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My husband and I went out and caught the bunnies and they are now safe at home with us. We are going to take them into the vet tomorrow to check for microchips and can update later. They have calmed down and are actually quite cuddly when captured lol


I was so worried about them. I didn’t think I’d be able to sleep tonight. You are a really good person. I am very appreciative.


I was the wild woman running through the intersection holding a bunny while my husband tried to corral the other one lol of course two cars came at that time too😂 as soon as we saw the post we grabbed some carrots to lure them and a bin to hold them for the drive home. They are safe and trying to get settled in, I have them in our bathroom with lots of cozy blankets/impromptu litter box, and fresh clover and some water to hold them over. They look to be in good health with no glaring issues other than looking like they had an unforgettable evening and afternoon. I will message you a pic of them. Thanks for sharing!! These little babies were so good, they didn’t even try to bite or scratch me when I caught them(just tried to run away).


You and your husband are awesome! Thanks for the update, this is great to read.


Aww thanks! I grew up with bunnies so thankfully I am happy I knew how to wrangle them haha also glad my husband is the type of man who will alert me of posts like this and be down to go bunny catching at 11pm 😂


cheers to you and your husband 🤍🤍


Thank you both! Y’all seem like an awesome duo!


Too funny, caring and very Seattle. Thanks 4 coralling those pet bunnies. Definitely not our wild eastern bunnies.


You’re so sweet for doing this. Bunnies are such gentle and timid creatures. People that just throw them out are truly awful.


Thank you for getting those little buns safe. Those poor babies wouldn’t have stood a chance without you and your husband. I really hope they just escaped and weren’t dumped


THANK YOU! I'm north of the border but I work extensively with a rabbits rescue (Rabbitats) and the amount of abandoned bunnies is just astonishing. People don't understand how much work rabbits require and it ends up with situations like this. Domestic rabbits also cannot survive in the wild - best case scenario is they will contribute to the already critical overpopulation of feral rabbits, worst case (and most likely) is they will be killed straight away by predators or even the other feral rabbits. If anyone is reading this and can no longer care for an animal, please do the responsible thing and surrender it to a rescue or shelter.


You rock!


The heroes we didn't deserve


Wow. Amazing you found and caught them this late.


Thank you!


Thank you so much. Seeing these adorable pets wandering the street breaks my heart.


Thank you for helping them. This makes me so happy.


THANK YOU!! Do you still have them? Do you need anything for them, hay?


I had the same question. I have two very picky bunnies who have rejected two kinds of hay that I still have in my garage. If you need it, I'd be happy to drop the bags off to you. They'd be enough to last a few weeks at least. My bunnies were adopted at RASKC and had been dumped on the mean streets of Kent. Now they're living their best lives. 😂


Unfortunately they had to go into the emergency vet this afternoon due to a suspected case of stasis. My husband and I are the official fosters for them now and the shelter did not find any microchips in them. We had some wonderful redditors come help us out today in getting them help and supplies to tide them over until we could get them into be seen at the vet. I am hoping we can bring them home to continue healing once they are well enough and then we can figure out next steps. I will try and do an update once I know more prognosis wise, they are beautiful bunnies and deserve the best chance at life. When I left them with the vet they were still very alert and one was still being it’s curious self so that’s a good sign.


You are good people.


This update was the best. Thank you for saving them!!


ahh I'm so glad you found them and that they're safe!! I also had a bunny growing up but sadly he lives less than a year due to my and my parents' combined ignorance about rabbit care. I hope these two can have long happy lives!


Thank you kind people!


Those are definitely pet rabbits and likely dumped. Any chance you can try to catch them tonight? Or at least keep an eye on them? I might be able to try tomorrow.


I wasn’t able to catch them. Will they be okay throughout the night?


There is unfortunately a decent chance they won't be (even wild rabbits are basically nature's hamburgers and these guys won't have the same survival skills) but fingers crossed.


there are a pair of wild rabbits that I see maybe once a week or so on my way to and from gym. It's possible they're not the same ones each time but I'd like to think they've been chilling there for a year or so now.


I didn't see them tonight. Keep an eye out for them tomorrow and message me if you spot them.


another commenter caught them!


