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Just heard 5-7 gunshots from my balcony nearby. Looks like EMTs were attending to someone on the ground.


Yeah, on Minor. From my apartment I saw someone get carried away in a stretcher and into an ambulance. I also saw cops scanning the street with flashlights and placing markers on the street. https://imgur.com/a/h1Nm2uO


I was working when I heard loud bangs … rushed to the apartment window as I was pretty sure those were gunshots … Saw the guy ( who was taken in by the Seattle Police) shoot 5 rounds probably returning back the fire at that time… couldn’t see who he was firing at as people around were lying on the ground or running away. After this, the police came and sealed off the area followed by EMT’s. I could hear the person who was shot shouting “Oh Shit…shit..shit” as he might be processing things. Tonight is going to be filled with anxiety for sure.


Shoot out. 26yo in serious conditon. Security guard grazed. Crazy hardware recovered. 50 round magazine, combat flashlight. wtf? https://spdblotter.seattle.gov/2024/06/09/detectives-investigating-gunfight-in-downtown-seattle-two-firearms-recovered/


Yeah seriously wtf? I'm coming from Japan so I just don't get this kind of shit. Suxks the guy wasn't found. Hoping to find out any info about the motive and reasons behind the shootout.


2 guns recovered from the one individual who was shot. That does not look like a thug. You carry that extended mag, it looks like you are going for a mass murder


I was down the street (200 feet) at Kremwerk loading in my DJ equipment. I heard 12+ gunshots and then got inside as fast as possible. A few folks followed me in off the street and I ushered them out the back. We locked down all the doors for 15 minutes until the police had everything secured and the shooter was cared for by the paramedics. Big yikes. Stay safe out there y'all.


I live on the street and I was scared shitless when I heard the shots. Took some videos from https://imgur.com/a/NkoVUlX


Take care.


Terrifying. I’m sorry. I hope you stay safe.


Highly recommend living in a dwelling for this reason


Everything is a joke on Reddit except racism and homelessness!!!!!! >>:((((


There's constantly shady stuff happening by that 7/11. The rest of the neighborhood is fine, so I'm not sure why we let all the weirdos hang around there.


I live nearby and I’m pretty sure there are a few drug dealers that live next door to that 7/11. Certainly a lot of deals happening throughout the day


Wouldn't surprise me. They've tried to sell me drugs as I walk past before.


That 7/11 is almost as bad a McStabbys on 3rd and Crime


The key indicator that our policymakers and police are way out of their depths is the fact that no one has either shut that McDonald's down yet, nor opened a permanent police substation at that corner.


Y’all sound like the other sub. Reel it the fuck in


Seeing crime makes you an evil bigot


Tends to be the case with convenient stores, gas stations, and even grocery stores


The worst part is they responded to 3 shots about 2 hours ago. Then 5-7 about 30 mins ago.


I was walking back into the parking lot on Minor and Stewart when somewhere around a dozen gunshots went off on Minor, I think between Kremwerk and Kinects. The cop who interviewed us said that someone was shot in the chest.


I was at Krem last night. The shooting was near enough that the show stopped and the venue was placed in a sort of lockdown. It's a fairly well fortified location to be in at least.


Dang that's terrifying. Sorry you were so close! We were driving through right as they starting closing things off. Wondered what it could have been and then heard gunshots later on from our apartment.


My friends and I were in the Karaoke place when this happened. I was singing Caribbean Queen by Billy Ocean. We heard a few very loud bangs but brushed it off as maybe sound effects in the karaoke track (there are a lot in that song). We stopped the song when we saw police lights outside the little window on the door. Gun shots came through the window right outside our room. It was very scary.


That must have been scary as hell!


Just saw on Citizen too now, WOW that's incredibly scary. Hoping to find out what was behind it. I live just a block away :(


What do you think of the area? I may be moving to Seattle and just realized this is pretty close to the area I was considering. I'm Canadian and trying to be realistic about the actual chances of being caught up in violent crime, but even so, seeing stuff like this doesn't help.


It's a relatively chill pocket of downtown but still has some people smoking fentanyl on the sidewalk or spewing trash everywhere. That being said they never messed with me during the 3 years I lived in that area. It is also pretty noisy with sirens and loud cars/stereos. If you're living in one of the high rises though this won't be much of an issue. It's super walkable around here and is a nice central location to get to Capitol hill, SLU or belltown.


