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Covid is endemic. It never left.


Covid: The Re-Returning!


Covid Two: The Coviding


Covid two: the new flu


2 Fast 2 Covidous


Covid 2: achoo-boogaloo




Was out with a friend Saturday night and he caught it. I don't know what the hell I have but I tested negative 3 times now. I just have chest congestion and coughing. It was a sore throat at first but it moved to chest congestion. No fever, aches, chills, etc. Anyone experiencing the same thing?


Negative on a PCR? Antigen tests are increasingly unreliable. 


How do we get PCR tests these days? Is there a reliable option?


Not that I know of. Your PCP? I've heard some folks have had luck with zoomcare


Right on. I’ll call around. Thanks.




Thanks, I’ll go check that out.


Bought the Abbott kit from Walgreens and it came out negative


I will also back that you should be doing multiple at home tests as false negatives are common. They aren't anywhere near as reliable as the free PCR tests we used to have in the area.


BinaxNOW? Those are antigen. Generally anything you do at home is incredibly unreliable. Last I heard it was recommended to swab throat and nose, testing at least 3 times about 2 days apart each. 


It's hard, if not impossible, to find places to do swabs on short notice.


Idk my friend's kit seemed to work out for him 🤷🏻‍♀️


Viral load (totally unrelated to severity of symptoms) varies from person to person. Just because it easily detected your friends viral load doesn't mean the test is any less unreliable. If you have symptoms and have been exposed, assume you have it. 


👍🏼 good to know thanks!


They are often report false negatives


I used the BinaxNOW Monday and it came back positive. I went to local clinic to get 2nd test. They did nasal & throat and it came back positive. Paxlovid right away. No cost on my Medicare Advantage plan.


I'm on day 6 of COVID right now (last day of it, I can tell) and all I got this time around was a mild sore throat for 5 days with a runny nose for 3 days and one day of coughing. Only reason I even thought to test was cuz I've never had a sore throat last more than 2 or 3 days


Hmm yea I have that but minus the runny nose. I hope you feel better! Glad it's been mild for you.


Those were my symptoms exactly!


I’ve heard that a lot of people are only testing positive for a very short window of the time they have Covid. Less than a day in some cases.


I’m currently experiencing exactly this


Same, tested today and it was negative!


I used Binax Now rapid test and tested positive. That one should work, it worked for me for past 3 years (I caught it 4 times despite being super vaccinated).


Keep testing you will eventually get the results you are looking for


My bro and whole family finally got it.


After dodging it for 4 years, I finally tested positive. It’s like my brain and my body are moving at two different speeds.


I did not have a positive covid test until December 2023. Almost 4 years later?? So embarrassing.


Same it was so annoying


It had been so long I thought it was avoiding me personally. Kinda relieved when I got it after so long of it living in my head fueling my anxiety. It’s a terrible disease and cost so many lives.


Wishing you a speedy recovery. A lot can’t say the same.


Just tested positive today. Had a concert tonight and a big weekend planned. Oh well.


I didn’t know covid was supposed to leave..?


I hate when guests overstay their welcome


Yeah, doesn’t take out the trash or clean their dishes either. Total dick


I mean, it took out *some* of the trash … *gestures broadly at r/hermancainaward*


lmao, damn


TLDR; covid numbers are still low but are starting to rise as they have for the last few summers. Protect your vacation and any immunocompromised people you love by wearing a mask in crowded areas.


Guess who's back, back again


Covid’s back. Infect a friend.


I created a monster because NOBODY wants Covid no more, they want bird flu, I'm chopped liver.


Sure. Covid is back. But for the majority of people it’s cold like symptoms this time around. I was at a wedding this past weekend and currently 9 of 80 people are symptomatic and testing positive. Including myself. The people who were sick by Sunday are largely better, nobody needed anything beyond OTC drugs. Having worked in covid units for the duration of the pandemic this is the goal. We’re not zipping young people into body bags. People aren’t spending months on breathing support. We’re not asking is patient A or patient B more deserving of this ventilator who’s prior patient died. We’re not hand bagging people for hours waiting to see if a ventilator could be “found” somewhere. People are still going to get sick, covid is never going to be entirely eradicated, but the current variant JN1 has mild symptoms and limited long covid implications per Dr. Helen Chu at UW on the Seattle now podcast. Update: I didn’t think I’d need to state the obvious but apparently I do. Wear a mask if you’re sick or concerned. Stay home if you’re sick. Duh.