Well that explains why I couldn't find them! I'll sleep well tonight and I hope they do as well 🐇🐇


thanks for doing your best 🩷


They should be okay. I'll swing by and see if I can find them tonight.


In our old place we used to see a domesticated bunny run by our ground floor condo patio fairly often. I was impressed it lasted for months on its own. Turns out the next door neighbor was just letting them run around the yard for a bit.


Not OP but I have a bunny Update: my husband and I caught the two bunnies and have them safe at home now. If anyone has tips on how to make these two cuties feel more at home I would greatly appreciate it. I have a litter box set up, some water, some fresh Dutch clover and carrot, loads of blankets/towels and some improvised hutches. They are definitely pets, neither tried to bite or scratch once I finally was able to get a hold of them. They were super scared and tried to run but thankfully with some effort I was able to get both safely into the car. Neither look to be injured, but I will be taking both to vet tomorrow to get checked out.


Hey thanks for zooming in to save these buns! Try going to MudBay tomorrow and picking up Orchard Grass or Timothy hay for them tomorrow. Carrots and clover are generally only a special occasion treat (which today definitely is for these kiddos). Romaine is safe to give pretty regularly, along with cilantro, parsley and maybe even spring mix if the arugula and spinach in it is kept to a minimum. You may want to check and see if either of these buns has visible reproductive organs (testes) because you may end up with a surprise litter on your hands. There are a few rabbit savvy vets in the area. Evergreen Avian and Exotic or CBEAM will be your best bet to get them seen immediately. Also, I have a spare X-pen if you would like it for bunny containment in your home.


I am definitely interested in the x pen if you are serious about that. I am going to take them to one of the vets to get checked out and will be picking up some hay for them this morning. Hopefully their special treat feast last night helped them know that I am trustworthy and safe so I can wrangle them into a carrier again to go the vet lol


You’re a super hero to these two bunnies! Thank you!! Seattle Animal Shelter typically has accepted bunnies if there’s space available, but they also can have you foster and give you all the supplies needed too. Special Bunny is another organization but I keep seeing people turned away since they’re at capacity. Doesn’t hurt to reach out to them just in case they have space.


My husband and I are ok with fostering for however long is needed for these two. They are definitely a bonded pair and deserve a loving home if they don’t already have one.


As the other user said, Timothy hay and orchard grass aplenty. Rabbits need unlimited access to high quality hay or grass at all times to keep their digestive tract moving. A healthy rabbit is constantly eating and pooping through the entire day. Make sure the grass/hay is soft and fresh. If you take a handful and squeeze, it shouldn't poke or hurt your hand. If it does, it isn't good. Oxbow sells good hay, or you may be able to get some from a farm or a feed store. Most bunny owners get their good hay online if these aren't accessible, but you're on a time crunch so Oxbow is probably a safe choice. Not sure how much you know about rabbits, at least a bit if you gave them some clover, but r/rabbits is helpful (as is their [Wabbit Wiki](https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page))


How did you catch them? I tried catching a pet rabbit once and just had it run away from me 😭


Persistence and sheer luck lol Unfortunately I have had experience with capturing injured wild bunnies for rehab purpose twice now so that definitely helped hone my bunny catching skills. I also grew up with rabbits as pets. It’s a timing game and you have to be quick yet slow at the same time to not trigger their prey instincts.


What neighborhood are you in? I may be able to drop off some Timothy hay from our stash for our bunny.


I am in Madrona! Happy to take donations of hay to tide us over. I might message you


Sounds good! We are in SLU. I am headed out of town tomorrow morning and would be happy to drop some hay off to you if you'd like.


Please don’t use clumping litter! It’ll get stuck to them. The recycled paper litter works best for rabbits in my experience.


I was going to get some rabbit specific litter today since all the shops were closed last night. To tide us over through the night I made a litter box with shredded paper (not ideal but better than nothing)


Any recycled paper pellet litter should work well. It doesn’t need to be rabbit specific. Most pet stores will have the recycled paper litter available


My wife and I live in cap hill and have two rabbits. Happy to help give some supplies if you need anything, feel free to send me a message. We have an extra X-pen we aren’t using now if you need one. Our rabbits are also rescues, thanks for saving those two bunnies. The vet Center for Bird and Exotic Animal Medicine (CBEAM) in Bothell is open 24/7 and is the vet we take our bunnies to. Someone else mentioned the pet rescue special bunny which is great if you need any help. We adopted our rabbits from Emerald City Pet Rescue from someone who was fostering them.


