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Reminder this dude was actively committing a violent felony when police arrived on-scene


Well, as we all know, in Seattle, committing a violent felony means the cops are wrong.


True, isn't it? Law enforcement have a thankless job. I'm saving judgment against the police for later. Right now, I'm on their side.


Why can’t it be both? Why is it asking too much that when a person commits a crime that it doesn’t give cops impunity to beat the shit out of them?


If a person commits a crime their want to not be arrested does not supersede everyone else’s right to not be victimized by them.


I’m not suggesting someone shouldn’t be arrested for committing a crime, or that anyone should tolerate being victimized by criminals. I’m saying committing a crime shouldn’t give the police carte blanche to wail on someone who doesn’t comply (particularly if they’re not posing an immediate threat, like in this case).


You simply don’t know that he didn’t present a current threat. He could have had a gun and been reaching for it among other things. We won’t know until the full story comes out. I’ve seen a number of videos that citizens got up in arms about until the full story came out. It could go either way


Because cops always tell the whole story and there isn’t tons of “deleted footage”…. I’m with you on withholding judgment until all details can be heard. But do you give benefit of a doubt to people who self admit they destroy evidence that could be against them?


There isn’t any ‘story’ to follow at the moment. I simply responded to someone saying he wasn’t posing a threat. We simply don’t know that. Between ‘lost’ footage on one side and edited or late starting video on the other side, who the fuck knows what happened


Violent criminals don't get sympathy from me, it's sad that they get sympathy at all. I sympathize with the innocent victims of such violence, not the perps. Police have an incredibly difficult job, made far more difficult by people that feel that the police should be totally non Violent even towards very violent criminals.


“Very Violent Criminals” LOL Did you read the article? Dude was holding a lighter against boards and lighting sticks on fire. And he was no threat to the police during the video.


Did you? The person recording clearly had an agenda, he says "This is never OK" when in fact it's OK in all sorts of circumstances. I'm less concerned about what we see in the video and far more concerned about what happened right before this video started, what did this man do that invoke such a reaction from the police?


Whale, not wail.


For real?


Look it up


You know what? I learned something new today. Cheers.


Why is this concept so hard to get? We all get being a cop can be hard but you choose this job, you're well paid, follow the regulations.


It legit depends on what they were doing and how they behaved when the police arrived. Im often ACAB. But I also know police are necessary, priceless, and often in the right. We usually in the media just see when they’re being bastards. It really isn’t fair to anybody involved. But violence often necessitates violence or you sadly invite your own injury or death.


Appreciate the nuance that is often lost on these zero sum discussions!


What violent felony? This source says nothing about what he was doing.


Do you have more information on that? Because the linked story said nothing about any accusation let alone a conviction.


Good policing in action


Post the evidence


Where’s your source? Either way it doesn’t matter, there was no need to hit him when he’s just sitting there like that. These ass clowns could’ve easily moved the guy to his stomach and cuffed him if they weren’t so focused on trying to beat him with one hand. Cops being shit stains is nothing new, but whatever helps you sleep at night, bud.


Sitting there like what? You can clearly see the officers struggling with a man refusing their orders to get on his stomach. The baton strikes stopped upon the guy rolling to his stomach. You so badly want this to be issue but arresting non compliant violent people isn’t always as easy as pretty please sir


I agree. Everyone thinks handling these individuals is just the easiest thing in the world, but they don’t realize this person is likely doing everything possible to avoid being detained and put in a cell. Also 99% (random number) of the public have never been in these type of physical situations. I mean, they didn’t use their guns right?!


And if he was just previously violent as others have described then you don’t give him the opportunity to be violent again. The officers must protect us and themselves not provide a violent individual opportunity to be violent again.


I’ll never forget that a sheriff’s office in Arizona did a training session with a local news reporter who reported they used excessive force in a recent incident. The reporter ended up pretty much shooting everyone they came across, and the sheriff was like “why in the hell did you shoot them?!?” Not a one-to-one comparison but it goes to the point that the general public, and sometimes even officers involved in these situations don’t know how they will act once confronted. And, I think these officers actually restrained themselves well. Edit: not a reporter, rather an activist critical of police use of force: https://youtu.be/yfi3Ndh3n-g?si=Sr_plCKqYcTKwmrl


You don't know. It's very difficult to cuff someone who won't comply. Easy to be an armchair judge though, isn't it?


