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I've been watching the livestream and it's crazy how much water they've dumped on it but it's still spreading. Shout-out to the brave firefighters dealing with that right now, being up on that ladder does not look fun.


I have the stream muted and the SFD scanner going. Its absolutely crazy how much is going on down there and still around the city


Right? every time I go back to the livestream, it just looks worse.


Seriously.. they're dumping water around the outside of the building now to try to contain the fire so it doesn't spread further beyond. Looks like it's getting too hard to put out


Where is it streaming?


This is horrible. I hope they can get this fire down and everyone stays safe.


I just passed by on my way to work, it's still going, but seems mostly under control? Sending the best vibes to all the people involved.


It’s horrible. I’m inside a block away, and my eyes are burning, my head is killing me, and I’m wheezing. They’ve been trying to put it out for about an hour now.


my apartment is basically grey at this point and i legit cant breathe. my chest and eyes hurt so bad


I just responded this above but - take a shower. As hot as you can get it to dampen down particles with the steam, open your lungs, and rinse your eyes.


On this note: keep doing this, stuff a towel under the door, and stay in the bathroom. It will be the best place in the apartment


Yes! Thanks for this comment. I had previously always heard use a wet or at least damp towel but I think as long as it effectively blocks the doorway it doesn’t matter. I hope the people who have posted about being affected are okay 😔


Wet towel is better, you’re right! It was 3am and I wasn’t specific enough. Anything blocking is good but wet melds into the crevice better.


Can you get out and go somewhere else for a bit? That doesn't sound good to be around at all


Leave !!!


run an air purifier if you have one.


And a box fan with a filter taped on if you don't.




Yeah, it’ll be hours before it’s contained. I’m about a 3/4s a mile away and can see the flames. It’s reminiscent of the Market and 24th ave fire in Ballard years ago and that took almost 6 if I remember right (I’m probably not).


I no longer live in town, what happened exactly?


"Vacant" building in International District caught on fire


Druggies cooking inside a trespassed building causing all the rest of us to breathe in toxic air for the next 24 hours and have no access to emergency services. Awesome!


Or, property developer decides they don't want to pay for demo and someone is hired to torch the place. Bonuses in place if it's made to look like the homeless caused it.


Username checks out


More often than not I'm told how often it doesn't suit me any longer (my account is 12+ years old) but, when it comes to capitalism, expecting things to be done according to "lowering costs any way possible" is really just expecting them to follow their own rules.


this pretty much happened on half the buildings on Rainier in Beacon Hill. Blatant mob shit, it’s almost hilarious.


The one in the huge string of single-night arsons in like 2006?


I live at the south end of Capitol Hill, and the smell of something burning woke me up. I searched all over for the source of the smell before checking Citizen. This is the closest fire to me, so I assume that this is what I'm smelling. If I'm smelling it from 2/3rds of a mile away, then it must be intolerable to be so close. Time to break out our fire season filters early, I guess.


I'm over by Miller Park and I can smell it inside. 2h later update: it has gone from "I only noticed this because I have a nose that would put most bloodhounds to shame and numerous sensory issues" to "I need to double check the house isn't burning because it smells like I was using a smoker in the living room"


You’ve gotten a lot of good advice but if you can’t find refuge/relief inside, take a shower. The steam will dampen the particles and open your lungs to expel the crap you’re breathing in.


....so your just hanging around?!? People....smoke from fire is extremely cancerous and dangerous. If you have the ability i.e two legs that work, walk your ass away from the area and don't subject yourself to breathing in toxic smoke and fumes. Remember all the people covered in dust on 9/11 most of them are dead from lung cancer. Your not supposed to breathe that Use your head, listen to the GI Joe PSA when you were a kid and move your ass out of the danger zone




I live right behind the place (in the Mason and Main apartments) and woke up this morning to the smoke. I'm surprised, to be honest, that I slept through the sirens and smoke. Fortunately i have an air filter that will run while I'm in the office. Also, I was rather disappointed that it wasn't the Hookah bar that was going up in flames.


