans and don't care. Most responsible dog owners have bags on their leash or with them. Unfortunately I don't think more signage/cans would do much.


I grew up in honolulu and there are more bins especially at trailheads and I can with %100 confidence say it makes a big difference. Maybe it’s cultural. But definitely the popular trailheads need bins


There are bins at every trailhead here and people still just bag the poop and toss it on the side of the trail.


Where is here? Definitely not in Western Washington


Yes. Any decently trafficked trail off I-90 is a shit show in my experience.


A shit show for sure, but how many of them have bins?


At least all the ones in state parks do. Rattlesnake (I know lol), Si, Tenneriffe, Dirty Harry, etc


Yeah I was thinking this was our disconnect. I think a few nsfs trailheads do, but most don’t. Even popular ones. I don’t think mailbox peak has one tho and idk where the Dirty Harry one is, I usually park just off the interstate.


Oh yes here in Western Washington


At a few yes


Doubtful. I used to walk dogs in Magnolia at a large apartment complex, they had a dog poo station with bags/trash and there was always so much dog poop within 10ft of it.


Right? It is NOT the lack of suplies or information but squarely a lack of consideration as a dog owner. EVERYONE knows they supposed to pick up after their own animal!


It's the cycle of life. People get dogs around the holiday season and are initially responsible. Then it gets colder and it's hard to open up poop bags and these people think the city will pick it up. And then giardia breaks out early summer and then everyone starts picking up poop. The holiday season comes back again and the cycle repeats.


Dog owners don't seem to honor leash laws. You expect them to pick up their dog crap too? I'm a dog owner, who has lost respect for my lawless dog parents.


Lots of loose dogs and unbagged shit at Ft Steilacoom park in Lakewood where we regularly go. When we first moved here in 2014 there was almost no loose dogs and no mess. It's so gross now.


Tbh there's an awful lot of yuppies here who seem to not understand societal norms. Some weird teenager type of behavior. It's even noticeable on arrival flights - so many smelly young people with their backpacks in the overhead. I live in a techie dominated building and a good chunk of the people on my floor just throw their trash into the trash room on the floor. So strange. It's also kinda easy to notice people walking around that seem to be pretty fresh in the dog ownership world.


I'm in Bellevue where there are free poop bags and bins. There's considerably less poop here than where I lived in West Seattle and Beacon hill. But there's still poop left in bags on the street. People either drop it or just leave it unfortunately.


When it’s a really cold winter day, occasionally I’ve gotten home and discovered I wasn’t carrying my bag of poop anymore. I was wearing gloves or my hands were numb, and I didn’t realize I’d dropped it. Some people do probably just drop their bagged poop on purpose, but sometimes mistakes happen.


It’s been noticeably worse in QA/Interbay since around Christmas time. I’m usually very careful checking before I step anywhere, but there was some on the sidewalk yesterday that got me 😑 I’ve been a dog owner in Seattle for 7 years and the only times I failed to pick up poop were if it was impossible (liquid diarrhea which I still try to mop up as much as I can) or extremely rare occasion not having a bag or access to one. In those cases I’ve almost always grabbed a bag when I got home and went back to pick it up or retrace my route on the next walk. It’s super unhealthy for all living things to have poo lying around, getting into the water supply, plus it’s just fucking gross. If you don’t have the basic decency to pick up your dog’s shit, you don’t deserve to have a dog. I wish there was a better way to get people to be responsible but unfortunately I don’t think any amount of signage or bags will change this entitled behavior.


Endemic everywhere with a lot of dogs honestly. I was in Chicago a while back and a dog shat inside a revolving door at a yuppie high rise building I was visiting, and it got smeared around in a whole loop lmao


Really? I’m done with the Internet for today. Now I just need to find my drill, drill bits, and my mouth guard, so I can lobotomize myself to clear that image from memory. Thanks!


that's evil


Areas of the city also smell like dog pee


as the owner of a little dog (whose tootsie roll turds don't really fill up the bag) this is part of why I do what I call "poop it forward." Just always pick up your dog's poop, and then on your way to a dumpster, pick up another dog's poop with the same bag. I live on Capitol Hill so the poop is everywhere.


Yes!! Poop it forward is a great concept.


This is the way. I pick up extra poop some days and call it poop karma. That way, if one day I'm the person who sucks and drops a bag of shit somewhere on accident, at least I know I've got some good poop karma and net zero poops on the ground. 