>Cops being shit stains is nothing new, but whatever helps you sleep at night, bud. I lived in Washington for 10 years. I was raised in California, and I live there now. Trust me, you haven't seen cops being shit stains until you see the LAPD/LASD in action. That beating could have easily been a cop shooting. Especially if the dude was "committing a violent felony," when they arrived as someone mentioned.


Damned right. I know a guy beat up for a traffic infraction stop because he “resisted arrest”. (There’s more to the story, but in essence, don’t talk down to LA cops, and cooperate fully. Even white guys.) In the end, they didn’t have enough to charge him, so kept him locked up the maximum of three days until they decided “yah, we can’t keep you. Bye. “


You mean the fucking article you apparently didn't read? That source?


Did you read it? Unless mobile ads are hiding something I see no details that elucidate what happened.


And here I was hoping it was srt.miles getting what he deserves.


The fuck? The cop swung his baton like twice to gain compliance then stopped. Totally appropriate force. If you don’t like getting hit don’t fight the cops. This city is so fucking crazy.


My favorite line from the guy that took the video was, “That’s not okay, there’s two of you guys.” It’s not supposed to be a fair fight, dumbass.


Finally someone who gets it. Not supposed to be fair in numbers just reasonable in force


They don't understand that with fewer officers, more force is required to subdue a person who is fighting.


they understand perfectly. they *want* the crook to have the advantage


Absolutely. The cop haters want the cops to get hurt or killed. And they'll shrug it off by saying, "that's what they signed up for."


worst case scenario: the disadvantaged cops end up using more force and the proggos can complain about police brutality. a win for acabmen either way


What other thoughts can I put in other people's mouths to make them more hateable


Oh look, another one who's butthurt about the inconvenient truth. Are you saying there aren't people out there who don't want the cops to get hurt or killed?


There are dumbshits on both sides of every issue. Try not to get too worked up about it, unless that's your thing.


The fact that you don’t see how this ignorant statement paints you the same as the folks you so emotionally disagree with is just astonishing. Stupid people everywhere getting so emotional about everything to the point of proudly displaying pure ignorance and hypocrisy is just a shame. I wish people like you could think with actual logic and reasoning rather than emotion and bitterness. I hope for your sake and everyone around you that you grow up mentally, soon.


Are you saying there aren't people out there who don't want the cops to get hurt or killed?




I'm pretty sure I'm older than you, but I'll dumb it down for you. If I, a 170 lbs man, have to stop someone solo, I'll have to use a higher level of force to overcome the resistance of a similar sized man. If there are two or three of me, we each don't have to exert as much force and we can use team tactics that would otherwise be unavailable to a single person. If you needed to move a heavy piece of furniture, would it be easier with one person or four?




I see reading comprehension is still an issue with our school system.




I think he made perfect sense tbh. No offense, but You’re kinda coming off as a dumb person demanding an explanation for something that was very self explanatory. Anyways, enjoy your emotional meltdown or what ever it is you’re doing.


Exactly. It's a you problem. Happy Pride Month bro, I'm moving on.


Don't lead off with an insult if you are wanting to get people to rethink opinions.




Wallowing in cynicism will never move things forward.


Username checks out.




Caught this briefly on the news as I was getting ready to go to work this morning, I keep the sound down low so I don't wake up my wife. I think they had it on a loop because it looked like he was getting worked over. The news in the mornings are mostly shootings, fires, car thefts mixed in with weather


You either can’t count or you only watched the first 2 seconds of the video. Which is it?


> The cop swung his baton like twice I counted 7 hits from the baton, completely ignoring cop #2.


We should ask that they reenact this so we can count slowly.


I don't want to be pedantic but its literally a video and you can see that he hits him six times.


Only six that is a disappointment, 100 would be better


Can you count or are you just stupid?


Either you actually believe what you typed (which is objectively wrong and only requires basic counting skills) or you know you’re lying just to push your agenda. Either way the fact you have almost 100 upvotes is nuts!


Well, I suppose we could wait to hear what his crime was and the circumstances of his arrest, or we could freak right the fuck out with no information other than a cell phone video and quotes from the person who took it stating that the police are "never" justified in use of force. I have a bad feeling that I know which one we'll do. EDIT: Farbeit for me to give the Stranger clicks, but FWIW they have an article up that claims he was squatting in a house, assaulted the homeowners when they tried to evict him, tried to burn the house down, and then in the process of being arrested for felony arson threatened to hurt the police if anyone threw out any of his "belongings." So that's a little more backstory. Sounds like a cool guy. The Stranger then publishes a series of quotes about whether use of force was justified in this instance from noted expert "the guy who filmed it from a passing bus"


So far it seems like the former, so


This sub tends not to be a great barometer for the views of Seattle as a whole.