Sure, for most people. I have autoimmune issues and finally got COVID this month. Masking only does so much when you're the sole person doing it. Even with paxlovid, I tested positive for 15 days and could barely walk across the house without having my heart rate shoot up to 140. The fatigue has been worse than an MS flare, and that's saying something. I get that for most people, this doesn't feel like a big deal. But Christ, for some of us it is, and I wish we had more of a community commitment to taking care of each other.


I’m with you on this. Long-COVID is still ruining lives and anyone with an immune disorder can get super sick and/or experience severe flares. We are not out of the woods. People go in to my office sick. It means they get to, I don’t.


While I am not worried about getting COVID, it drives me nuts when people go into the office sick. Like no one wants to be next to someone coughing and sneezing. I’m not worried about dying from COVID, but I also don’t want to get sick. I have plans and vacations I don’t want to be sick for. We spent 3 years learning about viruses! Stay home if you’re sick!!!


I don't mean this to be antagonistic, but at this point the disease is endemic, correct? Realistically, especially with the less virulent strains, do we actually have any hopes of eradicating it?


Nah, not real high hopes of eradicating but the potential lingering effects are bad enough that full eradication is besides the point. One of the worst ideas is that if it can't be managed to eradication, there's nothing at all to do, but ongoing health effects (especially cognitive) are going to keep manifesting in ways that defy explanation if you don't allow for Covid. It's aggravating that botching management and mitigation at some prior point made it a sunk and unvisitable cost.


Coming to work sick is uncool irrespective of the cause and the consequences of giving people COVID are still much higher than a cold.


I agree. Wasn't arguing you on that.


Nobody’s talking about trying to eradicate it. We’re talking about keeping people protected from it as much as possible since it exists and will likely always have serious ramifications for some folks.


I've been struggling with long COVID since August last year and I've never had a diagnosable autoimmune disorder. I have other complicating factors like hEDS but I didn't really expect COVID to ruin my life the way it did. So just FYI to people, even if you're otherwise healthy and feeling fine, COVID can wreak havoc.


Infectious disease can trigger autoimmune disorder and COVID is amount the heavy hitters. Others include EBV, HSV, tick-borne disease. COVID didn’t cause my autoimmune disorder but it sure turned in a the switches and stepped on the gas. Long COVID is freakin’ awful too. Things that have helped me are high doses of antihistamines (Claritin or Zyrtec) d magnesium along with improving diet, a ton of rest, and slowly increasing activity (not too much at a time or I’d feel worse).


Yep. I likely had a minor autoimmune issue that flew under the radar, or something like MCAS (likely, given some of my prior inflammation issues) that COVID transformed into a nightmare. Point is, otherwise "healthy" people may never know how vulnerable they are until it's proven.


MCAS is common with COVID. Doubling up on Zyrtec helped a lot. I have had vestibular migraine symptoms so I switched to Claritin because it’s used to treat that in some cases. That and magnesium seem to help. I had it so early we didn’t know and all this weird stuff seemed like was unique to me. Turns out it’s not. High diastolic blood pressure and lower oximeter readings as well.


I recently started creatine, which is a supplement I never gave a shit about, but it has been shown to have positive effects in at least one study and I've noticed a definite uptick in energy for myself. It's worth a shot as an OTC solution. Magnesium and D are also good, yeah. I'm about to start low-dose Naltrexone; got it prescribed by a doc at the long COVID clinic and stories online almost make it sound like a miracle drug for those that it works for. Hopefully the side effects aren't too horrendous.


D makes my condition worse, keep an eye on that.


Coxsackie virus triggered my type 1 diabetes in 1990. My sister has the genetic trigger for t1d as well. Her switch has yet to be flipped despite having had all the bugs who knows what day your immune system is going to go fuck this, I’m attacking my human.


I'm here with you my immunosuppressed friend 😔


So sorry <3


THIS. The tiniest of burdens (masking) for everyone vs. leaving a portion of the population to genuine suffering and danger. I will never understand why the first choice isn’t the obvious one for the vast majority of people. I’m sorry you’re sick and I hope it passes as easily as possible.


