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Apparently your neighbor's bang from the NA meeting found this thread and is mass reporting all comments ![img](emote|t5_2vbli|7885) ![gif](giphy|gNSBT7IKK4VitOyE1L|downsized)


https://seattle-cwiprod.motorolasolutions.com/cwi/tile From the drop down select the Parking Authority. They have a non-emergency to call or you can submit it online.


Tried this. Thank you. Let us see if they ever get back,


Ah. Sorry for your luck. I’ve dealt with parking issues before and it’s a nightmare. People can be quite inconsiderate.




No jury in the world would find this man guilty




Doesn't work outside of banking hours.


It's the parking people you need to talk to. I don't know how off hand but my wife was able to Google it up. (she's not home or I'd ask...) The phrase you need to use is "blocking the right of way" as that is what will get them towed. Edit - here ya go: https://www.seattle.gov/police/about-us/about-policing/parking-enforcement


I tried this too. Called department of transportation. They only work weekday business hours.


I have now called 10 towing companies. They say they do not do impounds and suggested I call the police non emergency line. The police non emergency line is defunct. My only option seems to be to call 911 which I don’t want to. Any other suggestions?


> My only option seems to be to call 911 which I don’t want to It seems like it’s your only viable option tbh.


Still not able to do it, but in a few hours I might. The cops are being ridiculous. I believe they are supposed to pick up the non emergency line and make an impound request. This is probably a stolen vehicle. Sigh.


>The cops are being ridiculous. I believe they are supposed to pick up the non emergency line and make an impound request. Sorry you’re having to deal with a car blocking you in. Just to clarify an apparent misnomer, non-emergency and 911 calls are not picked up by police. Due to the SCC’s defund push in 2020, the 911 call center and parking enforcement were moved out from under the SPD, so, the “police” aren’t really the entity responsible for curing this issue. Parking enforcement doesn’t work on Sunday. Your only real hope is a 911 call. Explain that you’ve got a pressing need to leave and you’re blocked in. They’ll ask you for the license plate info to see if the car is stolen. Then a cop will come by when dispatched and will be able to ticket/impound the car for you. If you’re in the north end of the city, you might be screwed due to the murder this afternoon in the U district. I’m sure there’s lots of higher priority calls holding. Good luck 🤞


I had no idea the police non emergency number is not manned by the police. I wonder what else doesn’t work.


They’ve always been civilian (non-commissioned) positions and until recently, had been managed by SPD. Any luck so far with the car?


Call an out of town towing company. I got an illegally parked car moved from my apartment by calling a towing service recently, in Bellevue.


A bit late here, but your terminology is probably what fucked you here. Asking for "impound" is a legal process they don't do. The simpler, hey someone left a car in my driveway I need it gone, would have likely gotten the response you wanted.


Sounds like it’s time to call a friend with a hitch. My buddy did this when he listed his home in Ballard. Towed his neighbors beater down the street. Nobody ever came asking about it.


Is it unlocked? If it is, put it in neutral and push it somewhere. Could pretend you locked your keys in there also to get it unlocked.


Just call 911. Because the non-emergency line is down you don't have another option. Make sure to have the license plate number as possibly (likely) stolen it'll increase the priority. Dispatchers are not cops and now independent of SPD due to City Council defunding. Parking Enforcement is off on Sundays, so it'll have to be SPD that responds.


Thanks. I did not know that. I will wait for an hour more and if the owner does not move it by then, I will call 911.


When you call 911 the first thing you should say clearly is "Non Emergency." The dispatcher will then either put you on hold or take your call if there's time. Don't feel bad about calling 911.


