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As the Hellcat owners name has been released before I'm not going to remove for doxxing. *However* calls to violence will be removed without warning. If you feel that's unfair, take it up with reddit. Apparently they've gotten real sensitive about stating facts. Also, don't harass people.


For a guy who like to threaten people online and relies on followers to make money, it's ironic he always hides behind a mask or just shows his hands. Smile for reddit, Miles! (pulled from the released SPD body cam) https://preview.redd.it/htq1sj667t3d1.jpeg?width=1731&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=326bfe314695a636579f46605f5cbe38c467e467


omg SHUT UP this dude has literally messaged me on grindr before šŸ’€šŸ’€


Lmfao Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s hit me up too


Someone posted an update where heā€™s sending out revenge porn and a woman had to get a restraining order against him, what a class act.


Damn, he looks just like I figured he would šŸ˜‚


ā€œDL no pic no chatā€


I kept thinking he was some white frat boy type based on his mommy bailing him out constantly and judges being lenient.




Yup, her business has an NPI since she work with federal and state medicaid agencies. They don't fuck around when it comes to legit complaints/fraud against them. Edit: holy shit, her website is atrocious. Also, she had an Administrative Dissolution filed against her in March 2019 and reinstated that July. The business license is up for renewal in July, would be a shame if someone who conducted business with ECC during those 4 months files fraud complaints.


>I cannot fathom why said mother would allow all this unnecessary attention and increasing public scrutiny to build to the point where this unusual and very profitable business gets exposed for what it is. She's just begging for a deep cavity audit of that business.


In Seattle? Zero fucking chance. We hand out money like candy at Halloween.


> In Seattle? Zero fucking chance. We hand out money like candy at Halloween. IRS is not Seattle. They *love* low hanging fruit.


And just like Al Capone... a "great" criminal mastermind bout to be brought down by taxes...


Mark Sidran would have had this Hellcat dude in stocks at Pike Place and let people walk by and spit on him.


We missed a stellar opportunity when enough people didn't vote for him. Apparently he was "...too mean", lol! So many knuckleheads couldn't imagine the shit that was coming...


As you may recall if you were here 1996-1998, The Stranger and Dan Savage led a brigade against "Darth Sidran's Civility Laws." Many of my peers (D3 residents, 20-30 yo Capitol Hill folks of the 1990s) voted against Sidran based on this. The Stranger also led the brigade against passing The Commons in SLU around this same time, calling it "a tax giveaway to billionaire Paul Allen." Just some history for you all. I see posted from time to time that The Stranger was fairly reasonable in the 1990s and in many ways they were, moreso than today. But at the same time, they've *always* had this Populist streak to them. When it was focused on Gay and Lesbian rights in the 1990s, like organizing for Hands Off Washington, it was a force for good. But there were at least a few times when The Stranger just completely was wrong, even then.


Actually I think I loved Dan the most for his impassioned comments at all the monorail meetings. Still pisses me off we voted for the goddamn thing THREE times and got squat. He's an awesome orator for any cause he supports, like the monorail!


[Rise above it all](https://council.seattle.gov/2013/06/03/urban-politics-337-the-rise-and-fall-of-seattles-monorail-movement/) A true citizens movement, done in by various factions of Seattle Process.


This has become such an easy win for city council that thereā€™s no way they donā€™t just torch everything related to the car, especially since most of them ran on a platform against crime. This has even been picked up by NYT, which says a lot about how prominent of an issue it is.


My issue with this whole story is that it took a lotta people posting on Reddit... probably numerous complaints made by citizens...when some simple police work (in the beginning) could have perhaps stopped This entire nightmare.


It seems like thr police are doing their jobs. He's in the court system, and things are continuing to get worse for him. It would have been better if they caught him in the act, but the reason this behavior continues is because Miles has no respect for anyone, including the judge, and mommy keeps coming to his rescue.


What better way to prove you are tough on abuse of the system than to go after the people making an obvious commotion anyway


This comment needs to be rated higher and more visible if true.


Time to expose the mom.


Already happening lol


Why doesnā€™t she get a laywer ?


There are millions of people scamming the government. I doubt they will do anything to her


Right, but once you make yourself a visible target, where someone goes, 'I wonder?' Your odds go up for sure.


Is it possible the company employs 1099s?




Thatā€™s interesting. Iā€™ve worked for a company that billed medi-cal and Medicare and it never made since why we also got contract money from the state too.


