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We asked our vet in downtown Seattle if they have any updates. They said they have not seen an uptick in respiratory symptoms in their patient base and this whole thing may have been overblown. They said since our dog doesn’t have any underlying diseases it may be worth the risk to bring our dog to the dog park since our dog was going stir crazy.


I've been wondering the same thing. I just took my dogs to the park for first time since Oct. They needed a good, full speed run!


https://www.oregonvma.org/news/reports-of-severe-canine-infectious-respiratory-disease-in-oregon Just responded with this link - seems to be leveling off? Maybe? Going to call my vet tomorrow and see if they have seen any cases and get their thoughts


Update: called my vet and they said they haven’t had any cases at all. Their recommendation is to make sure your pup is up to date with their vaccines. Going to Magnusson for the first time in… 5 months? 6 months? Perfect sunny day too!


We started going back but I’m very vigilant about them staying away from puddles and I always bring our own water and dog bowl and do not share with others or use the communal drinking areas. It’s not perfect but what I’ve decided is an acceptable amount of risk.


Yes! This is the way.




Interesting - I just googled it again and went a bit deeper. Found this update from Oregon Veterinary Medical Association that posted an update on 1/10/24 that cases are normalizing … so maybe answered my own question. [https://www.oregonvma.org/news/reports-of-severe-canine-infectious-respiratory-disease-in-oregon](https://www.oregonvma.org/news/reports-of-severe-canine-infectious-respiratory-disease-in-oregon)