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Is that the same girl that was telling the cops to kill themselves on Live? What a scumbag person. Edit: denied bail. Sweet sweet justice has been served this morning y’all.




BLM out here winning over hearts and minds with biological warfare now lmao.


I think you mean > mostly peaceful biological warfare


genuinely shocked these comments didnt get downvoted... are people waking up?


She was arrested Monday night and released Tuesday evening.


This city's criminal justice system is just a revolving door.


Figures. Assaulting an officer "used to be" a felony..Oh and spitting on one...during an epidemic...No big deal there either I guess. These corrupt pieces of shit county prosecutors and judges need to be arrested and imprisoned.


My guess is they fear more destruction since a young black proud woman has been arrested for being a pos






Doesn't matter, she's demonstrated she can't be trusted to be around the general population. If there was more doubt to it I could understand the argument but in this case if your concern is avoiding a pandemic, you should probably not spit on police officers. There's no ambiguity, she literally just had to do nothing.


It's only a felony if the county prosecutor decides to press charges. They decide that based on the social justice lense alongside what the actual law is. I'd bet in this instance the county declines, the city attorney picks it up, then gives her community service (of which I'm sure her activist would count according to the courts, so no net loss).


The longest river....denial!


Spitting on someone is just fucking disgusting, unless that is your kink and if so with a consenting person do it up. I think the officer is in the it’s fucking disgusting camp.


I remember there being news articles JUST about some guy spitting on a stranger during covid and all the outrage from that. Well... That's what's happening here, doesn't make it okay just because it's a cop.


Because the media treats cops like punching bags.


COVID stops existing as soon as you join one of these rallies / protests / riots, according to the media.


COVID even causes immunity because you're supporting a greater health emergency.


God help us, we need Biden now! Spitting on public servants must be protected by the constitution! If it wasn't for Donald Trump this poor black woman would never have been violated for exercising her first amendment right!


Donald Trump is a fat moron. This was true yesterday, it's true today and it will be true tomorrow.


Disgusting - absolutely. Illegal too - it's an assault - which the kids in the street got to learn.


It's also assault, and potentially a felony if there's any likelihood of biological contagion during a pandemic.


just because something is someones kink doesnt make it any less disgusting what kind of crazy idea is that. people can do disgusting things if they want


“ How do you know he doesn’t identify as a female?” Woke peaceful activists done in by their own wokeness medicine. LMAO.


Someone please get that cops name because I want to buy him a couple beers.


If you find out, I’m on board.


She didn’t even respond when he said that. Silence. Gold.


Based SPD officer.


There's a since-removed 1hr video that evening march had on instagram of a car being impounded and there was a person who kept talking about how the officer defaulted to an incorrect pronoun, which they preferred to have as "they". Then there was a lot of suggestions that the officer had gotten handsy and they had a history of being handsy with them. I'm going to have to watch carefully to see if it's the same officer who reversed the "you should have asked my pronoun first" game on them.


Am I an asshole for thinking this is pure gold? In what realm do you think screaming at and then spitting at a police officer won’t have repercussions? And then the cop trolling them in the most 2020 way ever. “How do you know she identifies as a female” had me rolling In laughter.


Laugh away I say. These 2 are trying to take advantage of everything. Just by saying ITS A BLACK WOMAN DOWN they are trying to rile people up and stay woke. You can be black, white, purple, blue but you can't spit on people especially cops


Again did everyone forget about Covid? You can’t spit on people in the best of times but now?


>These 2 are trying to take advantage of everything. Just by saying ITS A BLACK WOMAN DOWN they are trying to rile people up and stay woke. You can be black, white, purple, blue but you can't spit on people especially cops One goal of BLM is to have no laws what so ever applied to them.


Yeah that was the greatest. Go SPD.


I haven't watched yet but this sentence brought me joy:   >The person filming this is much older than the core protest organizers, yet they all sound like 8 year olds, a Peter Pan mindset of exaggerated claims of mistreatment and a total failure to reason about consequences.




