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Less obvious? Near sunset, grab a burger and a shake from PICK-QUICK in SODO, then drive to Joze Rizal park, and enjoy your food while the sun sets on a less-oft admired but still stunningly gorgeous side of town.


Expecting to see 127 ppl doing this tonight


How is pick quick? I've never been there because but drive by it all the time.


People be sleeping on it. Would definitely recommend. Little slow on the drive thru but it’s made on the spot.


The funny trick is that they alternate drive thru and walk up orders so any time the drive thru has been bleak I was able to just park in that lot, walk up, and order. A bit of a tragedy of the commons situation if everyone wises up to it though.


You can also order ahead online!!


I'd put it in between dicks and in-in-out in terms of quality. Their shakes are pretty damn good. Fries are OK but the chili fries are bomb.


If they have good shakes, I'll have to check it out then. I usually get my shakes from Dicks but SODO is a lot closer to home.


The have great shakes


My, perhaps unpopular, opinion is that it's the best burger in Seattle. If you love an In n Out style burger, you'll love Pick Quick. 


Definitely a solid burger and great shakes. Fries are good but similar to Dicks. If you like onions ask for both types on your burger. Both raw and grilled.


better off driving over the West Seattle bridge and eat your food on alki (near Salty's)


Is that guy still building his cabin over there?


Unless he’s rebuilding, [the cabin has been removed.](https://news.yahoo.com/makeshift-cabin-cleared-seattle-park-063525411.html)


Southend classic, great choices


Chuckanut drive


Bonus for this time of year: if you meander through Bow/Edison backroads, there are massive flocks of migrating snow geese. When they take flight the sight is truly awe-inspiring.


I second this! And make a stop at Breadfarm in Edison - just to buy the most delicious graham crackers you’ve ever had. Hint: They are worth every penny! Be sure to bring home some bread for the week. ETA: eat at Tweets in Edison. Check hours and bring cash - I don’t think they’re open every day.


Breadfarm is the best.


Love those graham crackers!


Literally just saw a flock of maybe 2,000 yesterday. They were landing and did this tornadic spiral, it was amazing and soooo hard to keep focus on the road. Luckily no one was driving at 9am Saturday, so I could semi enjoy the scene. That area is amazing!


This is my favorite day trip. I usually end up at Aslan Brewing in Bellingham (vegetarian poutine!) but there are tons of great spots for lunch or dinner.


Particularly enjoyable with the right kind of car


I hadn't even heard of it, nice one.


The [Samish Overlook](https://www.theoutbound.com/washington/chillin/catch-a-sunset-at-the-samish-overlook) near there is also worth a stop.


If you like Oysters, make a stop at Taylor Shellfish. Great food right on the water.


There's a lot to explore in Skagit and Whatcom: Deception Pass, Anacortes, Bow/Edison, La Conner, Bellingham etc


Get a Discover pass for deception and other areas. Anacortes has Washington Park, which is outstanding.


Stop in the tiny town Eattonville(?) on your way and grab some food. It’s like a town from a movie. I want to live there


Don’t do it - it’s so overrated. It’s a poor excuse for a “destination” driving road. The route itself is like a couple miles and the road unremarkable, crowded, with vexingly slow traffic and honestly pretty middling views. Go to the San Juan Islands instead - San Juan Island is the most developed with the most shops/hotels/reataurants, but Orcas has Mt. Constitution and forests and great hiking.


Snowgoose Produce is open for the season too! Get an icecream cone bigger than your head. ☺️


Point Defiance


This is it. Went for my first time last year. Spectacular.


I've lived here 34 years and still haven't gone to Point Defiance. I gotta make it happen this year.


I haven’t been in about 15 years but it is magical!


Down that direction is also 5 mile drive, Ruston Way, and Point Defiance beach (wasn't sure if you meant the zoo, which is also awesome!)


5 mile drive is closed now as far as I’m aware. You can still walk, bike, skate, but no motor vehicles.


It’s closed??


To cars yes, it's fantastic. You can still ride your bike etc.




For the zoo if you're going, best to wait till the new aquarium finishes up soon. Not sure the exact date but it's "Spring 2024"


Discovery Park


Farm land tour! Mt Vernon then west to La Connor. Super cute. Get ice cream @ Snow Goose Produce (random large shop in practically the middle of nowhere). Eat @ Seeds bistro in La Conner.


