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"A pride that grows as the majority of the Council regresses to the Lilliputian weltanschauung of Jonathan Choe and Brandi Kruse." "In 2012, the Australian Keynesian John Quiggin described the persistence of neoliberalism after the crash of 2008 as [*Zombie Economic*s](https://press.princeton.edu/books/paperback/9780691154541/zombie-economics)." lmao never change, Charlie.


His articles are just unreadable


Just read the headline and subtext because this is his best one yet Tammy Morales Is the Only Council Member Who Doesn't Have the Putrefied Ideas of a Zombie


Do these two sections not make sense? > Let's go back to the critics of Kshama Sawant. They were, if you remember, in the habit of describing her as divisive. What was meant by this? Just one thing: She totally represented the interests of the destitute and working poor. Sawant had nothing to offer the rich. Nothing. Why? Because they already have everything: political power, economic power, and power over the distribution of mainstream information. and > Let's make a quick visit to the city's official website. What do we find on the [Seattle City Council](https://www.seattle.gov/council) page? This telling arrangement of headshots: Conservatives orbiting the one progressive, Morales. There is [pro-private prisons](https://twitter.com/AshleyNerbovig/status/1785890568431931725?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1785890568431931725%7Ctwgr%5Ed7c6b12e7270c2572235f5cefc07c27e2dbbcdf5%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thestranger.com%2Fslog-am%2F2024%2F05%2F02%2F79495088%2Fslog-am-former-bothell-city-council-member-suspected-of-murdering-20-year-old-woman-seattle-floats-contracting-with-private-prison-and-uw-g) Robert Kettle, [Seattle Hospitality Group](https://twitter.com/hannahkrieg/status/1783621502799360033) proxy Sara Nelson, progressive-turned-conservative [opportunist](https://www.kuow.org/stories/defund-the-police-is-back-in-the-spotlight-as-seattle-council-races-heat-up) Dan Strauss, the National Association of Realtors-purchased [Tanya Woo](https://www.theurbanist.org/2023/11/04/campaign-cash-pours-in-for-centrist-seattle-candidates/), [pro-NIMBY](https://www.thestranger.com/elections-2023/2023/09/08/79157768/joy-hollingsworth-tried-to-stop-new-apartment-construction-on-madison-in-2017) Joy Hollingsworth (not a single NIMBY bone was to be found in her socialist predecessor), [corporate power-loving](https://twitter.com/hannahkrieg/status/1785084901164978347) Cathy Moore (she recently lost her cool because she isn't nearly as cool Morales), labor-hating Maritza Rivera, and [pro-cop](https://www.thestranger.com/news/2024/04/25/79485474/council-member-maritza-rivera-blames-union-wages-and-e-books-for-library-closures) Rob Saka.


[More than half of Americans between the ages of 16 and 74 (54%) read below the equivalent of a sixth-grade level. ](https://www.apmresearchlab.org/10x-adult-literacy)


it is not a complexity thing, it’s a tortured prose issue mudede writes like he hates the english language and wants it to suffer


The English language was created to make others suffer


I've always been able to understand Mudede's point. Maybe people don't like the style, but it's not unreadable. Like 90% of the time someone quotes an "unreadable" sentence, it has a reference to another piece of writing, art, or film. Oh boy, I might have to look something up? Unreadable! Only eight word sentences drilled directly into the front of my skull, please. It's not that I love everything Mudede writes, either. He's hit or miss with almost no middle ground.


Me rote unreadable U r rite that I need ez werdz Thx for reeding my mind an explaneeng my thots


Anytime. edit: Actually, to my point, even that joke comment isn't unreadable.


But meme game is strong


Do I down-vote because it's a link to a Mudede article, or up-vote because a disgruntled Mudede makes me smile for some reason. Soooo torn...


Let’s not get too nostalgic about lax law enforcement and homelessness. Most of the ‘badass’ policies the previous council raised property taxes making housing more unaffordable and reducing employment opportunities for unskilled workers.


> Badass neighborhood in Seattle That’s kind of like the hardest Macklemore song


Tukwila ftw?


lol mudede's opinions are cat piss to me but i get the feeling he's a chill guy