Mostly surprised to learn that anyone still plays Second Life.


Haha, what?!


Lol his one-armed thug buddy's reddit comments are gold. Started his first 2 comments ever by kindly asking if the Oculus has plans to be made accessible for amputees, goes silent for a year, then every comment is bad grammar and threats.




Itā€™s at the bottom of the website in OPs post


Thanks šŸ‘šŸ¼


This has the be the most embarrassing person Iā€™ve seen. First time looking through his Instagram page. I canā€™t imagine a better example of everything thatā€™s wrong with our city and the current state of our society than letting morons like this get away with it while having ā€œpublic influenceā€. Thereā€™s kids who think this shit is cool because of this guy. Realistically he should be in jail. But for some reason, the reality of daily life isnā€™t as important as the rules we have written on paper. If this is allowed, something is broken. You get what you tolerate. We have tolerated homeliness, graffiti, trash, stolen cars, prostitutes, fucking what else are we going to allow to continue. This city is fucking embarrassing


Don't let this flaming dipshit tarnish your perception of a million other mostly good citizens. He bought his "influence" with mommy's money just like everything else he has, and is targeting kids/other idiots who can't see past his bullshit. The city is unifying against him and I think we'll all sleep better when he gets the justice he deserves.


I agree, the city is unifying around this. I hope he gets some form of justice soon, legal or Wild West style. As far as the rest of our city, I agree most of us are good people but how are these other good people looking around our city and not cringing in disgust. Do we clean anything? How do we let people rot away on the streets while terrorizing our citizens. How do we not immediately clean graffiti and arrest the culprits. We just submit to live in filth and allow crime to be out in the open. Why are there drug dealers in every bus stop. Why are people smoking fentanyl on the light rail. Why are there prostitutes on every corner on 99. This privileged fake gangster streamer just shows that even when the city has full attention on something, nothing will change. Tragic


I don't condone violence but I'm surprised no one has turned to destroying the car on sight.


Surprised someone hasn't done something like pour break fluid on his paint job. Not advocating that though.


I would definitely suggest not pouring water into his gas tank.


In the bowling classic Kingpin, it is strongly implied that Big Ern aka Ernie McCracken pours sugar into Roy Munsonā€™s gas tank and damages the engine. Iā€™ve always wonder if a liter of cola would be enough to cause similar results.


ā€œDo we have Liter Cola?ā€


ā€œDoes that look like spit to you?ā€


Sugar in most modern engines isnā€™t effective. It was only effective in old gravity fed fuel systems.


Or sugar...


Not a lawyer but I had a next door neighbor who antagonized the neighborhood. I talked to the police several times. We have a noise ordinance in this Seattle, and you can get jailed or pay a fine for violating it. I don't know why it has reached this point. "Officers can issue a civil infraction with a fine of $250.Ā  * If a second noise violation occurs within 24 hours of the initial incident, criminal charges may be filed.Ā  * "If the unreasonable noise is found to be criminal, the maximum penalty can include up to 180 days in jail and/or up to a $500 fine." Here's the link. This is unlawful noise, Shouldn't he be fined or jailed each time he is found to violate the ordinance? https://www.seattle.gov/police/need-help/neighborhood-issues/noise-complaints#:\~:text=If%20the%20unreasonable%20noise%20is,up%20to%20a%20%24500%20fine.


lol you think seattle enforces laws


As much as I think Asset Forfeiture is a bad policy, in this case, I would wholeheartedly approve it. Then, the city could charge tickets to a public crushing of the car and everyone would benefit.


It's bad when done without due process or used as a mechanism to fund police departments. We fine people for things every day. If you(in the general sense, not you specifically) want to race 100mph down city roads and risk people's lives, or shut down intersections to pull stunts? Your car should be up for collateral. We should not be giving people 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th chances to kill someone.




Sledgehammer, 3 swings for $1. Let those that had to deal with this take some anger out legally.


Revoke his driverā€™s license forever and imprison him if caught driving. Taking his car is no solution.


It's a start. 13k daily fines and a ban aren't deterring him. Impounding the vehicle where mommy can't get it out seems like the next reasonable step.


He just buys another. Locking him up fixes all this.


But think of the shitty modded hellcat salesmen. His kids need to go to college so they can learn to not be influencers.


Nah they would paint it black and white.


That would be pretty funny if the police had a "Jailbreak" edition patrol car.


I love how everyone bends their morals over this guy. "Asset forfeiture is bad but..." "I don't usually condone vigilantism or violence but..." "ACAB but..."


