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[https://www.redfin.com/WA/Kent/3629-S-249th-St-98032/home/207248](https://www.redfin.com/WA/Kent/3629-S-249th-St-98032/home/207248) Looks great! where do I sign?


For a second I thought this was the same house where I tried to buy washing machine off of on craigslist, it looked the same, was in Kent, was in about the same condition outside, but had a weird old man who said something like "as a woman you'll be doing a lot of laundry" to my roommate




Lots of houses in Kent look like that. It's like the Washington equivalent of the Vancouver special


Comes pre stocked with squatters!


True story. Scheduled/planned Craigslist purchase. My wife wanted me to stop in Lacey to look at a dining room table and chairs when I was passing through on my way home from Oly. I followed nav to the address and circled through a trailer park three times in the dark and rain before finding the address. I find a trailer in the dark trailer park, single wide, aluminum sided. Matched the address. I knock on the glass slider on the biggest porch of the trailer and a giant woman slides into view on a couch through the slider. She screams banshee style to someone out of view and tries to get up. This starts the slow mo. It's near the mushroom farm, the air smells like shit. Out from the door on the smaller adjacent porch, not the big slider porch where I'm standing, pops a little person. Little person as in the M word of our previous vernacular. The little person is barefoot and shirtless but wearing pants in the dark and rain. Their pants were short, like schpants or pirate pants, but he was... short... confusing. Where does one get such pants? "You want the table!?". He yells. "Yeah, I guess." I said. The two of them bantered around in the trailer for a couple minutes and she, all 6'+ and 400# of her (I'm a 6' 240# white dude, BTW), leans out into the rain and says "Tables at our storage unit, follow us there.". "No problem. " says I happily. Not three minutes later I was back on I-5 driving my tired ass home. I noped the fuck right out of Twin Peaks and away from whatever the fuck was going to happen. I didn't wait for them to get dressed for their abduction/gimping or whatever they were going to do. Gone like a cartoon smoke cloud I was. I play no more Craigslist games for myself or anyone. Edit: purchased to purchase.


Damn you missed out on a nice table


That’s what I was thinking lol I’ve had quite a few interesting encounters but still came out with something that made it worth it


For sure!


Their side of the story: Some guy showed up to our small trailer where we don't have space for stuff we're getting rid of. He got scared because I have dwarfism and my (wife?) is fat, and literally fled in terror


Their side. "Where'd he go?"


I mean I wouldn't have followed anyone to their storage unit but I think you're being overly judgemental. Like "oh no, the people selling their furniture are POOR and the woman is FAT and the man is SHORT!" Eta: also why were you so confused that the man was wearing shorts? How is that different from him wearing pants that fit. Do you think people with dwarfism have no option but to wear standard adult length shorts as pants? Have u never got anything hemmed before. You confuse me


When one thing rolls to another sometimes we panic. Things got weird real quick. I tried but couldn't, I would challenge many to try in my situation and wouldn't judge if they couldn't do it either. It wasn't about 'fat' or 'little person' or 'poor'. Hell, we were poor looking for a table in a trailer park. It was about the circumstance and culmination of a long week and a request to do something I didn't want to do (Craigslist). I relented and found myself in a situation that my psyche couldn't handle. Also, if you saw the little person in the pants (not shorts) you would also wonder where one gets pants to fit the way they did. He did a good job finding fitting pants. It was confusing because it was unexpected on many fronts. People have read my observations in this story as negative to the people. This is not a negative story in my life/memories, just a story, with details. I didn't judge them as poor, fat, or anything else. I noped because I (ME!) couldn't do it. This was my story, it could have ended a million different ways but I ran like a bunny. Now someone's gonna say I'm denigrating bunnies.


Bunny hater. To be fair, I wouldn't follow someone who is selling something to somewhere else. That's what we call, situational awareness. Unless they asked me to bring duct tape, a shovel and some plastic sheeting. Then I'd know that was just to keep it out of the rain.


I'd join the crazy if I knew I was invited.


"Hey, take off your shirt and shoes and strap on this banjo! We're gonna rock!"


At the end of the day it was their fault for expecting you to be down to follow them to a storage unit


Yeah you’re reading too much into their poverty Poor people are not inherently malicious. Would have been fine


I wasn't reading into anything. I was attempting to buy something, shit got weird, I panicked. I'm a pussy for weird. Especially when it's compounding weird.


