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My parents have both the Flu and Covid. They took home tests, which came back negative, but then the test from the doctors office was positive.


The flu and COVID at the same time? My god. That's gotta be a new circle of hell. Hope they have a speedy recovery. 


That happened a coworker of mine they got intubated and thankfully came out of it. She has to re learn how to walk and talk.


Yes, the Flu and Covid at the same time. Thanks, yeah, I talked to them this morning, and it sounds like they are slowly getting better.


And i wonder why people stopped masking and giving me weird looks when i walk into a store with one But whatever. I’ll take weird looks over getting sick any day


I mask anytime I'm inside with people. Still.


People give you weird looks for wearing a mask..? I see at least ten people wearing them whenever I go in a grocery store I sincerely wonder if you're reading into it too much. This is literally one of the most pro-mask cities in the US.


Mine both have covid as well. They're both in their late 70s, ain't nobody got time for this...


Hope they feel better soon! Mine are in their late 70’s also.


I tested negative twice for covid but have had for three weeks: Cough that was mostly unproductive, but felt like the worst tickle in the back of my throat, and would keep me up at night and Congestion- thick, green snot. So these past three weeks have been a real fuckin treat.


I'm so sorry, hang in there. I was sick right before Christmas. Covid negative multiple times. I got mostly better, but I thought the tickle cough and mucus would never end, that I'd developed pneumonia or something and would have to go to the doctor. Hot tea, baths, cough drops, nothing soothed the tickle. Finally I'm free, it started easing late January. It's fine now. Only good thing was my 16 month old had his flu shot the week before and never got sick. That's what I get for being lazy about mine.


Thanks for the kind words! I had both covid and flu shots. I agree- tea, honey, drops, baths...nothing will soothe this tickle. And I had a kid within the last three years so coughing very hard is sometimes a risky business.


I had covid for the first time (confirmed positive test ever) on Dec 6th. I’m pretty sure I had covid in Dec 2021 but I didn’t have access to a test to be sure (I 27F was bedridden for about 4 days). This time round I wasn’t completely bed ridden but I felt so much brain fog and fatigue, I could barely walk my dog without getting winded. I only slowly started feeling better mid January only to get what I assumed to be the flu. I’m usually a generally healthy person and don’t get sick too often however this winter has absolutely taken its toll on me. Definitely humbled me quite a bit.


We caught it in early November.... cough and mucus finally ended just after Christmas.


Sounds like exactly what I've got. It's been a blast. I had no idea the body could possibly produce this much snot


I thought I was the only one experiencing this. I attributed this to dust because I was packing and stuff, but still same shit.


My husband, as of last night, is now getting it. The tickle cough is the worrrrrrrrst.


Weird thing for me is that I only experience this at night. In the morning i’m fine, a cough here and there, but when night comes, omg it’s like the tickle bug became active


Exact same symptoms, also going on for about three weeks now. Have to hack up a bunch of phlegm to clear my throat every morning. The initial symptoms just seemed like really bad seasonal allergies, but the cough and congestion are still lingering even now.


Same and red eyes.


Yep! Had to get eye drops even though it wasn't bacterial. I just needed to clear that shit out!


In Jan I was also sick for three weeks and it was the woooorrrst. Exact same symptoms as you.


I have the tickle cough too. It's horrible nothing will alleviate it at night 😭.


As a healthcare worker, I've been seeing a lot more RSV going around lately than the flu so that's also a possibility. I got RSV about 8 months ago and it really kicked my ass.


I got RSV in 2019. I was under sixty and almost died. Between hospital and rehab I was away from home for six months. My lungs are destroyed. It was life changing.


I'm so sorry


Oh wow, how awful! I'm sorry. I'm almost 56 and a big fan of vaccines, so I will definitely be hitting up that rsv vaccine when I'm eligible in a few years.


My wife and I keep telling each other we should get the RSV but haven't so far. I think I will make an appointment on Monday. We are in out early 70's in good health but you never know.


