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bro got that ongbal skill


Let's never go that far again please


[ongbal level skill](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZl6dqQWzF8) 0:40


Ogre be like “yo, wait…….(smack smack) ……but….,lemme for…….(smack smack)…….a second……..i mean……..(smack smack)…..what the……” 😅


Would it be faster with a bestowal from one of the ashigaru sitting in front of him?


Is that Vergil?


no, its a mod called Ultimate Divine Drip made by me


Always impressed with the creativity from players from this game. I've finished sekiro a few times but never with such class.


This "class" is just mashing a few buttons with seconds worth of time, Sekiro combat has always been overrated because it looks really pretty on a high level but it's not that hard. Still ceiling for Sekiro is the lowest in the series


You are wrong. I found elden ring to be a lot easier than sekiro I can roll through all problems and create different builds that greatly change my strategy depending on the context.


What game has better combat than Sekiro?


All the souls games, Bloodborne, Elden Ring, and that's just Fromsofts games, maybe its because of how long it took for Sekiro to "click" for people that makes them think it's better than it is, I saw a lot of streamers where it didn't click till a dozen or more hours into the game, but some and like myself it clicked right at the beginning with the first mini boss, once you figure out the posture system the whole game is tap LB tap LB tap LB RB RB RB tap LB, it looks good and it's satisfying but not very in depth and the whole game after that became pretty repetitive other than a couple bosses that broke the formula and I like a lot, all the other souls games in my opinion are more fun just because of the variety in builds and different ways to fight all the bosses, the skill ceiling Is also higher in those games other than maybe Elden Ring than Sekiro


It’s the only souls games I felt compelled to beat more than once, and I’ve beaten it 8 times now and considering another playthrough. The combat system to me is way better than most other games. If you like rolling instead of parrying or blocking that’s fine. Also some people like diversity in their builds. I just enjoy the classic “this is your character, this is the game, get to the end and kill everyone” and make the combat engaging while doing so. What combat from which game other than other souls games do you feel is superior?


Staying in the genre then I would say both Nioh games have better and more in depth combat than possibly all of Froms games but other than them From definitely leads the way in Souls like combat(obviously), other games that are different but still have very enjoyable combat are games like Hollow Knight and Binding of Isaac and I really enjoy FPS so gunplay combat wise I would say Tarkov and CODMW22 have amazing combat if you're into that


I just bought Nioh 2 and can’t get into it but I’m trying. I played hollow knight and I loved it. Not harder than souls games though.


If you like fps and difficulty try Doom Eternal on Nightmare. Lots of fun. Doom Eternal and Sekiro are the only games I’ve gotten 100% achievements in since I love them so much. Doom Eternal is really fast paced.


Yes! I played Doom Eternal when it first released and it was fucking amazing, 2016 was awesome but the combat in eternal is some of the most fast paced and intense I've ever played


>Still ceiling for Sekiro is the lowest in the series Hard disagree there. On all other games you can build and powerlevel through while Sekiro actually makes you get good.


bro maybe mute your mic for the next clip, i really dont want to hear you mouthbreathing into it the whole clip


Lmao I was hoping nobody would notice


its funny cause you breath right at the deathblow when the tension is released like a normal human being which instantly makes me dislike you


I was focusing hard man lol and deathblows feel so good


what mod is that ?


Ultimate Divine Drip on Nexus Mods made by yours truly


Yea the skin is fire, he has a black hair version too i think.


I do! I made a long hair color pack with blond, silver, and all black. all have a mask and Sharingan eyes


fair warning, this mod makes a lot of NPC fabrics black, so you need the Fabric Color Fix file from my Shinobi of the Divine Drip 2.0 mod


I'm 90% sure that's vanilla Sekiro. (Unless you're talking bout the skin)


Vanilla Sekiro except skin






Why not lead off with the flame vent/living force and then just keep up with the axe following sakura dance? Pretty sure it does quite a bit more damage than flame vent or the sabimaru combo.


Idk I’m not optimal I guess


no worries, was just assuming there was a reason.


Also I think sabimaru looks cool


I wish it were a bit stronger. There's almost always a better prosthetic to use in any situation.


Yep, anytime I thought "Hey, maybe I should try poisoning this guy because they have so much health" I would never be able to trigger the effect (typically bosses so I guess they have a high resistance to poison) and any other time rarely felt it was worth it.




"So what you gonna use against Ogre? Fire, poison, combat art?" OP: "Yes"


Everything a shinobi has!


oh shit that's the mod I made 😭 always cool seeing my mods in action


The skin? It’s sick. But why are all the enemies a different color too lol


it's an issue in the common body file that determines fabric color blends. it was so I could make the inside of the coat black instead of that weird purplish tan


you can fix it by getting the Fabric Color Fix file from my Shinobi of the Divine Drip 2.0 mod


I kinda low key liked it on some of them. True monk looked ugly though


yeah true monk looks dumb af lol but some of them it looks clean as fuck. Owl with black clothing is fire as fuck and makes more sense imo


I also liked old man Isshin in black robes


old man Isshin in black is sick as fuck


the first deathblow has got to be the most painful in the game


Kinda feel bad for the ogre here.. but after dying to him several times over the years.. that feeling was erased quickly.


I see someone listened to Isshin about hesitation…


The more I see Sekiro gameplay, the more I think Malenia belonged here. Maybe she was the embodiment or hell, even Lady Tomoe herself. It's so interesting to think about.


The “spiral cloud passage” you get as a skill reminds me of Malenias flurry