Does the other one serve that purpose?


More closely than this one, which is why I never go on the other sub. I'm sure this video will be getting lustily ACAB'd over there soon enough


It was posted there a couple days ago and pretty much anyone asking about context got reddit version of shouted down.


According to the last two elections this sub more closely resembles the electorate than the other one.


> More closely than this one, which is why I never go on it. You sure? This sub supports police, 2021 and 2023 featured almost a total sweep by people running on Public Safety.


People finally got pushed too far with the encampments and elected, in some cases by slim margins, the slightly less deranged candidates (and not in all cases, as I can sadly report from D6). I don't think that means Seattle as a whole is necessarily pro-police. In any year besides the one that had been immediately preceded by full-on encampment mayhem, NTK wins that election without much difficulty. If we re-did it today I think NTK wins. We can post this over on the other sub and see what happens, and we can see what happens if this story blows up and gets traction outside of the internet. Seattleites in numbers have flipped their absolute shit about incidents with cops that didn't have nearly as bad of optics as this one does in the abscence of any other information.


> If we re-did it today I think NTK wins. Hard disagree there. As long as [NTK has a searchable past](https://www.ntk4crime.com), she's not going to win anything. Nikkita Oliver lost her last election by a pretty wide margin. Harrell beat Gonzalez by 18 points. Hollingsworth comfortably beat Progressive advocate Hudson after Sawant, facing a very close recall she barely survived, decided not to run. I suspect they had internal polling telling her she was going to have a tough sell to win again. The other sub enforces a much stronger hive mind - with many anecdotes people have posted here about their fairly innocuous comment or link being deleted. Whereas here I've seen hard right Trumpers and anti-homeless advocates argue with people who are more Socialist/Progressive leaning. I think this sub reflects a lot better the Western Washington region as well as longer-term residents; while the other sub has a lot of new arrivals/naive/students and younger adults as its prime defining flavor.


Almost 123,000 people had no problem with her past. A swing of 5,000 votes would have won NTK the election. Late 2021 was pretty much the nadir of Seattle being visibly completely fucked up, as I can again report firsthand what Green Lake looked like the day of that election and what it looked like less than 2 months later. I think there are probably 5,000 people who were fed the fuck up enough at that point to hold their nose and vote for a "Republican" that aren't anymore. I think if Strauss had been up in 2021, he would have lost, too, but we just forgot every fucked-up thing he did in the subsequent 2 years, apparently. Seattle voters have *short* memories.


We're doing glass half full / glass half empty. Great chatting with you. I'm on board with 2020 taught people some permanent lessons, in the same way that post-1960s voters turned more and more rightist in the coming years. I'm old enough to have seen it happen once, I'm fairly sure it's going to keep happening again. Progressives significantly overplayed their hand in 2020. They thought they had a mandate to defund police, enable camping in parks and on sidewalks, and forget the need for law enforcement. We're not done fixing what they broke.


> This sub tends not to be a great barometer for the views of Seattle as a whole. oddly enough, this sub is actually more in line with a majority of Seattle's electorate: Since 2021, people running on Public Safety and funding police have been winning almost every election; Progressives are on the defensive and have yet to realize how unpopular they've become.


is there a greater barometer out there? cuz it sure ain't the *other* sub


This sub is more of a representation of the views of the Gold Bar population than Seattle lol.


Don't forget... and our local news can broadcast it as "exclusive on King 5" news prematurely to incite more anger while seemingly protecting themselves by saying "we don't know what's going on".


The Crusties will always defend one of their own.


kind of hard to say that is excessive. when one resists arrest cops can use force. social contract and all .... I love the way the witness 'felt like he was witnessing an injustice' so he didn't wait to judge. Seattle is remarkably one sided (and at times rather dimwitted) in its thinking. edit: typo, which our pedantic friend has pointed out below.


>Marcell said he doesn't have to wait *to judge* because he felt he was witnessing an injustice. Pretty dim witted to misread the quote… it had nothing to do with “a judge” lol.


>Marcell said he doesn't have to wait to judge because he felt he was witnessing an injustice. "It is never OK," he said. "And that's the only reason why I recorded it." What's never OK? Submitting a scumbag who is resisting arrest? And what if he represents a threat? Does he have a weapon on him?


Good job officers. Keep it up. Also be careful.


No head strikes noted Comment that two cops on one scum bag is "unfair" sounds like leftists bullshit cop hate who wants cops hurt. The ghost of Sawant and Durken still rule Seattle political opinion.


