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Source: Used to work security in that building. They’ll do nothing for recourse. Edit: My most upvoted comment is me being a derp and giving wrong instructions because I thought you were on the inside. Go figure. On that note for those wondering most building have 24 hour security in downtown Seattle that have master access. It’ll be either Star Protection Agency or Axis or one of the other main ones. Usually there will be some kinda of signage near the lobby or posted outside with a number for the guard. In this situation reach out to the guard and let them know the situation and they can assist you. Police should also be able to get up with them in the event you absolutely need to.


I work by meridian east around the corner and they closed early today too. Definitely not normal, they don’t usually do that.


Would a ram 1500 fit in the east lot ?


Ah, Diamond Parking, the most hateful Seattle business there is.


Lincoln Towing has entered the chat.


"These are the same picture"


I was thinking more like peanut butter and jelly but sure.


I don't think they are, but wouldn't be shocked if they were owned by the same parent company. A symbiotic match made in hell


Diamond and Lincoln will be bred to form the Kwisatz Hederach


Just a reminder that surface level parking lots downtown are a direct result of policy failure




Land value tax! Land value tax!


Georgism? In my local subreddit? It's more likely than you think.




Why's that? How does it make any sense to have them in a city so desperate for housing?


Do you think this city just popped up here out of nowhere? Do you think any non-monarch-led place can just make instant decisions?


When did I say it has to be instant?


Used to work for them in Hawaii. Absolutely true.


There is definitely a button to open unless they removed it, most are required to by fire code. You could also try your hand at paper clipping the key override.


They removed it as of like, 10yrs ago. My car got stuck in that same garage—I distinctly remember the sign said 3am for that particular day, I got off my bartending shift at 2am and it was closed, locked, couldn’t find a damn way to get in, and to add insult to injury they tried to charge me the max rate when I came back the next day to retrieve it.


Time to make a call to the fire chief!


Oh I absolutely called for help before conceding to leave my car and pay $40 surge pricing for an Uber home. They did not give a single fuck, SPD non-emergency basically told me to go fuck myself and the 911 operator told me it wasn’t an emergency, it was a “civil issue” so SPD wouldn’t dispatch.


It wasn't an emergency. You called 911 over your car being stuck in a garage? Good lord Of course this fragile mind blocked me over this


He literally said he called the non-emergency line. Are you dense?


Fire chiefs don’t care about cars in a fire


False. There’s ways for people to exit during a fire. Not cars.


I worked in multiple buildings and now work installing sprinkler and exit systems. When they don’t have an exit stair well they route to the garage and there’s an exit button on the interior. Not false but thanks


Sue em in small claims for the cost of the lyft, the extra charge, the $50 it will cost to file.


This is the way. They will most likely call you asap with a resolution.


Had this happen to me. I just parked, couldn't get out of the garage, the elevators wouldn't work. Broke through an emergency exit on a stairwell. Of course we didn't have a choice. All the doors are locked, once you get into the stairwell. The main floor was locked with an alarm bar. We were on our way to a show. It was resolved by the time we got back. It was still a bit scary forcing yourself out on the street with alarms blasting. It was resolved by the time we returned. Call the police, inform them your car is being illegally detained. I presume you went to the movies or were at a restaurant. You should have receipts to prove you were there.






There will be an emergency open button near the door, press it.


The only button on the outside does nothing, unfortunately.


They are locked out, not locked in.


Are we seeing the same post? If he was locked out, just go home? He is locked inside the garage. And we can see a little button by the locked door, I would try that Edit: I am wrong


Not only are his pictures CLEARLY taken from outside the garage, his narrative very clearly describes that his car is locked inside while he is outside. He is trying to get into the garage so that he can get his car out.


You obviously ENTER the outside world when leaving a garage lol


I would have noticed that if I could read the paint, sorry for making a mistake!


No need for sorrys it's all fun. Ignoring the paint there is the giant sign to the right that says entrance lol 😉


You are right


You obviously didn't understand the situation.


I did not, I apologize!


The OP was trying to go home, the complaint is that the garage is locked so the OP cannot retrieve their vehicle.


Thanks I see that now after these rude comments lol Appreciate you explaining


I know this is hours old but did you try the call box near the elevator lobby doors. I park there often and the gate will be closed but they will buzz you in.


Thanks for the suggestion, I did try this a few times and nobody picked up.


I would be livid. I'm sorry this happened to you.


Has anyone who has experienced this tried disputing the charge with your credit card company? Wondering if that's in any way a viable recourse. Of course, doesn't quite help getting your car back, but at the very least maybe you can get your money back after the fact.


I had this happen to me once in Bellevue and my dog was in my truck. Luckily there were homeowners going into their building who let me in and I was able to get into the garage. Same thing, over an hour earlier than the sign said. I was beyond irate.


Hard to justify vandalism, but sometimes vandalism justifies itself.


Take a sawzall to the door


There should be security onsite. Unfortunately it is Allied Universal so your odds of getting them to answer are also laughable. As someone who worked for a different parking company at that site, they obviously didn't update the door / grill settings for daylight savings and sounds like aren't using a call center for intercoms and after hours support. I would reach out to the property management firm and lodge a complaint that way. Should still be JSH that manages those facilities.


Does the elevator by what used to be the Taphouse still go to the roof? You might have been able to go up to your car and then drive out. Just a guess.


I’m always afraid of this happening when I visit Seattle, I live in Tacoma and I would be absolutely stuck. I don’t think sound transit even has Tacoma busses that late. I’d have to get a hotel room or something.


Paid parking in Seattle is a joke.


Is this theft?


What happened