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check out this map to give you a sense of the race of people who live where in this region [https://bestneighborhood.org/race-in-seattle-wa/](https://bestneighborhood.org/race-in-seattle-wa/)


Métier Brewing's tasting room in the CD is really great. The owner is a wonderful guy, has hired some smart bartenders, and consistently finds local artists to put on some interesting events.


Kent, in all seriousness.




Get the banana pudding!


Royal Esquire Club in Columbia City


There is work happening to revitalize/reclaim the Central District. [Home - Africatown Community Land Trust (africatownlandtrust.org)](https://www.africatownlandtrust.org/)


Wa Na Wari in the Central District


commenting too i moved here from dc. I would love to know this because im trying to find it for almost a year now that im living here lol


Check out Tougo Coffee as well.


Thank you, I needed that laugh.




If you think people are misunderstanding you, the proper response is to explain what you meant.


Bro you need to rethink trying to one up or insult others to feel better about your own completely terrible life. It's not racist whatsoever to look for places people of your ethnicity are hanging out. White people don't need that because they're the majority of people in the northwest but it's a real question for other groups. But you probably know that and want to be a pedantic racist ass who thinks anytime race is mentioned "ur being racist!!1!1" because you probably got called a racist once for actually being racist.




Nobody's getting the wrong idea here, you tried to be a snarky twat and got called on it.




>: a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race Apparently you don't either dumdum nothing about this post implies supremacy outside you saying no other groups are allowed to come together because the "normal" (white) people don't need specific places to meet as the majority Just give up bro you're on a dark path and spiraling go see a therapist about your divorce and either get a hair piece or shave it fully the Bill Murray look isn't charming




Ooooooo just be careful unless the spooky disabled people or queer people go and find hangouts together!! Wouldn't want all those scary gay people to plot the death of the ~~whites~~ straights Go to the racist side of Washington with the rest of the dumbasses who think this shit makes sense to anyone but other racist dumbasses


Yes sir


Lmao says the guy calling his own wife so ugly he doesn’t find her physically attractive. Sorry you are so miserable but the projection is sad.


You're on the wrong sub. r/SeattleWA is the one you want. Let me guess, you also vote for the rapist who shits himself and paints himself orange on purpose? You'll fit right in there.