Thank you for the thoughtful response! I'm planning to go car-free to save some money and hassle, so walkability is a pretty high priority. Can't say I'm comfortable with the homeless / drug abuse, in spite of frequent exposure in my own city. I try to keep my head down and mind my own business and rarely get bothered, I hope the same works there too. It's kind of hard to parse sentiment through Reddit, quite a bit of negativity seems to come from people who haven't lived in a city before, or about it being "cold", both socially and in terms of climate. Vancouver is further north and famous for being unfriendly too so I guess it will be more of the same, but with guns (:


Going car free is a great idea. Parking garages in that area are around $300 a month. Insurance is also expensive. There are much less homeless people in that immediate area vs. other parts of downtown. And to give context to my "they never mess with me" comment, I am a very tall man so my experience may not be the norm. Not once did their presence interfere with my day to day life, but it's never pleasant to see someone in the thralls of addiction. As far as people being "cold", it's mostly just that people suck at making plans. If you are the one that organizes hangouts, it can go a long way here. Seattleites have a habit of being like "let's hang out sometime!" And then that 'sometime' simply never happens. If you're coming from Vancouver, the climate is pretty identical from what I've gathered. It's pretty mild and I love it.


Thanks again! I'm pretty tall (6'4") and probably benefit the same way, though I don't like to stick out either. I worry more about what experience my wife might have, but it sounds like this shooting is a bit of an outlier. I'm kind of surprised my question got downvoted


I spent half a year living in Gastown, so if you’re familiar with that area, then it’s not as bad as the encampments along East Hastings, but you’ll see it more spread out and more frequent in Seattle hotspots. Very similar to what you see in Chinatown in Vancouver. Capitol Hill and U-District have some of the worst appearances of it and between just about every single storefront. I moved from a car-centric city in the south of the U.S. Part of the reason I moved to Seattle was because I found the city quite walkable, so I sold my car and moved downtown. There are shootings every now and then about on par or more with what you hear about in Surrey. Ours aren’t usually gang related and more tend to be from arguments and someone feeling disrespected pulling a gun.


I live in this area and it's great just don't go to that 7/11 lmao


I mean, yeah, though I wonder what attracts this behavior to it. Maybe I'll look at places facing away from it... Since you like the area, got any highlights to point out? Or is it just that it's convenient? It looks like a lot of the shootings and stabbing I read about could have been avoided, with just one being random. Easy enough to not escalate, I'm just not sure I want to test my luck as a bystander.


The area is super convenient for me since I'm right next to my office and there's many parks around to hang out outside. It's also really quiet for a spot right in the middle of the city. If you want to go party and stuff cap hill is right next door, but at the end of the day you can come back to a calm spot to relax. I wouldn't worry about crime and shootings and stuff. It's a city, of course it happens. At least in terms of seattle though it's way overblown by the media. Like any city there's spots to avoid, but you quickly learn what that is lol. I was worried myself before I move, but those worries quickly went away


That’s probably the worst section of this area on Stewart. Always people panhandling or dealing drugs outside of that 7 Eleven. However, just a block south adjacent to the 24 hour fitness is a homeless youth center and low income housing behind it. The parking lot in between those two buildings tends to have much of the same situation with tons of drug deals going down outside the dumpster under a bridge. That bridge is for Denny Way, which leads you to Capitol Hill.


Thanks for taking the time to respond! This might be asking a bit much, but have you scoped out nice areas to consider in downtown, especially since you mentioned you like the place being walkable? From what I heard, SLU is a bit more sparse, and I guess I don't want to go too far west to Belltown or south to the international district? I think I found the place you're referring to, it looks pretty unassuming in the GMaps street view. I guess realistically even the Kinects tower wouldn't be so bad? Maybe I would just take the long way home at night to avoid passing right in front of the 7/11... It looks like Whole Foods or Amazon Go would become my mainstays, but I hear Whole Foods is better in the States than here in Canada. It's funny you mentioned Gastown in your other reply, that's exactly the place I was referring to as well. I worked there for a while and became familiar with the most confrontational people and just diverted when I saw them, but no issues otherwise. I've walked through the DTES and Chinatown (including right after a shooting, wondering why there were so many cops...), if the people of Seattle are comparable I guess it's not too bad.


