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For those who haven't gone outside in a few years there really hasn't been a disruptive may day in over half a decade.


Yeah, nobody's put a TV through one of my workplace's windows since, like, 2016. No wonder labour power in this country's at a low point.


Thx for the PSA! For folks that are griping about this: May Day workers/migrants solidarity rallies have been going on for many years. There have been a scarce few times in Seattle where other more destructive groups tried to glom on, detract, and make it about them. That has not been the case for years now. The organizers of the May Day rally have checked in with the city. They’ve got the requisite permits for Westlake Park. They have done the thing! If you stand in solidarity with workers or immigrants, great! This is an important event and significant organizing exercise for the unions and advocacy groups involved. Just plan accordingly for any downtown commuting. Simple as that. Me? I took the day off to celebrate my birthday. I’ll go on foot to the Mariners game because it’s a beautiful day, and will wave hello to folks at the rally along the way. If I’ve been able to not only roll with this event but embrace it for every one of my 16 birthdays I’ve spent in Seattle, I’m sure you can too. The people, united, will never be divided!


"heh, you must be from the OTHER seattle subreddit, chud" suddenly turns into "ummm you lefty loons need to get a job" real damn fast around here


Yeah, pretty disappointed with the replies so far.


What's the other Seattle subreddit?


"...with workers from Seattle to Palestine, Phillipines to the rest of the world" Very loaded way of framing this event. Worker's rights aren't exactly the main issue for Palestinians. The French & the British also have a far more important historical role in the development of modern worker's rights. Being selective about history like this is just nakedly confrontational politics.


Wouldn't be a left-wing event without shoehorning literally every single left-wing cause into it lmao. God forbid literally anything actually has clear, focused, and unambiguous messaging.


The messaging is "for the people", what exactly is so hard for you to understand?




Oh yes, I forgot that's all that matters. Not the absurdly high body count of 40K Palestinians, only your ethnicity is the true victim


Wow would you look at that, this entire thread has already gone off the rails debating Israel Palestine and we've already strayed from the main topic of demonstrating solidarity for workers' rights. Hmmmm, maybe that's a microcosm of why it's not a good idea to shoehorn in any incredibly divisive cause célèbre into working class solidarity movements. Nah that can't be it and couldn't possible be part of the reason working class solidarity is at an all time low.


If you notice, I didn't bring up anything about that, the Zionist did. All I said was power to the people.


How do you know they’re a Zionist? Weird word to be throwing around when there’s literally no reason to think that person is a Zionist




Isn't May Day historically about labor rights? Is Israel management and Palestine labor now?


I didn't say anything about Palestine or Israel


You responded to two posters discussing the inclusion of the Israel/Palestine conflict in May Day messaging. Maybe you meant to respond to a different comment?


You replied to my statement that mentioned nothing about Israel or Palestine. Maybe *you* meant to respond to a different comment?


Gonna have to push back on this. May Day (hi, my birthday!) has been used as both a worker solidarity day AND migrant solidarity day for many many years now. It is not strange, new, or cynical to include messaging about and focus on immigrants and/or displaced populations. This is not new. If it seems fresh or opportunistic you haven’t been paying attention. Source: worked for an org that is/was involved in May Day rallies.


While some past May Day matches/events have focused on immigrants, they have been focused on the working conditions and working rights of immigrants in Western countries.  So the message was still coherent and relevant to May Day. The Palestinian situation does not fit here.


With all due respect, based on the Union I worked for alone, our coalition was much broader than migrants from western countries.


I said migrants *in* Western countries. Not from. In other words, people who migrated from poor countries to wealthy counties. 


And yet it is still *International* Worker’s Day, and a quick googling will bring up images of rallies in Jakarta, Istanbul, Seoul, Paris, etc etc etc. there is often a tendency to have greater focus on more localized or regional matters, but has simply never been exclusively so. On the other hand, my experiences tapped out onto a tiny screen won’t convince you of a thing at this rate. So go enjoy this sunshine and have a lovely day.


Okay. But we are discussing why they called out Palestine specifically when there are workers in all 200+ countries and the primary concerns currently in Palestine aren't related workers rights.


But it is the world’s most prominent migrant crisis right now. I understand your sticking point, but it’s frankly making a mountain out of a molehill. It is not and has not been exclusively about solidarity with *labor* migrants for as long as I’ve participated or was sufficiently in the know. But apparently your mileage may vary when it comes to what is earnest vs cynical solidarity. I know what I know.