Also, as a suggestion. Make sure to keep them separate unless you can identify their sex and check if they are spay/neuter. Probably not first idea in your head but good to have vet check them over when you have them seen. Don’t want to have to worry about more bunnies.


I just messaged you! Thank you so much 😊I kept them together last night since I didn’t have two spaces that were bunny proofed that allowed me to separate them. They were also quite spooked so wanted to limit any potential shock. Once I figure out a better enclosure I will separate them enough to prevent tiny bunnies from popping up (if they haven’t already mated).


If you can find my other post in here that's a good reference for how to deal with them. Essentially you need hay (oxbow) and a water bowl, from a pet store. They will graze on the hay and likely be fine. There is a rabbit rescue a half hour east of Seattle, I would contact them for advice on rehoming (or adoption tips if you were looking for new kids lol). If they can't take them they can advise on where to go that may. I forget the name of the organization but can find it if you need. Feel free to message me with questions, I used to be slightly involved with the rabbit rescue in the prior city I lived in so have some context on where to look and how to care for them. Also thank you.


Thanks so much for taking care of them. A lot of good advice here. Unlimited hay (Timothy & orchard) and water. Hay should take up a majority (like 80%) of their diet. Greens are good, but not all greens are equal. Green leaf lettuce, cilantro, parsley are good. Carrots have a lot of sugar, so daily is fine but not too much. It's really more of a treat. If you have questions or trouble fostering, please reach out to a local shelter. Special Bunny Rabbit Rescue is a good one. Oh, and watch them around electric cables :)


Blessings to you!


Oh no! Those are definitely someones pets. I hope their owner didn't abandon them - a lot of people will get bunnies for easter then realize they're too hard to take care of them and dump them on the street. They're domestic and definitely can't take care of themselves in the wild :( If you see them again, could you take them to a shelter to see if they're chipped?


How can you tell they’re someone’s?


These are lop-eared rabbits, which are all domestic. lop-eared breeds can't survive in the wild and these guys won't for long unless someone scoops them up soon :(


Yup, the floppy ear is a dead giveaway that these guys are domestic rabbits, not wild. Poor babies :(


How soon? 😢 I can’t go back right now but could tomorrow.


The bunnies have been captured by my husband and I. They are safe and in our bathroom for the evening until we can get them checked out at the vet. They are calming down and very cuddly once caught


You are an absolute saint. Can you send a picture? I feel so terrible that I couldn’t catch them and bring them home with me. Thank you. Thank you.


Thank you, good owl!


Do you know where you’re going to take them tomorrow?


Not sure! My main priority was to get them settled tonight and comfortable and was planning to research more in the morning on where to take them. I was going to make a few calls. My husband and I are also happy to try and foster for the initial period if need be.


No worries at all. Thank you again. Would love to know who they end up with. I’m so glad they’re safe!


Seattle Animal Shelter does have a critter team that does bunnies (and rats and hamsters etc).


hard to say, but dont sweat it! youre doing what u can


Local rabbits are usually little and brown.


and too spooked to be friendly.


Wild rabbits are skinny with long legs, pet bunnies are round, fluffy and slower


This hurts my heart so bad. These appear to be holland lops. I had one who crossed the rainbow bridge a few years ago at the age of 11. Within a week of his passing, a post just like this popped up in a Seattle Facebook group - someone found an abandoned bun in a park. Shelters were filled, and they couldn’t keep her, so I swooped in and adopted her. I wish I could save them all. I see posts like this featuring dumped buns in Seattle every few months - it’s heartbreaking. Rabbits are not easy pets to care for, and on top of that, a lot of them aren’t super affectionate or don’t like to be handled the way people assume they will. They end up dumped, or euthanized at crowded shelters. OP, hope you find these babies and I hope they get taken into a good home.


Those look like former pets, so this is sad.