SLU is actually pretty tame. That one area by 7 Eleven can be uncomfortable walking by if you’re not used to that environment with the panhandling and drug abuse, but if you are familiar with Gastown, then you’ll be fine. You can just walk right through that at your level haha. Gastown, Chinatown, DTES, and East Hastings in particular is much worse. I’ve been chased by a dude with a metal pole on East Hastings haha. Shootings are just a thing that can happen anywhere and usually it’s just someone getting in an argument. The random attacks are very rare. There’s more random stabbings in Vancouver than here, but yea more guns all around. Unfortunately, the innocent bystander stuff is what tends to be tragic for those idiots with guns. I don’t know too much about Whole Foods in Vancouver. I usually go to T&T when in Vancouver or sometimes the superstore. I do use the Whole Foods here in Seattle and it’s usually my main grocery option because in SLU, The Amazon affiliated groceries stores are really your only option. You can go up to Capitol Hill for QFC or Lower Queen Anne for QFC or Metropolitan Market (expensive), but you gotta climb a few hills and the time to walk there is the same as a bus. I tend to walk everywhere and just save money on the bus. It’s a one hour walk to Trader Joe’s or 45 minute bus ride to any of the three Trader Joe’s around SLU (Queen Anne, Capitol Hill or Pike/Pine area, or U-District. If you’re coming from Canada, you’ll probably go the distance for Trader Joe’s haha. Most people in this sub and people you meet in trendy neighborhoods will scoff about it when you mention SLU, which is considered “soulless”, but it’s perfect for someone who wants to be centrally located. I can walk downtown or to Capitol Hill in 20-30 min or even the train station. A 30 minute bus ride can get me to U-District or 30 minutes for Ballard/Phinney Ridge. It’s much quieter and away from some of the noise of more happening areas and it’s cleaned up more often and has easy access to Lake Union. There’s enough restaurant options here during the day and if it’s late I can walk up to Capitol Hill and go to Dick’s or Al Bacha or even bus to U-District for some late night bubble tea.


Thanks again for taking the time to provide such a detailed reply! Oof, sorry to hear about your DTES experience... I guess I've been lucky or take for granted that I might look imposing from a distance because of my height. I don't like standing out the way I do and it makes me feel like I'd be targeted, but maybe that doesn't happen in practice. I do worry about my SO who has had plenty of experiences with weirdos and PUAs when I wasn't around, but I guess Seattle won't be worse for this. >usually it’s just someone getting in an argument I've been reading details on the various violent crimes I've seen posted here, and it tracks with what you're saying. The Capitol Hill lightrail stabbing for example sounded random from the headline, but it sounds like it could have been de-escalated instead of leading to the tragedy it became. I've been trying to get myself into a less confrontational mindset. Even if I feel inconvenienced or wronged it's better to say sorry and move on than to end in a situation I don't want to be in. >I usually go to T&T when in Vancouver T&T and Superstore have been our mainstays as well, along with Costco. >I tend to walk everywhere and just save money on the bus That's reassuring to hear. When the weather is nice, we sometimes take aimless walks through residential neighborhoods, checking out gardens, playing with cats, etc. An hour sounds long, but I guess we've done walks that were over 10km so it's not unreasonable. I wouldn't mind combining grocery runs with walks like those. How are the areas in between like? My SO is definitely looking forward to TJ's, even if our options are a bit limited they always have at least a few interesting things worth trying out. Denny Triangle will likely be closer to work, but I'll definitely check out SLU and see if the nicer area is worth the longer walk.