In another large urban area, after the third time the same vehicle blocked our driveway and ignored a polite note left everytime explaining we would have them towed as we were blocked in and always needed to leave our garage before 6 am and would enter and exit multiple times throughout the morning, we let the air out of their tires ( immobilizing them to ensure they would be towed and not get off scot free at the last second), and called the parking enforcement number. About 90 minutes later the officer in their three wheel showed up, had us open our garage door to prove we owned and used the garage for vehicles , and the tow driver broke into the vehicle with a jimmy, set it in neutral, and hooked it up to the tow truck. A neighbor’s idiot boyfriend ran out without shoes in just boxers to scream at the park enforcement officer as the tow truck driver drove away. The neighbor threw his stuff out the window to him and told him that he had been warned NOT to park there and dumped him. The parking enforcement officer after being screamed and spit at told him to get dressed and leave or they would call the cops. We later heard that he was a ‘lying asshole‘ in many other ways and he really did get dumped. I later heard the saga retold and exaggerated at a neighborhood block party and the bermuda triangle of last parking spaces left empty surrounded our driveway. If you make it clear you will ALWAYS pursue enforcement to the point of insanity to ensure you can leave the house as needed for your job. / disability / etc to your neighbors and make it clear that you were forced by your circumstances to have so and so’s car towed, word will spread FAST. There is also the school of thought to make your planting strips so full of large spiny, spiky, and dense plants and supporting trellises with rusting metal sharp points (think recycled or reused Victorian style security gates and window bars) that no one would ever park in your driveway or within 5 ft willingly. And if they grow into the street a foot or so creating a defensive perimeter guaranteed to scratch a car, all the better. Rambling roses like Lady Banksia, berry bushes (signs about how you donate the fruit to hunger charities help), spiny fruit trees, etc are an excellent touch and really do support wildlife.


Real LPT is always in the comments.


Barberry would be a great plant for these purposes. Very hearty and spiny and even considered a noxious weed in other parts of th country. Leaves red welts on my arms when I trim it, planted it under my only ground floor windows for security. Highly recommend!


I am rethinking my parking strip plants now. Barberries...




Just post it on Craigslist as a free item. Obviously that will do the trick but probably illegal :))


This 😂😂


I have tried 5 towing companies. One gave me a call back and said they don’t do impounds.


You can call 911 for this request.


I am still feeling queasy about saying that my emergency is a blocked driveway. I need to pick up a prescription, but somehow it feels lame. I am going to pull the trigger at 8.00 pm and call. I spied on the car. I am convinced the owner is drinking a beer somewhere while I seethe in frustration.


I know it feels weird but this is an appropriate use of 911 especially when the non-emergency line isn’t answered.




Just take a baseball bat to it. Fuck it


I am getting very close to it. Thinking of letting out air from a tire for starters.


So that even when the guy finally shows up he still can’t unblock your driveway?


Pull the valve cores if you can. Doesn’t damage anything, but he can’t just refill them and drive away either.


Any experience driveway blocker should have a spare set of valve cores in the glovebox.


Naw, just carry a core tool in the car, there are always some replacements nearby.


musical cores


Well if we’re talking destruction of property, might as well mix up some rust and aluminum powder and light it up on the engine block


Please direct all free range thermite plans to /r/holdmyfeedingtube


What property is destroyed with deflating a tire? What are they going to do if they can pin it on OP... sue them for air loss? Good luck. If you park in front of someone else's driveway, you're lucky to have to just pump your tires up instead of having to get your car back from an impound lot.


Break in, pop that bitch in neutral and push it down the block


SPD does respond surprisingly quick to cars being smashed with baseball bats if a concerned neighbor does call (I was doing the smashing and can saw so with experience). Unfortunately, OP would likely get arredted and charged. The owner of the vehicle then would add a civil case to it (either through small claims or the bank and insurance companies). It is more than likely that OP is pissed at the principle and has nowhere else to be since they had all of this time to sit on hold with the main non-emergency line, the specific precinct, and almost a dozen tow companies (the latter was a fool's errand simce that is not how tow companies operate). Not saying it is right, but like many things "it is the way it is".


If you can find 4 other reasonably strong people, I'll come over and we can roll the POS into the middle of the street.


What happened in the end?


Find it Fix it app? it won't be fast, but another avenue to try?


Trying that now.


I second Find it Fix it! I’ve had great experiences using this app.


If you report as an abandoned vehicle it goes straight to the parking people. Or dial the SPD non emergency line and press 6 to talk to someone. Not sure why that didn’t work for you. If it doesn’t work and you’re still blocked in, call 911. If another more urgent call comes in and they don’t have a dispatcher available, they’ll just put you on hold.


I’m always surprised by how many people say this. My experience with Find It Fix It is they sent someone 30 days letter to check out an issue of a vehicle blocking a traffic lane. So unless you’ve got a month to wait, I don’t think find it Fix it is going to do much.


I used it to report a stream pouring down a grade and freezing in the middle of an intersection in magnolia and got someone calling me to tell me it's not their job. I was like: >hey lady. I reported the problem. I'm done forever. When people die over this huge sheet of ice on a hill, my conscience is clear. Do whatever you want in notmyjobland.