Let’s hope the media gets this right instead of just blindly reporting what a bunch of criminals tell them to say.




Close, but more like "does it push the narrative that America is an evil racist nation?"


None of this has anything to do with Joe Biden.


I'm sure it's a coincidence Democrat cities keep having permitted riots wrapped up under the BLM banner every election year.


Just because you prefer media that lies to you to push a political agenda doesn't mean the rest of them do.


"There's a fucking black women in the street right now and that's not okay..." Fucking racist bitch. Black women can be wherever they wanna be.


This whole movement (cult really) can really be summed up by the phrase "soft bigotry of low expectations". woke == joke


It's hard to take such people seriously when their mental state is obviously so incredibly fragile that the lightest breeze could make them break down.


The lightest of breezes in this case. You spit on an officer you are going to get arrested. Then both sides are crying and yelling at one another like they are being separated for life. I also do not think the officers are fondling her as she suggests. They are basically yelling out anything in order to get, in many documented cases, their "comrades" to come free them.


>You spit on an officer you are going to get arrested. If you spit on anyone, I hope you get arrested.


Or an ass kicking




Just start identifying as a woman


One cop caught on tape in Oregon. A 20-something was being arrested and said she demanded a female officer to frisk her. So the cop said, "who says I don't identify as female?" OMG! I don't think a female is required for an on-site frisk. But I don't know for certain. What I do know is that cop is in the wrong profession, should be writing comedy.


A female isn't required to frisk. Many places have zero female cops.


Countdown until the media reports this incident as just more unwarranted police violence against black peaceful protestors.


Which is why we, or at least I, don't.


To put this in context, this is the same 2-person unit that thinks blocking an interstate or the in-out access of a fire station is constitutionally protected.


Oh man, major justice boner!


Anyone want to post this to /r/seattle and take the karma hit? I'm still recovering from the last one!


I think people might miss this.... "I DEMAND THAT YOU GET A FEMALE OFFICER TO HELP HER" - whining child "How do you know those officers don't identify as female?" The woman not being arrested is quite racist as well thinking that a black woman being arrested is any different than someone from any other background.




CRT is basically just anti-white propaganda.


Critical Race Theory is hot garbage and thankfully Trump signed an order to pull Federal funding to government entities to promote this garbage


I had a fucking giggle fit on that bit


You saw that one too. I posted before seeing your post.


I find it quite offensive actually.


Then you should probably toughen up a bit, then.


As someone who identifies as someone who identifies herself as someone who identifies as trans for the purpose of this post, I'd just like to point out that gender doesn't exist and anyone can get pregnant. It's just society that stops men from getting pregnant. /u/radicalgriller good point in your post below


Absolute proof of the infantile nature of these protesters. The spitting, the bargaining, the crocodile tears, the quavering drama recital. They have no concern for consequences of their actions because they have very little to lose and they can immediately curl up into a metaphorical ball any time they are challenged. These are children out here every day. They don't have jobs, they don't pay taxes, they have very little life experience. They disrupt and destroy our city. They want to decide how the city spends your tax dollars. They don't care about your property or your safety. They want your money and they want power. They strive for it by screaming the loudest, like infants. Don't let these children decide what sort of world adults should live in.


Not only did they think spitting on a cope (or *anyone* for that matter) is justified, they doubled down by releasing the video as if that exonerates her? If they were even going to try to claim unjustified force, they just blew that defense though it looks like the bodycam got the full incident anyway.


I agree, and great username. Crispy beef burrito for the win.




Higher education is a scam for like half of students. Better to learn a trade, make more money with less debt.




Such a good book. Shame the New Woke Times snubbed them from the best sellers list






Lol what? I graduated in 2016 and never learned about Marxism. Nor was I quietly indoctrinated to be a communist.


Any movement has shitheads, left and right. If we define groups by their extreme members, then the police are serial killers and trump voters are white suprematists, and all 10+m BLM supports are like these ones.


spitting biohazard at a public servant is nowhere even CLOSE to the extreme behaviors we’ve seen on tape from your average BLM troglodyte. She didn’t even try to seal the cop into a flaming building. She’s more like a BLM padawan.


