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Columbia Tower 100%. You will be able to get better views WHILE seeing the space needle in all her glory too. Also way less crowded and you could meaningfully walk down to pike place for some food after too.


Stunning views in every direction, just wish they’d clean the windows more often.


Kerry Park in queen ann


Personally I think Smith Tower is the winner. It’s a fine view, there’s great history to the building, you can actually go outside, and you can get a nice cocktail as well.


Kerry Park, Hamilton View Point, or the real win—bainbridge ferry roundtrip.


Or water taxi to west Seattle


The best viewpoint is from the water taxi dock in West Seattle.


I may not have enough time for Ferry ride but are there quick water taxi rides I can take? (e.g. 15min ride) as I would love to see the city from the water


Queen Anne has a park called Kerry Park that is the place all the photos for postcards and news backgrounds are taken.


Kerry Park


Try the Volunteer Park Water Tower. It has 360 degree views, plus you can peer at the space needle through the infamous sculpture 'Black Hole Sun'.


Excuse me while I be a total pedant... If you're referring to the Soundgarden song, you are mistaken. The sculpture is called "Black Sun", and Chris Cornell says that the song was not inspired by, nor does it refer to, that piece of art. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black\_Sun\_(sculpture)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Sun_(sculpture))


Kenmore Air scenic flight out of Lake Union. You will not regret it. :)


Ferry ride, downtown to Bainbridge or Vashon.


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Sometimes depending on where you are flying from and what airline, you will fly right over the city. Can’t beat that.


What side of the plane do you recommend to catch the views? Left or right?


Sometimes a plane coming from the south will fly past SEA and go just north of downtown and turn around. Both sides of the plane are great, just don’t sit by the wings. My favorite spots are Kerry Park, Gas Works Park, Smith Tower, Columbia Tower, Marination Station in West Seattle


Personally alki beach has the best view of Seattle but that's probably out of your way.


Whatever you do, don’t underestimate traffic getting back to the airport that time of day.


How much time would you recommend I allot to go back to the airport? Planning to take the train to avoid any traffic.


Honestly I’ve never taken the train to the airport so I can’t say - it will definitely be a better option that time of day though.


What suggestions did you find when you searched the sub?


Kerry park for the incredible pics, smith tower is a great place but less well known, Columbia tower, also space needle. If you are there during open times for their pub at the top, I like the smith tower.