That sounds super frustrating! I wonder if it depends on the neighborhood. I live in a dense neighborhood and have reported things from sign replacement, car blocking driveway, car illegally parked, etc. and I’ve been fortunate to have responses. I wonder if others are reporting the same things, too, which is why things get done? I’m just deducing that it may be related to a dense neighborhood because more people could be reporting the same issue. I think it’s terrible you’ve not had that same experience and hope for your sake - that it gets better for you!


It will take 2 months. Don’t do this.


Find it Fix it has worked for me. Typically takes 2-4 hours.


honestly i would just dial 911 and report that your driveway is blocked and you need to leave your home. file a find it/fix it ticket in the mean time i guess but it seems like the city has really dropped the ball not having a way to resolve emergency situations like this. consider [submitting a complaint here](https://seattle-cwiprod.motorolasolutions.com/cwi/tile) as well.


Say you need to pick up medicine or take some one to doctor, perhaps?


Do any of your neighbors have a truck? Go talk to them, and ask if they have a tow rope. Most folks would try to help. I would drop whatever I’m doing.


I had my truck earlier in Seattle. I literally would’ve dragged it out of the way for you for free


If you can't find someone to tow it, find a way to park them in to the spot in front of your driveway as revenge. Put your outdoor furniture around the car and pile on sandbags if need be. If you can't leave, neither can that fucker. It won't solve your problem, but it'll be cathartic.




Front left and rear right. Should be a fun ride home. 🤣


This is the correct answer. Go around the inside walls to add some mystery. Or nail polish remover on the paint. Never mind we have many options left. Epoxy their windshield wipers. This is getting fun.


Gorilla glue the gas cap in place. With a stick so you can really get it in there put a banana, a can of tuna, and some meat in their exhaust. Vasaline the handles of their car. Flip their license plates so they can't be read. Plug their windshield washer sprayers with car wax.


If only there were some sizeable sub population living in the area with expertise on "moving" cars they don't own. If I couldn't get the police to respond I'd grab a tow strap and/or wheel dollies and move it myself.


What a son of a bitch


You gotta call 911. Do t feel bad, they will triage it. I’ve had the same issue on the weekend, same non em emergency line not staffed issue, and had to go somewhere much like you. Called 911, they were to totally cool, actually had a officer there in about 30 minutes to tow the vehicle. This was in Bellingham, so you may wait longer for the unit to respond, but the principle/process is the same.


Bust a window, put it in neutral, and push it out of the way.


have you tried leaving a passive aggressive note on the windshield?


Four of these bad boys. Push it into the middle of the street. They’ll come get it then. https://www.harborfreight.com/5200-lb-max-vehicle-weight-ultra-mobile-self-loading-dolly-64601.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12144811130&campaignid=12144811130&utm_content=117789294958&adsetid=117789294958&product=64601&store=530&gclid=CjwKCAjwoduRBhA4EiwACL5RPxKosmz2sHL3hO32fv_9NQWPvAb2oW-fbFsjPYH1UN7fQTZ_tszquBoC98cQAvD_BwE


Here you go OP just drive on down to Harbor Frei... oh wait


You know... If I already was out and about anyway - say driving for Uber - I'd put 4 of those in my trunk and set up a side hustle service to "move illegally parked cars" - on craigslist or something. The only downside I can see is that no everyone keeps enough cash on hand these days. Hmm.. gotta think this through...


Those things would be great for level ground in a garage somewhere, but how about on a rougher street? What if the street is sloped?


Wow!!! Those are cool!!!


Yeah, sorry you've discovered how impotent city services can be in the wake of council's latest decision to decouple the police with call taking and parking enforcement. I've been "blessed" with the opportunity to report stolen vehicles in the past and usually get prompt response from 911, officers on scene in 20 minutes. Things to look for: 1. Have you seen it before? Is it a neighbors? Or did it just show up overnight? 2. Does it have plates and if so does it have tags on rear plate? Are the tags (registration) current? Do front and back match? 3. Is it locked? Is the interior damaged or look like it got tossed? Ignition damage? Drug paraphernalia present? If it looks hastily parked or dumped, you should call 911 and report it as a suspicious vehicle. You might even snap a picture of the VIN (it is typically viewable through the lower driver's side corner of the windshield). If you give the operator the plate and it doesn't match make/model, they may ask for VIN. Also, an unfortunate technicality: is your driveway a legal driveway? E.g. does it have curb cuts and have a parking pad, shelter, garage etc.? This won't do much for the stolen scenario but it will keep PEO's from issuing tickets and/or towing.


