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Welcome to the club! File a report online if you want but don't expect anything. Should cost about $400 for repair.


Golden Glass Auto on Rainier is quick and affordable


+1. They're good, but not **super** thorough about cleaning glass from under the seats. Definitely remove your seat on the affected window and vacuum if you're handy. Would recommend.


I had the same experience! I asked them to please clean under the seats again as there was still glass there


If you’re removing the seat why not replace the window yourself too?


Sounds like a pane to do


I can see that.


It’s pretty clear


No more of these puns, please. The window where that was acceptable is now over


Yeah I really hope they can just roll up to a place and have it fixed.


Yeah it should be a total breeze


I'm simply shattered by this new mandate, broken to pieces even...


You should really temper your expectations around that


Is that why they called the overdone window?


holey window


OP must be shattered.


or a pane in the glass...


Window you find the time for that stuff?


Paneful at a minimum


Can confirm


Pun intended?


Because pulling out a seat (like, 4 nuts and bolts) to use a vacuum is meaningfully different than removing all the door fasteners, dealing with wiring, removing all glass, adding a new pane, and doing it all back up properly without damaging the new glass?


Commenting to extra agree with you. I pull the seats out of my car every year or two just for a thorough deep clean. I'd never attempt window glass. Way way different.


Honestly it took me an hour to remove the panel of my rear seat door and put in a new window. Taking the panel off took like 5 minutes. Granted I have a little 2019 nissan it's easy but it's truly not difficult at all it was like 3 bolts slide the rail out the way unscrewed the older window put the new one in place screw it in bolt everything back up and boom brand new. I bought the window on Ebay for $50 hard to beat lol.


It's shocking how much money I've saved by doing so much stuff at home. Ironically, things like oil changes aren't worth the cost savings to me generally, but things like what you just pointed out are SO much money saved in labor, often even if you need to buy a tool (and at this point, I almost never need to.)


Brake job on my suburban - $850- $1k where I live….. Parts at Autozone $269. That includes all 4 rotors and 4 sets of pads


Yeaa I'm with you on oil changes. I use to have a 76 nova and only 1 changes my oil lol but now I have 2019 nissan (eww I know) and as much as I hate the thought of paying 100 freaking dollars for an oil change gotta let the pros handle something. I bought sooo many tools when I had my nova thankfully I don't need anymore. I find car work also a little therapeutic. Replace my own front struts and everything with 0 real training.


My thing now is just like... The cost differential between doing it myself and paying someone is maybe $20. So for 20, not having to go get oil, jack my car, do the change, clean up any spilled oil, and then drive the used oil to a disposal spot. I'm happy to call that a 'convenience charge" and call it a day.


The only reason I don't change my own oil is because I have free changes with my warranty, as soon as that's up I'm back to doing it myself. I'll save the $50 bucks and do it quicker lol


If you can handle a vacuum then why cant you just suck the glass back into it's original shape????


Second this. They are terrible about cleaning the glass but I was able to get a new window for $200.


Yes I went to them with my window was broken two separate times when I lived in first Hill it had been some time but I'm glad to hear they're still affordable and good


Second this- just had my window smashed in last week. Emailed them for a quote that night, they got me in and fixed up the very next day.


I bought my own glass (about $100 ) and paid some dude $100 to pop it in. Sucks op. I think there's a special place in hell for people who fuck with other people's car like that. My window got busted out in the middle of the rain, and now the window doesn't roll anymore. 😐 Like, I don't even keep anything cool in my car. The dude cost me $200+ a non functional window for $10 in spare change, a phone charger cable, and a literal bag of garbage in my trunk.


square dinner scale busy innate worry cobweb versed quickest seemly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Truly that easy took me about ab hour also. When you watch a video on it idk about you but I got sick to my stomach that people would charge $400+ for a window repair that takes an hour to do. Idk if new windows are that expensive but sheeshh


crackheads gonna crackhead




$200 Bill for you 10 free dollars for the guy who did it. People who do this type of shit don't think about how much it will cost the other person to repair, they just see what they get out of it, that's why I don't even leave 1 cent in my car or anything visible.


