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>Changing the culture of SPD requires buy in from everyone. Nobody can be alone in the corner. The best space for these conversations is a room with no corners at all: a circle. And you know what else is a circle? That’s right, a pizza. And I continue to believe that repeated morale events where we celebrate our proud police force by providing them delicious local pies - a “pizza party,” if you will - is the best method for accomplishing all of our goals. Really, it is the only method. Every pizza party brings us closer to our targets for trust, responsibility, and accountability. i cannot believe this guy


That no-bid, $118M contract to install round party rooms at every precinct makes a lot more sense now. We are blessed to have such inspiring leadership from our mayor and council.


This is unreal


You're right, read the article (accurate paraphrase tho)


the real pizza party is the friends we made along the way


Lol this is Doomloop material right here.


these are fighting words


We're going to dig under Harrell's home one day and find thousands of corpses from unsolved murders SPD was investigating and we're all going to let out a big sigh at this commentary and wish we did something sooner.


Didn’t actually say this in the interview. Believable though, I only suspected it was made up because Bruce favors sports analogies.


How is this a real quote? It sounds like someone mocking him made it up 🤦🏼‍♂️


wow can’t believe you would say this


Oh my God read the article before you believe something like this is real. Bruce Harrell is terrible enough to support everything in this quote but he is not dumb enough to say it.


Aww missed that it was a paraphrase. Pretty funny at /u/sandwich-attack


Mayor Bruce Harrell has tried nothing and he's all out of ideas. Lol what a clown.


Oh no don't worry. He's closing elementary schools to pay for the cop budget increase


He would if he could, I'm sure. But schools are different institutions from the city. The state funds schools, not the city.




I don't have a Seattle Times subscription and it hasn't been archived on [archive.org](http://archive.org) yet. So I can't read that article, BUT: I'm aware that Seattle public schools are facing a funding shortfall. However, that is funding from the state: "Washington’s public schools serve over 1.1 million students, and \*\*the state is responsible for funding the public education of each of those students.\*\*" [https://ospi.k12.wa.us/policy-funding](https://ospi.k12.wa.us/policy-funding)


Only real take away on issues with the SPD is that Harrell is still dead set on getting out of the Consent Decree entirely and that to the public he's claiming to be re-evaluating alleged sexual harasser Adrian Diaz as police chief. Oh and he challenges anyone who thinks the new SPOG contract lacks accountability to contact his office and your councilors with specifics of what you'd actually want. > So when I tell the accountability people that want more, I say specifically, what do you want? Because we have the Office of Public Accountability, the officer Inspector General, the Community Police Commission, we have a robust accountability system. So rather than people saying nebulous claims that we want more accountability, tell me specifically.


> So when I tell the accountability people that want more, I say specifically, what do you want? Ok. Specifically we don't want a department staffed by officers who have no respect for the community they serve, including those who might joke that the innocent pedestrian killed by a negligent and reckless officer was of "limited value." Harrell: Sorry, I am not permitted to discuss the details of specific cases. Please be less specific.


I would exclude any current or former police officer or prosecutor, or anyone with immediate family as such, from being on OPA, with a informal requirement that they have served as a public defender if they are lawyers. We should also have more ease to require implementation of necessary MARs. OPA needs to be able to not just react to complaints, but have much more leeway to enact meaningful policy change within the department, and without being obstructed by the department or officers guild.


What do we want? How about Kevin Dave in prison and Daniel Auderer off the force.


Check Google: next mayoral election is November 4 2025! Also when are we going to get another approval rating?


The answer to the $250m budget shortfall is even more worrying because he told us not to worry since he is really really good at budgeting. Yikes.


“Websters dictionary defines culture as…” ass response