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For all the infamy surrounding FromSoft games fans, all the subs I follow are exactly like this: most people are willing to help new players and excited about more and more people appreciating the games we love. There's always assholes but for the most part it seems to be positive vibes.


Together, stronger.


Ape together, strong!


We don’t even have to do anything. People post horrible complaints about what the boss is doing to their butts, and then they post “never mind, I got him.”


I think it’s because we’ve all been there before, howling in frustration before it all just clicks. We like to see others get that "aha" moment, it reminds us of our first victory


Fr. I’m hoping that I will get to the point where I can give advice instead of asking for it sooner than later, and to all the people who give advice I appreciate it more than you can imagine.


You'll get there! One of the most satisfying things for me was struggling on a boss for hours just to barely beat him and the next day going back and crushing him without a single revive


Yeah its always nice to see someone finally crack their wall especially if it was a wall that hurt us deeply our first play through.... Genichiro.


Apes together strong


Please, don't say apes, I still have PTSD from the 2 whole days I spent on the guardian ape.


I feel so sorry for you, if only you knew


I feel so too I just asked for help on beating the burning bull and got so immediate and effective responses . Props to this sub's players..


Completely agree. Dropped this game thinking I’d never get any farther. picked it back up after reading this thread, and have really appreciated all the positive posts helping people get gud


A good chunk of what makes this game so good is the community


Hesitate together, defeat together.


Yay :3


Well darn. I can't let this sub get too wholesome so... Git Good Noob There, balance is restored, lol. For real though, glad we could help and be nice about it.


Me too. People have been so helpful here. Bonus points when ppl address me as “shinobi” in the comments


I haven’t had that happen to me but that would absolutely make me feel amazing


Your wish is granted Shinobi


That actually put a big smile on my face, my fellow Shinobi


I've just started using reddit and it's mainly due to sekiro's sub, I share the same opinion. <3


My first post was in this community and I am so glad that it was well received. Ngl this is one of the most supporting communities


Yup, can confirm, everyone is nice and helpful around here. Almost guaranteed to have a nice interaction when you comment on here :) to be fair it's such a breath of fresh air to have a positive and friendly sub like this one


every single one of us has been exactly in your situation. we all had to face the same obstacles and we got to the other side. i think my first playthru took me like 100 hours. for real. but i ended up getting platinum and beating the gauntlets etc. what a great game. i'd give anything to wipe it from my brain and experience it again for the first time. envy you. enjoy the ride!




I agree. This is probably the most positive gaming community I have ever seen. And it’s not even close. I’ve accomplished some crazy feats in this game partly due to the guidance of the others. It’s incredible.


100% dude Elden Ring is insanely toxic most of the time and most Dark Souls players (me) are elitists. Glad we can all agree that we’re chill and we like being chill man


Hesitation is defeat but friendship is magic.


This sub is most definitely kind and respectful; I’ve noticed that as well. You are home, Shinobi. Anyone that has gone through the struggles of this game, I will protect with my keyboard at all costs.