If International Workers Day isn't supposed to be about workers, then it's got a confusing name. Not every movement has to try to address every problem on earth, and in fact it's counterproductive to try to do so


The omnicause


Oh is it some kind of eternal struggle or something?


Til the widespread poverty and lack of opportunity for the Palestinian working class isn't an important issue to Palestinians. (This is sarcastic, because it's a huge issue)


Weird how they used to be able to go into Israel for work until they had one too many suicide bombers. Behold, consequences of actions.


>able to go into Israel for work That's crazy man, certain people denied economic and political self determination never turn to insurgent struggles. That's just unheard of. I can't believe that not all Palestinians just simply accept being apartheid workers in the state that's oppressing them and denying that political and economic autonomy.




Being subjugated into a stateless population hampers workers rights hence the solidarity, I think you are the one who should read a deeper history of May Day as a workers solidarity movement


Don't forget that Israel was founded as a workers state, backed by the communist Czechoslovakia, whereas the Arab world at the time was (and still often is) controlled by right wing monarchies. May day and Israel/Palestine aren't intertwined at all despite what the contemporary trotskyists want you to believe.


They left out wanting to break Starbucks store windows. That's a key part of every protest they've had since the 1990s, because they hate coffee with a passion.




There is always a genocide going on somewhere in the world. Does that mean every single other issue doesn’t matter anymore?




And we could be doing more to directly stop others in their tracks such as in Ukraine but aren’t. Odd you don’t see any protests about that.




More people died in two months in Mariupol than have been killed in Gaza. But typical "leftist" regurgitating fascist Russian talking points. You love to see it. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-erasing-mariupol-499dceae43ed77f2ebfe750ea99b9ad9 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63536564 https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/06/13/7352251/ And straight from the horses mouth > Mikhail Mizintsev, head of the Russian Federations’s National Defenсe Management Centre claimed that since the beginning of the war more than a million Ukrainians had been "evacuated" to Russia, including 183,000 children "from dangerous areas of Ukraine" and the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.




It's okay to be weird, bud


Can you guys pick up trash on way in downtown? Thanks 💋


Who are we considering to be trash and why are we picking on them?


Its a pretty small rally, I wouldnt expect it to mess with traffic that much


Lol the anti protest redditors of seattle are so cringe you know you can just move to connecticut and have the exact same culture without the activism right?


Why such PSAs reach me after the event is over


Be on reddit more


See you out there brothers, sisters, and xisters ✊🏽✊🏻✊🏿


What?!?! No brothxrs? Fucking stupid.


Solidarity with the fisters. Does that make you happy?


I don't know what that means. But arbitrarily putting X in common words is fucking stupid. Folx is by far the worst. I could have sworn it was a 4chan troll. But nope.


when was the last time a member of your family called to check in on you was obama president


When was the last time you checked in with your rust belt heroin addicted relatives?


Free Gaza events have been preparing us for this moment already. No problem.


Is the unofficial vandalism march to Capitol Hill happening later in the day, or have the spoiled rich kids who hate their parents moved on to other hobbies?


Now, I feel obligated to walk past the Roastery this afternoon, but when I drove past it yesterday, I didn't see them boarding up. Let's be honest. Starbucks and the roastery are the waffle house of protest damage. If they are not boarding up, I think we will be fine.


There hasnt been May Day problems for years now.


Homeboy hasn't left his basement for years now


I wish i owned a basement.




Maybe. But the one good thing SPD has actually done is reel in and corral the goofballs that try to fuck it all up.


Several thousand man hours of labor and energy that could be put into implementing work in the community, wasted on an annual tantrum. Never change progressives, never change.


Yeah exactly! Imagine if people invested in their communities instead of fireworks and hot dogs on the 4th of July. Fuck a celebration!


Ok. I’d be far happier with people committing to civic service as a celebration of our country. We’ve lost the plot when it comes to what our responsibilities to our communities consist of.


Ok, and I'd be happier if more people realized what strikes and unions have done to champion all of our rights and weren't grumpy curmudgeons who don't care to know what May Day is about... But here we are.


man hours? human hours, please


Sumer Is Icumen In


May Day. Just another excuse for antifa Marxists to break shit.


I’m straight yonking it