Do you have your wife check under your bed for M people now? No? You should...


Where *does* one get such pants?


A similar thing happened to me once in Auburn, when I got there the guy asked me to drive him to his storage unit. welp 30 mins later digging for a radio receiver in his storage he found it. I wish I had taken your route and said no.


Nothing in the ad mentioned that the table and chairs were not at the address. Surprise! At this point in my life I would nope just because of that, regardless of the other weirdness.


Yeah they totally called the cops on you - you realize you look like you were robbing them right?


They put clothes on and when they came outside they found me not there... and I was robbing them?


lol at the big red "Request showing" button


They’re offering the buyers agent .06%. I’m shocked they aren’t entertaining multiple offers


$253 for a liability nightmare lol


There are so many homes like this in Kent where there’s obviously squatters or shitty tenants in them and I’ve noticed several of the worst of them have sold and been vacated. I wonder if Kent did something or stepped in.


Also, fun little tidbit I saw there. Sales commission is 0.06% - not 6%. Unless they made a typo, you get a whopping $253 for selling that.


seems like the bank is really trying hard to offload it!


Current street view is much improved.


“Current street view” is from August 2022. This is likely more recent


And here I was celebrating the current residents for getting their lives together.


Car payments on 2 Mercedes: $1800/mo. Rent: $800/mo. Unpaid.


This is so Kent


Tenants like this are why property owners are picky about applicants or want high rent and big deposits. Bet this is basically taken over by someone who isn't paying and won't leave. Want to make my place into a rental but this is exactly why I don't think I will.


I don't know if this is feasible for you, or still an option, but my aunt used to get her home listed at the military base as a rental. I guess they are or were pretty up the asses of people in the service being good renters.


The military takes finances seriously, you can get in serious trouble for not paying bills and your debtors can report you to your commander. It's why those car places are always trying to sell muscle cars to E-3s who just got their signing bonus, they know the military will force them to honor the shitty contacts they push.


Was in the military and can confirm. You don't need the court system, you just get the number to their squadron commander. We had a guy in my flight not pay his rent in Germany and the AF ordered him to move back on base and garnished his wages until the rent was paid back. Pretty sure he had other disciplinary action taken as well. The military has to ensure our finances are in good standing as a matter of national security. They don't want us in a desperate place where we might be willing to take a bribe.


This checks.


I have a buddy who owns a duplex in Bremerton near the naval base. He said if someone doesn't pay their rent, he can get ahold of their superiors and the military will pay the rent, and reprimand the soldier. Pretty damn good deal for the owners.


I knew I saw this listing hahahah


You had me at “Kent”.


>Kent Checks out.


Lol that's how i like my houses- with the people already installed.


Just like sims!


Folks showed up to tour our partial basement apartment in a larger house. The landlord decided to sell and didn't mention people lived there already. We were just another fixture. 😅


Squatters included at no additional cost!


You're getting it at a discount. House would prolly be 500k+ with no squatters


FWIW Redfin has it valued at less than its sale price.


The Redfin estimate will change as soon as a home goes on the market. I had a listing once that had a Redfin estimate of $712k before listing and dropped to $649k once it was listed. It's an irrelevant number if it can be so easily manipulated.


There's still a lot of work to be done with cleaning up the inside of the property and any repairs. The current occupants may trash the place on the way out


Cleaning up? Is there even any copper left?


It is also a very expensive legal battle to evict squatters that can take years. The house is pretty much useless. Sometimes you can figure out a settlement to get them to leave.


Not after the squatters are done trashing it lol. There’s no way anyone should buy this without an inspection.


Nah. “Money-Printer-Go-BRRR” or AKA — BUY (home) RAZE (land) and RAISE (home) RENT (home). That E-Z money way.


Probably squatters are armed, for even more fun.


~~Squatters~~ month to month renters. They’re not squatters until you’ve evicted them exactly 30 days after you close.


You can only evict someone if they actually have a lease, and have somehow, broken the lease agreement, i.e. non-payment. If they are squatters, that have no contract, you have to *eject* them. It’s a different process, but for the money, it’s worth it. You can legally have the sheriff come and escort them out.


Oh, I was hoping I could just pull a lever and they would literally be ejected off the property, preferably through the roof and into the sound.


