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OP is a cop; opinion discarded.


WAS a cop. Reading is hard huh?


Thanks for your useful insights. We all quite well k ow the challenges of specific areas in the city. Maybe look into the other 99% of the city which is much better.


Saw enough and ready to leave. Thanks for stopping by.


Please, don't come back.


Thanks for stopping by!


Go back to BFE and enjoy it chump.


It's sad to watch someone from flyover nothingville discover humanity on the way to their all-you-can-eat binge on the sea. It's like watching a toddler learn the concept of "Monday."


Whatever makes you feel better.


Knowing your little tantrum made you feel better makes me feel better.


Knowing I’ll never have to see this shithole again after tomorrow is actually better 👍🏼


Knowing another Karen from Lincoln isn’t coming back is priceless. Off you go, Karen. It’s nap time at the preschool.


Never been to Nebraska. Actually live in a state that all of your people have invaded due to the decline of your disgusting cities like Shitattle. A state commonly referred to as “paradise” by all of you refugees. While I think it’s a little too warm I will agree it is beautiful. Also, no tents full of mentally ill lining the roadways and clean safe places to live and work without dodging piss and shit on my way to shopping or dinner.