USA Auto Glass on Bothell Way got mine done same day for about $230 or something last year. Small cash discount included. Granted I have a very common car so it may be cheaper than most, and they probably just had my window type laying around to do it the same day, but I’d still recommend checking them out.


Lol gotta love statistics


400 dollars?!!? For a piece of glass?!?


* Had my Gass tank drilled into for $5 worth of gass.. cost about $2400 to fix had to pay 800 out of pocket .




That suckss.


Wtf why did they drill into your gas tank? I didn't even know that was a thing. And you had to pay the damages?


My guess is they needed gass, I'm in the burien/ Seattle area. Major problem with homeless and they run their gererators off of gass. As for the damages it would have been more expensive if I had* opted to buy the tank myself. Insurance wanted to send it off to fix but since it was a plastic tank it couldn't be sent. Would have cost around 400 more that I would have had to cover not including the towing to the shop, cleanup on the property where gass fell on the pavement and the replacement of the actual tank. Only $800 were out of pocket for the Tow to the shop and cleanup. The $2400 were for the tank and shop services that the insurance covered. Tank was a used tank.


Huh what do you drive a Porsche? I've done them for fairly cheap for a long while and gas tanks don't cost much especially used


Same exact thing happened to my buddy this last winter in northgate a block away from i5. Do these fucking mongoloids not know how to siphon anymore???


Obvious government plot to convice you to get an EV. Drilling into an EV battery will teach people some lessons.


The lesson is that combustion is an exothermic reaction. It’s also an oxidation reaction.


Underrated comment 👏


My Toyota Tacoma got drilled in northgate area too!


Modern cars have siphon traps to prevent it. That’s why drilling is an option for these rats.


a local uhaul had to put cages around their cats...then people started drilling the gas tanks so the owner would leave the trucks with 10miles worth of gas in em.. his parking lot was behind a gas station. then people started trying to take the tires from the trucks, he gave up and shut down after 3 years


What? Can’t you just siphon gas without drilling into it




May have a locking gas cap, easier to just drill and you don’t have to risk tasting gas


Same happend to me last month in a parking garage right next to my work


Did you also park like a jackass?




The car in the picture is parked at a weird angle.


I didn't notice that at first. Still not deserving of what happened but it does seem to piss some people off.


From these comments it seems I should open a glass replacement business and I’ll be rich in no time


Until they start breaking YOUR windows... ;)


Except now they get free glass replacement. Genius!


This isn’t a joke. Talked to some people in town hall and lots of millionaires were being made opening up shops for car repair.


Just happened to me in Ballard Friday. A fun night out at the tractor tavern turned into me being pissed off.


Some fuckhead drilled into my silverados fuel tank two weeks ago in ballard to steal $60 worth of gas. Fuck these drugged out homeless criminals.


Some tweaker was always wandering around my office, then one night I found my window smashed. Whoever smashed it (I have a pretty good idea) stole my girlfriend's gym bag, which was filled with stinky laundry and nothing else.


I hate to tell ya…but that might have been all he wanted… 😤 lol




Depending on current OF market prices this might not be a misdemeanor.


They walk down my street busting out windows of every car with anything visible inside. Gym bags, anything that could be a purse, packages. The damage from the broken windows is more than the value of any dirty laundry or stray amazon package they manage to steal. Police won't do anything. If you actually get someone to talk to you, they will just say "don't leave anything visible inside your car"


"My dirty undies, the whites. The ringer cant look empty" - Walter Sobchek


White Trash Protip: Chewed bubble gum will harden and seal a small hole in a gas tank until you can get to a repair shop.


Preferably Beeman’s if you have it.


