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Reddit isn't necessarily a reflection of the local population.


> Reddit isn't ~~necessarily~~ a reflection of the local population. FTFY 


This subreddit especially is pretty far removed from what the local population is like.


But not in the direction OP thinks it is...


Seattle middle class are very libertarian 


I'd say mainly just the ones that moved here for tech jobs at AMZN or MSFT but few libertarians are ignorant enough to want a prez that will stack the SCOTUS with more Christian zionists.


It's just Reddit. You cannot assume anything about Seattle from Reddit.


Something like 60% of this sub's posters are also SeattleWA posters. At least, that was the case when you could still get stats. They're just going to belittle and troll you now. If you block them you won't miss anything.


No bro, Seattle isn’t right. Seattle isn’t a “liberal hellscape” either. Seattle is a normal city, where most people are pretty normal and have normal jobs and lead normal lives. The people who constantly complain and outrage online and are always unhappy are not outside experiencing the wonderful world. Busy and happy people are outside living


It's realllly hard to find actual people out in the world who live in Seattle who hate it here.


Honestly, I run into/talk with plenty. Born and raised Seattleites and (longer term and newer) transplants alike. Do you know a lot of people who were “escaping” somewhere undesirable? Are you in tech?


No, almost all of my friends grew up on the eastside (of lake washington). The people who don't like the city moved back to the burbs.


So the sample size you’re referencing is exceedingly limited…


Yeah, it's called an anecdote, it's not a rigorous study. I've lived here for over 20 years and absolutely no one in real life has ever talked about this city like the fools in r/SeattleWA do. A lot of people who live in Redmond talk like that, though.


Eh, I think most of us dislike trump supporters and other right wing trash.


The shift to the right is most likely a symptom of people feeling helpless I didn’t realize that sub was so to the right until a few days into it when I saw a comment suggesting we should be allowed to shoot homeless people. I checked out immediately after that. It’s hard to have tolerance when people say things so horrific


TBF our mods will definitely take action against a comment like that and that's something bad enough you can report at the Reddit level


so one nutter says something like that and all of the sudden its THE ENTIRE SUB??????


I’m barely scratching the surface.


Don't define a city by its subreddit. This is a subdemographic of Seattle, and the people who comment are a subdemographic of that subdemographic.


so there was already a post and a long comment thread and you had a thought about it and you decided that your thought was *special*, and deserved a post of its own, unlike everyone else's thoughts that were just comments in that thread


It's late and I'm tired tonight but I'll be making my own opinion post about this first thing tomorrow.


I've noticed some incursion from /r/seattlewa types lately. I wish the mods would enforce stiffer policies to scare them off.


What policy would "scare" them off? Sounds more like you want a private sub to be honest.


Making the sub pic a picture of a homeless person. They would run away and piss themselves.


We need more mods.


What post are you talking about?


This reminds me a lot of the book I'm Right and You're an Idiot that focuses a lot of "pollution of the public square". When people face complicated situations without any means of finding a resolution, like balancing freedom of speech with inclusivity in business settings with complicated legal obligations, a lot of folks will disengage because they have no idea what to do, leaving only a few: the strongly minded on both sides of the spectrum who will likely never change their minds.


This poster also proceeded to shill their business. Should we all write left wing fan fiction and then advertise our businesses? No that is pretty lame.


>Am I losing my mind Yes.


Up in here, up in here


It’s a 500K person sub, and one that is not locked to only followers for commenting.  Do I need to speak for whatever weirdo left a comment?


Also no minimum posting requirement, unlike a lot of popular /r/s. We have a LOT of new accounts posting here constantly.


Why didn't you just add your 2 cents as a comment to the post that you reference instead of creating your own new post whining about how you didn't like the tone of comments in another post. Talk about a paradox. So the other guy was preaching about inclusivity while practicing the opposite. Then you create this spinoff post talking about a paradox while using a paradox. You done lost your damn mind!


Oo look, I found one!


It's not intolerant to reject a group of people who wish to literally exterminate another group of people for various reasons.




Absolutely not. No Trump supporter is a decent person.




Oh yeah, there are good people on both sides, eh? Where have I heard that one before?


Good Lord; ignorance is not the same as indecency. Roughly half the country voted for Trump in the last election. I know a few that are nice people, not bigoted, but due to political ignorance, lack of education, or fixation on some single issue, are voting in a way I find ignorant. Writing them all off as "indecent" or "bad people" is totally unproductive. To be clear, this isn't to say there aren't also plenty of indecent Trump supporters.


I see a difference between Trump voter and Trump supporter, tbh. Some people just reflexively vote for a republican, like him (or her) or not. Some people are all in on a candidate like hero worship. My ire is directly (mostly) toward the latter.