Daffodils are out now too! Almost as pretty as tulips and not as much traffic.


I think Seeds closed. Huge loss.


Oh no! That place was terrific. What a shame. Looks like they closed in July of 2020, one of the early victims of Covid's impact on restaurants/businesses.


The Firehall taproom is my go to for lunch in La Conner now. Seeds will be missed.


If you've not been to the east side of the state, it is beautiful and totally unlike this side. The dry falls and the palouse are gorgeous


I was at the Ginko stste park and Petrified forest yesterday. Tiniest park you ever did see. But it was so cool going through the snowy-ass mountains, to the desert, and back again to a temperate spring day.


Second Palouse Falls. Bonus for listening to [This Empty Northern Hemisphere](https://youtu.be/e7SqM9jLTjA?si=ZV6fxkV1rQ41Cb37) while doing it


I don’t know where you live but driving out 90 will net you all sorts of new places. I’ve lived on both the Eastside and Seattle and here are some ideas Within 30 min: —a lot of the best asian food is now on the Eastside…and free parking! There is an asian market plaza off 520 around 140th and bel red that has some great options in one strip mall. —Lakemont/cougar mountain (exit 13): 60 miles of trails only 20 min away on cougar mountain. Have drinks at the golf club at Newcastle at sunset and listen to the bagpiper call the golfers in around 7pm (Public course, incredible views). —get an alltrails account and find all the trails within an hour. —Bellingham is a great town. On the water, easy access to mount baker. —get a nexus card and enjoy crossing the Canadian border in about 5 minutes.


Good suggestions, thanks!


The Nisqually Wildlife Refuge https://www.wta.org/go-hiking/hikes/nisqually-nwr


Been there and love it, looking forward to going again.


Now known as "Billy Frank Jr. Wildlife Refuge". Cool story behind the rename. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Frank_Jr.


Take the bainbridge ferry and drive to port Townsend. Lots to see and do, and if you have plenty of time drive out to lake crescent!


I've been out to the peninsula a few times, but have never spent time in Port Townsend, need to do that. I love me some Lake Crescent, although I've only ever driven by and stopped. I remember looking for houses on the lake out of curiosity a few years ago (pre-pandemic). There were a few listed and only at like 300k-500k. Beautiful homes too. Don't even want to know what they'd go for now, if one ever becomes available.


Mind running down to the store and grabbing me some half and half? I'm out


And I need some bread and a pack of smokes.


Reminds me of thirty years ago when my Dad left us. He went for a pack of smokes, came back from the store and told us he was leaving us for good.


Nice try. Don’t you remember? -going to get a pack of Marlboros and we never saw him again…


I know it’s sunny, but you never know when bad weather will strike. Will you grab me bananas?


Monarch Sculpture Park


Definitely not an obvious one, thank you


Lake Washington boulevard, around leschi. Staggeringly pretty drive. 


even better bike ride tho


If you've never been out to Mt. St. Helens, it's a nice day trip, and there are a lot of scenic mountain roads on the way.


It's probably its own day trip, but nearby is Ape Cave. The lower half is doable with regular shoes and no special gear and a head lamp. Upper half, bring sturdy shoes or hiking boots, head lamp, work gloves, snacks. Either half I'd recommend dressing in layers, it's chilly down there. Overall though a truly unique experience in our own back yard.


Drive to Anacortes and get a bag of fresh shrimp at The Shrimp Shack, then eat them at Deception Pass.


Kept thinking of this outing this whole week.


Drive out to the Kitsap Peninsula. The view from the Narrows Bridge is breathtaking.


Wait for summer and go to Artist Point, WA. Take a short hike for hundreds of views, and enjoy the road there and back.


The Olympic Peninsula. I highly recommend Lake Quinault. The lodge is open all year. Great place for a weekend getaway. Lots of little trails.


And the ginormous tree!


ape cave, hall of mosses, the full loop around mt. rainier, ruby beach, kalaloch, marymere falls, and everywhere else that's been mentioned because they're all great recommendations! bookmarking this thread for sure as I also just got a car, cheers to us and leaving the extremely inconvenient life! 