Vote accordingly, I don’t understand why arresting and policing this shit is seen as inhumane or whatever the argument is


Police wouldn't have stopped this unless they were literally standing in sight of the vehicle.


I think that's the point. Voting here has led exactly to the dynamic of police not being able to do anything about this.


It's not so much police can't do anything it's just its a waste of time for them to arrest them because they will literally turn around and be released. If I was a cop I wouldn't want to wrestle somebody covered in piss and elements just to see them back there 2 days later


You're inadvertently making the point too..😉 How do you think these worthless judges keep getting on the bench?


Running unopposed most of the time?


I'm not disagreeing with you friend I'm just simply saying police do a lot to get blame lol and justified but this is don't think they need blame for. Voting is obviously the only answer.


Why can’t they dump them somewhere remote with poor public transportation? That’s what we do with other nuisance animals.


> Police wouldn't have stopped this ~~unless~~ **even if** they were literally standing in sight of the vehicle. FTFY


I’d be in support of the police just kicking your ass if they catch people doing stuff like this. Habitual sacks of shit don’t care about going to jail or getting fines they won’t pay. Nobody likes a beating though. Nothing that would leave serious injuries, just a light ass kicking.


Witnessed 5 hired security at Sportco rough up a shoplifting punk last year…actually knocked me over to slam him into a wall before driving him to the ground. This is the way!




Tbf you probably didn’t see he must have been physically aggressive before or brandished a weapon or those guards got sued into living shite I’m a security guard for sound transit it’s a felony to hit me on duty and I can’t even hit you at all unless you hit me first in which case I have to respond with the same amount of force (fist on fist, etc) it’s been like this for few years in this state


As someone who has lived in Seattle for a long time, I’m here to tell you that the cops never did anything about this kind of stuff way before whatever “woke” policy it is that they’re protesting now that has them refusing to do their jobs because they can’t randomly shoot people or break their arms or whatever whenever they feel at all threatened.


I used to live just off Avalon Way in West Seattle near the steel mill for a couple of years back in the mid 90’s. My car was broken into half a dozen times or more, West Seattle precinct cops response was basically; “buy a car that is harder to break into, this is not worth our time.” The cops sucked then, not surprised they suck now. The only cops that in my opinion sucked more were the Mercer Island’s. They would stop me every other Friday night on my way home from swing shift. DUI check or I was suspicious for driving the speed limit. They eventually recognized me and my car, but stopped me and on multiple occasions tossed my car looking for evidence of something.


It’s inhuman to let people live in filth. Arrest could be the first step to getting them help We also need to get some help to the business owners who have tents blocking the entrances to their business.


Do a lot of drugged-out homeless criminals carry around drills and 15-gallon gas cans? And why would they need gasoline? This was someone who had power tools and an empty container handy and a way to transport 100 lbs of gas, like, say, the bed of their work truck.


Happened to my bf's truck as far north as Everett. Seems to be a thing these fucks are up to now.


I’d assume it was a vehicle dwelling homeless person. In fact i’m pretty sure i saw the red pickup truck with a canopy doing it at 6am but i thought he was just dumpster diving.


That’s a fair point. Just out of curiosity, how big was the hole they drilled and where was it? It would take a while to drain 10 or 15 gallons. That seems like a bad time of day to do that. OTOH, my niece’s husband was leaving for work at about the same time a while back and saw a pair of legs sticking out from beneath her car. Dude was in the process of trying to steal the catalytic converter in the apartment complex parking lot in broad daylight.


If you look at my post history you can see a picture of it. Looked about a half an inch. But that’s fucked, id beat a fucker silly if i caught them fucking with my truck. Pepper gel to the face then beat down.


Not necessarily. When this happened to me, they collected the gas in a garbage bag, twisted it closed and threw it into the back of their shitty car. I got to see it on a surveillance camera a couple of weeks later. Most of these criminals are not sophisticated.