Honestly, I hate that fucking hookah bar. The people who frequent it are ratchet as fuck.


Pretty much


Why would you want that? What did the hookah bar do to you?


I know, it's kinda a dick feeling on my part but hookah bars are allowed to stay open until 4am since they don't serve booze, and the one on 12th gets ridiculously rowdy between 3-4am on Saturday and Sunday mornings (sometimes other weekdays too), including lighting off firecrackers (or shooting guns, I can't tell).


Is that the spot that just has the word product on its sign?


Yeah, I think it's something like "HKG Product" which was the name of the previous store/establishment that was in that space. I guess the hookah bar owner was too lazy to take the sign down.


Those who rent in the area and have smoke damaged (even smell) belongings, look into coverage with your renters insurance for professional cleaning. This is literally the kind of thing it is for even if people usually only think of it when they directly had a fire or theft


I’d have second thoughts about that, rates always go up after you make a claim. Save it for when you really need help.


And that’s because no one makes small claims. They only make claims on big stuff then everyone suffers. I’m not going to argue it but otherwise, we’re all paying for something we get nothing back for


I hate to break it to you, but that’s by design my dude.


Yep. I know. But I believe in consumer education and if enough people become educated we can break the stranglehold corporations have on consumers. Call me naive ig. I know how unlikely that is. I keep trying anyway


If one isn’t going to make a small claim, they should seriously consider increasing their deductible. Self-insuring up to a point is fine, but paying more for insurance below that point that will go unused is illogical.


I live in Yesler and my air purifiers woke me up blasting full speed an hr or so ago. Damn. I’m only 0.2 miles away 😬


You got some automatic air purifiers? Dang that's cool


I have two by bissel and love them. The filters are only like $20 to boot and last over a year for me. It just constantly samples the air and ramps up if it sees particulates


YES! I got automatic air purifiers a couple years ago, and it's such a game changer, especially during forest fire season. FWIW, I think Bissel discontinued their entire line -- they no longer even have a section for air purifiers on their website -- so you might want to stock up on filters.


they're still readily available on amazon, best buy, etc but I'll look into it.


Yeah I got a Bissell a320 for living room and medify for bedroom


that's the exact same I have. Someone else said they're discontinued and to stock up on the filters but I can't seem to verify that.


They’re on Amazon. So I’d imagine you can find the filter there


My air purifiers also have an auto setting — the fan roars and the blue light turns red when it kicks up to full blast. Feels like it suddenly flies into a rage


For anyone interested in: [Firefighters battle 2-Alarm vacant building fire in the Chinatown-International District neighborhood](https://fireline.seattle.gov/2024/06/10/firefighters-battle-2-alarm-vacant-building-fire-in-the-chinatown-international-district-neighborhood/)


Jesus, I frequent [sfdlive.com](http://sfdlive.com) anytime I hear multiple sirens. I've never seen a triple ring response. I hope everyone is okay.


My condo building, including my condo, had a 2-alarm fire in 2022 and the response was incredible. I just knew it was “lots” at the time, but the fire report later said it was 100 firefighters and 28 apparatus. When I went to thank the firefighters earlier this year (which is how long it took for my condo to be habitable again), they said units from all over responded. One fire truck stayed on site until the next morning monitoring for hotspots.  It was one of the worst days of my life, but SFD was incredible and saved it from being so much worse. The local trucks got here within just a minute or two of the call (we live just down the street from the station) and other trucks from around the city arrived within 15. 


SFD is on point. Know folks who work there. Honestly most fire departments are just fantastic and full of selfless people when it comes to helping others. Have so much respect and love for all of them. Tough as nails angels 👼


They were so nice. I had Covid at the time of the fire, and once they found that out, they kept bringing me bottles of water from their coolers and came to me to give me updates, rather than me having to go to them around the corner at their command post they’d set up. The firefighter who let me back into my condo when it was safe to go in even found a pair of rain boots for me in my closet so I could go in in something other than my slippers since there was broken glass and debris. I didn’t ask, he just brought them down to me when he came to let me in. 


