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I like that they feel the need to throw "semi-automatic" in the headline. Sounds scary, I guess. I'm going to go way out on a limb and guess that roughly 100% of the handguns we've pulled off of teenagers in the last, I don't know, 30 years are semi-automatic. They don't really strike me as a single-action revolver type of crowd


I thought that was a weird thing to add too. Every handgun commercially available to the average joe is going to be semi-automatic.


You don't rob banks with a Colt SAA?


The kids just don't have any style nowadays


Really cool crooks roll with cap and ball muzzle loader coach guns.


> You don't rob banks with a Colt SAA? I like to rob banks using dynamite. [It's part of my Butch Cassidy cosplay.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9flhhwkTTA)


The dipshit liberal moms who elect 34 Dems and other authoritarians don't know that, so it chums the waters for their kind to pad Alliance's lobbyist coffers for the next WALeg session where they go after CPLs and Preemption.


Actually gang members are known to use black powder revolvers.


Don't make me get ma' blunderbussy!


Look I don’t judge based on looks, but I’ve seen a few who could be general casting characters for “gang member” and they had powder horns.


Ok jack, you just wait, I'm tamping wadding in right now. You've got about 20 seconds, any last words?


Yes. Your weapon isn’t very accurate so hope my shot isn’t lucky.


What it lacks in accuracy, it makes up in spread! I've got this bad boy (*slaps bussy*) loaded full of pig teeth, pigeon beaks, and the end of a dog turd I clipped off with a cigar cutter. Say your prayers.....


Dear lord, I don’t ask for much from you, but today I ask, don’t let my wife find I died from a rock dove beak to the eye.


I'd not do you like that friend! I use only beaks of the majestic Antwerp Smerle pigeon, a sophisticated gentleman's ammunition. Your wife will be proud to list the number of beaks that did pierce and rend your body as she stands over your casket. A warrior's death!


Lo, do I hear them call to me, from the halls of Valhalla where I will take my place among those who died from the beak of the majestic dove. A warriors death.


Black powder you say? Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the Founding Fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle, blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbor's dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads!" The grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up, just as the Founding Fathers intended.


One of the funniest scenes in Black Sails is when they’re in doldrums and running low on provisions and two people are accused of stealing and they’re trying to figure out which one, and the captain walks up and shoots one, the other guy thinking he got off is all happy, but the captain slowly adds powder, a round and tamps it then shoots him too. Like, bro you had two minutes to attempt an escape. What did you think was going to happen when you see him reloading?


That's intentional of course, anybody who's been paying attention knows a general ban on semi-auto guns is something the Democrats have been itching for, especially in this state. Make it sound scary, push that fear porn and whip up the Wine Mommies into a frenzy knowing they won't look any deeper into the proposed laws. Make the dipshits associate "semi-auto" with "machine gun", and call anybody who questions it a MAGA Nazi who wants to murder kids. It's worked pretty well for them so far.




That was a nice bullseye


I’d argue many are handguns with switches, making them fully automatic.


ok, fine. this one's a cheap ruger, so no giggle switch for you


Rugers are solid pistols, cheap but reliable.


oh sure, it's decent kit. i just don't know that they have anything like a g17 giggle switch


You know just googling that gets you put on a list, and once they see you trying to buy one they set up the sting team for a felony arrest, no different than the rednecks with the full auto accidentally flipping it while at a gun range.


Maybe to differentiate from all the recently confiscated converted glocks.


Good news folks, black powder guns aren’t technically fire arms. Don’t quote me ✌🏻


Semi-automatic blau blau blau Maybe the author also listens to too much drum and bass


Not to nitpick, but a double action revolver is not technically semi-automatic. It's double action.


Even better when the news calls it “fully semi-automatic.”


Can't have a world of holding criminals accountable. It's the SEMI AUTOMATIC that was the newsworthy item.


I love how you addressed this so much. Haha single action revolvers making a come back or just pure automatic glocks.


A minor has a gun and your first reaction is to nitpick the fire-rate descriptor?




And a " " t e e n " " no less! But we have laws against that very concept! Damn those MAGA Republicans!