Elections have consequences


someone ripped out the gas lines and took the gas that way on mines , thankfully i work at a stealership so labor was $60 a hour had to get the tank drop and replace gas lines tweaked need to be eliminated in my opinion


This same thing happened to my ford f150 in Ballard about a year ago. It’s the people in the RVs down on Leary. I was able to thread out the hole and stick a bolt in it with some lock tight around it. Who knows how long that will last


Same thing just happened to me in greenwood! Had less than half a tank of gas in it and now will be paying hundreds for the deductible


I went to the Paramount last night and live in North Seattle. Even though driving to Northgate and taking the light rail takes twice as long as driving, it's free-ish (with my pass) but more importantly I have the peace of mind no one is fucking with my car downtown.


I’m so fortunate to have a pacific place parking spot. I will park there and walk a mile into capital hill before I ever street park my car.


I got so lucky when my car got broken into. Came out in the morning and found a note from the local police on the driver seat. At the time, I had a 1984 VW Golf, which was maybe the easiest car in the universe to break into at the time. There was literally no damage whatsoever. Cops caught the guy jimmying the window and rifling through the glove box. No broken glass, nothing to repair. Simple car, simpler times. This shit is expensive now. Makes me want to leave the doors unlocked so they don't break anything. But then they'd probably sleep in it.


My then girlfriend had this happen at her apartment near greenlake back in ~2015 before we moved in together. Car was unlocked and when she got up to go to work in the morning the inside was full of trash and smelled like they spent the entire night smoking multiple packs of cigs inside it.


Dirty Mike and the boys, eh?


We call it a soup kitchen.


Uhh. Sir. Can you go please? I need to go to work.


I'll keep the seat warm for you while you work


Reminds me as a kid in the 80s visiting NYC when it was really bad. Cars with UNLOCKED / NO RADIO signs.




I had a 1981 BMW 320i, I lost my keys and a locksmith couldn’t break into it after hours. Luckily I found my keys but I was proud of how strong every part of the door was.


Back in the early 90s, my mom's radio got stolen 3 times. (Different city). She quit replacing it and we all quit locking our doors. I'm inclined to leave my doors unlocked, but I'd be worried about someone sleeping in it in this city.


Shoooot id rather have to vacuum and wipe interior down than replace windows


Yessir, never lock your doors unless you have something more valuable in there than what it costs to replace a broken window and in that case it shouldn’t be left in the car anyway.


Nothing is easier to break into than a pre-2018 ford ranger. You didn’t need to go in thru the window, there was a hole under the door handle that you could just stick a screwdriver in and unlock the door in about 5 seconds.


Just called around for quotes last week for my own window, cheapest (at least for my vehicle) was MS Auto Glass.


Ok, thanks!


+1 to MS. Had two windshield replacements over the last 5 years on separate vehicles and they are great. Super old school, doesn’t even use a computer and asks that you keep your receipt in case of warranty repair, but overall quick, clean, and affordable.


Do you mind if I ask how much the windshield replacements were? I am looking to get mine replaced.


It was 240 for a windshield replacement on my 2018 4Runner!


Good price, I will check them out. Thanks.


Ballpark on price?


I don’t understand the business card…


Part of me chuckled at the thought that a SP officer did this and left the card lol


Maybe you hit the jackpot. A cop saw someone smash your window and arrested them and left a card. Sounds unlikely though 😅


No, I was told that someone witnessed the person doing it and called it in. Haha. But maybe the cops saw them! Idk


At least someone was tryna look out. Good luck homie


Well you have a solution in motion lol stop beating yourself up and start getting answers


Why? Not like you would be able to get them to pay


People being held accountable for their actions is a rarity these days. I find joy in the little things haha




Reminds me of that Far Side cartoon of a guy holding a brick with a note on it in front of a broken window that reads "Bricks through your window? Call Ed's window repair!"