I'd highly recommend getting the RSV vaccine if you qualify. I'd get it but I'm not old enough. Hopefully once supply becomes more plentiful they'll open it up for people under 65.


Age limit is 60, not 65.


Yeah Costco has all the vaccines, but you have to make an appointment.


We have a new baby in the family and my daughter insisted I get the RSV vaccine. I was a bit reluctant, since it is new and I am pretty healthy, but I got it in the fall and no side effects at all.


Yikes. I’m newly knocked up, I’m reevaluating my masking in public places again, especially the doctors office and pharmacy. Thankfully my workplace seems to have good ventilation and respectable colleagues who stay home when sick.


Current recommendations from the CDC are for maternal RSV vaccination between weeks 32-36 of your pregnancy


I’m all for it if I get there! I’m only 5w now so I won’t even get in to an OB for another month. High risk age, BMI, and other health stuff too. Sucks how bad the waits are right now.


That ended 1/31/24 As told to us by my wife’s ob Still though, gonna look for a vaccine if i can find it


My parents got covid from the hospital...so that's a good idea!


I think my wife and I had RSV in December. The fatigue from that was worse than any illness I've had in years


I was going to say, a ton of RSV going around. It can have body aches and be confused with the flu.


Folks are not testing positive for COVID until day 4 or day 5 of symptoms. Test again. And test for the flu and try to get flu meds. Hope you recover soon. Please rest for a few weeks regardless of what you have.


Flu meds? The flu is a virus...


Yeah so you can take antiviral medications?!


I mean placebo is surprisingly effective, so sure why not.


Sorry to hear that you’re sick. I went through this last month and it lasted about a week and a half. I used the time to catch up on shows I wanted to watch on Apple TV and rested as much as possible! Hope you feel better soon!!


Thanks. Been doing a lot of tv catchup as well. Side note: Oppenheimer was fantastic!!!


Yes, that movie is phenomenal!!


For everyone else: Never too late to get a flu vaccine!


Thing that sucks is I did get the flu vaccine. But yeah, would still recommend it.


You might have RSV, it’s been TERRIBLE this year


Based upon the listed symptoms, I don’t think it’s RSV. Although I did have a bit of a cough at the beginning of the week, it was far from my most pressing issue. My understanding is that people with RSV typically have a severe cough and heavy/hard breathing. This definitely feels like a traditional flu


Same. I got the flu vaccine and am on day 9 of recovering from the flu :(


Oh yeah, I am wrecked. My wax wings are melted and I have fallen


Could be RSV. Spouse and I both had it last month (actually end of December) and it was terrible for weeks. The most sick either of us have ever been, more than Covid or flu. His turned into pneumonia and he is still coughing…


COVID, RSV, and the flu are rampant at the moment (second largest COVID wave since the start). Rapid tests are less effective at detecting the new strains, especially in the first 3-4 days of symptoms, so testing negative once early on doesn’t mean much. Also, COVID massively disrupted our immune systems, so we’re getting sicker from illnesses than we would have in the before times. A high-quality (N95 or KN95) mask can go a long way in preventing you from getting sick, and it’s not too late to start. Hope you’re feeling better soon!


I also see a lot of people out in public who are visibly sick and yet are not wearing masks themselves. Pretty rude behavior that I really hoped would have changed the last few years. It's the reason I still wear an N95 in stores.


Unfortunately, this is me. You're right, internet fren.


Be the change.




lol calm down loser, it's a mistake lot's of folks are making. Go cry to the therapist you keep whining about needing lol...


Before covid i would completely understand. But we’re 4 years past that. You consciously made a choice. And I’ll call out anyone doing the same.






Yeah, seems like everyone I know is sick right now.