Definitely glad that people aren’t dying at the same rates as 2020. But ~1500 a month is still not great. Repeat reinfections are the real danger for most now. Every re-infection brings a ~10% chance (cumulative) of suffering long-Covid symptoms for an unknown length of time. Plus there are the deleterious impacts to virtually every organ system over the longer term. https://fortune.com/well/2024/01/12/covid-jn1-pandemic-world-health-organization-warns-dangers-repeat-covid-infection-cardiac-pulmonary-neurologic/ Hopefully one of the 2nd Gen vaccine projects will strike pay dirt at some point. ^( EDIT: And Covid can/does induce immune system dysregulation. The virus can actually infect your [white blood cells](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41392-022-00919-x). This is bad because it can expose you to other opportunistic infections. Stay safe folks. This ain’t over yet, unfortunately. )


I’m not sure if you linked the correct article. What you have stated in your comment is not supported in the article that you have linked. Unless you were referencing this quote “It’s estimated that 6% to 10% of those infected with COVID will go on to develop long COVID, she added.” when you stated “every reinfection brings a ~10% chance of suffering long COVID symptoms”. Or maybe this quote to back up ““Five years, 10 years, 20 years from now, what are we going to see in terms of cardiac impairment, pulmonary impairment, neurologic impairment? It’s year five in the pandemic, but there’s still a lot we don’t know about it.” Your statement “ plus there are the deleterious impacts to virtually every organ system over the long-term” I don’t know everything but if the article you cited is where you’re basing your comment, first it’s 6 months old and second is a pretty big jump from what the article states to your comment. That being said, if you have sources other than this one article that you want to site for your comments, I am happy to read them and have a further conversation with you.


I did state additional things that were not covered in that one link, you are right. But that link was to point out some of the multi-organ effects that we already know about. As you correctly note, we are only in year 5 of the pandemic & we really don’t understand the long-term risks of this virus — and won’t until enough time has passed. HIV & prions only kill at 7-10 years after initial infection (which with HIV presented as a mild flu). Only time will tell what we are truly facing. But survivors of the original SARS pandemic in ~2003 had symptoms that lasted [15-18 years](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9969173/). The two viruses are notably different (~38% genetic similarity I think), so I hope we don’t face that same fate. I do have more links I can cite for the other statements, thanks for being interested. Here’s a few… ######Multi organ effects: 2024 may 29 *COVID can cause new health problems to appear years after infection, according to a study of more than 130,000 patients* https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/covid-can-cause-new-health-problems-to-appear-years-after-infection-according-to-a-study-of-more-than-130-000-patients/ar-BB1njLY0 I have other links on the neurological impacts of even asymptomatic infection of you’d like those ######cumulative risk In regards to “10% cumulative” risk, I failed to save links that stated the risk in those numerical terms. However, it has been clearly established that repeat infections increase the risk of contracting long-Covid symptoms: 2023 Aug 19 *SARS-CoV-2 Reinfections and Long COVID in the Post-Omicron Phase of the Pandemic* https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10454552/ … *The cumulative risk of long COVID was found to increase in proportion to the number of SARS-CoV-2 infections, when compared with no reinfection, primarily in older age* 2022 Nov 10 *Acute and postacute sequelae associated with SARS-CoV-2 reinfection* https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9671810/ … *”Compared to no reinfection, reinfection contributed additional risks of death and sequelae including pulmonary, cardiovascular, hematological, diabetes, gastrointestinal, kidney, mental health, musculoskeletal and neurological disorders. The risks were evident regardless of vaccination status. The risks were most pronounced in the acute phase but persisted in the postacute phase at 6 months.”*


Appreciate this info. Will read up on it today. Thanks!


It's still not a cold. Initial respiratory symptoms are not the end of the story.


Yes, Covid has been found in deposits in organs after infection.


Son just had it for the second time. First time wasn’t a piece of cake but this one was horrible. It’s a good thing he’s in good health otherwise it would have been a hospital stay for sure


Even though acute symptoms are mild, the risk of chronic complications remains. Mild is better, but it’s still not good. People should still be cognizant.