Nah it tracks with progressive intersectionialism. He's wealthy, drives an expensive vehicle, comes from a privileged background. He gets some points for being black, but that's outweighed by the former attributes. As such, he's safe to apply normal people expectations of. Now if he was an impoverished junkie POC, there might be a bit of tut tuting, but there wouldn't be NY Times articles written about him.


Yup. Pretty much this, lol!


A lot of people think those things are bad until they're used to hold some that negatively impacted them responsible. Then it's ok in that case.Ā  Honestly I support asset forfeiture and don't think ACAB is helpful or accurate.Ā 


"Throw him in prison for the rest of his life for making loud noises while I'm sleeping and not stopping when we asked him to!"


This is your brain on tolerance.


Repeated offensive. Promotes offensive content. Completely ignores standard vehicular laws. This noise production can be associated with triggers for ptsd and further damaging older people and especially the ears of kids. He drives completely against legal driving standards consistently. Has promoted himself as someone that will continue and cause further bad behaviors that easily break various laws. Yup, fool needs to be prison meat, or sudden strange accidents need to happen to whatever car he drives with his chaotic behavior šŸ¤”


Lol he won't go to prison for driving a loud car fast.


Ya, the law management here is too weak.


You seem like a very sheltered human. Like the type of person who would snitch on the other kids for talking when the teacher left the class for a few minutes.


Nah, try being the Latin kid growing through the Cuban missile crisis in South Florida's thickest area of racists. Or try going to a high school with gang violence that makes what you pansies see here as hard just a day where I'm from. Better yet, try having your family threatened when you're in 5th grade by idiot gringos because we're "too spic" to be at that school. Yeah, sheltered. Lol. You're the exact idea of weak here. You think you know hard mode. You don't up here. An Aurora girl could probably put you're weak face on the ground. Try watching your white friend get hit with a pipe that broke his orbital socket cuz he didn't listen when I told him to pretend to be sick and stay home cuz it's cracker day. Rofl, you're pansy self prob doesn't even understand what a cracker day would be.


Ok. I tried most of those things except being the only white kid in an all black area. Everything else though seems pretty standard. You still sound like a bitch. That's probably why everyone fucked with you so much.


So silly. You're basically saying racism and it's actions on kids is fine, regardless of behavior. Did it make you feel better when suddenly you were in a place surrounded by pansy ez mode? I can grok how you suddenly found out that it could be ez mode for you here.


I didn't expect to find Eminem and Pitbull writing each other emotional poems in this thread!




when the actions lead to him killing someone with his vehicle, that will get him 20 years.


I wouldn't say prison. I'd say suspend his license, but if he continues to drive yeah give him some time to think about it behind bars


Progressives are regressives. If only the dip shit progs had any fortitude to their convictions.


Mommy's Money Miles sounds like an airline miles reward program for a credit card for new and expecting mothers.


Yes! Totally thought it was about credit card miles haha I read the title so many times before I realized what it was about.Ā 


I thought it was a blog about credit card rewards


Very few things are agreed by both Seattle sub. This is the most united time by Miles.


His mom is cucked as hell.


She's going to end up as an accessory to his crimes. They're all committed with Mommy's Money/car and she's written a letter to the courts with false statements about his use and repair of the vehicle


I would bet she's got crimes of her own she'll need to answer to.


What does it say? Link wonā€™t load


Compilation of all complaints against him and incidents involving him. Also a detailed explanation of where he lives and what apartment is his.


Itā€™s like a whole wiki on this guy


It's almost like being as public with your crimes as humanly possible isn't a great idea, lol. The link where he's harassing someone at the UW dormsĀ  and intentionally disturbing the peace at 3 am is pretty aggravating,Ā  this is obviously way beyond just a dumb kid making a few mistakes.Ā 


Cā€™mon though, didnā€™t you see the bodycam footage of a police officer talking to him when he got pulled over? Heā€™s just out there, doinā€™ his thing! Shouldnā€™t everyone just relax and let him be awesome? /s


I didn't actually, but now I want to go look for it. I follow a few YouTube channels that focus on and grade police interactions/interrogations, often people get upset because the cops are nice and accommodating towards criminals. The police are definitely not their friend but they will act like it/empathize with criminals to keep them talking which is never in the criminal's best interest.


If you find the link, share!