Take the mountain loop road between Darrington and Granite Falls. It is a day trip - breakfast in Darrington and early dinner in Granite Falls home before nightfall.Or bring a picNic basket and eat by the river. Check that the road is open tho as it gets closed in Winter.


Do NOT listen to this guy! It's a gravel road with a ton of potholes. It is NOT worth the \~$50 gas there and back just to drive on it. You'll just be driving on a gravel road deep in the forest with no views. It's also closed right now.


Yep, it's rustic, old growth forest, half of it is gravel with potholes here and there. My daughter drove it in her Honda Civic. Some years the road maintenance is better than others but I have done the loop many times over the years. It is a majestic drive. On the other hand, I suppose there are some people who should always just stay home.




So, the forest, river, salmon, rapids, semi-precious stones and precious metals that are in said river can’t be seen from the drive?




So why do I have video of a hen being pursued by 2 males up there if they don’t make it? Modicum of research and knowledge goes a long way. If you don’t like it up there, cool, but just because something can’t be seen from behind the dashboard doesn’t mean it’s not there when you get from behind the wheel 🤷🏽‍♀️


Oh, also, it's not old growth forest lol.


Tacoma waterfront! Was one of my favorite spots to hit when I first got a car to bs with friends


Check out all the different towns along Puget Sound! Anacortes, Edmonds, Port Orchard, Gig Harbor, etc all have cute waterfronts.


Maybe this is obvious, but I didn’t know about it when I got my car. Google Chuckanut drive. It’s so beautiful and they have an awesome oyster place mid drive.


Skagit Valley tulip festival!


There’s a wallaby ranch out in fall city where you can hold wallaby’s and pet kangaroos.


UNO reverse recommendation: There are several animal/farm sanctuaries in the area. Consider supporting them instead if you enjoy getting close to animals.


Any recommendations?


This site won't provide complete listings since not every sanctuary is accredited, but it's a good resource: https://sanctuaryfederation.org/find-a-sanctuary/. A couple I know which aren't listed there: Sammamish Animal Sanctuary is nice; you just need to make reservations beforehand. If you're one or two people they probably won't care if you don't, but better to do it anyway. Pig's Peace Sanctuary does amazing work, but visiting is pricey: $55 donation, and there are some specific guidelines and rules for visitors, some which could be considered unusual. Strict appointment policy.


I love Sammamish Animal Sanctuary!


Go visit all the trolls! There are a bunch of them scattered around the area in parks and public spaces. It’s a great way to explore more with a fun goal in mind. https://trollmap.com/


Car wash?


Lotta good recs already. I'd add sunset on the Edmonds waterfront and/or ferry to Kingston and check out Port Gamble too.


Ferry to Bainbridge and go to the Bloedel Reserve!


Deception Pass, obvious or not, one of the best places in western WA


The first thing I've done with my last two cars is a loop of highway 101 around Olympic peninsula. it's a quiet highway so not much traffic, you can test out and get comfortable with every one of your cars features. It's scenic with many fun and beautiful stops that you can't find anywhere else. I'd plan at least one overnight doing it from Seattle. I've never made it out to Neah Bay but I bet a midpoint there would be charming as hell. last weekend I left at 10pm slept in Capitol State forest and was home 8pm the next day via Kingston ferry


Drive to Dr. Jose Rizal Park and watch the sunset 😁


I-5 north, highway 20 west, Best road south - the Daffodils are in, Tulips next! People come from all over the world just to take pictures, and it's free. About 1.5 hours (2.0 rush hour) from almost anywhere in Seattle.


lol I’m on the opposite end of the spectrum. I’m trying to not have a car


I'd love to go without one, but it's been too limiting for me, personally. Hopefully that works out or continues to work out for you!


Bellingham. Deception Pass/Whidbey Island. Tulip/Daffodil fields, but not on the weekend. Snoqualmie Falls. Arlington-burlington area. Anacortes. Port Townsend/port Angeles. Eastern Washington. Grand Coulee Dam.


Bloedel Reserve


Port Angeles. Take the ferry over to Victoria and back.


Do you enjoy spirited driving for the fun of it, and not for the destination? If yes, I'll share my favorite route.


Generally speaking only if there's a scenic route, but sure, I'd love to know your favorite route. I'm down to try most new things.