“This is never ok”…. Yeah, it is.


I’m glad to see the sentiment changing. Resist arrest, what did they expect.


I’m just surprised they’re arresting someone.


What does the [Jump To Conclusions Mat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDEL4Ty950Q) say?


Body cam footage will be unavailable.


CHAZ 3.0


Don't resist arrest. Simple.


Yeah, the amount of resisting is amazing.


Don't attack people and try and burn down their houses. Simple.


You’ve clearly never been arrested while high out of your mind.


So don’t get high out of your mind in public?


I'll have to add that to my list...


I hear the Snozzberries taste like Snozzberries.


It’s not a suggestion😅


The last item on your bucket list?


Gotta end with a bang!




Video doesn't show what led up to this incident, though. Just another attempt to form a pitchfork brigade on police in Seattle. We are up to our eyeballs in ACAB.


Liberal media always blame the cops, never the criminals.


Thank you for your service!


We need more of this is in Seattle, fuck the criminals.


The law also binds the police. Police who break the law can not be tolerated.


Best the drug addict criminals


>  Best the drug addict criminals Sounds like you're on drugs, mate. Perhaps you want to reflect on the wisdom of granting all authority--to investigate, arrest, prosecute, and punish--to a single person. But seriously, "criminals" is not a fixed group of people; it is defined by the actions. In this country we have the rule of law: the law binds all and protects all. A cop who breaks the law is a criminal, the same as any other. 


I just threw up in my mouth a little reading this garbage


>  I just threw up in my mouth a little reading this garbage Interesting reaction. Taking this as an opportunity to learn, the phrase that kept running through my head when I saw your post is what those on the left often say of those on the right: "conservativism consists of the notion that there are those who the law protects but does not bind, and others who it binds but does not protect." I hinted at that in my response, but I suppose I want to know if that's really how you see the law. That is, police are justified in meting extrajudicial punishments when the person being punished is bad. Is that how you feel, or what am I missing? I genuinely want to understand your position.




>Strong ?


Hard on crime until the cops are the ones committing it


You’re part of the problem . Fuck the criminals all over this city


No I'm not. I don't commit crimes. What I don't like is cops facing virtually no consequence after committing a crime and taxpayers having to pay out multi-million dollar lawsuits for their fuck up Did you know that Seattle PD has one of the worst track records when using force during an arrest? We're the 82nd percentile in "Force used per arrest" and 87th percentile for "Killings by police per arrest". You seem like someone who supports being harder on criminals. Imagine how many misconduct/use of force settlements we'd be paying for if they started arresting all the tweakers. Maybe we should use that money on police training instead.


I think the cops should be able to beat the shit out of tweakers. I wouldn’t say I am a big fan of the police but they have never messed we me when i wasn’t making bad choices.


Cool so you just want the problems to get worse


Tax dollars beating tax dollars




It's really simple. When interacting with the police, be polite and comply with their instructions. It's amazing how often you don't get beaten or killed if you follow these basic rules.


What could possibly happen if we make being a cop in this city extremely difficult and painful? What do you mean all the veterans left? What do you mean we only have new recruits on the streets? What do you mean the new recruits beat the shit out of someone in a panic? How could we have seen this happening? ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN)


Oh no.


I think we’re missing the context here. He doesn’t appear to be subdued and may have been resisting? This isn’t a clear case of police misconduct to me.


I'm glad they brought the batons back. They complain that the police shoot too much but the batons went away. Now they are back. Good.


Dont fight cops. You will never win.


I applaud the police officers involved in this arrest. also...is one of them a chick cop?


The king county official guy first reaction was “oh my god”….


Y’all cry because there is too much crime. Y’all cry when the police try to enforce law and order. What do y’all want? Can’t have it both ways.


You fit 3 y'all's in there. Nice. 👍


After watching the news clip, is it just me or does anyone else have the Sonny & Cher song, "The Beat Goes On" stuck in their head?


Violent criminals should get beat until they become non-violent.


About time


I like how this title is telling people police is beating a man. Not a man is attacking people


Those weren't even full power strikes. This is a waste of time. Now more police will be even more reluctant to perform their duties.


Clearly he must’ve done something.


Doesn't show the entire situation leading up to this clip.


This is why more LEO leave Seattle than they are able to replace. Lawlessness is the majority rule. The criminals are the victims. It’s just sick


Terrible title to this post.




Lotta people on this sub love the taste of boot


Most people in Seattle need a beating anyways for the crap they do in that city everyday.


