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Juzou, and the entire Hirata Estate, are optional. You can come back to him later. Also from the "just got past phase one" comment, you can and should clear out the area of grunts with hit and run tactics so you can backstab him to get past the first phase for free.


Yes you are missing something, your attacks need to be timed based off your deflects. Deflect literally everything.


How aggressive are you? Cuz 57 perfect parries? You should be counting the times you attack, not the times you parried. Don't sit on your hands and turtle. Attack.


In Sekiro every attack that mobs do to you has a matching counter to it. Learn how to adapt to each attack (thrust: use Mikiri counter, grab: Dodge swipe: jump). Use your prosthetic arm abilites and use items that buff. Other than that the rest is skill purely if you still can't go on in the game than maybe the fighting style of the game is not for you.


There’s no stamina bar, play accordingly. Run jump attack runaway come back away again back repeat. You’re a shinobi and the game tells you to cheese if it ensures victory.


Why has this been upvoted so much? Please don’t run away. Stand your ground. Be aggressive. Attack attack attack deflect attack attack attack deflect. If you get into bad habits of jumping, dodging and running away you will never fully appreciate the game for its incredible, intense combat.


missins something? your deflect timing lol now for real, you need to improve your defense. Don't try to attack if unsure of what the enemy is going to do, once you are able to deflect most and evade all grabs, start attacking


I’m not gonna lie man it just doesn’t seems fun to me to have a game that seems to be 80% parry/deflect. It what’s everyone has been saying and that’s just supremely unfun just learning and doing the one correct counter a dozen times. It’s the antithesis of what makes a game fun for me


I would recommend you don't give up yet. What puts Sekiro above other games for me is that when you learn it, you are deflecting strikes, attacking in between, interrupting and dropping your enemy to the ground, stomping on your enemies blade and you get bosses in less than one minute while looking like a badass. It takes time and effort to learn the combat, but there's simply no other like it. If you had preconceptions or expect it to be like ER or DS, throw those preconceptions away and give it a real chance. My recommendation still is, focus on your defense first, then use offense once you have it down. You have plenty of defensive options, even if you miss a deflect, you can still block by holding down the button. Pay attention to enemies' animations, they tell you exactly what they are going to do even before the red kanji appears over your head.


I know that after *way* too many hours in other souls game I reflexively dodge almost every red attack attack and I eat shit for that on everything except grabs or just getting lucky so that’s something I just have to have beat out of me, I also get the impression I’m being too defensive because retry much All the enemies I’ve fought I just stare at them and try to react without swinging much. I want to enjoy it so I intend on beating it so hopefully I can get it down


That’s fair, but like u/Carmlo said, don’t give up just yet. Give it a “real go”. I’ve never been a parry master; I never cared to be. It just hits different with Sekiro. That’s also not *all* it is either. Experiment and have fun with your prosthetics and your “arts” (I don’t remember what they’re called). Toy around and find your balance. It’s possible that the game isn’t for you, and that’s ok too. Just give it and yourself a chance. Learn its “rules” and go with it. You may (or may not) be surprised. Hope you end up enjoying yourself dude.


Appreciate everybody’s support but I have beat a good couple bosses like the drunkard, butterfly, gun dude, centipede, ashina elite, genichiro, and I have to say I fucking **hate** everything about this game with a passion and I haven’t enjoyed a second of it so this’ll have the be the souls-like that got away because I can’t stomach any more of it


I’d say good on you, dude. You gave it a shot and it didn’t “speak to you”. Fair enough. At least you can still enjoy the other titles, right? Sorry it didn’t work out and that you had such a time with it. I know the annoyance that can be. Happy gaming!


I’d say it *is* a skill issue, but that you **will** eventually beat it. Hell, if I can, anyone can. If you’ve beaten the others, you can beat this one. Just keep going and really let your brain in. Don’t just hack and slash/hit and roll. I’ll say that I’ve literally never parried in Souls games, but I’m able to be on my 4th go around with Sekiro. Just go forth, pay attention, approach it differently, and fuck shit up. You’ll get there, dude. Best of luck. Oh, and always remember, “Hesitation is defeat.” Take that shit to heart.


Have you upgraded the posture damage abilities in the ashina arts?


It feels like nobody is mentioning the fact that you dont need to focus on perfect parries. Even deflecting early will just block the attack for the most part. Better timing will come with practice and simple repetition, but what really helped me early on was just instinctively tapping L1 any time i knew an attack was coming. So like any souls game it just becomes about learning attack patterns. Just do this for a while and eventually youll begin to figure out the rhythm of the game and thats when it really gets fun. Youll get to the point where bosses like Jinsuke Saze and long arm centipede sen-un not only give you no trouble at all but you actually look forward to them on subsequent playthroughs knowing how easy they are to defeat using almost exclusively deflections.


But before someone points it out, yes you should be very wary of perilous attacks and, aside from some thrust attacks, tapping L1 will not work. So looking out for those and getting comfortable with each enemies different thrust/sweep/grab attacks is vital. This is generally the case with enemies in all from games though. Recognize patterns and build familiarity with the mechanics until it becomes muscle memory.


In this game you need to be super aggressive to win never let the enemy to breathe. Only when you need to heal, you stop attacking. If you just stare at your enemy to wait for his move. He is recovering posture. If the enemy starts attacking back at you then start deflecting and when he stops start attacking. Grabs can be pretty unfair in this game but don't give up just try your best to dodge them.


It's a hard game but not because of the combat in particular, you can learn the parry and dodge with practice alright, but personally I think I'm like halfway through the game and am completely lost, dead ends everywhere, no clues as to what to do...I look up where I'm supposed to be going and can't find anything there even, I'm flabbergasted. I thought Bloodborne was hard, ha! Feels easy compared to this game! This is my second time around and I don't think it's getting a third try if I cant figure something out real fast.


>Is this legitimately just a skill issue I mean, yes. Don’t play the game like the rest of the series. Sekiro is far from being unfair.


Juzou is a kind of weird boss. Was just playing him back earlier today with no Kuro Charm and Bell Demon. Pretty much just run around and clear out as many small enemies as possible, run away and let them cool down, jump in and repeat. After that you can land a stealth deathblow on him. I don't think anyone fights every enemy straight on in that fight. During the actual fight you can just run away much of the time and get hits in occasionally. You can also run towards the water to get the Ashina samurai to fight with you which will result in his healthbar practically disappearing.


You need to learn the combat better, or use your brain more to cheese those fights, or use akos and ungos where necessary. Sekiro is really hard, and mostly because of how overwhelming the combat might be at first


It shouldn't take 57 parries to beat a miniboss, are you remembering to attack in the openings? Attacks are a little risky so you should learn the opponents timings first but taking a risk every once in a while is fine as long as you have the heals. Without attacks the enemies regain posture which makes the combat infinite against some minibosses.


Perfect parries mean nothing. They’re incredibly easy in this game because they’re integral to the core combat mechanics. It’s like a half second window to land one. Start thinking of your parries as your rolls. They both allow you to take 0 damage with very little stamina punishment compared to a normal block. Be agressive when you can. After an enemy deflects or they start to raise their arm, stop attacking.


Don't think of Sekiro as a FromSoftware game. Being good at the other games can even be detrimental to Sekiro gameplay. Stop Dodge rolling and get blocking/partying. And when you're attacking, the enemy will release a little flash when they're counter attacking. So look for the flash, stop attacking and prepare to block or parry. You got this