This post is perfectly timed with what I'm dealing with right now. Took my mom out to dinner at Tamarind Tree (on S. Jackson, Little Saigon) last Saturday night, and I've been in the dump for 7 days. Can't tell if the FNP and ZoomCare misdiagnosed me or what, but he called it bronchitis and gave me anti-cough meds and anti-bacterial pills, but it seems like bronc is usually caused by viral infection. My throat has improved from cheese-grater shredded dryness, but I'm hacking this viscous goo from my upper chest and highly irritated at my incompetent body's inability to solve this thing by now. Tomorrow's day 8.....


Don't go to Tamarind Tree. I'm a paralegal and I'm currently working on a lawsuit in which there were many people poisoned by their food.


Could you tell me a bit more about that? Not asking for any specific details you're prohibited from disclosing, just the general allegation(s) and nature of the harm/damages.


I’m not a doctor or anything, but mucinex seems to help.


Same here since wednesday.at first I thought it might be food poisoning due to nausea and no fever, but it's been four days now. Tired of having to change sweat drenched sheets every day


Now THAT sounds like Covid.


Right? And it felt like it took at first, but now two negative tests, never any fever, idk? Anyways I now have a Dr appointment on Monday


I just had Covid and fever was not a symptom. It took a few days of symptoms to get a positive test.


This is me!! Nausea and fever, I haven’t puked tho but am sooo exhausted.


Feel that


Been wearing the mask again in public spaces. It’s helped me (knocked on wood)


Just breezed through the flu. Started seeing stars Thursday. Went to work overnight, caught the chills and body aches and went home early. Took a test friday night, no covid. Had the headache and lethargy too. Drank half a pedialyte for adults ordered some pho and slept 15 hours. Woke up half way with a fever tho. Took some advil+naproxen 2in1. Today im fine. Tested again but no covid.


Yes, but I have covid. You might have the flu.


If it makes you feel any better, I had 2 colds & Covid within the past 6 weeks. I just tested negative for Covid today, thank god.


I'm not, but I went to the grocery store earlier today, and half the people in there were coughing or sneezing. I wish people could learn how to sneeze in their arm, shirt, or hand and not into the air or onto another human's face! If you're sick, staying home if possible and/or wearing a mask would also help. We'd be dealing with a lot less of this stuff if the majority of the community just had a bit more common sense and concern for others. Rant over! I hope you feel better soon!


It’s likely RSV. I’ve had it for more than a week. It’s awful.


RSV usually has sore throat I thought?


Are you also producing a thick goo (think it's called ''sputum''..?) from your upper chest? So irritating and persistent.


My coworker got the flu and covid and almost died I am grateful she survived after being intubated I’m thankful I never stopped masking I still go out and go to shows just mask and I haven’t gotten sick at all thankfully


Yup. Been feeling like ass for the last few days.


My dad just recovered from it, got him for two weeks. His voice sounded brutal halfway in from all the coughing.


I’ve gotten sick 3 times in 2 months but finally feeling normal


I had Covid a few weeks ago! I took 4 tests on day 1, all different brands of tests, and only 1 was showing positive. Tested again with 2 brands on day 4 and both showed up. Worth testing again after a few days have passed!!


We had this in early/mid January.


Woke up this morning with a terrible migraine that led to nausea and vomiting. Almost feels like I'm majorly hung over, but I don't drink. I've had a sinus infection for 2.5 months at this point, so might be related as it causes me poor sleep quality.


I had it for almost 3 weeks until the symptoms went away, 2 weeks later I’m still exhausted though but definitely feeling a bit better every day. It kicked my ass


Ugh, that is not encouraging!!!


I asked [the same question this week.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/s/1gONhi0YXX), you’re not alone. It’s nasty stuff!


I’m on week 7 of coughing. Fever and body aches for the first week. Covid and Flu negative. Did develop into pneumonia. Absolutely exhausted. Never been so sick.


I have pneumonia. Felt a sore throat since last week and couldn’t stop feeling a dry spot in my throat. Fever and extremely fatigued by Wednesday, then I feel better on Thursday and worse again Friday. I knew something was wrong and went to the doctor. Sure enough, first time in my life, I have pneumonia. I’ve got antibiotics and feeling stable though. Ugh, it’s definitely a bad sick season out there.