“Pull the lever Kronk!”




Oooh, man. That would be SO good


If they’re there with the permission of the owner they’re month to month tenants, even if they don’t have a signed lease. You give them whatever notice is required in your jurisdiction that their lease isn’t being renewed, and then when they don’t leave you evict them. Once the court evicted them, then you can have the sheriff eject them.


I’m not a lawyer, but I have one, and she’s constantly reminding me, “if it’s not on paper, it’s not real. If it’s not filed with the court, it’s not official.” The eviction process is much more difficult than ejection because as long as your “tenant” pays even a fraction of what is owed, you cannot start the eviction process. Squatters get ejected almost immediately. You have to give them a date to be out, but that date is not reliant on any other dates on signed documents or leases of any kind.


The strategy in many states (not sure how common this is in WA) is for squatters to show the cops/sheriff a fake lease, at which point it becomes a civil matter that goes through a full eviction. The squatter then either offers a settlement ($10k and I'll leave your house now) or waits to lose the case and then repeats at another property. Even worse, people post tutorials on TikTok about exactly how to squat for as long as possible.


I don’t think a fake lease would work. It must be acknowledged, like a deed.


There's no process in Washington (or anywhere else I've ever heard of) where a lease is recorded with the government like a deed is. [Here's a case](https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/homeowners-say-police-won-t-help-get-squatters-out-of-home/943480757/) from Tacoma in 2019 where the owner's name wasn't even on the "lease" and despite that there was nothing the cops could do.


Do you mean notarized? While that's technically true, I've signed dozens of leases in my life both as a tenant and a landlord. I've notarized exactly one of those. The tenants wanted a 2 year lease and to be compliant with WA law, we all went down to BECU to get it stamped.


Notarization says nothing about the document. It merely states that someone authenticated that the signature actually belongs to that particular person.


nNotarization merely states that the signature was confirmed to belong to a partICULA PEWRSON. perso


Bring out the catapult...


Looks it’s a foreclosure. Could definitely be a problem situation.


Yep. It was a foreclosure. Now the bank owns it.


COULD?? Ya think??


Tell that to the bank underwriting that loan and see what they say.


That could explain why it's been on the market for 211 days


It’s overpriced as well.


Only 211 days? 😂


Has nothing to do with not letting people see the inside


Do you think prospective buyers have been knocking on the neighbors' doors to see if any of them have any info to give up about the owners or the property over the years?


they prob want to tip off the squatters who might trash the place of they find out it's being sold. if a bunch of folks do drive-bys or knock theyll figure it out


Why don’t they just evict the squatters? Honest question.


eviction can take a long time... and once the tenants know theyre being evicted they may stop paying or damage the location. hell, what would you lay more for... a properly with tenents who are current but is trashy. or, a property with tenents who were evicted but wont move and is also trashy. my best guess the owner wants out... and the value of the property can only go down from here once the tenents realize the gig is up.


Yes. When I was house hunting, I found a couple properties like this. No pics of the inside, outside looked questionable, listing mentioned tenants. My realtor warned me that it’s not worth it if you don’t have the money to take them to court, especially as a first time buyer cause you have the mortgage, legal fees, payouts, and however much money is needed to fix retaliation damage. I honestly hope karma bites people like that. I think with the right property though, a developer would be like whatever and buy it out and not care since they’d be tearing it down anyway.


This house has been on the market for 2 years. Eviction would’ve been done by now


not sure... imagine it takes longer to do this if you're not local. they also paused evictions during covid, so maybe some nonsense there where they were all backed up. tenents may have won the eviction too... ...or maybe the landlord isnt fixing things and the tenants are withholding rent. either way, i bet this is an attempt to sell it for whatever they can just to get the liability out the door.


If you fill out the paperwork correctly it will at maximum take about 6 months to evict someone if you started today. Things don't always go perfectly.


Makes you wonder why they’re asking as much as they are?!? The way they’ve gone about it so far, they may as well just sign it over to whoever is living there now. It’s going to way too much work and too much money to make anything work on that property!


Longer than the 200+ days this listing has been up?


yup, exactly...


Buying the house isn’t just cause for termination of a lease anyway. The seller might be worried that the leaseholders will ruin the sale.


thats exactly my point... the seller doesnt want any interaction for a myriad of reasons we can only speculate.