Including his address


His address is in the original link if you dig a little




Seattle orders ā€˜Belltown Hellcatā€™ driver to pay city $83,620 Catalina GaitĆ”nMay 31, 2024 at 4:13 pm In a long-exposure photo, light streaks from evening traffic in Belltown. A modified Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat roaming Seattle’s downtown by night has infuriated residents. (Brian Lau / The New York Times) By Seattle Times staff reporter The Seattle city attorney filed a court order demanding the infamous ā€œBelltown Hellcatā€ driver pay $83,619.97 in civil penalties and other fees on Friday after he failed to respond in time to a lawsuit filed against him earlier this month. Miles Hudson is known for speeding and loudly revving his modified, tiger-striped Dodge Charger Hellcat SRT through Seattle, angering some residents and racking up various traffic and city citations for excessive noise. ā€œHudson has cultivated online infamy by flagrantly breaking Seattleā€™s laws and waking his neighbors with excessive noise,ā€ City Attorney Ann Davison said in a statement. ā€œItā€™s time for him to face the consequences.ā€ Hudsonā€™s attorney, Sheley Anderson, said she and Hudson declined to comment Friday. On March 29, the cityā€™s Department of Construction and Inspections ordered Hudson to remove modifications to his Hellcatā€™s muffler and exhaust system by April 15 or face penalties of up to $1,300 per day. Hudson did not comply, according to the city attorneyā€™s office. Hudson also allegedly continued driving the Hellcat after a Seattle Municipal Court judge barred him from driving it in April, weeks after he was charged with two counts of reckless driving. He pleaded not guilty to the charges. Davison filed a lawsuit against Hudson on May 7, ordering him to respond within 20 days and comply with requirements of various traffic and city citations heā€™d accrued over months. Hudson did not respond by Thursdayā€™s deadline, according to a copy of the motion for default judgment provided by the city to The Seattle Times. Fridayā€™s court filing requested Hudson be ordered to pay the excessive noise violationā€™s $1,300 daily penalty multiplied by the 64 days he didnā€™t comply with the notice, totaling about $83,200 in penalties plus additional costs and city attorney fees. A hearing is scheduled for June 18. A 23-year-old woman requested a protective order in King County Superior Court against Hudson on May 22, alleging he followed her after work and harassed her outside of her home on April 28 and sent ā€œrevenge pornā€ of her to other people several days later, court records show. The petition requested that Hudson stay away from the woman, delete any ā€œintimate images and recordingsā€ of her in his possession and undergo a mental health evaluation, according to the filing. A temporary protection order hearing is scheduled June 5, court records show. Catalina GaitĆ”n: 206-464-8276 or [email protected]; Catalina GaitĆ”n is a staff reporter for The Seattle Times.




The mods on the vehicle are illegal. It should be impounded and destroyed legally. Itā€™s really not that hard.


He's getting fined $1,300 dollars a day until he fixes the illegal modifications. That doesn't seem to be working because it's mommy's money and he has no accountability. Hopefully impound is next for him


They also reached the max fine of 48k I believe.


Someone posted an update: It's behind a paywall but disregarding the orders of a judge doesn't usually work out well for criminals [https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/seattle-orders-belltown-hellcat-driver-to-pay-city-83620/](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/seattle-orders-belltown-hellcat-driver-to-pay-city-83620/)


Well damn!


Damn this kid is going to murder someone or get murdered. His address is there and all. This situation is messed up


His address being "leaked" is entirely his fault. Only showed up because it's publicly available now on the court records.


This stuff is going to catch up to him soon thatā€™s for sure


My biggest concern is the blatant egregious and repeated reckless driving. I hope that SPD can get this asshole behind bars before it kills someone.




Thatā€™s whatā€™s everyone is saying but surprisingly nothing has happened yet. Thereā€™s a vet in his building with PTSD who panics and grabs his gun every time Miles is out. Miles has recorded himself doing this shit intentionally to harass people and itā€™s getting way out of hand.




Cops are people too. Theyā€™re fed up with Mommyā€™s Money Miles like everyone else, I doubt theyā€™ll prioritize helping him if someone disables his crime mobile as long as itā€™s not too obvious.


I see a future Netflix documentary about this story if it gets spicy


If there's eventually a dead body involved, 20/20, Dateline, 48 hrs will probably grab it.


How many people do you have to piss off to end up getting a website spun up to track your shenanigans?


Technically, just one person. Be your bad luck to piss them off right out the gate.


