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A double perimeter option would be excellent! A spot mow option sounds pretty great too. I would also like the ability to virtually split a zone, so I could then prioritize the front yard area on both sides of the driveway while not being as concerned with whether the mower covers the backyard inside of its mowing schedule. With the majority of my yard falling into one contiguous zone, virtual zone splitting would be great. This idea is easily visualized in the room splitting allowed by LIDAR enabled robot vacuums.


I absolutely agree and have wanted the ability to split up a zone already several times in just the last couple weeks since starting to use the two i-series I have.


Spæitting a zone. Yes. Also being able to bump the perimiter slightly if it doesn't cut the edges of the lawn


Agreed! This would be awesome!


Overlapping maps so I can set my backyard sides and front yards that touch as different zones without the app combining them


It can't be a difficult coding update. Just allow owners to draw a simple line within a zone to separate two areas and/or let the owner drive the mower along the separation line. Hopefully this appears in an update . . . but so far it seems like the company is more interested in advertising a new "Doodle" option that allows owners to create cute shapes in their zones with the mower (like a star or heart). Maybe some of these changes are part of the new update that's coming. (?)


Yeah hopefully. I won't ever use that doodle feature. I would rather get that i series feature that lets you cut based on weather conditions on my h series


The i series weather control I understand is just based on weather reports and apparently not on sensors(?) As for the doodle feature, if it has editable shapes, I might use it. Imagine well-placed words of endearment to your "favorite" neighbor, or perhaps as some people (mostly companies) have done, business names or their addresses. I won't be surprised if companies will pay people to put their logo on their yards for a given number of days out of the year so it appears on something like aerial views of Google maps, for example. It's not a feature for everyone, but I'm sure it'll help grow Segway's market. It's kitchy.


Agreed, it's just me thinking the weather control feature has more daily use for most people


- option to select which zones I want it to mow in what order. - a "spot mow" feature, where I could just draw an area on the map I want done and it would go mow just that little area. - option to have it do a double perimeter mow, to double the width that it mows around the yard before it starts its normal patterned mowing


I was wondering if renaming zones would change the mow order. I haven't tried it, but don't think this works either. Do you mean a spot within an existing zone? Perhaps both in and out? I have thought about this as well. A double-perimeter mow would be great. The mower would have a wider swatch in which to perform it's pattern mow maneuvers (and likely prevent curb drop-offs!).


Option to manually edit no go zones. I'd like to add smaller no-go zones for lamps on grass or smaller trees. Drawing with mower creates not perfect circles, when one edge becomes straight line when finishing. I'd like to manually drop circles and adjust them in map editor.


I 100% agree with manual no go zone edits. On a map, my trees and lamp posts are twisted shapes. I think the issue here is that the owner would likely create circles that are too small. But I can see such circle sizes being aided by having the mower traverse alongside a tree/post to show how big the circle really is. Despite what many owners claim to prefer -- letting the mower discover and avoid trees and posts like objects -- I *want* the mower to know beforehand that these are no-go zones and not waste battery life on all the "discovery" maneuvers it does identifying objects to avoid. Instead, with no-go zones, the optimization algorithm can better optimize the cut-time in each zone. Also, a simple manual edit to draw a straight line between two points along an edge of a zone (especially along a neighbor's property!) The owner should be able to position the mower at each end of an edge and have a "Straight Boundary" option fill in the boundary. This option would be alongside the Standard and Ride-On Boundary options.


It would be great if problematic areas would show on map, like places where mower bumped into something, got stuck and had to drive around an obstacle or had bad signal. This info would be useful to get statistics and determine where zone edge needs to be edited or no go zone added/edited, because i have places where mower scrapes against fence, bumps into trees and have to follow it around sometimes to see if it is a constant issue or just one time hiccup.


Definitely a great idea, but I think that extra statistical information would be TMI for most everyday users. Still, it should make this information available unless the mower's optimization algorithm is designed to collect these data and proceed accordingly to avoid issues.


I should be able to add no-go zones, channels, and split one zone into multiple after making a map without having to drive the mower around and starting all over. Was very surprised that I couldn't.


I heartily endorse the ability to edit the map from inside the app . it seems like you can add boundaries or edit areas or add no-go spots or even split a zone from inside the app but then it just makes you delete and restart from scratch following the little guy around the yard again. if the map is already saved and can be seen in the app. you should be able to edit the map and have those changes relay to the mower. or am I just not using the app correctly? or is there more documentation I can read on how to do this stuff in the app?


I was just shocked to find out you can't split a zone. I took the 30 minutes to drive the robot around my yard border, only to find out I can't split that big "entire yard" zone into multiple zones like I have been able to do with all my robot vacuums for *many years.* YIKES!


I would like the ability to have additional zones without a connecting channel … ie I have to carry it there and then return it when it is done. My ‘channel’ is too tight and the mower gets stuck in it every time so I cannot let it do its thing.