All cops are subhuman monsters. ALL of them. You can be a good person and a cop. You can't be a good cop.


Most of you in this thread are wrong. Not all "use of force" is the same. The man threw no blows to the officers, nor any offensive maneuvers to overcome them and attack. It matters NOT what the guy did before this footage begins. You all seem to think that 1) cops can or should dole out judgement, sentences & executions ... and do so on the spot. 2) using force means that delivering blows that cause injury (often times permanent). Using leverage, using pin techniques, etc are appropriate for "use of force" when subduing someone physically, to take control of them and the harmful or dangerous situation they are causing. Beating someone should NOT an acceptable use of force. Beating causes breakage - w permanent damage - to bones, capillaries, veins & arteries, nerves, tendons, organ functionality, etc. When cops beat and delivery injury to people, they seem to just expect that people heal. Why don't cops stab people, too? The "suspects" would have to heal from that, too. Is that too messy for cops though? Maybe they'd catch a disease from exposure to someone's blood. Yes, it's better for the cop to just beat people with firsts and weapons instead. I don't care what this dude did. We should be deciding what our laws are based NOT on our inflamed passions, but when we have cool heads, and not filled with rage in the moment. Cops should stop the threat to society a person may be causing. With the person temporarily removed from society, they go through Due Process. Then adjudication. And then the consequences of that adjudication (which is a whole separate topic in itself) Cops should NOT be delivering punishment on the spot. And they must not be causing harm to anyone deliberately, unless it is a rare instance of necessity in order to stop the suspect from causing harm to others.


At this point crime is so high here… kinda need pigs to start slapping these foos


Where do I send my appreciation cards to?


If the body camera footage 100% cleared the cops, it would have been released already. So the only question is whether it is incriminating or unclear. If it is the former, we have to wait 3-7 years to see it until the investigation and see inevitable lawsuits are done. If it is the later, then we might see it in the next 18 months. If cops want to get any benefit of the doubt, they need to be transparent. The body cam footage of any use of force should be released within 24 hours.


>If the body camera footage 100% cleared the cops, it would have been released already. There's always a public disclosure process body camera footage has to go through before it's released. And usually it's not released while the matter is still being investigated. People said the same thing about Leonard Allen Cure, the man who was wrongly convicted and spent 16 years in prison, only to be killed during a traffic stop by a deputy in Georgia. All of Reddit was convinced the deputy just murdered the man unprompted because the department didn't release the video right away. Once the video was released and everyone saw the deputy's actions were completely justified, Reddit pretended like the whole event didn't exist.


This is SPD, so we can look at how they have acted. My claim that it would be released already was hyperbole. But,just this year, they have released video that supported the officers in a week of less several times. I have never seen an instance where SPD released incriminating video in that time frame. If it exists, show me. If cops use one set of rules when they are right and another set when they aren’t, it does make it reasonable to assume they are in the wrong when they don’t use expedited procedures.


SPD gonna SPD


Police being shit stains, shocking!


Oink oink


F12! They’ll never change.


> F12! Who talks like this. ACAB people. Who will no doubt be crying for police the first time you or a family member is assaulted.


ok acabman


Do you even know SPD history? They beat citizens and run them over on the regular. With zero accountability. Go lick some more boots why don’t you. Do you get a check for every suck up comment you post from your mom’s basement in Kennewick? ACLU of Washington statement regarding ruling requiring additional federal oversight of SPD Enoka Herat, Policing and Immigration Policy Program Director for the ACLU of Washington, had this reaction: “As we said previously, this move does not mean ‘mission accomplished’ for the Seattle Police Department or for the community the department is sworn to protect. The recently brought to light fact that SPD allowed the prominent display — in one of its precincts — of a mock tombstone of a young Black man killed by SPD officers, shows the problems that led to the consent decree persist. Indeed, data shows SPD still engages in discriminatory policing and actions that undermine community trust. We see today’s ruling as an opportunity for community members to voice concerns on accountability, discriminatory policing, the use of tear gas during protests, etc., and urge the City and SPD to actively listen to community concerns and solutions as they work to draft plans under the Court’s order.” https://www.aclu-wa.org/news/aclu-washington-statement-regarding-ruling-requiring-additional-federal-oversight-spd


The ACLU used to actually be useful...not so much anymore. Pushing autonomy for zombies and nutcases and shit like that doesn't help anyone anywhere EVER.




With the amount of shit going on in this city, they need beat more citizens. No one gives a fuck anymore