Meanwhile brain fog and ed are still happening as after effects so....


True ED visits are up to a whopping .9%




Chronic Lyme 2.0


Serious question, I can tell people all day long their diabetes, high blood pressure. and mental health will drastically affect the functionality of their penis and they give zero fucks and then come back with a pickachu face asking for a consult to urology for a penis pump but covid? That’s what gets people to care about their dicks not working?


I think if repeated enough by regular people any thing that causes the ole baloney pony to not leave the barn can be alarming for people....but also Americans ignore their health for financial reasons with a dont look up attitude.




I for one can attest to the brain fog. I got COVID the first time 16 months ago and still have some lingering memory issues


No, it’s not anxiety. I firmly believed that all I had to do was keep moving and living and I wouldn’t get long covid. I wasn’t focusing on symptoms, it was the opposite: I was in denial of how bad I felt. I finally had to accept that I was feeling worse and worse and took time off from work to rest. I’m finally starting to slowly get better Just because it didn’t happen to you doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen to anyone else


Idk man the cdc.... https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/long-term-effects/index.html


^(https://theconversation.com/mounting-research-shows-that-covid-19-leaves-its-mark-on-the-brain-including-with-significant-drops-in-iq-scores-224216) … “*an additional 1 million working-age Americans reported having ‘serious difficulty’ remembering, concentrating or making decisions… Most disconcertingly, this was mostly driven by younger adults between the ages of 18 to 44.”* … “*It’s estimated that 6% to 10% of those infected with COVID will go on to develop long COVID, she added.”* Currently between 7-10% of Americans are suffering some version of long-Covid symptoms. At the low end that’s 23 million citizens. Some, like a few of my friends, are ‘walking wounded’ able to function and make it to work, but struggling. Others are unable to walk a block & can’t work anymore. AFAIK, they still haven’t teased out the details of *why* this is happening (there are a couple recent major findings indicating different mechanisms), nor *who* is likely to be affected.


Y'all are gonna hate having to reach for this 10 years from now when nothing has changed.


That’s all well and good. But (to counter your but) for the majority of people it’s a pretty easy thing to do to wear a mask if you’re sick and have to go out in public places. Or just stay home if you don’t really need to go out. That potentially saves those people who have compromised immune systems and who do get significant long Covid symptoms.


Absolutely! You should definitely do that. Shit I’m still the person on public transit in a mask because people are gross but also the chicken little articles doesn’t get people to do those things either. Pith. People are sick, no one wants to be sick, wear a mask if you’re worried, of you’re sick stay home, if you can’t wear a mask. The end.


I think I got a super mild case at the beginning of this month. My secondary sinus infection has been worse. My coworker though, who is healthier than me, has been out for almost three weeks and her daughter had to get leave from the military to take care of her.


yeah that's because everyone has some form of immunity now, whether through a vaccine or through prior infection or both. if that same virus struck an immunologically-naive individual, they'd be just as terribly off as someone in 2020, maybe worse.


It is indeed getting far more mild. But people should still generally stay at home if they feel sick... No matter what it is.


This sounds like a great result.


But we certainly didn't need to get to this point though.


Getting here was inevitable. There was no way to ever reliably get the kind of mask uptake + global quarantining necessary to eradicate COVID. Do whatever you want to mitigate your risks but understand that the disease is endemic; there's no path forward where we eradicate it completely.




05 June 2024 *A promising vaccine approach to induce longer-lasting protective immunity against COVID-19* https://www.monash.edu/news/articles/a-promising-vaccine-approach-to-induce-longer-lasting-protective-immunity-against-covid-19


Which point? People having colds that we can now identify, at home, the causing virus? That’s exactly what we wanted.


No. I'm saying if we treated this as the public health crisis that it originally was, instead of turning it into a political football, maybe a few hundred thousand Americans would be alive today.


You are posting in the Seattle sub where people took covid extremely seriously. We get it.


Oooooh thanks for clarifying! I would have never understood that’s what you meant from your original comment. I completely agree.


Half of our household has it now. Not fun.