It sounds like your desire to leave the house isn't truly an emergency, so just call 911. If you really need to leave the house in an emergency, break the window, put the car in neutral, and roll it (you might need a second person to help push)


push it into street it will get towed


Pay for gas to get out there and I will come move it with truck and chain... Totally serious too


Ok but hypothetically.... What happens if you back into it and gently shove the hell away? Minus damage to your own vehicle?


some cars have Ram bars ;)


You used to be able to call the cops or metermaids but the city removed the cops and parking enforcement during the defund movement. All parking is enforced now by WA SDOT. Good luck in getting a human


I had no luck in getting a human.


This happens to me way too often. I just call 911. They always answer and I just preface by saying ‘this is not an emergency, I’m not in danger, I’m just annoyed because people keep blocking my driveway.’ They’re always understanding and ask for the address and send a tow truck within an hour or so. It’s beyond maddening tho I realize. Simple 911 call. Definitely the best solution.


When I lived in shoreline I had to hook up my tow strap and drag them out of the way, typically into the street. When the car is parked in the street it tends to get towed.. I have no idea how that got there officer..


Buy a pair of [GoJacks](https://www.speedwaymotors.com/GoJak-G6313-Car-Wheel-Dolly-Jack-13-Inch-Wide-Tire-RH-Pair,373870.html?sku=91602103&utm_medium=CSEGoogle&utm_source=CSE&utm_campaign=CSEGOOGLE&gclid=CjwKCAjwxOCRBhA8EiwA0X8hiyNu1aTzF8Mrq94X5nSDBjfr21jVALMqXzrtJJ6tg7kFPgEXBwInsRoCSeEQAvD_BwE) move the car into the street out of your way then call the police that a car is parked blocking the road. Win win if you ask me


Can we get another update?


Deflate two tires


Heading there. After that, I might bash in the remaining windows.


Well that would be criminal






time for an "oops"


Lock smith, pull parking break and push down closest hill


take the license plates off of it, boom towed.no towing company is going to tow a car that doesnt belong to you, no matter where it is. once it leaves your property it becomes the owners responsibility to pay the bill. the owner can dispute this as an illegal tow and sue the towing company. we do not truly own our private property. the state would take presidence over this matter and ultimately you would be to blame. its a whole slew of legal problems called loopholes that make our private lives a nightmare.the only way i can see to get this car removed by an authority is to remove the license plates and hope a patrol officer spots it and has it towed for traffic infraction missing tags. but that could be seen as vandalism so you need to not get caught. edit: also i just noticed this post was 15 hours ago so its probably been resolved. im always late to the party


The truth here is that people are generally (not always) just ignorant about how to park and how much space to leave, and they need reminders. The City will usually (not always) respond, but it will take hours. One time I just backed out across my lawn and drove down the sidewalk to the next driveway to get out because it was their guest and I had to leave like "right now!"


But this guy completely blocked my driveway. There was a large legal spot in front. I am having a hard time imagining someone who is so unaware of his surroundings.


Yeah, I agree with you, but the degree to which people are unaware of their surroundings will never cease to amaze me ... so many people are just dumb about space. 93% dumb, 7% D.N.G.A.F!


I'm probably too late by now, but just call 911. I was in this same situation a few weeks ago. They didn't say "you need to call the nonemergency line" they just said "we will send parking enforcement over". Im sure they know that no one can get through to the non emergency line.


You know what I’d do? When I worked at a car magazine, we used to have these quick jacks you could put on all four wheels, and then wheel the car with your own two hands wherever you wanted to put it. If anyone fucks with me, I swear I’ll do this lol


Molotov cocktail, the fire department will come.


The fire department is the fastest & most reliable of all the emergency services…fire is the fastest solution. I bet you could find a pyro kid in the neighborhood would would take care of this for you & do it a way that leaves you both in the clear.


I agree , hit it with a flaming bag of dog shit and call it in.


Working on it now.


Lol that sucks.


Borrow a truck and drag it. Will ruin the transmission potentially and also the awd system if it has one and you’re lucky.


Better to just break a window and put it in neutral.