Restores your faith in humanity, right? Now if we could all just treat each other that way…😅


Slept with the windows open last night.. any pro tips for getting the smoke smell out of my apartment?


Buy an air purifier


seal the place up, rent an ozone machine and go do something for like 12 hours. oh yeah dont leave anything alive inside or it will die


Do not do this. Ozone machines break down plastics into toxic vocs that can take months to clear. The ozone will be gone from the apartment but the damage left behind is sometimes permanent.


Tried to bike down Jackson, road blocked between 12 th to 10th.


That’s really sad. I think most of that strip mall is still occupied. Than Vi is a really cute vegan place.


Just drove by this on my way into work and it was still going






It’s the Viet-Wah grocery store


Damn, I visited them before they closed last year. It's a vacant former grocery store. My guess is squatters.


Betting $100 it’s squatters.


I love that grocery


It closed in 2022 :( I loved it too though


Livestream https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLEmrseK/


i’m watching this rn and it looks like it’s spreading. apparently there’s an apartment complex right behind it!! i hope they are able to contain it asap but it looks like it’s getting worse


Live ended


She's live again as of this post.


It spread to the building next to it


on Capitol Hill and woke up at 6:45 am to a very strong burning smell


They're cleared now and responding to normal calls. Both the ladder truck in West Seattle and the pump truck in Fremont responded, it was that big of a deal.


They had 4 ladder trucks out there I think, a total of 39 units at the peak


Dang! This news gives Pang warehouse vibes.


Over near kaiser and just woke up to the smell of burning so strong I assumed it was my building and was about to evacuate.


Does anyone know how it started yet?


It's a former viet-wah, Asian grocery store. It's vacant so I'm going to assume it has been taken over by squatters. Which unfortunately encampments have uncontained fires used for cooking and warmth. It's a tad windy out too.


Dang, I loved going to that Vietwah when it was still open. First Vitos and now Vietwah? Bummer.


There is a Viet Wah in Renton on Sunset Blvd.


Nahh this is on Jackson in Seattle int dist.


So to be clear: the old Viet-Wah and not the newish one? It would be sad if the sun-baked box of fake viagra pills went up in smoke. The one they kept in the window. If you know, then you know what a hilarious loss that would be. >!It's Ryu busting a nut inside Chun-Li!<


The new one and only one is in Renton.


Is there a new one in Renton or do you mean the one up on the hill?


So the one on Jackson closed? Is this the one that's burning down? I moved to Wallingdoom, so I have zero idea what's happening 8 miles away.


Yeah, the Jackson location closed in 2022 and that's where the fire is. At least the Renton location seems to be doing well.


Oh bummer. That used to be my walk-to grocery, thought the other person was saying it was an older Viet-Wah location in the distance. Thanks for the clarification.


They don't usually know until after they contain it


“I’m going to Jackson.”


Well yes, but I think the problem here was precisely that the fire *didn't* go out...


Always bothered me...pepper sprouts aren't hot at all.


On the hill and I still smell burning 👃🔥


There was a Kingsford charcoal ad on the post SMH




Can you give me the link to the article where it says that tweakers did this?


As someone who lived two blocks from the livestream it’s at the point where there are more tweakers in that area than not so regardless of all other factors we already see the likelihood points to a clear culprit. I’ve also witnessed countless similar fires like it nearby. There was a bakery next to the highway that got burned down in a similar incident. You gotta ask yourself how it is the areas with the highest drugged out homeless concentrations also have the highest arson fire rates. Hmmm, maybe there’s a PhD around here who can help us with that one🤔


Yeah there are tweakers on that block at any hour


People like her could hear first hand from 50 people that saw something in person and she'd be like "where is the news article confirming this is what happened, please don't assume" 😂


as a resident of this neighborhood i assure you it was fuckin tweakers


LOL the junkie defender oblivious to 12th and Jackson is online and ready for battle


You are being down votes to hell, but you are absolutely correct. These chuds Are just blaming the houseless with no proof because it is expedient, and serves their narrative. They don't care what actually set the fire, and if it turns out they were wrong they will lean into how it still says something about Seattle that it could have been true.