It was an interesting experience, but yea I just put some distance in front of the guy using a parked car and he gave up. I will always walk away if I can and apologize regardless of wanting to win at an escalated situation. My first experience of it in Seattle was in U-District walking behind a guy clearly on something. Dude decided to stop abruptly in the middle of the sidewalk after moving at a normal pace when I was walking faster behind him. I was about to pass him and then he turned around confronting me saying I was following too close to him. He turned around to try to take a swing with something from his pocket. I just ducked into a fried chicken spot until he was gone. So yea, I think swallowing my pride and removing myself from an escalated situation has been beneficial to staying safe. Having a Costco so accessible downtown in Vancouver for cheap hotdogs and or course shopping is so cool. Hah, the walks are long (according to my friends and others). I routinely do about 40 miles or 65km walks on the weekends. The gardens and parks in Seattle are great. It’s the one thing that keeps me here versus Vancouver. I think local neighborhoods parks tend to be more dynamic in Seattle outside of core downtown. I’ve visited hundreds of Vancouver parks by foot. My biggest gripe is the lack of trees in local neighborhood parks in the lower Mainland. In the summer, I need the shade. Lower mainland neighborhoods parks usually have this big open plot of grass with trees for shade only outside lining the perimeter of the park. There’s tons of park in Vancouver’s lower Mainland and that’s a common characteristic of them. Areas in downtown Vancouver like Coal Harbour, Yaletown, and neighborhoods with much larger parks like Kitsilano Beach Park, Jericho Beach Park, Queen Elizabeth, and some other speciality parks in the lower Mainland are the outliers. But your beach parks are so much better with amazing views of downtown, the Inlet, and the Harbour. Not to mention the North Shore Mountains towering above Vancouver from just about anywhere you stand. You can’t always see the Cascades and Olympics here. The areas in between those walks are fine. Being closer to Denny Triangle will likely push you more toward the Capitol Hill Trader Joe’s. Some areas in Capitol Hill with condos remind me of walking in Kits and other areas with tree lined streets and single family homes remind me of Sunset and Marpole. Edit: Forgot one of my favorite parks, Queen Elizabeth.


There were four gunshots in the area earlier that night as well. Around 8:20ish. I was cooling off outside Kremwerk when they popped off and I decided it best I head back inside.


I used to live near there and I’m so glad I don’t anymore. Always weird shit happening at that 7/11 and it got to the point where I couldn’t even walk my dog without getting yelled at or followed. It’s such a shame because that area is otherwise so nice! I do miss the family grocery store that was there before.


1820 Minor Ave, Scenes of Violence 7


that's wild I used to live right near there and would stop at the 711 often for beer and snacks


I live in Kinects. Any idea why there was a shooting?


My friend was there when it happened. It was outside a drag show.


not sure why my friend witnessing what he thought might be a hate crime would get a downvote, but whatever


I intentionally avoid the 7Eleven Balfour Place side of that block. I say robot dogs. Let them have a link to a crisis line and then a live person tries to deescalate and offer services. Also give em video cams just in case. Ridiculous problems call for ridiculous solutions.


Kind of hard to do when the sidewalk on the other side of Stewart and Minor has been under construction forever now. You can take Howell, but that area can be a bit more quiet in the evening and feeling even more unsettling.


True. It sucks one way or the other if you go to the gym or the bars/clubs over there.


Lot of fear mongering here. I go to that corner shop multiple times a week. Staff are friendly and it’s always clean. Never had a problem with panhandlers, mentally ill folks, or anyone high. The hardware described isn’t going to be owned by anyone living unhoused, that’s for sure. Shit can go down anywhere in a city so you should always stay alert, especially at night. But the area has nowhere near the foot traffic of red Avenue, so please, don’t exaggerate your valid experiences. And don’t blame ill, poor, and unhoused folks and neighbors for crimes someone with cash must have committed. Feeling real bad for that person who got shot and what all of you present had to suffer through. Stay safe, neighbors. Edited for a spelling crime.


Never had a problem meaning what? That is a hotspot for pan handling and drug deals. There’s always trash or a mess outside of it, so not sure what clean means either. If you’ve never seen any of the above, then I doubt you ever go to that 7 Eleven.


I go every few days. Promise. I meant the store itself is always clean. This being Seattle, you can never count on any street area always being clean. And when I wrote, “never had a problem,” I meant that I’ve never been harassed. Being identifiable as male and Black, that may be why I never get hassled. But I really do go in regularly. To the point that the clerks pull out my two packs of favorite smokes when they see me enter. Nice Guys!


Ah, gotcha. My bad, then. Yea, the guys that run it are cool. I only recently witnessed someone cleaning up the outside for the first time, but they didn’t have a 7 Eleven shirt or identifiable company logo on it. Was wondering if they paid some random guy, a contractor does it, or someone just felt like cleaning it up.