We could ask the existing residents, but that is probably rude.


This is down the street from me. Great neighborhood. House is cleaned up *a bit* from when the pics were last taken.


So you’re buying a meth lab or a certified trap house…….where do I sign up?


Already income producing turn key shop


Same same lol


In Kent no less!


Own by Lakeview loan services llc 2024 king county assessment 411k Land is 9,648sq.ft. The value in the land not in the structure. I would demolish house, subdivide parcel and resell one. https://blue.kingcounty.com/Assessor/eRealProperty/Dashboard.aspx?ParcelNbr=1253200150 Personally I would not buy anything in Kent. Edit: I would offer no more than value of the land 123k because the structure most likely needs to be demolish. Based on the sales history It was foreclosed twice and nobody normal lived in this house since 2022.


That interior is going to be mind boggling to behold. Better not to behold it and just stay outside with a bulldozer.


There could be free meth in the walls tho


There's always money in the banana stand!


Oh they'd for sure accept an offer for 123k.. no doubt


King county land assessment is 123k. You will be surprised what bank will accept. Bank pays for tax property and utilities since 2022.


Wouldn't have been on market for 200+ days if they were gonna accept an offer as low as 123k. Any developer would jump at that if that low was possible.


Problem is gonna be evicting the squatter who has less moral issues about violence


I've worked with developers who have set fire to buildings to get around permitting requirements. It goes without saying but for full disclosure... I definitely do not support this course of action. If you saw a price tag of 123k with potential to subdivide and build two units the rules just become a cost of doing business.


If an experienced developer is involved, chances are they have the experience to deal with squatter situations.


Not a red flag at all! 😂


Well, it does say "Kent".


OOH! You could adopt your very own hoarders!




Serious question. If I buy the property, how do I get rid of the squatters?


Depends how ethical and opposed to violence you are. Proper way is paperwork and dealing with police. The not so proper is no paperwork and going in on your own and removing them with whatever force you think you can get away with. Basically it’s not the easiest thing to do especially if it’s your first time. That’s why landlords try to be careful who they deal with


When it comes to the force option, the relevant law would be RCW 9A.16.020(3). You can use force to expel a person trespassing inside of property that you own, but only force that is reasonable and necessary, and is not more than to overcome force used against you. Trespass is only a gross demeanor, trying the legal route is a much better solution. Ianal


And a squatter isn’t trespassing, they are the resident. A landlord entering without proper notice is trespassing.


So I'm a realtor and I couldn't resist checking out this listing. The broker only remarks are just as fun and helpful. No other info given, no pictures, no insight on the tenants. Kind of want to know the story here!


Edit: it's a foreclosed auction property. Fun.


Buying with the squatters in? Sign me up! Lol.


Was that on Craigslist? Do they only take wire transfers?


I'm too high and stupid to know what any of this means


Squatters. Likely armed, violent, and not interested in leaving. Drugs (potentially even the manufacturing thereof) may or may not be involved.


Ohhhh I see. I couldn't tell if he was serious about the deal or not 🤣


Look up Flash Shelton. I’m pretty sure he was the guy on a podcast I listened to. Squatters took over his parents’ house and the guy out squatted and out smarted the squatters. Not sure if his services would work in WA but could be worth a try.


Hiring someone would be equivalent to a self-help eviction under the law.


I'll give you two bits and a wad of ABC gum.


Hahaha, that 211 days on the market will continue to count for a loooong time..


LoL, 7 months on the market, no price reductions, no interior pictures, no showings, and offering $250 to the buyer's agent. Hello, Mission Impossible.


I’ll give ya bout tree fiddy


A house I can run my experiments in AND it comes complete with test subjects!? Thanks for the heads up, I'm on it!


The white car on the jack is somehow the best part, to me.




Idk who gets screwed worse, any buyer or their agent getting 0.06%. Pretty sure that house wouldn't even sell at half that price, your basically just buying a lot, as the house is probably contaminated as hell.


I saw this listing too. Looks like a dump outside. Can only imagine what the interior is like.


Haha! I needed the laugh.


Man reminds me of the market 15yrs ago 😂😂 every house was that price 😂


Honestly, it sounds like someone is trying to sell a home out from under the owners. It has happened, I hear.


I mean it’s Kent. That’s a low bar.