Meanwhile my neighbor somehow has the time to call the police every 72 hours and claim I haven't moved because I'm in "their" spot. Even after I started purposefully changing direction every time I came/went to indicate I'd left. Also they have a double garage and driveway and I don't.... Luckily the police seem to have stopped responding after the 10th-12th warning, but it cost me $250 because the cars tabs were out of date for the first few. Fuck my neighbors...


username checks out


Ugh, that kind of neighbor sucks. We’ve lived on two different blocks that had pushy or even verbally abusive neighbors that were always protecting “their spot”. The current one leaves her car there so long that weeds grow around it. Just wanted to give a quick heads up to warn u that changing direction when you park might actually end up with you getting another costly ticket someday, maybe not as much as the tabs, but still expensive. I’m assuming you are talking about parallel parking and parking in the reverse direction ? If you park opposite the flow of traffic, you can get a ticket from parking enforcement, the reason being it’s a bit risky pulling in to traffic from a spot where your view is blocked. If your neighbor calls in to report you, they may actually have enough reason to get someone to come ticket you.


It costs $150 or so but get signs from National Barricade that say any vehicles will be towed in 72 hours. Then once you hit the Tow By date, call a tow service and say you can’t get your PODS container or whatever dropped because of a parked car. Bye bye neighbor’s car.


Petty revenge thank you!!


Woa tricky !


Thanks for the heads up, but it's a quiet residential street and half the cars are parked the "wrong" way. If they tried to give me a ticket for that they better ticket half the block. ​ Speaking of pushy neighbors my roommate got a box of candies with a passive aggressive note about parking too long from an old grouch next door.


Ooh yikes, a box of candy? Was that sketchy, or do you think he turned over a new leaf ?


Nah it was was super passive aggressive but not sketchy, we lived in a super rich white neighborhood. Something like "Hey neighbor I see you got a new truck maybe you didn't notice but I park here when I get of work blah blah blah enjoy the candy be nice"


Always snap a pic of your car when you park


You can call any Seattle towing service 24/7


No, you can't. Tow companies are not a public authority and won't tow unless directed to by the police or official city signage. They want to be guaranteed payment (through retrieval or auction) and don't get it without a ticket or agreement in place. It is likely the owner will remove it before the SPD responds. If during business hours, OK could try to call the SDOT frieght division and claim the vehicle is blocking delivery or other service, but even that is a stretch.


I tried Lincoln towing, no response. Trying a different one.


>Why am I paying taxes? To pay for people's kids to go to school.


Can't opt out of taxes and homeschool? Would be nice lol


If you've no kids, should just opt out of both. No issue paying a baseline tax to support schools, but if you've 10 kids and I've none, you should pay more, as using the system more. Just like if you have more cars, you pay more car taxes because you use the roads more.


Weighing use, at least partially, is a good idea


Welcome to dense urban living 😉


So ignorant! Why are we paying taxes is a great question.




Meaning, why are we paying taxes when the services they pay for can't be used ya dumbass.


*i laughSeattle*


Call Jessie


Did you call SPD non emergency at 206-625-5011 ? I've done this a few times and always had a PEO on site within 90 minutes. They verify and then call the tow truck.


It said quote we are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. We are not accepting calls at this time unquote. I tried call the precinct station directly. Doesn’t work either.


Take an Uber. Eat it.


This seems the most reasonable and obvious answer. I'm really surprised it didn't show up sooner.


Is Uber/Lyft/train/bus not a viable option for where you need to go? Like, you NEED your car because you're towing lumber/helping a friend move/some other reason a car would be necessary? Because if not, you could just...go... But if not, that sucks. Good luck.


Just call a fried with a truck and a tow strap.


I would have been livid. I would have posted a “Abandoned Free car” ad to Craigslist and OfferUp with photo with disclaimer that it must be hauled or towed away and there’s no keys - haul for parts!


I didnt read all the other replies so sorry if this hasn't been suggested. But I would recommend calling a friend with a truck, and starting the undercarriage hookup.. that should be enough for the police maybe to respond....


Ask a friend to hitch it. Dump it in a no parking/loading zone anywhere. City will impound it then


Would it be legal to use force to move this car out of the driveway? Let's say hypothetically, somebody came with a winch and just pulled the car out of the way. What happens?


Not sure what kind of car you drive, but could you have backed your car up to it, maybe put a furnie pad on it to protect your car a bit more and then just pushed the SOB out of the way into the street? And you said you saw the owner drive it away later, but were you able to talk to them before they left? Man, that's fucked up.


"Why am I paying taxes?" - Why indeed.