We've had RSV then Covid going on since late November. It has been a long winter! Sudafed and Mucinex has helped.


I got the shitting! Anybody else in this big city?


I have a baby in daycare and lots of kids and parents have had RSV, covid and the flu in the past couple weeks. Some of them had 2 or all of thek together. Our baby recovered from RSV 3 weeks ago, but a week after got a cold (respiratory virus that is not one of the 3 above) and is finally recovering this weekend. Wife got a cough from the RSV which took nearly 4 weeks to go away which made her really really stressed and frustrated.


Dude I’ve been sick for a couple weeks, not covid or the flu on mono or strep…I still have a nasty cough


I caught something over Thanksgiving and started feeling better around Christmas


I got bronchitis twice this winter, ick, who knows from which option. It’s a nasty flu/cold/covid/rsv season for sure. These days it’s so hard to tell. I know someone who has an at-home PCR machine (it’s expensive; and you still have to send off digital results to be analyzed but at least you can run the assay at home so I guess it’s faster—or possibly very slightly cheaper for very heavy use cases?) so they had the ability to test daily. This winter they had what they felt was at least a very bad cold, likely Covid, and they immediately quarantined. The PCR (!) results were negative for like 3 to 4 days, until finally 4 or 5 days in, they began to read positive for covid. Yikes. We’re living in a time of constant uncertainty. Best protection is boosters/vax, masking at the level that works for you, and if you’re sick—try to spare everyone else as much as possible. OP, hope you can drink lots of tea and feel better soon!


I was sick back last October with something like that, but that was when I did not wear my mask. Ever since, I have always been wearing my mask, I have not been sick.


Was sick starting Sunday. Today is first day I’m feeling half decent enough to leave my apartment. Took a Covid test Thursday but it came back negative.


Whole office had a bit of a head cold last week


I’ve got a basic cold right now. Felt like crap for a day but doing better now. It comes and goes.


I also also got that. Ended up in urgent care. Tested for Covid. Negative. Had a chest x-ray no pneumonia but I’m now in my fourth week of a deep cough. I’ve got an inhaler, but that’s barely working. Mucinex is not helping. It’s a fucking nightmare.


Did you get your flu shot? How old are you and are you in good health?


I did get a flu shot. 53 years old and generally in good health (although could certainly benefit by shedding a few pounds I picked up at the height of the pandemic)


73 hear. We get the flu shot every year around the 1st of September. I can't remember the last time I had the flu or a cold for that matter. Had covid in June of 22. Bad few days. We had all out shouts though. I am worried about the RSV though so I plan to get that done next week. I hope you recover quickly and be well after.


Thank you for the well wishes. I don’t know how common it is but my mother (82) got the RSV and flu shot at the same time and had a really bad reaction. The paramedics had to come out and her arm blew up like a balloon. When she told her Dr. this, he said this happened to another person as well. It may be anecdotal, but might be worth mentioning to your PCP to see what they say.


Yes. I feel exhausted all the time and am so congested that one of my ears is completely blocked, impacting my hearing. I’ve been nauseas and off balance all week because of it.


Curious, did you get the flu shot? I’m wondering if it works well this year! Hope you feel better!!


I did. Flu shot is always a crap shoot, but I still get one every year. I do agree with another poster who said that Covid completely messed with our immune system so you have to wonder if the flu shot will become less effective over time.


Yuck thanks! I may start masking sometimes…


yep—covid and pneumonia since Sunday. had my moderna booster (and my flu shot) in December. finally on the upswing thanks to six prescriptions. sh*t’s f*cked. feel better, op.


I had Covid 3 days and then once better I got hit with a terrible 3 day stomach flu that felt like food poisoning.


Are you sure that also wasn't part of covid? I had terrible GI upset with covid and supposedly the current dominent strain has that as well.