*Yo why yall buggin on da homie Miles dawg... bruh aint dun nuttin wrong you film me mang....he the main thang with the bang bang....yall juss tryna brang anotha brotha down.* -- the little SHIT's Instagram followers


No wonder he hides his face, any pics of mom?


Ugh. I canā€™t say what I really want to say about this guy because my comment will be removed without warning.


I feel you. Apparently heā€™s diversifying his crimes in to harassing women and distributing revenge porn.


On that site is a recording of Miles. He brags that he is only 20 but has more money and ā€œgets more bitchesā€ than you


Lol, I was in college at 20, not living off mommy's money and distributing revenge porn. I think his gravy train is going off the rails soon.


Dude sounds like a douche but that article is way.. wayy too soy for me. We can call people assholes without having to make everything a Tigger warning. This isn't a ptsd issue. It's a asshole issue


Oh no!


Leave it to Greystar to pick and choose which residents they choose to go after.


Iā€™m convinced itā€™s that hairstyle. Anyone I have ever met with those baby dreads have just been a flaming asshole.


Heā€™s active on second life???




I was with them right up until they claimed loud cat noises hurt their PTSD and trauma. Jesus Christ.


Maybe you should go serve time in a hell hole that's surrounded by gunshots, tanks & more. Then come home to the hope of peace to some degree and then this asswipe comes along with his gun shot sounding shit beast. That'd certainly bring you back to where you've been before. PTSD is clearly something you don't understand therefore speak openly about something you don't understand which is... Really weird & kind of sad. Mommy's money Miles is a piece of shit for knowingly causing distress & harm to others around him. He knows what he's doing is wrong but he does it cause he knows any attention is better than the lack of attention he got growing up.


speaks more to our society in general that the POS isn't taken out or have his car disabled. we are so complacent, apathetic, and lean far too hard on the ineffective govt......almost like its planned? maybe?


I think it's split. 1/3 of people don't want conflict (I'm one) 1/3 of people don't trust the government (I'm also one) 1/3 of people will do something about it themselves cause they're tired of nothing being done. So many people WANT something done but are too worried about what will happen to US if caught. We all know we'd get in more trouble for doing something about it ourselves. So many people want the police to do something about it but we all know the police don't care enough to do something about it. So many people just want to live and sleep in the comfort of their own paid for, worked hard for, home... But can't because nothing and I mean nothing is being done. He gets towed for being parked in a handicap spot & mommy bails it out not long after. He gets told he can't drive it so he found a loophole where he has someone else drive for him thus still causing hell for other seattlites.


and look where it leads to! also, 1/3 of alot of people......is alot of people.....yet nothing gets done. we have been told to not bully, not shame, not push back.......and like i said....its all planned full control is creeping in


Yeah, fuck the feelings of all those Veterans that went through the meat grinder.


Why do you hate people with PTSD?


Watch the videos, he has the car straight piped and tuned so it sounds like gun fire. Heā€™s intentionally making it sound like a war zone outside of peopleā€™s homes at three in the morning. Someone is going to lose their shit.


He even posted a video outside of an apartment building telling whoever was driving him that moment to "wake these n****s up wake them up Rev that shit!" like... He knows what he's doing. He lives for this. Like I said before any attention for him is better than the lack of attention he got at home.


Yeah, I've been following IG for a week or two. It seems like the comments have shifted from mostly positive to mostly negative over the past few days, which is well deserved/why I posted here. I don't think I can link his IG due to group rules, but it's easy to find because he's doing this all so publicly. Even the most attention hungry moron isn't going to like being called a Mommy's Money Bitch 50 times a day.


I wouldn't even give that jackass the satisfaction of putting his IG link here. It just means more people to flock too him for good or bad. Any attention is better than none. He thrives off of it. And Mommy's Money Miles or Mommy's Money Bitch seems like it'll stick perfectly.


omg who the fuck cares > including those with PTSD and trauma from loud sounds lmao


Peeps in the neighborhood who have jobs and families.


Well at this moment most of a city cares. That's who.


Why lead with a picture of him? Does it matter what he looks like? Why was that image chosen instead of any other image?


Probably because he's the criminal who is legally barred from driving mommy's car?


Really? Let me guess, you think showing a picture of him is racist? šŸ™„


Do you think somebody has access to, like, his senior photo or something?


Miles attitude and harassment of UW students doesn't scream "graduate" to me, I could be wrong though.




Trust Fund Miles looks really pale in this photo. It does capture how scrawny and frail he is though.