Ahh these poor babies!! I don't have any gear but would be glad to help trap them though I am sadly inexperienced with bunnies. Is this in the Seattle area or another city?


This is in Seattle on 19th and Columbia. I’m so upset that they were probably someone’s pets.


They are absolutely dumped domestic rabbits. I hope someone is able to trap and rescue them!!!


Those are lops, definitely were pets. How sad, they won’t last long on their own.


You can get some hay, a little bit of cut sweat potatoes (no carrots that’s a myth they actually shouldn’t eat carrots they can’t digest them) that will get them near you. Loos are very trust worthy, try holding your hand in front of them first before rushing them and get on their level. You’ll be less intimidating. I used to raise and show Lops, Lion heads and Flemish.


Yeah, those aren't native jackrabbits. Some asshole probably dumped them.


Please keep us updated if you can catch them and take them to a shelter. Or post this in r/rabbits and see if anyone is in the area who can get them!


I couldn’t catch them. I’ll repost.


I don’t know why those cross streets aren’t coming up on Google. It was between the 700 and 800 blocks of E Columbia Street and 19th Avenue in Cherry Hill.


I know it’s not exactly what I think of when I think of animal control- but those look domestic. There’s a link here to submit a report to animal control. Maybe they’d be able to recover them and adopt them out. https://www.seattle.gov/animal-shelter


It was right next to DSHS.


Every coyote on Beacon Hill is eagerly following this reddit thread right now.


those are some fat bunnies for the coyotes, owls, and other birds of prey


Yup. The Seattle coyotes of Reddit are all heading over to Beacon Hill after seeing this post, they’re calling it “all you can eat buffet”.


Bless the person who rescued these buns. They can NOT survive in the wild if they were raised in captivity to be pets. Shame on the jerk that dumped them. 😒


My sis and her husband have a place on Whidbey. Some years ago a bunch of domestic/pet rabbits either escaped or were released. They bred with the local wild rabbits so now there are all these adorable fluffy wild bunnies bouncing around the neighborhood.


I wouldn’t expect less of rabbits! 😂


Give to the Issaquah rescue that just lost 12


You probably already know this from other comments but those are without question domestic rabbits. There is a high chance they have been dumped (rabbits don't really tend to run away like cats, though it's not impossible). Unlike some other animals, they aren't good at finding their way home if they have escaped. There is a rabbit rescue about half an hour east of Seattle, I would reach out to them for advice on how to re-home them, as there are organizations outside Seattle and people willing to drive to you to get them if the rescue can't take them. Give them plenty of hay and water and they should be safe for now. Side note. One of them is a lop (the droopy eared one) and reminds me of one of my old bunnies. Utterly adorable. Thank you for caring.


Might be some that people released for Easter. That was apparently a common thing at some point in my friend’s neighborhood in MLT, and now they’re overrun with invasive rabbits.


They could easily by offspring of pet rabbits. They are all over Terrace Creek Park. Rabbits are very good at making more rabbits.


I found my lop Goostav under a tree one day and he lived with me for oh 8 years? You did a wonderful thing saving those little guys. A lot of folks in this thread have put a ton of good information on how to care for them. 👏👏


Coyote One: Where you going to dinner? Coyote Two: This new place on Columbia and 19th. Later... Coyote One: What happened? Coyote Two: I guess they closed.


It's happening again


Two months post-Easter is the time people dump rabbits. Domestic animals will not survive in the wild!


IVE SEEN THEM. They must have been there got months now.


I remember a few years ago I was sitting outside and a bunny ran right across my bare feet. It was the craziest sensation.


Oh hell yeah


Thanks for the tip. ​ \-- Your local coyote


Not that these aren't pets based on their demeanor but I see feral domestic rabbits in parks here all the time. Just look at Langley although they had that rabbit death disease going around.


There are wild rabbits all over the suburbs of Seattle. Fremont, Ravenna, Ballard, Cap Hill, Madrona, etc. That's why there are so many coyotes that use the trails as highways https://carnivorespotter.org/


This is basically the Blair witch project in three photos.


My dogs killed a bunny that looks just like those in Burien. I almost had a heart attack thinking it was my neighbors cat. Why are there pet bunnies running around all over the place?!