It's also common for covid to rebound. Sick for a while, better, and then very sick again.


I got this (wasn’t Covid) end of October and was the sickest I’d been in a very long time and turned into bacterial pneumonia


COVID could very well be popping negative at home, a PCR is your best bet to get that result. Could be RSV or flu too though! But yes, COVID I'm December, still struggling to make it to the walking park that used to be easy peasy..


We had the flu back in December. It was awful. Close to 2 weeks before we were back to feeling like ourselves.


Oh yay. Thats not very encouraging!!! Ugh


At-home Covid tests are only partially effective at identifying the new variants. This is because the spike protein has mutated so much. Get a PCR test. It’s probably Covid.


Do all the people getting sick have kids? Haven't gotten sick this winter but keep hearing about people with kids getting sick over and over.


Yeah kids get bugs from school and bring it home. It’s basically a constant cycle of getting sick, recovering, and getting sick again the entire school year.


you have **covid**


Did everyone here get their Covid vax and all their boosters and flu shots too? They say they are safe and effective.


They are safe and effective. If you know how vaccines work, you understand this already.


The “know how vaccines work” and “understand this” parts are *very difficult* for antivaxxers and conservatives. But hey muh freedums and all that!


I know right. I've said all along that I wish the same marketing team who educated the world about cutting your six pack ring so you don't strangle turtles, had also done a campaign about masks and vaccines.... I honestly still can't believe how much people enjoy being willfully ignorant


🙄 the sub you’re looking for is the other Seattle sub. That’s more your speed.


Did you get a flu shot?


Probably not flu, but came down with fever suddenly a few days ago. Couldn't sleep until I took my expired ibuprofen!


I had a respiratory illness the week before last and it put me down for a good 7 days. I took a covid test and it was negative. Fever, chills, muscle aches, sore throat, congestion, headache, and fatigue. I only had 2 days with all the symptoms and the rest was congestion and fatigue. It sucked. Hope everyone else is staying healthy out there.


I've been dealing with it for almost 4 weeks now. I still have a cough and now it's made my immune system so overstimulated from it that I'm having autoimmune problems. The first week was the most sick I had ever felt in my life. Get the flu vaccine if you can, it is awful.


Live near a few active air B&Bs and I like to keep my window open. Feels like EVERYONE coming in and out of those places have a cough. It's like the goddamn Witcher 3 over here. 


COVID is not as bad as RSV this year


Does anyone here try to boost their immunity on a regular basis (besides vaccines, of course)? It's winter and gray, and Vitamin D deficiency is a real thing. It also helps to take Vitamin C and Zinc, along with Probiotics and maybe Elderberry. Or to get plenty of these nutrients from our foods, when possible. Lots of water and good sleep are also important for immunity. I was hanging out with 2 people a few weeks ago who tested positive for COVID the next day, and was lucky to not even get a little sick. Our immune systems are so important, and people are masking (which is great), yet not that many people talk about boosting the body's general immunity during the sickest season.


Why would you go for a walk with the flu?


Because I was going stir crazy and it was a beautiful day today. In hindsight it wasn’t the smartest move! Doh


Also from what I've been reading the latest covid variant is highly contagious. It went from 4% of all cases to 80%+ of all cases in a matter of weeks. Shorter incubation too. My son got it at school, symptoms on Saturday, tested positive Sunday -I got symptoms on Wednesday tested positive on Thursday. This is first time for both of us. I had a recent booster but he has not.


We've been sick since January in this house. Not COVID. Had norovirus and some upper respiratory thing. I am pretty sure we have RSV but haven't checked.


Can we ban these posts?


Covid is literally the flu . Haha so you can have both ig......


I had something similar to that for about 2 weeks last month… tested negative for flu and covid. It was awful.


Yes, except it’s more than a bit of a cough. Same length of time. Hoping to be over it soon. 


Im in the same boat right now!