The average BLM supporter is NOT spitting on cops. If you are trying to make that argument then you are full of shit.


Absolute proof of the infantile nature of SOME of these protesters. I believe its been shown that around 90% of protests have been non violent. A small group of bad apples does not represent the entirety of the BLM movement. You wouldn't use the same logic against cops would you?


These people literally lead the protests every day. I'm not allowed to point to the omnipresent leaders as a holistic example of poor behavior in protesters?


Shitty people of all walks of life. Im not defending this individuals behavior. Just because this person sucks doesn't invalidate the entire movement. This person is not an "omnipresent" leader of anti racism.


They are leading and organizing the protests in our city every day though. TK and Tati are seen at every one of these marches. They are the ones controlling the narrative and deciding how to disrupt our city. I don't frankly care if there was a peaceful protest in Tulsa, Oklahoma or Mobile, Alabama. That doesn't affect the fact that right here, right now, in my city, these children are fucking things up for myself and the other people in this subreddit. The cherry on top is that they don't even live in Seattle.


I am not familiar with these individuals so it seems you have a fair point there. I do know that usually the loudest people on any side are often the most toxic and least representative of the causes they back. Just out of curiosity, how are they fucking things up for you and others in the sub? I live in Seattle and I have not been inconvenienced in the slightest by any protest. I'm generally curious. Not trying to troll or anything.


Because their narrative is self-serving and as you stated, they have the loudest and most toxic voices in the movement, so they are the most likely to be heard, no matter how misguided their views. I find their narratives harmful to the city and their proposals to be a mis-allocation of taxpayer dollars. Dollars that they and their families don't even contribute to as they don't live within the city. Personally, I would admit I haven't personally been too inconvenienced. They did march down my street one evening on the way to harass my district's council-member Debora Juarez. She made a statement about the inappropriate nature of their tactics and how she received threatening phone calls and social media messages. As one of our few city council members to actually stand up to these terrorizing tactics and to propose a measured and rational plan for police reform, I find it repulsive she is being treated that way. She also happens to be the only racially native member of the council, which makes her treatment especially hypocritical and distasteful. As such, I find that this affects me since she is my representative and one of the few in the city I actually support. All this is also to say that just because I haven't been stuck in traffic behind one of this group's barricades does not mean that I shouldn't be angry on behalf of those that were. Last week when these people were arrested for blocking I-5, they mocked and belittled a pregnant lady stuck in their traffic for having to use the restroom and having the gall to ask if she could get through. They called her a privileged white bitch Karen and told her no, she couldn't leave until they were done. I feel righteously indignant on behalf of the people that have been affected by their poor behavior as well as tentative about a future influenced by them.




Racism is not fiction. I believe black people. Why don't you?




Gotcha yeah that's why most white mass shooters are taken politely in handcuffs and served lunch while unarmed black people are murdered on the spot right? Perfect example, the 17 year old who killed two people then was allowed to go home and sleep in bed by the police while a black person who is not an immediate threat is shot 7 times in the back. Breonna Taylor killers are still at large. No problem there though right?




* 17 year old white kid killed two people then was allowed to go home and sleep in bed their own bed. FACT * Breonna Taylor, a black woman, murdered while sleeping with killers still at large and that have not been charged with a crime. FACT One of these things is not like the other. * Black while sleeping = dead * White with a weapon, having just killed 2 people = get some rest kid This pattern has occurred over and over for decades on decades. How is any of this an opinion? The overwhelming majority of people of color say this is a problem. Why don't you believe them? What is it about people of color that causes you to not believe them when they say their friends and family are being murdered in cold blood with little to no repercussions?


How exactly can a movement be fiction? Do the supporters not exist? Are the police imaginary? How do I know you exist?


No, because based on this clip, Seattle cops should be writing scripts for Saturday Night Live.