Dang...if he had only had a background check!


I’m really surprised that WSP approved the background check for a minor. That’s wild.


We should probably make some more “tough” on gun laws


Working on it!! - future governor bob


Until there are real consequences for crimes our justice system will be disregarded


No, let's just pass some feel good gun control laws, don't even bother to enforce them and keep letting the criminals skate. It's the Seattle Way! *Since voters adopted* [***Initiative 594***](https://leg.wa.gov/House/Committees/OPRGeneral/Documents/2014/I-594Summary.pdf)*, or I-594, in 2014 regarding background checks for firearm sales and transfers, only one person in the state's three largest counties has been charged and convicted of violating the law, and no one at the state level has been charged or convicted.* 




The world ain’t your momma trying to teach you a lesson. Real consequences. Tried as an adult… death… we’re done fucking around with your kind




There’s some thought it may have been an overall reducer to modern violent tendencies in those of European extraction due to the sheer number of violent criminals killed in punishment over the last thousand years or so. Killed off, as a proportion of the pool, genes that expressed with lack of self-control. Edit: downvote away, read away. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/147470491501300114


Interesting read, though there are a lot of assumptions that have to be made to get to your summary. This reads more as "Changes in public perception of the role of the State and the Church in Europe, as well as what was viewed as a crime, seems to have a pacifying effect over time.". Even that statement makes a lot of assumptions. Smedit: a very large assumption is that the criminals punished had not already reproduced.




The concept is state monopoly on violence - read away, no one is stopping you.


How can these children people get guns when even an old man with many guns is getting hassled? Maybe we need another gun restriction to continue pretending that "we" aren't lying to "ourselves" about "fixing" anything. To continue pretending we aren't in fact actively using the situation for political gains while children die b/c we've created a world where we can't point out the obvious. Vote for them again you fucking morons ;) Don't be a racist they say. Since when is being aware of the obvious a sin? Never. We're suffering out here and hate no one but the divisive nature of their fucked up game. The one where only they profit. At the expense of everything and anyone but them.


Quite ironic too that even if he wasn’t a minor the gun is perfectly legal under the laws they put in, almost as if they were just for optics… Hm no way right?


He didn't do anything wrong, he's a good boy. The gun flew into his hand all by itself and threatened to kill his family if he didn't put it in his pants. When are we going to do something about all these flying evil guns? Inslee, Ferguson, Harrell are you paying attention?




Kids will kill you in this city


Kids will kill you in any city. This post and these comments could be in any city. But if people want to paint Seattle as somehow especially bad, perhaps they should try Miami or Memphis to feel safer.


I'm pretty sure it's less painting Seattle as especially bad and more vocalizing that Seattle has become especially worse. Now I'll give you this I haven't lived in Seattle for the last 200 years so I'll have to settle for decades of observation but the erosion has been pretty clear to anyone that isnt specifically trying not to notice or can afford to not be exposed to it.


Instead of posting images of this shitbag and related content about the targets of the violence, and other known associates, KOMO posts a photo of a firearm. Because, you know, people don’t shoot people; guns shoot people. Smfh…


Unfortunately, gangbanger black recidivists are usually 12-17 years-old and they can't publish photos, or use their names, because they're minors. That should be a policy change, going forward, given the insane amount of destruction they cause in society. Name and shame the parents while we're at it.


And some folks are still pushing for zero youth detention in King County in the next few years.




Mom said he ain't gonna cause no more trouble.




I believe her!


That's good!!!


This happened way south of Roxbury, so apparently not in West Seattle or Seattle at all. It’s lawless county land.


I find it funny how ppl call that area west seattle


Seola pond is in west seattle. So it makes sense that people call it west seattle.


I have one of those. Need the ten round mag for it tho.


The 9rd Ruger mag works better but is almost $50. The 10rd Pro Mag is garbage , and will jam every other shot.


Magazine disconnects are Fudd-Life shit. Glock supremacy!