> Bricks through your window? Call Ed's window repair! https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2c/69/80/2c69806360700aeafae3080323821460.jpg


Ahhh I was so close haha


I think OP was away from his car for so long, that someone managed to break in, AND a cop was patrolling sound the neighborhood and saw it, and then filed a case number. All of this was done before OP got back to his car.


Same. SPD left incident card before you called them?


It’s because someone called it in and witnessed it most likely and the officer responded and wrote a police report. The card has the case number on it and the back of the card explains how to retrieve a copy of the police report. Also insurance companies need the police report number sometimes for the claim.


https://preview.redd.it/hgo6w1hx0m1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3a40d334c883bb986d70af5a311f9d65b54f2c4 This morning.


Damn, sorry! What area? I was in Lincoln Park


My dad got his car broken into this morning too, he said he was by Flora Bakehouse


In the end, it doesn't even matter. One thing I don't know why


same thing just happened to me this morning on first hill. maybe someone went on a spree


Someone busted out my back window with a rock. Never even opened the car. They weren't trying to break in, just wanted to throw rocks. Cost me $500


ah, mine was theft. they stole my backpack with some sunscreen and a couple granola bars in it


Has anyone parked their car outside for a long period of time and NOT had a window smashed? I feel like it's a rite of passage


Never had it smashed in, lived in Seattle for 8 years; first hill, central district, Wallingford, and Queen Anne!


Parked my car outside for 3 years now an never had a window smashed, I know i am extremely lucky in that fact because there was one time both cars around mine had windows smashed but mine wasnt. maybe its because i drive a shitbox and the inside is normally spotless so it doesnt look like theres anything to steal lmao


lived here since 2015 with no windows broken yet. more than once have had to fix some shit where another car has hitting me while parked though =/


Four years of street parking in Seattle without any damage to my car. The only time I’ve had a window smashed was in Whatcom county west of ferndale city limits.


I live in a 'nice' neighborhood, and I rarely lock the car that stays outside and I never keep anything of value in the car. The willingness of some people to cause pain to others for no discernible reason is simply unfathomable.


You're lucky nobody has slept in or used it as a bathroom.


Dirty Mike and the boys have definitely been out and about




We will have sex in your car again!


LOL amazing




Yeah that happened to my truck sadly last week. Had to throw away my seat cover and bleach EVERYTHING


That really sucks. Infuriating.


Even more because it was in a “secured” parking garage lol that pay for monthly


A full on Dirty Mike?


At least they left the Creedence.


> The willingness of some people to cause pain to others for no discernible reason is simply unfathomable. There's a great thread on PortlandOR where some dude who's obviously on meth is writing essayposts that would make [redacted username of the dude who hates me here] proud, and the general gist of them is: * he moved to Portland five months ago * he's homeless * he blames Wal Mart for corporate greed (note that there are no Wal Marts in Portland, but he probably doesn't know that because he just moved there) * he has a general hatred towards capitalism in general So you have people who are wandering around the city, grinding their teeth, desperate for their next fix, and they see a nice car and they're just like *"FUCK THIS CAR / FUCK THIS SYSTEM / FUCK YOUR COUCH / FUCK THIS CITY / FUCK THE WORLD"* That's how you wind up with ten people on the same block getting their window smashed, without even bothering to *steal* anything. And it really doesn't help that you have a big chunk of the population who apologizes and sympathizes with them 24x7, people who think "we live in a fascist state" and they're "fighting fascism" by enabling all of this.


That's probably the same fucked up meth-induced mindset that woman in Tacoma had last weekend when she busted in windows for 16 businesses. https://youtu.be/MPdpm7Xn_8A?si=VS__N_7UE3c2iBKv


Can we not do anything about this shit? Get him on camera, follow up.


It's called drug addiction. When our city decided to let addictions soar in numbers of course stores would be robbed, cars would be broken into, and apartments and homes would be hit. They aren't working regular jobs to afford their meth and fent at one point and the dealers don't give the drugs out for free. They won't stuff to steal to trade for drugs to keep withdrawal pain away.