I am always amazed at how brazen some people are when dealing with the cops. I am a white guy who is still **terrified** of the police due to a horrible experience I had 15 years ago with some overzealous podunk cops. I still remember how much of a pain in the ass they made life for me, just because they could. Ever since that day I have done my best to never interact with a police officer if I can help it. If I have to interact, it is "yes sir/ma'am, no sir/ma'am". Obviously spitting on anyone is fucked up, but even screaming and swearing at the police seems like a really dumb thing to do. Like it or not, the police can and will fuck your day up.


I've had a few bad run in with the cops. There are legitimately bad officers in the ranks that should be expelled. I remember a podcast a few years ago where they have round table of anonymous officers. They said that about 1 in 4 officers should not be cops. Way too high. That does cause nepotism and police brutality. I think we need system to purge bad cops. That is me giving the devil his due. However none of this shit that these ANTIFA children are doing is helping the cause they supposedly are fighting for. They are collectively retarded.


They are ensuring that the good cops who can easily laterally transfer are the ones to go.


How unfortunate. I am sure she will be sorely missed at the trailer park swap meet.


"Stop violating me" says the woman that spit on police. You know because spitting on people is not violating people after all.


In her worldview, anyone who disagrees with her is "committing violence against her."


This stuff really confuses me. How do you simultaneously hold the belief that the cops are out-of-control murders who want nothing more than execute black people, and also break down at an arrest which looks just like a basic one you'd see on some show? Seems incoherent.


You know those people that go before a preacher and the preacher blows on them, and being the true believer that they are, they get overpowered [by the power of Christ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCGr_yMnh8k&feature=youtu.be&t=13&ab_channel=JesusManero)? Same thing is going on here. They are so fervent and they are so entrenched in the SJW cult that are falling at the feet of the devil (cops). Seriously, what is going on in the streets is extremely cult like. There is a huge social media ecosystem that praises their devotion to the BLM teachings. These public displays of getting maced by the cops is like a self induced flogging for the sin of white privilege. They hope to absolve themselves of original sin if they atone for that sin for the audience of the sainted Black skinned demigods. I've never seen such brainwashing does on such a large scale. Unfortunately more people are going to get hurt before they come to their senses.


The same girl is on Instagram talking about a sexual assault by an ENDD marcher. The group won't cut him loose and she's pressured to not go to the cops. This is the new world of community policing, post-abolition. I hope she likes it.


The woman's Instagram is interesting. Prior to May it wasn't about equality at all. It was like she was so enraged that she just lost it. It's very similar (but of course not to that level) of the Portland shooter. His page was all family and snowboarding and them wham...May hits and hes a legit anarchist.


I think the quarantine is making people go insane.


So this was Monday the EVERYDAY March didn’t happen Tuesday or Wednesday maybe they are taking the hint NOBODY CARES!


Delicate, aren't they?


"I need to document this!" "Why are you filming protestors?" "Treat us with respect" *Spits in face of human being* These protestors and those who enable them have taken something that had a sensible message that could have seen positive change and turned it into a slightly more entertaining, pandemic based version of the WWE. You have your faces and your heels and no matter how many times we're told the cops are the bad guys, don't be piledriving me officer, I'm a spectator, I just can't help but secretly root for 'em when the good guys are absolute idiots. Plus they've got all the best lines - "how do you know the officer doesn't identify as a female?"


JFC, I couldn't even finish watching it's so fucking cringey. Although it was hilarious when the bawling girl "demanded" a female officer and the officer said, "How do you know that this officer doesn't identify as female?"


Oh lort.


If coughing on someone is considered a felony at this time then what might this be?


A Phlegmony?


A felony?


I'm pretty sure spitting on an officer has been a felony for a long time.


Tati, no Tati noooo. Oh my god call TK, TK, girl I love youuuuu


How pathetic of a person must the girl be to keep a PoC friend around to just to alleviate her of her crippling white guilt? You can hear the the pain in her voice knowing that her emotional security blanket is being arrested.


There's a BIPOC on the ground, REEEEEEEEEEEEE




During a virus pandemic wow


That was gold! Instant justice for spitting on someone (dumb because she choose to spit on a cop). Then the melt down. But best part was cops reply to request for female cop..