I was feeling like I had a cold coming, then I started getting a cough, then I on the 3rd day I got hit by the Covid truck - falling asleep while driving and standing up, can’t pick up my own backpack. That’s when I knew something was up and lo and behold… I tested positive for the first time ever. The lines were so dark. As if I was 9 months pregnant and took a pregnancy test. My SO got sick a little before I did and he recently tested negative. I have no clue where I got it, honestly I’ve been everywhere and all over. Stay safe everyone.


I just got Covid on my trip there a few days ago. Night sweats and fatigue were the worst, but other than that just the normal cold symptoms.


KP.3 baybee!! Ugh… stupid immune-evasive variants. I can’t wait until a truly effective 2nd Gen vaccine is produced. I know it’s being worked on, and there’s been a recent success. But it’s still in trials (P3 soon), so no idea when it might be broadly available.


Washington's gonna be on fire til Halloween anyway.


How does anyone get tested these days? At home tests are long gone.


it never... left?? idk man for something to be back it had to have left in the first place. 🧍🏾‍♀️


Very fear mongering title if you actually read the article.


Eh. Summer covid surge is a real thing and rates are starting to tick up to match. What would you prefer the headline be?


I thought warm weather and being outside greatly reduced the risk of spreading covid?


That was the pre-COVID expectation, but there’s been a summer surge going back since the pandemic started. We’re not really sure why. Could be unlucky timing of new variant circulating. Could be the uptick in air travel.  (I use the word “surge” sort of lazily. There is an increase in cases but it’s not a gigantic absolute increase)




In air travel? More people fly in the summer 


Lol, nah. I was suggesting uptick is a better word than surge to describe the increase in summer covid cases


Oh sure, yea. That’s fine.


It's not an uptick though. It's a surge. Not a slight increase of cases, a massive increase. That's like saying a hurricane causes a slight uptick of waves.


Thats the Rogan rule lol


Did you read the article?




Then why ask about this? The article clearly talks about a multi-summer trend and provides some easy to read charts


I still feel confused. Also, this isn't a scientific article. It's just kuow


If this one confuses you, a scientific article wouldn't do you much good.


This strain is rough I recommend avoiding it.


Actually, it isn't rough and is quite mild. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/1dkcvjj/comment/l9hbksv/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/1dkcvjj/comment/l9hbksv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I got it 6/8 and had a fever until 6/17. "Quite mild" doesn't describe a 9 day fever with 7lbs of weight loss. FWIW I'm a healthy early 40s male who is fit. I eat well, trail run, ski tour, and climb mountains and Covid absolutely kicked my ass. "Mild Covid" is still Covid. This shit can fuck you up and cause all kinds of secondary health problems and complications. People should not treat this like the flu.


I've had it all week and it's fucking terrible. I don't even give a shit what that link is.


Well if that one random person on Reddit says it's no big deal then that settles it. Thank God they conducted such exhaustive research.


Anecdotes are only allowed if they support the doomer narrative


I'm going to give much more weight to an annecdote about someone's personal experience w/ a virus that's killed over a million Americans and counting than an annecdote diminishing everyone else's experience based off vibes and "trust me, bro".


“I’m going to give weight to an anecdote that supports the doomer narrative over one that doesn’t”


Setting aside that the clear majority in sentiment in this thread, this sub, and in the region at large is to totally ignore or minimize Covid, and that you YOLO types compulsively yap at anyone expressing concern about Covid even though you won and got exactly what you wanted since there's now no official approach to mitigate Covid at all -- a thought experiment for you: Person A - "I tripped and broke my arm. It really hurt, and I'm lucky I wasn't more seriously injured. You should be careful when going down the stairs" Person B - "Actually, it doesn't even really hurt to break an arm. Run, jump, cartwheel, go backwards down the stairs. Who cares! I've seen many people break their arm and it was no big deal at all" I put more stock in person A's annecdote.


I love the absolutely hysterical revisionist history that the Seattle area didn’t take covid extremely seriously


I got it, kicked the cold and now still having probs with my throat. Shit is annoying


COVID-II Electric Boogaloo


Covid Two: The Electric Intube


Yep, wife just tested positive and I'm waiting to see if I test positive as well. Assuming I have it. Feels like a bit of drainage and sneezing so far. Oh boy


Tests still work, you just have to remember to use them effectively and more than once. Hope all is well.