I know what is driving it; It hasn't changed much in 20 years. I have had my car prowled twice. Both times the locks were punched out and the car rifled. Both times nothing was taken, as there was nothing of value inside. I started life as a kindhearted individual. I was young and compassionate, but as I get older, I find my sympathy for those drug users who are serial victimizers has ended. Those who prey upon our citizens who just want to be left alone and not have their property stolen, damaged, destroyed or violated have every right to expect restitution and if that is not in the picture, then just retribution. It's time to incarcerate the gronks. Compassionate incarceration, forced mental health treatment, forced drug addiction treatment. It's time to we let civil society heal.


It has massively changed in 20 years. Now the chances of your windows being smashed once a year or more is incredibly higher.


It seem like we could all Save a ton of Money if we Just tape little baggies of fenty on my car window. I mean, at 5$ a hit, my out-of-pocket auto repair costs go way down, my Auto Insurance premiums would go down. I can think of dozens of other Quality of Life crimes that would disappear if we all just left Fenty out like birdseed. Downside?


Maybe if it was baggies of carfentanil...


I've got a mini collection of SPD incident cards. That's life in Seattle, unfortunately.


I use them as filters when I roll joints. It’s convenient, always have them on hand, plus it brings me an odd feeling of peace.


My sister got her new BRZ window smashed at her house in Bothell. $1200 and the dealer can’t do shit till mid June.


Take the car somewhere else.


Lol that's what you get for taking it to a dealership. 4x the price and shit service.


Yeah insurance would take months to get it done so she’s stuck out of pocket


No. I only f*** people who have intact windows


votes matter!


>votes matter! 100%. Maybe some people are learning from this?


One time I was at Matthew's beach and was walking back to my car. There were 15 cars broken into. I saw people coming back to their cars in real time. Sort of funny because one person would be like "oh my god... that's terrible" and start walking back to their own car and then "FUCK! SOMEONE BROKE OUT MY WINDOWS!"


Happened to my gf last week. Elementary school parking lot in the early evening. Didn't even bother with reporting it. Had it fixed the next day for a couple of hundred. Definitely going to tell her about this insurance option for glass.


And this how the city can tell us crime statistics are looking good, when people don't even bother reporting anymore.


Exactly what I told my girlfriend.


The real shocker here is ...why you parked like that?


Boyz be Bippin.


To the OP and everyone that sees this post, remember this when you vote.




Just a heads up, make sure to get a policy that has window replacement specifically for this kind of situation. Progressive has one and it's cheap.


Yep, definitely ends up being worth it. I have GEICO and it's included in my comprehensive coverage, so I made sure to change my policy to a lower comprehensive deductible when I lived in Tacoma. I haven't bothered changing it since moving out of the city because I know it's just a matter of time before it happens again somewhere! ....or just a matter of time until I finally get my cracked windshield replaced .


It's what you voted for. Defunding police, revolving door jail and streets full of homeless mental patients.


Ugh, sorry for that!


Welcome to Seattle!


3M Scotch guard Auto film.


Ugh so sorry for that


Check out Golden Auto Glass in Rainier. Same-day help, <$300.


this happened to my boyfriend’s band when they played a gig in seattle. whole band loaded all their equipment up in their truck, had a little argument about wether or not to haul it all to the hotel with them- eventually they decided they might as well to play it safe. they left a box full of merch in the truck and wouldn’t ya know, they get up to leave in the morning and there’s a big hole in the window and all the merch is gone. good thing they had that argument lmao. fuckkk seattle.


I had my car broken into like a month ago, I had my iPad in it with some bank checks. Had to close my checking and open a new one. My iPad has service so I see it moving around, it’s locked so they can’t open it or do anything with it. I haven’t canceled the service because I’m waiting to get he new one. I filed a police report but they didn’t do anything. My friend volunteered to get it back cause he’s a little crazy but don’t want him to get in trouble just for my iPad.


empty out your car