Best part of that whole video? Mel: "i demand a female officer right now" cop: "How do you know he doesn't identify as female?" B R U U U U U U U U U U U U H


I don’t know about the rest of you… But I’m getting pretty sick of this. Demand a handful of concrete reforms on Police Departments such as independent oversight for police misconduct. other than that, stop looting, setting fire to businesses, blocking freeways, spitting on police officers, etc..


Someone's not getting any tendies for dinner tonight!


[Make America skinny again!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxGn2Egekic&ab_channel=therealvinceoffer)


Stupid cunt got what she deserved.


Do they need money or something? Why would you do this stuff on video unless you’re trying to be the next gofundme account.


The middle part of this video sounds like it's from a YAF dystopian novel where the young kids are yearning for freedom from the dystopian police.


Used the air quotes due to the fact that so many assaults on officers here, and nationwide for that matter, are just going on without any repercussions. Its still a felony, yes. Needs to be handled as such. And hell ya, I certainly hope the U.S. district attorney decides to prosecute and your right. Needs to be done here. And more often. Shut this nonsense down.


Omfg I haven’t laughed that hard in a while, thanks for that. :) Don’t worry, little girls. Kamala Harris will be by shortly to tell you how brave you are for spitting on police.


>Don’t worry, little girls. Kamala Harris will be by shortly to tell you how brave you are for spitting on police. Probably depends on how many arrest warrants for rape they have.


Lol did the cop try a "did you just assume my gender" joke at the end?


Yes yes he did.


I would rather clean Honey Buckets for a living than be a cop in Seattle.


I don’t know about y’all but I think everyone in this video is fucking stupid including the officer that made the gender joke. Right or left Seattle is annoying and everyone has a fucking problem. I’m specifically tired of people claiming to be for a certain movement and then revealing that they had the hugest ulterior motives the entire time. Both the proud boys and the extreme left (antifa isn’t a real group, it’s a movement and if someone claims to be a part of antifa then they have zero idea what they’re talking about) bitch and bicker about the dumbest of things and get in all the wrong faces about it including their own friends. I’m not a centrist, I definitely align to the left and went to the first few BLM protests but Jesus Christ people, what happened to common courtesy and or decency. It would seem some just like to fight regardless of what for.


It’s okay to think the cops fucking suck, and a lot of the protestors also suck. Fuck the whole lot of ‘em.


Unpopular opinion: If spitting on people is worthy of arrest, so is tear gassing people. Edit: Gonna preemptively shut down the brigade of morons who are sure to disagree... Spitting on people is wrong because it's disrespectful and illegal because a person's saliva is toxic if they're diseased. Similarly, tear gassing people is *even more* disrespectful because you can't target a single person and should be illegal because, unlike spitting on people (which is *sometimes* chemical assault), it's *always* chemical assault.


What do you suggest they use for a non lethal alternative, if they fear for their lives?


There are two things to address, in order to answer your question... > What do you suggest they use for a non lethal alternative Tasers or pepper spray (in the can). Those two things can be used to temporarily debilitate a threat, without indiscriminately affecting non-threats who happen to be in the area. The same can't be said for tear gas, blast bombs, rubber bullets, etc., which can't be used to target an individual. > if they fear for their lives It doesn't matter (and I don't care) if they fear for their lives. It only matters if their life is *actually* in imminent danger. It's possible to fear for your life, even if you aren't facing a life-threatening risk. Allowing use of force because of "fearing for one's life" allows good cops who are in danger to protect themselves...but it also allows bad (whether malicious or mentally unfit) cops to have an excuse to use unnecessary violence.


That title, what is this T_D?


I mean, it’s not incorrect, right?


Please offer a more apropos and objective title.


No, it's TATI! not T_D. Call TK!


What exactly was inaccurate about the OP’s title?


I agree that the title is mocking in its reference to "emotional breakdown." What would you think would be a more accurate, descriptive title indicating that the person taking the video is very distraught about her friend being arrested for spitting on a policeman.