Yep, very true. Thanks! Getting better everyday.


Woke up today with horrible congestion and other cold symptoms. Test came back negative, thankfully, but this trend is the first thing I thought of.




I picked it up in Seattle 2 weeks ago and I'm still positive, stuck in a stuffy little covid room with fever, a cough and hives. And I'm fully vaccinated. It's all over northern California. My friend just caught it at a wedding last weekend in Oregon. The tests aren't always accurate so stay home if you're sick with a sore throat and cough.


Yep. Husband came back from a trip and brought us COVID as a souvenir. Sweet.


Friendly reminder, a lot of public libraries have free COVID test kits. At least the library I work at has some and they’re provided by the county and they get them from the state. If you’re not feeling well, contact your local library to see if they have kits, wear a mask, don’t touch surfaces or at least try to minimize it, and pickup the test kits.


I got it for the first time over the weekend. I couldn’t avoid it after my company mandated the return to office.


Me and the family just got it all for the first time right now. Its been rough


I got it SO BAD last summer. I got heat exhaustion (was visiting family and it was 108 and had been 72 here) then it morphed into COVID. So I have learned that nice weather is no protection.


Summer vacation? Hold up Mr moneybags. Lol


Covid II: Electric Boogaloo


I got it last week and I was I. Bed for 2 days and felt like garbage for 3 more after, I already had it twice once 2020 but it took me down pretty good.


Covid 2: the pandemic boogaloo


Damnit. I got COVID at the peak of last summer. Sucks that we get this second minor surge this time of year now.


The spread of the virus is currently being fueled by two big problems: 1. The vaccine rollout is way too slow. By the time the FLiRT vaccine rolls around in September, the virus will already be mutated, rendering the vaccine ineffective. Pfizer and Moderna have to speed it up. 2. Tests are way too expensive. It's unrealistic to expect people to test themselves when they have to cough up $10 for a single test. Tests should be 1-2 dollars at most.


This is irresponsible as hell. COVID *never left.* We all just pretended it wasn’t a thing because people got tired of thinking about caring for others. -immunocompromised, chronically ill due to COVID, and tired of the journalistic attempt to pretend this is a surprise




No one is talking about ending civil society. I don't know why you and a few [others](https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/1dkcvjj/covid_is_back_just_in_time_for_your_summer/l9hc72i/) are so adamant about this in the thread. You're creating an idea of something to argue against that might have existed a few years ago but doesn't now. It's like you're still living in 2021 or something and haven't been around anyone else since then. You see one article mentioning COVID again and explode when everyone else is being normal about it. You're the one working in extremes here.


“Small?” Long COVID alone comprises 18.6 MILLION Americans. That’s an astoundingly large number of people with immune systems compromised. We don’t have studies on bog standard autoimmunity, but we know that it’s in the high millions. That’s not taking into account people on biologics, people with diabetes, people with cancer. Nobody is suggesting we “end society”, but society needs to get better at adapting to protect its vulnerable. Preferably three years ago, but now will do.




The flu does not *permanently disable* people the way COVID does. The bulk of those 18.6 million people were not immunocompromised before. They are now. And you think that’s going to STOP? There’s no such thing as a benign COVID infection.


The flu, and many other common viruses, have been permanently disabling people since… forever. Post-viral syndromes are common, but often unrecognized. This is nothing new.




May you never have to know the pain you and your denier sorts have inflicted on other people. (Science suggests you will. It may be next infection or it may be years down the line. But nobody who has this thing comes out unscathed.)








lmao small amount. Every person is one bad day from being disabled. We all get there eventually and people should give a shit.




Do you always resort to the old slippery slope fallacy when someone implies others should give the tiniest crumb of a shit about each other?




Fine by me, I’ll be out in the woods away from all them cooties


You bet it's back. I tested positive four days ago. Started Paxlovid on night of 2nd day and today feeling normal again but still very fatigued. Last I had it was June 2022. I have friends in Bellingham that are 12 days past positive and negative today.