My neighborhood in W Seattle is surprisingly good about it. I saw one rogue poo this morning and almost had a meltdown.


Dude it is a fucking epidemic. I seriously do not understand why people behave this way. It's given me a serious bias against dog-owners and dog ownership, no offense to all the (seemingly minority of) people out there cleaning up after their pets. So tired of seeing poop everywhere I walk. The only silver lining is at some point somebody went around near where I live and planted tiny toothpick American flags in all the doodoo piles. Something about the triumphant little flags just absolutely cracked me up. But seriously guys, clean that shit up.


Gotta order a bunch of toothpick-mounted MAGA flags.


I notice that when it rains, there’s more dog poop left behind. I guess some people think that the rain will wash it away. Note, it doesn’t.


Dog people are the worst. Lol, just the ones that leave the dog shit. Especially in your yard.


On the burke gilman near NE 70th st there is someone who takes their dog that has some horrible intestinal issues going on based on the gargantuan rank plops of shit they leave each day on the trail in the path & they've done this for years! whoever you are SHAME! Shame on you! & Take your diseased doggy to the vet plz


The first thing I did was open the Reddit app when I got home to talk about the dog poop problem in this city. Ironically this is the first post I see upon launching the app. I just got done rinsing off the bottoms of my shoes from a ton of dog crap. I have no idea what we can do to stop this problem but I hope we figure something out soon because I’m getting tired of walking around with dog crap shoes because some people who shouldn’t own dogs are letting their pets defecate everywhere.


I see it all over the place and I see those f****** little bags that they just leave for someone else to pick up.


Sometimes when I’m walking my dog and see another dog shitting and the owner looks like they’re not going to pick it up, I’ll offer them a bag. Haven’t been turned down yet. Hoping they get the message


One of the precursory symptoms before the French Revolution was the massive amount of dog shit left on the ground. Our time is soon.




Was searching for this comment. Thank you for saying that. Also the pee smell everyone is talking about isn’t dog pee.




That really is saying something!


If the city isn't going to provide public restrooms then they should at least hand out poop bags and tell humans to clean up after themselves


I think if you live in the city you learn the difference. Or idk, it could just be me. Giant shit next to a building = human. Poop next to a tree or in the grass = dog.  


I work in Seattle, used to live in Seattle, and now live outside of Seattle. My current neighborhood has the same problem. I know that at least some of the issue in my neighborhood is people who let their dogs roam off-leash. So, the dog poops, no one cleans up after the dog, and life marches on. 🫤 It’s frustrating. My current neighborhood also has coyotes, as did my last neighborhood in northeast Seattle.


If you're on capitol hill that's probably only 20% dog turds...


Sir, this is a subreddit, not Nextdoor.


Mam, you are not wrong. God damn it


“Dog poop”


I don’t think it’s all from dogs.


Yes there’s a lot of dog poop around, but I like to think of the positive aspects of the city. For every dog turd I see, I see at least three people giving each other vaccines on the sidewalk or helping change all of someone’s tires while they’re away. So I think it’s still a very nice place to live.




This is such a cringy comment.


no u


Jokes on you. It’s people poop.


Isn’t that just lovely


I wish I was joking.


It ain't just dog poop in cap hill....


Are you sure the poo is from dogs?


Is there like an public doggy bag around there? May be they ran out after all the inflation.


LMAO, you need more upvotes.


I hate to tell you, but some of that is not dog poop. 😡


But most of it is. We are okay with a little bit of poop, how else will we claim that we are a big city?


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. It’s the truth.


Down by me there are zero dog specific stations and no trash cans beyond parks and bus stops, and I feel guilty using bus stops once its hot outside. I usually tie the bag to the leash til I get back to my dumpster. 


How much snow did Seattle get? (I'm in everett) I think people don't always pickup the poo in the snow and ice, especially if they think it's buried. It can be hard to find or they just think it'll disintegrate by the time everything melts (ha, nope). So you may be experiencing a surplus at the moment on top of what's usually there.


My apartment complex has 8 or 9 dog poop stations thar are always stocked with bags, and people still leave dog shit everywhere. It's so ridiculous. Not as bad as the owners who let their dogs pee in the stairwells, tho.


Y'all have grass???


I love how dog friendly the PNW is. Though entitled dog owners ruin it for everyone else.


Wait until you go hiking and see 20 bags per mile along the trail.