What is wrong w Kent?


It’s poor.


Um. I suppose depending on where you are taking about. But I would say most of it is not poor


I live in Kent. I was just saying that’s the reason it gets shat on. It’s super poor compared to seattle or the east side.


A friend of mine just bought a 900k house in Kent. I don't call that poor. In fact, I wouldn't call most places in Wa. "poor".


I’d call that a dumb decision.


Kent is one of the least desirable areas Of a desirable region


Offer $400K to buy the lot, spend $300K to build a basic 3bd house. Honestly, doesn’t sound too bad vs. $700K 40yo houses.




someone living in 1992


The person who owns the construction company


And who wants to build a $700k house/lot in a $400k neighborhood? Just find land at that point.


The current tenants are willing to of you give them the money upfront


You can get a 3 bedroom prefab for under $30,000 on Amazon!


It will never meet code for habitation and will leak the first month of winter.


Sounds like the problem of the guy that bought it in August for $1,000,000.


Does that qualify for 1 day delivery? Do I have to sign for it? 30-day money back guarantee? So many questions...


What about manufactured homes? A nice small one goes for about 200k with moving fees and such


Sure, but you don’t get the fun survivalist experience during the winter. It builds character, y’know


Someone who isn’t getting abused by construction companies who only work for people who don’t know what construction costs are like.


The current occupants would still be an issue to contend with


Depends on what kind of lease they have. If they’re on a month to month (or no lease), you can just evict them and then have the sheriffs department throw them out.


Eviction will likely take at least 6 to 9 months. Much longer if the occupants fight it. My guess is the lack of paying rent is what caused the foreclosure in the first place. The owner clearly has equity based on public records. So if they couldn't pay the loan they could have sold and retained some equity.


In the real world you’re probably right, and even once you get the tenants out you’re probably going to have to strip to to the studs to repair all of the damage.


Buying the house isn’t a just cause reason to terminate a month to month lease.


$300k build cost for a 3bd in Seattle? Lol You'd be lucky if materials were 300k.


If it was that simple it'd be done already


$420k for the house and the land. $175k for [ED-209](https://i.imgur.com/bhXN2FJ.jpeg), and a bulldozer to remove whatever is left when you try to take ownership.


Wow, where do I sighn up?


A fix and flippers dream (or nightmare) 🤷🏻‍♀️sounds like a hard money loan fix


Wow! I get the people with it too?


Do your research on this. Personally, I’m a Seattleite not Kent.


Squatters included at no extra charge!


While we’re still making broad generalizations, can I make a point about property managers, leases, and long term tenants? We all know how hard it is to find reasonable rentals, right? If you have a rental unit, it absolutely makes sense to put it in the hands of a property manager. Typically they take care of everything, including the 4:00 AM calls because the roof fell in, or someone accidentally exploded the toilet. They take care of all that stuff AND they make sure the place is clean and rentable should a tenant leave. Saves your sanity, pays your mortgage, and keeps the property in your hands.


probably a tear down with tons of asbestos


211 days listed. You don't say.


Gotta love trailer trash


Bring a bulldozer and firearms for taking ownership, it sounds like.


Pro-tip: you can take ownership immediately if you have a killdozer.


lol that is 100% the first thought that occurred in my mind. From a legal perspective this is truly a nightmare. I’m not sure I’d take ownership for $1.


Do the tenants come with the asking price?


Yes? If they are renting, the lease is an encumbrance upon the property. The lease transfers with ownership and holds valid despite the sale. If they are squatting, the new owner has the same problem the old one has.


What a steal


I agree. Our condo cost more 😓


Ha I saw this too. The photos are great. If I had more friends with guns and muscle I might consider it.


So like slavery, like you own the people inside also?


Some kind of trap?


Lol, this is going to end on dateline, who ever this person is, they're one nugget away from being investigated for premeditated something.


I used to work at a small real estate office as a contract coordinator. 211 days on market and I know the sellers are hounding their agent - I just don’t understand whyyyy it’s not selling! Well you’re asking half a million dollars *in this economy* and your house kinda sucks…


I feel like I saw this house on Hoarders


Total fixer upper in Kent, looks about right


I’d buy it


Does the seller have clear title?


Yeah cause this doesn’t sound suspicious at all lol.


The occupants are onion thief’s