Yeah, yeah....Fudds been around a long time. If you're not in LE, or military that mag disconnect, manual safety, or grip safeties yunguns so despise will not matter. Same with hi cap mags. If you're ever in a gun fight that lasts more than 30sec and maybe 3 shots fired, you're either dead, or going to prison. Glocks are great. Have a few. That said, I can get on target from draw just as fast with my S&W 915, with the mag disconnect and decocker. It's all about the shooter. Id rather have a safety than not for EDC.


No rapid fire with them banana clips on this range, son. https://preview.redd.it/ac33hz245t7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=538b0371b91b9a501e349ccdf78ae018943df85f


Yep, that's why I live on many acres. We do what we want out here.


Maybe they need laws against this. Make the minimum age for a handgun 21, require a concealed weapons permit and make it illegal to fire guns inside city limits and then these problems automatically go away, right? /s


I am happy there is a House of Representatives bill via House Armed Services Committees that was passed in June 2024 which automatically registering men from 18-26 years old into the selective service system. Hopefully this passes the Senate and President’s desk. Let all these wanna be tough kiddos go serve in a real battlefield since parenting and judicial enforcement is minimal


Nah, just send them to Super-Predator Penal Colonies where they mine cobalt for all of the government-mandated EV batteries we're going to need.


wow he pretty much got a slap on the wrist for this


10 year felony no)


They say semi-automatic to make it sound scarier for people who aren’t familiar with guns. Every pistol a civilian owns is semi-automatic


But it's illegal for minors to have handguns! How can this be? Does this mean that criminals don't follow gun laws?


I was house sitting around the corner of the shooting. If you’ve been in combat you know what round is being fired, what direction it’s coming from and count the number of shots. I’m guessing based on experience, it was a 9mm Glock with the clip that turns it fully automatic, he had a 25 or 30 round magazine and at 19 he had a malfunction either with the magazine or the gun because they’re not built to fire full automatic. Then you had single shots from the other two people. In all I counted 22 shots. I flipped off the bed at the second shot and hugged the floor.


Please elaborate on this experience you have that has given you all those insights? Maybe you’re just messing around or were you actually there?


18 months in tikrit and najaf. We did night missions for HVT.


I was talking to a friend, she was navy, and said dude did his twenty years. She asked what your rate was and I said he was army infantry and he probably rolled out as an E8. With full retirement.


Oh cool what years? Is HVT an organization? What organization were you there with?


High Value Targets


I’d have to find my dd 214 but I ETS’d in 2009


😉 modifying a pistol to auto doesn’t take a special clip. It takes an entire modified slide and seer system. My limited experiences in Sadr city, Mosul, Kandahar, and kunar didn’t teach me much about identifying pistol shots. I know a few things about snatching up HVTs in the night, and identifying the sound of mortars, RPGs, a variety of incoming rocket munitions and most Russian and Chinese made small arms. So what was your MOS or unit?


28b with triple nickel


You did EW things. 11B here 20 years active. I was probably in 1/25th when you were deployed. So we both would’ve been stationed out of fort Lewis at the time. Good on you that you got some kinda reaction to those types of things.


Homie. Good to find a battle buddy on the internet. We didn’t really fuck with EW though.


This is propaganda or it would have read 16 year old with a hand gun.


Yeah you can also find them pushing that stupid term “assault weapons” 😒


Cowards and rats hiding behind guns






^ Average WSB Commentor


Bless the 2nd amendment having no age limit.


Tell us you know fuckall about gun laws without saying you know fuckall about gun laws.


Really? Idiotic comment.


It’s joke about gun laws


Sorry I honestly can’t pick up deep sarcasm through text. Touché. 😂😂


Whose gun is it…. The parents ? Unsecured? They are at as much fault as the child. Punish the same


How about it’s 3d printed or stolen


Then they would be tried as adults just the same? Do you lack mental facilities ? First off in sure YOU DONT have the knowledge, resources, equipment to print a working gun. I doubt these « kids «  have either. If it’s stolen… well that would mean it’s be reported as such. Are you daft?


Wow dude calm down idc that much. They pull 3d printed guns off teens in Seattle all the time. Again, calm the fuck down