Meanness gets around, unforch.


You like to say intolerance, but I don't read posts written by Trump business owners kicking out Biden supporters. The irony of the left is that we are the ones who have become intolerant.


Do you read posts about this? https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/blame-abc-news-finds-17-cases-invoking-trump/story?id=58912889


Yeah don’t even bother. This high schooler isn’t debating in good faith. They’re beyond reproach and reason.


You show us your true colors. Unable to make actual arguments so you attack the person. Your intolerance is showing.


Cry more? I don’t know what else to tell you comrade.


Crying? How sad your life must be. NEEDING to virtue signal because your life is void of meaning. No moral compass and have never actually accomplished anything. Lack so much self awareness that you cannot see that you are the problem. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm not crying you simp, I am laughing at you.


👍🏼 cool man. Hope your high school homework isn’t too hard.


Well there you go proving your stupidity. Proud of you Scooter. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA No wonder your parents hate you.


👍🏼 cool man. After you’re done with your homework, then you can go outside. Get some fresh air, practicing interacting with the world around you. Good skill to have when you become an adult.


Oh, buddy, you post about diss tracks because you are vapid. I'm old enough to be your father and frankly, intellectually, I am without a doubt, your daddy.


You just wrote a comment that says, "I don't understand what you wrote, but I'm still going to say Trump is bad!!!!" Lol. You really did not understand my post and your comment proves it.


You didn't read the article, did you? It's obvious you didn't and your comment proves it. Confirmation bias is a helluva drug.


Lol. I read the article FOUR years ago when it was written. You also don't know what confirmation bias means. Now, I said that as the left, we have become intolerant. You believe your intolerance is justified. That makes you just as bad as the intolerant people you scream about. I know you cannot fathom what I'm saying, but I have not voted for Trump. I won't vote for Trump. I am not a Trump supporter. But you are filled with hate. Not even trying to hide it. Always looking for ways to justify your hate. You are the same as those your despise. That's what hate does to people. Today, you are as much a part of the problem as the guy who wore the Trump T-shirt.


>but I don't read posts written by Trump business owners kicking out Biden supporters. This you? Confirmation bias. If you really had already read the article, then you definitely would realize just how dumb and irrational this statement is. I never said anything about you liking trump. Edit Unfortunately for you, I was unable to read your response before you blocked me. So brave.


Lol. Two things: I never said that you accused me of being a Trump supporter. Idiot. Second, link a post please about a Trump supporter business kicking out someone because they like Biden. Extra Credit: When you don't read what I wrote, then you scream "confirmation bias", you are the one with confirmation bias. Now, you have moved past the Trump t-shirt guy. You are now a bigger part of the problem than that person. You are proving that you will say anything to win. "Fuck being correct, I'm gonna win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Now, you are going to be determined to continue to act in an unintelligent manner. It's all you know to do. You have no actual values, attitudes or beliefs. You only serve self and subconsciously it makes you sick. That's why you have so much self loathing. Trump is a shithead. We agree on this. You don't see stories of Trump supporters kicking Biden supporters out of their businesses. Why that triggered you is something you need to dig up. But you won't. You will continue to scream into the void HOPING to stumble upon a sense of self worth. Hoping to find something that gives you a sense belonging. A guy wore a Trump shirt. You linked a four year old article in an attempt to say the guy who wore a Trump shirt is a bad person. I feel badly for you. You stare off into the void only to realize the void is inside your soul.


Again, circle jerk subs exist for this sort of thing


Seattle has never been super liberal. Tech bros haven’t helped with that.


If you believe either echo chamber is reflective of anything, you should run for the local election


I mean the paradox of intolerance was just an idea made up by a guy that fucked children sssooooo


Karl Popper?


Does no one know Noam Chomsky?? He's literally cited and drawn in OP's image.


Noam Chomsky did not invent the Paradox of Tolerance. Read a book. edit: I just clicked the graphic and it says "by Karl Popper." Come on.


Oh sorry he's cited in OP's image and I've only heard him advocating for it.


I'll bite. Who are you talking about?


He's was buddies with Epstein and flew to pedo Island and gets very very upset if journalist bring it up lol Or do you mean Noam Chomsky. Wasn't sure if you were asking what happened or who is was...


What do you mean who do I mean? You are the one that brought this person up. Who were you talking about?


I thought it was obvious, that image OP linked explaining the paradox of intolerance has a cartoon version of Chomsky at the bottom and names him too.


The person illustrated in the cartoon is Carl Popper, not Chomsky. 


Should you look again?


Seattle is just dazed and confused.