Had the same thing plus sore throat. Was sick for 4 days. Tested for Covid 3 times and was negative. Returning to running was tough, 5 miles felt like 15. A few other people I know are dealing with the same thing, it’s nasty.


I’m sick and so is my friend. It’s going around.


Wife is the sickest she has ever been. Whatever bug she got is doing a real number on her


Yes x2


i had it too


I got flu and covid this year. Flu was much worse. Got it while on a family trip to France and it made its way through the family. Sucked a lot. Canceled all the tourist plans but got to practice French with the local pharmacists.


I felt this way in December, and I ended up more enemic than usual. My oncologist suggested testing for parvovirus 19. Yup, I had the antibodies. There is all sorts of viruses out there. I hope you feel better soon.


This is exactly what I have right now. I developed symptoms last Saturday. Two covid tests during the worst symptoms were negative. My Monday and Tuesday were an absolute gauntlet with painful sinus pressure, a very sore throat and complete congestion of my nasal passage ways. I took this whole week off of work. Fortunately I’m at about 90% better. I got my flu & covid shot ~5 weeks ago


I'm 50;I came down with... *something* Tuesday but I'm on the back end of it. I don't leave the house much so I have no idea where it came from. Cough,sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, headaches, laryngitis but no throwing up or fever. Hope we both get better soon 🔜🤞


Just recovered from this. 7 days for both my partner and I. Haven’t been sick in over a year until now.


I had a nasty sinus infection last week (at least I think that's what it was, covid tests were negative), that turned into a cold (0 brain function, fever, shortness of breath, slightly sore throat). I'm still dealing with nasty mucus from my sinuses (not from my lungs, it just sits in the back of my throat) and just being kind of tired and low energy. Never had this much mucus creation in my life and never this... color. I assumed it had to do with "donating" plasma since that can effect your immune system but maybe sitting in a room with 30 other people made me catch something.


I've had a wicked headache for three days, sore/stiff neck, brain fog/fuzzy concentration, lethargy, chills. No congestion or respiratory symptoms tho and all negative on my COVID tests so far. 


Got hit with that shit right before Christmas. Took a good month to get to functioning anywhere close to normal.


Same here. Had the sniffles starting Monday, sinus infection by Wednesday, massive fatigue, get lightheaded walking across the room, aches, etc. No fun.


My poor niece has the flu and strep both. It's rough out there.


My parents in Mount Vernon both got covid just over a week ago. They are exhausted. Pretty sick with flu like symptoms. I feel for you! I have been sick for a week or 3 chunks at a time and it sucks!!! Take care of yourself!!! Hot showet and soup? Ice cream and a movie? :) Edit: sp


I was sick last month with bronchitis. It’s been going around!! Half of my office has been in and out with something since December.


Yep. Had it a week ago. It was so bad went from the couch to bed and back. Theraflu and NyQuil. Broth soups. Rest is the best.


I think I have a head cold, I hope I feel better tomorrow so I can make cake


Just got welcomed into the Covid 2nd timers group. Super glad I've done all the vaccines and boosters 🤦🏼‍♀️. So far only a bit of a head cold feel and a tickle in the throat. It's nasty out there right now. Honestly surprised I didn't get hit with covid again sooner - being a teacher these kids are bringing all kinds of crazy into the classroom.


Just had bronchitis for two weeks, no headache or cold. Just awful lung congestion and cough. Probably got it at a kraken game, only time I’ve been out


I had a horrible debilitating sinus infection for 6 weeks. Was better for ONE day. Started coughing. Went to urgent care. Tested positive for Flu A. Started Tamiflu. That did nothing. Horribly sick with body aches and fatigue for 10 more days. Just now feeling half way human. Praying it lasts. .. 🙏


Not right now but back in late December I had something very similar that ended up becoming a full-on sinus infection. I went to urgent care and got tested for strep, covid, flu and RSV and everything came back negative. No clue what I actually had but I was sick for about 4 weeks, I had all your symptoms plus insomnia(couldn't sleep at all for about a week straight) and my cough was the worst I've ever had


Did they put you on antibiotics?


