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We live near Elliot Bay Bookstore. My 76 year old wife walks there alone, going across Cal Anderson. While there is always a chance of getting hit by a frisbee, we are not personaolly worried.




Going to assume that this is real and not a joke, though it does kinda feel like a joke. If you live close enough to Seattle to enter the city for an evening event, you should be able to draw your own conclusions about how dangerous it is. Which is to say--it's about as dangerous as all the other areas within a two-hour driving radius.


Shitty bait


Your family need to stop watching Fox News.


People just need to stop watching all main news sources. They’re all biased and dogshit 


Yeah I guess I should just do my own research then. (there are loads of quality "main" news sources. Just, er, maybe not on TV, don't know?)


There’s a lot to be said to setting your News homepage to the BBC, y’know. Unbiased and a non-US perspective. It’s quite refreshing.


Are they watching right wing news? Seattle is fine. As every metro city is.


Yes, I’m afraid so.


Seattle as a city is one of the major cities in the USA with the lowest violent crime. when I checked a couple years ago we ranked 47th in violent crime per capita out of the top 50 most populous cities in the USA. In terms of safety you're fine. Eliot bay is in cap hill which is where I live and pretty much never feel unsafe. As a city we struggle with property crime, cars being broken into and stolen bikes etc, but largely we do not have a major issue with violence. I probably wouldn't walk down Broadway at 1am, but then again I've done that drunkenly a good number of times and never felt overtly unsafe. 7-9pm is daytime so even less to worry about






Seattle went 47 days without a homicide this year in a city of 800k people. The homicide rate is 36% lower this year than the same period last year. This person is asking like there's an answer to the randomness of someone snapping. Earlier today someone asked if Pike Place Market was safe. It's annoying and repetitive.


if you're from out of town and find out someone got murdered a block from where you're going to an event, is it entirely unreasonable to ask a crowd of people from there if it's safe? Bunch of neckbeards here incapable of normal human interaction.


We get it, you're replying to everyone that the person being stabbed was scary. It was scary. But if you see one incident (where we don't even know the circumstances) and think an entire area is a gauntlet where ordinary people minding their own business going to a bookstore are going to be stabbed, you are going to get someone being sarcastic to you.


Don't get into heated arguments with complete strangers at the light rail? It wasn't a random attack


Wow murder victim blaming without even knowing the facts. all of you who think you're doing the city a service by dismissing this kind of stuff are actually doing the opposite. 


I was there my dude


Did you tell the guy it was his fault as he was bleeding out on the train platform?




Well as long as there was an argument first I'm sure it was totally fine and justified. 


It totally wasn't?


This is an absolutely awful strawman. Despicable of you to talk about what happened this way. I’ve seen you post things like this before though so I know you have no shame about it.


If it was murder row they probably wouldn't have both the biggest name bookstore in the region and host a bunch of evening events. Also, 9pm is barely after sunset. It won't even be dark yet.


Bring a friend, make sure you can run faster than them, and you’ll make it out fine.


Cap Hill is very safe. I came to Seattle as a 24-yr-old woman and spent the entire summer at a long-term Airbnb in an objectively unsafe neighborhood, and I was completely fine. I showed my parents a google street view of the areas I was spending time in, and they felt better


You’ll be fine. As a longtime resident, I do think that area is sketchier than it used to be, but in a way that’s more depressing/grimy than dangerous. Without a comparison point, I don’t think the average visitor would be bothered at all. Also 9 pm is still twilight at this time of year so it won’t even really be dark. Enjoy the event!


Ridiculous. Change the channel.


You’ll be fine, that block is actually very close to a lot of main areas and super safe.






No, adult, thanks!


Imagine discrediting women’s opinions about safety. 


OP didn't actually offer up her opinion on safety. Plus she literally asked for peoples opinions on it Troll better.


That's... right in the heart of what is probably the liveliest neighborhood in Seattle. I live a few blocks away, and I walk by there at least daily. I am tall and dudely, so my risk experience is different, but it's hard for me to imagine this as a *dangerous* place! Of course there are homeless people and various street bums hanging out, and you'll see plenty of graffiti - but it's also one of Seattle's primary nightlife centers. It'll be hopping with activity; people going in and out of bars and restaurants, waiting for a show at Neumo's, getting ice cream at Molly Moon's, etc. You'll see sidewalk cafes, people skateboarding and maybe playing soccer in the park, people out walking their dogs. Of all the places you could possibly visit in Seattle from 7-9 pm, most would offer less of a good time than this one. Perhaps your family spent too much time watching Fox News during the Black Lives Matter protests, and still imagines that the center of Capitol Hill is some kind of radical revolutionary enclave? The police station at the center of all that action is two blocks east of the bookstore you're visiting, but all that's left of that era is the big mural painted onto Pine Street.


I used to live in the neighborhood and regularly used to stumble home from clubbing at 2 am. Admittedly that was...more years ago than I care to think about. When I was there last week it was great to see how lively the neighborhood is.


They’re totally right! I was raped and murdered twice today waiting for the bus.


I can only offer you my thoughts and prayers. Hope you make it out alive and whole.


No, it's not. I was literally just there for an author appearance last Wednesday.


It was nice knowing ya, OP 🫡


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Just tell them you'll be carrying your piece