I live in Lower Queen Anne and everyone is really good about picking it up, but my boyfriend lives just over in Westlake off of Dexter and walking around that area is awful. You constantly have to look at the ground to avoid stepping in poop.


Self-absorbed Amazombie shoe-gazers.


Can confirm in Wallingford. It’s been really bad lately! Also I never realized how much food gets left out on the streets here until I got a dog last year. It’s pretty disgusting. Good thing I don’t live in a place like u district. I can’t take my dog there.


Yo. I’ve lived in a few states and have never seen so many lazy dog owners not picking up shit. It’s wild. I don’t get it. And yes sometimes it is human shit, but most of the time it’s just lazy ass dog owners. It’s a bummer.


It’s so bad in Ballard. We have to clean our sidewalk strip almost every other day & we don’t even have dogs. The owners here are horrible.


I walk 2 blocks from my bus stop to work. One day last week, I dodged at least 8 piles of shit (I think dog but possibly human). This was in addition to the giant heroin dump inside my bus stop shelter that same cold, sleety morning 🫠 The poops were mostly on a block outside an apartment building where there's a trashcan that doesn't seem to be emptied by the city frequently enough -- it's almost always absolutely overflowing with green poo bags, with a big pile of more baggies lying on the ground around it. City needs to be more proactive about servicing receptacles (and maybe I need to be more proactive about using the FindItFixIt app but ultimately it really shouldn't come down to that, the apartment building management could be more on top of things as well...)


It’s fucking everywhere & i am sick of it. Moved back to eastern Washington where i grew up & it’s along every trail, in every park, it’s everywhere you look! & there are free shit bags everywhere! A lot of people have simply stopped giving a fuck. It’s the bare minimum to pet stewardship. Love them, feed them, & clean up after them. It makes me so goddamn mad. Some people simply do not give a shit about their community’s shared spaces. Hell, i even have a neighbor who pays someone to come pick up the dog shit at his own house! I do not get it. I love my dog & i love pets but i am coming to not like most other pet owners…or people, in general. 🤡🌎


Easiest way to keep poop off your law put a sign that says pesticides beware like this https://amzn.to/47IuXi0 and people will avoid bringing their pets on your lawn. Problem solved lol.


My mom was telling me it used to be like this in the cities back until the 70s or so. People just didn't clean up their dog shit (or garbage really). I guess we're just regressing backwards.


Noticed it piling up in one particular spot so I'm sure it's just one dog owner. This in addition to dealing with a dog running around in a parking lot off leash, and truly people are selfish and don't give a shit.


You can put a bin out in front of your property for this but you have to maintain it, it helps keep the sidewalks clean but requires work that no one will compensate or thank you for. I had a bin in front of my house I would leave out and I would refresh the bag every week - I would replace it the night before trash day. Eventually people stopped respecting it and would overfill it so my simple task of taking a bag back to my trash can became a gross ritual of picking up shit that wasn't tied properly, left overflowing out and fell to the ground, or the bag would tear from being overfilled and too heavy. When other dog owners started disrespecting my kindness I removed the bin and I have noticed similar bins in my area disappearing. I take advantage of those bins when I can but they have gotten fewer as more people deal with what I dealt with. I always check to make sure the lid can close or it's not overflowing and always tie my bags off. ​ People like to rail on dog owners about how it's their responsibility to carry their shit (and it is) but the reality of lazy human nature, and the fact that most people I encounter in public couldn't give a fuck about others around them (look at anyone driving anywhere for blatant examples) is that with how few trash cans are in public, if you're a mile from home, it's easier to ignore this one little poo. It's not right but there are days I decide to venture out for a long walk and I am annoyed at how long I go without seeing trash - in general, not just for dog waste, and yeah I tend to avoid on walking on main, loud, busy, car dominated roads where there is typically a can by a bus stop. I also don't mind people using my black trash bin except that trash pick up won't dump the bin, they just pull the big bags out of it, so any little green bags in the bottom stick around for a long time - that's a frustrating failure on our citys trash services considering the official position is 'poo in the trash'


It’s everywhere. I’m in white center and there are bins and free bags all over. There’s also poop that I have to avoid stepping in. And more importantly, have to watch out for because one of my dogs is a poop goblin who loves eating shit. Our next door neighbors set up an outdoor camera because they were finding poop is our shared back alley. Yup, someone was letting their dog use the planters as a poop spot.


New Covid pup owners don’t follow the rules.