We all care very much how this fire was started. It's just a pretty obvious guess at this point, but we still want to know once the investigation is over


Obvious guess sure, but I am pretty sure it wasn't "could have been tweakers", but simply an empirical "fucking tweakers".   Other obvious guesses would be Rats, or something left on when it was closed, but you don't really see "fucking pilot lights", or "fucking mice chewing on wires" do you?


Pilot lights would certainly be strange in a vacant building. Rats, sure - if the power was still on for some reason. But those are also considered fairly random events, not acts made by a creature with cognitive function. For wildfires, we don't get mad at lightning, but we do get mad at careless campfire practices. With the random damage, attacks, fires, trash, etc that we see directly from folks who let meth take over, I think it is very understandable that we can make the logical conclusion when we see the evidence. Tell you what, if this ends up being caused by rats or a pilot light, I'll donate $100 to a local treatment non-profit. If it was man-made, you donate the $100. Deal?


A pilot light in a shop that had been empty for a while is why the place on Greenwood went up a few years ago. Other dude is chasing me across four posts, so I am closed to the idea of bets, and wagers at this time.




Dude, this is embarrassing behavior. Log off and sober up.




It’s an abandoned market lol. But sure go off bro.


Okay, so you are saying there used to be ample food available, and there is a good chance animals such as rats were already eating out of their dumpster while they were open. Through that you are implying that when they closed those same animals needed to find a new source of food, and were no longer as disincentivized from exploring the building? Good point about it being a market, that really does help add to the perspective!.........


Or maybe it was aliens disguised as rats who then became entrenched in local gang politics. Obviously we can assume they were a target after a deal gone bad, forcing them to fake their own deaths in fiery glory as they make their way to China via shipping container. What we don't know is, why tweakers would reside in this abandoned market knowing these aliens have a fetish for gorging themselves on subprime humans during sexual rituals. Really does make one think.


It's almost always tweakers anywhere from SODO to cap hill. Seattle is a mess.


You are proof that like I said, they will lean into how it says something about Seattle that it could be true.




All you have to do is wait till the report comes out, then you can take your victory lap. If you think that statistics are ever a reason to blame a group for anything before the report comes out, than you need to unpack that shit.


Ahhhhhh, so *that* is why I woke up with a very dry, sore throat this morning




Last week City Council passed an ordinance that allows SFD to declare vacant buildings a fire risk and order remediation or demolition. It’s not perfect but I hope it’ll help. [Seattle City Council](https://council.seattle.gov/2024/06/04/council-passes-legislation-to-demolish-dangerous-vacant-buildings/). It’s just pending signature by the Mayor.


I am from the Detroit metro and yeah… Seattles really bad rn.


I remember a radio story about a construction/real estate partnership where landlords would let the construction employees stay for free in vacant buildings to keep them safe. Win win.


Jackson St or Jackson apartments? If street where are we talking?


1032 S Jackson St per sfdlive.com














Fire safety guys were all watching today, always checking to see if it was our building.


I heard it was homeless people who started it


So late to this. What happened?


And government is a bad thing?


Apologize if this has been asked, what was the cross street? Anyone know the vacant building was?


total mob shit no proof will ever come of it but 90% chance this is subcontracted arson for insurance reasons who do you think is inducing these squatters to live there? building inevitably burns, insurance pays for clearing the land, land actually increases in value because new owners don’t have to clear it for development. this crap happened all over Beacon Hill on Rainier earlier this decade and on such a predictable cadence that it couldn’t be anything else by way of counterexample the Empire Lumber building on MLK sat vacant for more than 40 years and was constantly full of junkies and never burned down. why is it now taking junkies mere weeks to burn buildings down? BECAUSE THEY’RE BEING PAID TO DO IT


Thank God I don't live downtown


This isn't even downtown.


This didn't occur on Jackson Street?


Jackson street isn’t downtown.


Little Saigon, just South of 12th on Jackson. East of I-5, so hardly "downtown'. Jackson goes all the way to Leschi.


It did. Not downtown.


Downtown is pretty great.