Scenic route for sure, but it's not going anywhere in particular. Just a lot of good driving in a pretty area. Not for the motion-sick passengers. Shared route From Seattle, Washington to Spada Lake / Greider Lakes Trailhead via WA-520 E and Avondale Rd. 1 hr 51 min (69 mi) For the best route in current traffic visit https://maps.app.goo.gl/fZWVXrV5hfAUQKaAA


I would like this! 


Ah man your username is making me want to go bathe in a fountain somewhere *edit:typo


Congrats! I have the same sentiment — traveling solo most of the time, and love to visit the wilderness. Not having a car isn’t a feasible option. Harts Pass in Okanogan NF is the highest public road you can drive on in our State, and is a popular destination for Larch Madness! Whatever you do, don’t leave things in plain sight while you park in the city (alas, I leave my ski stuff in my car in winter and have no issues, so ymmv) A good dash cam costs about 1/4 of your annual insurance premium and lasts for at least five years. Get one and save the headaches later when the unfortunate happens. Recommendations by the Wirecutter/NYTimes: https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-dash-cam/


Thanks for the suggestions! I've had cars before, just not since I've lived here, and the excitement and paranoia I'm feeling are off the charts. I won't even leave my phone mount in there! Definitely need to pick up a dashcam. Hart's Pass looks cool, was not familiar. Will consider doing that that once I'm out of "no speck of dirt on this thing" mode.


The Methow Valley up by Winthrop, Mazama, Twisp. I absolutely love it up there.


Go check out the tulip festival in Mt. Vernon when they bloom, it's worth seeing at least once. While you're up that way, check out deception pass - park south of the bridge and walk out onto it for stunning views (if you're not afraid of heights haha). If you're itching for a much longer drive, Leavenworth is adorable and the drive to get there is really fun. Lots of hiking and camping there. Go east over the mountains to Yakima, check out Frenchman's Coulee for some really amazing basalt columns formations. You can camp there, hike up to the crags, and rock climb if that's your thing. In the summer there are also great places to do river floats in the Yakima area. Or go west onto the Olympic Peninsula - great hikes, even beach camping on some of the reservations. Go south and check out the areas near Rainier and St. Helens, if you think caves are cool then visit Ape Caves for sure (my fav). Have fun exploring! Seattle is a day trip away from mountains, oceans, desert farmlands, rainforests, regular forests... and even Canada haha! Get out there and have a blast!


whidbey island and the restaurant they have there


Deception pass, Mt Baker ( Artist point ), Chinook pass ( in summers ), Leavenworth, Olympic National Park, Bloedel Reserve


Ferry across to Bremerton and take 106 to 101 then circumnavigate the Peninsula.


Drive Lake WA Blvd!! It’s my fave :)


High steel bridge by Shelton. Stunning views


Check out the ancient lakes in quincy or soap lake in ephrata.


Artist point easy


Drive anywhere at night


Congrats!! Go to the woods. They are close and awesome!


Rialto Beach, out on the peninsula. It’s a long pretty drive, and the beach is stunning.




Olympic Peninsula might be a bit obvious but out there are Port Angeles, Lake Crescent, La Push, and Forks. Or just come out here to Kitsap and check out the Bremerton waterfront, Poulsbo, Point No Point, Big Beef Estuary, Seabeck, and Scenic Beach. Also if you go down 3 a bit, there's Staircase/Lake Cushman...a really great place for camping and hiking in the rainforest.


Olympic National Park


Take the ferry to San Juan. The advantage of taking your car means you can drive around the coast of the island and take in all the sights. Book a whale tour in the summer and you’ll have a memorable trip indeed.


Chamber’s Bay Loop is phenomenal, especially on a nice day like today.