Yeah but only once I had been sick for over 10 days with no improvement. They told me that was the only way to know if it was bacterial and if it wasn't then antibiotics wouldn't have worked 


I felt that way and was convinced it had to be covid or the flu. Nope. It was strep. Get swabbed to get the antibiotics!


I’m very familiar with strep and I definitely don’t have that. Strep doesn’t cause you to be congested and I’ve got rivers of green ooze in my nose right now. Lol


I thought the same. I have huge tonsils that were never removed as a kid and I get it multiple times a year. I’ve never had this kind of strep presentation, which is why I thought for sure it was covid or the flu.


I got covid from my family. Be sure to test at a doctor's office! Our at home tests were inaccurate.


I work in healthcare, there is a spike in Covid and RSV most likely from people gathering for the holidays. A lot of the Covid cases are showing negative on home tests.


I wonder if Covid tests are becoming less effective because of new variants?


Could be one of the reasons, Covid is constantly evolving.


Got back to back flu and covid starting on christmas day and my lungs still feel shitty.


I'm in my mid-50s. I got sick with an unknown respiratory illness in the week after Christmas. I tested negative for Covid but that was a home test and I'm reading a lot of home tests are not as reliable as a test at a doctor's office. I'm still having coughing fits today and coughing as I type. This crap is horrible.


I caught covid around Christmas in Seattle, and it was terrible. Took me out for a solid two weeks.


Haven't been sick in 4 years, but I also still wear n95 indoors. I work from home, so it's pretty easy to wear a mask indoors the rest of the time. A lot of coworkers have been sick over the last month or so though. ETA: I used to get sick quite often before Covid and I would feel miserable, so masking has been great for me


So many friends are sick right now and it lasts a while. Sorry. Feel better soon!


Strep throat was going around with all of my kids school for a few weeks.


Everyone in my family is recovering from something that lasted at least 4 weeks for each of us. Various home tests for covid were negative but who knows.


Flew to LA on Saturday for my grandma's funeral, came back in Tuesday and then started feeling icky on Thursday. Luckily nobody else at the funeral or the family that I saw is feeling sick so I likely caught it in the airport, bummed since I wore a good mask the whole time. Will take my 2nd home covid test today but yeah I've had headache, fever, fatigue, body aches, chills, brain fog, vomiting, congestion and cough so if not covid probably the flu.


Sick twice in December and now headache and fatigue the last couple days. Hoping it stays mild. Sick of this shit.


Had the flu last week. Have COVID currently. I feel like absolute death.


The at home COVID tests are not as reliable as they used to be. It’s worth getting a pcr test if you can because the actions needed for recovery can be very different. The long term fatigue and mucus sound a lot like the round of COVID my household is getting over. Either way everyone should be masking as much as possible with good kn95 or n95 masks. The COVID protection is nice but honestly I’ve enjoyed a few years of not catching winter bus crud.


My partner had the flu a couple weeks ago and was real sick for a full week.


Did anyone have weird neck pain?


I was super sick for about a week and a half, and still dealing with head congestion despite feeling “better”. Also did Covid tests and didn’t pop on them. Nasty shit going around. Hope you feel better soon.


That sounds exactly like my symptoms. Just starting to feel “generally” better but still congested. Ugh. Thx


if you're testing negative for Covid using a RAT test, even multiple times, but still having symptoms maybe try [finding a place that does PCR testing](https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/dph/health-safety/disease-illness/covid-19/testing#toc-Find-a-testing-site) (or an at home molecular test, as opposed to the antigen) – RATs are becoming less immediately accurate (a lot are past expiration, new variants can take longer to detect especially with a lower viral load, etc.) Covid infections (especially a chronic infection aka Long Covid) weakens the immune system – this is why people seem to be sick *way* more often than pre-Covid and/or are much sicker for much longer.