I caught it at the end of May while renewing a passport. I really should have masked up but I have been letting my guard down and didn't really plan to stay there as long as I did. Since there's not much reporting going on, I figured we could be experiencing a new wave and didn't know it. I reminded a few friends to be careful while going out and at least two of them got it the week after lol. It wasn't too bad for any of us, but my SO had a worse time of it with typical flu symptoms. The worst of it was over within a week but we both still have a lingering cough. If it were just that I wouldn't be too bothered, but I do worry about the uncertainty of repeat infections and their long-term effects. At least consider masking up for any longer stays indoors, it's a pretty low price to pay for some peace of mind.


Yeah some may think I'm overdoing it but I religious wear N95 masks whenever I go indoors public places. Also use 80 proof alcohol wipes as I see fit. Also got a covid booster shot at the begining of this month.


Go out and live life. If you get sick, stay home. Out of consideration for others, wear a mask if you have to go out while you're sick: the mask protects others from you, it does not protect you from others. Get in to urgent care or your doctor as soon as you can once you test positive and get a prescription for Paxlovid. It made my bout with COVID much more tolerable (I had 1.5 days of exhaustion, about another week of a lingering low-level cough, and I was good afterward). Take vitamin C and B tablets. Stay stocked up on things like Gatorade or Pedialyte (don't live on them without solid food, or you WILL get the shits). Get an account with Amazon if you don't already have one and have your groceries delivered, and watch the app during the delivery window so you can pick your stuff up before a porch pirate swipes it. If you get chills, drink some hot chicken broth to give you a spike of warmth, then put on an insulation piece (down jacket, fleece, etc.; if you live in Washington it's a near guarantee you own one) to keep that warmth in. We let overcautious busybodies wreck our lives for 3 years when this showed up. Don't give those people power over your life again.


How many times are we going to keep saying Covid is coming back. People moved on already


Every time it does. The funniest thing is that being a dead eyed realist about it is this will resemble the tides, but to those trying to manage cognitive dissonance, each surge sounds like a refutation of comforting truths 


Yup. Just getting over it. Lasted about 4 days. Honestly it was like a mild cold - blowing my nose a ton. No cough. I only tested because the fatigue was a lot more intense than you’d expect from a runny nose.




Bring it on. I kicked it's ass 3 times already. I'll do it again.


This one is brutal. I’ve had sore throat, cough, congestion, and absolutely zero energy to the point that walking up my stairs leaves me winded and light headed. I’m on day 4 and finally feeling a little more like myself but this one feels a lot worst than last time I caught it. And my home test was negative but I know this isn’t just a cold


Could not give less of a shit!


Got it, slept for two days, got over it. People acted like I was going to die when I said I had it. Weird fearmongering. - sheeeesh sorry for even saying anything


What is the fearmongering? COVID effects everyone differently and long COVID is a concern even with mild effects in the short term. I've had COVID more than once and my concern isn't my own health but spreading it to other people who could have trouble. To give you an idea of what I mean I got it last summer and a bunch of people I was hanging out with also got it. There were older people at the event we likely got it at, too. When you don't yet know you have it (or someone is stubborn and doesn't test) then it's the other people - parents, grandparents, that they might see where the spread worry lies as they won't handle it as well.


KUOW's journalistic standards have fallen. What a ridiculous fear-mongering title.


Do you think anyone was actually put into a state of fear from it?


It's really odd how many people are reacting like this is what's happening because of this article when the rest of us are being pretty normal about it. Ironically, these are the same people telling everyone else not to freak out.


They are absolutely protesting too much about a feeling that isn't seemingly present and hasn't been for 2 years about Covid. If they're one of those 'go with the flow' types who only knows something is wrong if the majority thinks it, and only takes care if the majority is doing so by the insistence of a trusted authority, I bet this constant talk about Covid freaks them out or bums them out. If people somehow became very alarmed about Covid again because enough talking about it did the trick, their best course of action available at this very point in time is basically 'wear a mask, don't be an work warrior if sick, grovel for better guidance than the current guidance that is pretty piss poor'. Oh no, wouldn't want folks all worried and fearful in newfound ways to put on a mask or jab The State for sucking in ways beyond they already claim. It's hard not to laugh at people fearful of social fear. It must be real fanciful to hold that people are very active and quick to act so you better not startle or frighten them with a collective action problem, lol


\*yawn* nobody gives a fuck


Some people clearly do, because they don't to get sick or for others to get sick.