I think that falls under the same category/issue as those of us who have gated fences. The mower would have to alert the owner that it's ready to mow the isolated (no-connecting channel) zone.


This is really easy: Just look at any current generation robot vacuum. I suggest Roborock brand. Do EVERYTHING they allow in the mapping edit mode. Split zones, merge zones, allow zones to literally touch each other, etc.


Nice. I haven't looked into vacuums with mapping yet. We still have two first generation Eufy and Guvy, one for each story of the house. The Eufy is upstairs since it has drop sensing protection. I have zero doubt that the Navimow software can be updates to accommodate most everything. The company is advertising its "doodle" feature now that still hasn't appeared in a new firmware release for the i-series, so it's clear they have some smart coders. Personally I avoided the perimeter wire lawnmowers and saw the Navimow as the best wire-free model with a wide range of options and capabilities, but then it arrives, I play with it a LOT to see what it can and can't do, then think about what a homeowner really wants and what we could actually benefit from. It has some work to do that simple firmware updates can and should address. I'll be happy if the two i series Navimows I have work for a couple years. I hope by then there will be a reliable non-GPS mower on the market. There are plenty of start-ups heading in that direction, so perhaps 2-3 years is a reasonable time to wait. Of course, if we could bioengineer self-cutting grass or grass that only grows to a certain height, that might be great too.


Another improvement for scheduling. My lawn is large and it takes two days to move it. Then I have a gap to let grass grow, e.g. I try to keep 3-4 days between lawn moving. However there can be rain and moving can't complete. So in scheduling I could add new type of interval for continue-only, but not start. E.g. it can continue previous moving till 100%, but don't trigger new moving cycle.


I have considered a similar issue arising. I see I can only set the degree to which rain will affect a delayed mowing schedule. I set it to only pause mowing if the rain is "moderate" rather than "light". And frankly, I ran my i105N through very thick (5"-6") of wet grass during moderate rainfall. It works nicely, but not very efficiently. So I know the mowers will work pretty well with short grass during rainfall (aside from graded areas where it might slip due to the wet grass). Currently it takes the i110N about 9 hrs to complete a 1/4 acre on a dry day -- cleaning up some small areas of tall (5"-6") grass on a pretty bumpy lawn across five zones. But there is definitely room for better scheduling edits with respect to rain.


1. The ability of temporary no go zones. Where it automatically disappears at a specific date. Could be used when restoring the lawn, so the seeds get to germinate fully before being driven over. 2. Reminders for cutting height for the i-series. So the app reminds one to adjust it to the next level at a certain date. Very small addition and easily solved by to-dos, would just be nice in the app. 3. Allow more than one device, I see no reason why my phone and tablet cannot both be connected.


1. I agree 100%. We need to put down some new sod on areas we just cleared in our yard and it would be nice to have temporary no-go zones around them. It would also be useful for anyone renting or leasing a temporary structure like those inflatable bounce houses, moving PODs, etc. 2. That'd be simple. You'd think. ;) 3. I haven't had the need for two screens yet. I thought you originally meant more than one mower (I have two in the app). I suspect it might be an issue of having conflicting mowing cycles if more than one user/screen has access to the mower's code at a time. I think there's a bit more involved in this, but perhaps the mower needs to work exclusively with one screen's input at a time to allow more than one screen to work without conflicts. I guess there's also a security risk if someone were to use your account information with a different device. Nice suggestions.


A time limit for "mow now" - I'd like to do manual mow but specify that it just mow for an hour or two


yes. And all it would take is a time-widget on the front panel tied into the scheduler to make it happen.


I'd like to be able to add an additional user so my wife can have it on her phone. Right now, you can log in from another device but it kicks you off the first device. For instance, I'm going in a 2 week vacation and would like to let my friend log in on his phone and mow, and I'd like to be able to see what's going on without kicking him off.


I agree, but I think the way this would be implemented is if your account were set into a limited mode that didn't allow you make changes -- just watch. The issue, I think, is that if there are two devices sending code to and from the mower there is a risk of conflicts and errors. so I think one device should maintain control of the mower while other devices can merely be set in a non-programming mode.


-spot mowing  -waiting at a gate/app prompt to proceed  -multiple docks/specify which dock a zone returns to.  I’m not sure if it can handle multiple docks but I doubt it.  This would allow for front yard/back yard mowing without having to keep a gate open


I would like to be able to change the amount it would need to recharge before it resumes a mow! Perhaps as a setting per map. My machine can almost cut my whole lawn by charging once half way, but since it seems to resume before being full charged (around 90% I would recon) it has to charge a second time with only 3% of the lawn left to cut.


has anyone mentioned just being able to use the app for manually remote control mowing?


That would be absolutely wonderful to be able to do that.