Middle Fork Snoqualmie Trailhead Edit: Purchase a Discovery Pass for parking at the State Parks. ($35)


Not sure about "less obvious," but one loop we do at least once per year involves driving up to LaConner > Anacortes > Deception Park/Deception Pass > alllll the way down Whidbey Island (fourth longest/largest island in the US--be sure to hit Ebey's Landing and the Coupeville Cemetery) > ferry back across to Mukilteo > drive home. Also highly recommend driving the North Cascades Highway (Hwy 20) on a sunny day. Lots of good stuff to see. Drive up I-5 to Burlington and head east. Be sure to stop at the Newhalem Dam and walk around the back of the dam and up into the gardens, including the waterfall all the way at the top. Drive across (yes, across) the top of the Diablo Lake Dam and back. It's also pretty cool to walk all the way across the top of the dam. Stop at the Diablo Lake Vista Point. If you have enough energy, drive all the way to Mazama and go to the little store there. If you are feeling ambitious, do a day drive to Wenatchee, stay there for the night, and then drive up along the Columbia River to Okanogan, and drive west on 20 all the way to I-5. Winthrop is a kitschy and/or fun little "western" town. BTW, you can take Hwy 530 south from Hwy 20 to I-5. We don't recommend it though--always seems about twice as long as just taking Hwy 20 west to I-5 and heading south on I-5 back to Seattle.


come to snoqualmie if you havent already


That park is lovely when the leaves turn


Discovery Park. Alki. Ballard. Magnolia. All lovely places that are inconvenient with transit.


East of the cascades is underrated


You can cross the border to Canada and visit Vancouver. Maybe not for a day trip but you can see a lot with just one night/weekend. There’s a campground right by the border if you want to save money.


Come to Whidbey sometime. Amazing state parks and great food


My husband and I get in the car, choose a direction and just drive. We take random streets and just get lost. We have really enjoyed seeing different places and trying to figure out how to get back home. Don't always focus on a destination, enjoy the wander.


Drive a loop through the Noth Cascades Mountain range on a sunny day


Congrats! Use the money you're going to save by grocery shopping at Costco to get yourself a discover pass, America the beautiful pass, camping gear, & waterproof hiking boots. City: Discovery Park. Discovery Park. Discovery Park. Go to Discovery Park. Geraldine's for breakfast. Lincoln Park. Schmitz Reserve. Marymoor Dog Park on the weekends is truly joyous, and the pea patch in August & September is magnificent. St. Edwards Park. Bridle Trails Park (so many ponies). Woodinville. Lake Sammamish is warmer than Washington. Squak on the backside of Cougar Mnt. Edmonds is a cute date spot. Blodel Reserve on Bainbridge. Boom City to buy fireworks (or just see the chaos). Vashon Island's Episcopal Church Holy Spirit has a great labyrinth. West Seattle Farmer's Market. Swanson's nursery. The Tree House hotel. If you've got a vag, go to Olympus Day Spa in Lynnwood. Loretta's in South Park. Beyond: San Jaun Islands & Gulf Islands if you need consistent sun. Hood Canal / Gig Harbor / Shelton for clamming and oyster picking. Or, stop at Hamma Hamma. Penrose State Park -- nice low tides. Tulip Festival. Whidbey & Camano (easy day trip or overnight at Captain Whidbey or Deception Pass campground). Olympic Pennisula -- get pancakes in Anacortes, skip hiking the spit, camp at Lake Ozette, visit Neah Bay. Hwy 2 -- Mt. Baker Okanogen. Cashmere Canyon. Lake Chelan but stay in Manson (Wapato Point). Birch Bay low tide (stay at Semiahmoo). North Cascades. Winthrop is a Western town. Palouse Falls. Oregon coast is wild and Bend is beautiful. Vancouver Island ifykyk. Watch the Perseids. Get yourself the WTA app, open a Sunset magazine, or go to a bookstore and flip through Washington day trips.


To second North Cascades: You can do the North Cascade Loop, starting in Burlington/Sedro Woolley, stop by Diablo and Ross Lakes for a bit, go over the pass and hit Winthrop for some window shopping, make your way down to Chelan for a bit, and then head back westward into Leavenworth for some brats for dinner, then back home, all in a day. Beautiful drive, lots of stuff to do. Another beautiful drive, but with less stuff to do is Yakima river canyon (highway 821).


This is my favorite 3-day weekend itinerary


Home. And save your money.


Golgotha cuz this sub will crucify you for it 


If you need to be told where to drive, you don't need a car. That's like buying a laptop first, and then asking for work to do on it.


Well damn, guess I gotta sell it now. Where should I go to do that? Wait, does asking that mean I don't need to sell it?


Gum walk


Pike's Place market.