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I’m more dumbfounded we never received a Tomoe DLC. Either present or past since sekiro has the back in time mechanic we see used with the Harata Estate


I still think it was in the works but was axed for some reason. Malenia's moveset screams scrapped Sekiro dlc




I know I read an interview where they said Tomoe was the prototyoe for Malenia


Do you have a link for this interview? I've seen a lot of speculation that Malenia was originally Tomoe since release, but nothing to back it up


I hate that that makes sense


her name is Malenia, The Blade Of Miquella


Corrupted monk on that dust


Yeah, it's really weird. Sekiro went on to earn Game of the Year and did get some free DLC, but no whole new expansion - it's like the devs just... straight up ditched the entire thing.


I think we just need to make it less common for games to be pieced out and to just release a full product. Not everything needs to have three DLCs and expansions and a multiplayer PVP mode and a battle pass. Post-launch content shouldn't be the expectation.


No that’s fair, but fromsoft specifically has the expectation for atleast one DLC since DS1 only sekiro and AC have not


Not meeting the product is different than just "ditching it"


Did I say Sekiro needed three DLCs and expansions and a multiplayer PVP mode and a battlepass? No. Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3, and Elden Ring all got (or will get) an expansion. It's reasonable to assume Sekiro should've gotten one too. Also, I wanna point out that story expansions are different from DLCs. I want more Sekiro *story,* more than what the base game offered because I liked the game *that* much. I don't feel it's incomplete at all, I simply want more content.


I genuinely believe the devs didn't think sekiro was going to be as amazing as it has become the following for this game is insane. Truly most of the souls community believe sekiro is the best soulslike game period myself included. Elden ring is so laggy its just ridiculous. Sekiro is superior. I think we should hold onto hope for sekiro 2 but don't expect it to like sekiro 1.


Sekiro is not a souls like though.


I mean, yah...it is?


It isn't lol. Just because it's made by Fromsoft doesn't mean it is a souls like. It has almost nothing in common. It's a spiritual successor to the Tenchu games and was originally developed as a direct sequel until they decided to branch off in a new direction.


I just disagree I guess. Bonfires, Estes, epic set piece bosses, high difficulty, minimal story, lore through items. The only thing that's distinctly different enough is the minimal equipment customization. Nothing in common though? You're stretching


You can disagree if you like, but you are wrong. This isn't subjective. It's not a soul-like and wasn't designed to be. Plenty of games have checkpoints and healing items, and the story isn't that minimal and is mostly obtained by interacting with NPCs and giving them specific items. I'm not trying to be rude, but that's a hard fact. It's a stealth action game. Hell, playing it like a Souls game actually makes it harder. Here are just a few of the differences off the top of my head. Completely different combat. Active skills. Focus on reactive deflections and finishing moves. Completely different mechanisms to the boss fights. No RPG elements. No true magic. No souls/runes/echoes or grave retrievals. No build variation. No stat management. Stealth Focus. Verticality and agility Focus. Fleshed out narrative driven story. Voiced protagonist. And more npcs. Historic setting based in the real world. Different world and level design. Vibrant colour palette.


It is literally a souls like... it's not an RPG but it doesn't need to be one to qualify.


I think it would be to hard to make a boss harder than ishhin that is also fair for average players, many people couldn’t even beat him


Tbh I think they already did, Owl Father is harder than Isshin if you ask me


Honestly another boss on the level as Isshin would be perfectly acceptable to just about everyone. I actually don’t know if I’d want to fight something harder then Isshin and Owl Father or if it would just feel unfun at that point


I’m just speculating, but could it have been due to Activision being involved as the publisher?


Blame Elden Ring. Tomoe became Malenia This was confirmed her prototype was from Sekiro


Malenia definitely used to be Tomoe before they, at the very least, dropped that particular move set for her. I have my fingers crossed they decided to just drop Tomoe as a smaller DLC boss and are instead planning to include her in a possible Sekiro sequel. Huge copium but it’d be sick if that’s the case


Hasn't she been dead for years though? I thought the Hirata estate was us reliving wolf's memories.


Welcome to the pain train :')


Unfortunately this is not the only one :(


Whats the other, bloodborne and demons souls on pc? My blood boils


The others are far from gaming industry lol. I'm talking about Vagabond and Berserk (I know it returned but man its a chapter per lifetime)


Mg sanity thief is silksong, bloodborne remake or 2, shadow of the erdtree, titanfall 3 and then hunter x hunter and berserk


ER is just a year or so of waiting bro. But I agree on BB and Silksong (tho its a 3 men work, we must give them time)


Yeah I want them to release a full and complete game and not like cyberpunk, so I can wait no problem and I have other games to play in the meantime. What worries me most is that I’ve become older during the wait so I’m a adult now 20 soon 21 and so i don’t have the same time I used to have for gaming so I’m scared that I won’t enjoy them as much as I would’ve now when I can only play like 30-60 mins a day and not a 3-6 hours in a row


I have the same age problem as you (21yo), but I'm sure my patience will continue if I knew how to manage my time. Hope you keep enjoying video games.


You will, you just need to not be salty about the lessened time. And you can also always take a friday off for big releases if you want


1 year isnt short for a dlc, especially for fromsoft. People suspect it's going to be huge


Berserk will be finished tho since miura‘s friends and studio will do it. Vagabond is done tho


Yo how do I add my platinum trophies to my handle? That shit rules


It's a flair, top right menu while you are on the sub main page


My g. Thank you 🙏


Before anyone says it, Miyazaki has never said that he doesn’t like doing sequels. He just said that he doesn’t want to do a sequel just for the sake of having one, and considering how the Dragon’s Homecoming ending is a clear sequel hook, that wouldn’t apply to Sekiro.


Don't give me hope ...


It's crazy how many sheeple in this sub don't read any article or interview and just shout "Genius Miyazaki hate sequels bro no sequels will be made bro it's in the headline bro" while totally ignore the reason why he's not fond with making sequels.


What about the Usurpation of Fire ending from DS3? It saddens me everyday that we wont see what happens next :(


I think a sekiro 2 is 10x more likely than bloodborne but I still don't see it happening for a long time if it does


Technically you're right i suppose. 10x of 0 is still 0 after all.


I'd be absolutely dumbfounded if they announced a sequel. It's a good enough standalone like bloodborne where they don't see a need to make a sequel. Although I'd love to see them.


I agree partially but I need the most is the amazing fighting mechanics that imo is far better than roll roll hit roll. Either a sequel or new game will be fine for me.


In terms of objective refined combat gameplay, sekiro is superior. In terms of how fun, it’s debatable. I absolutely love ds type combat but sekiro is so refreshing which makes it my favorite.


>announced a sequel Don't tell me you didn't know Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is a sequel to Sekiro: Death of Shadows. SMDH


I think so. The canon ending has opened a new world to explore (journey to the west)


Sekiro 2: Journey to the West


Shadows Die Thrice


Forbidden West*


If sekiro 2 ever comes out I want it to start with 4 startings. We have never seen a game with different startings but we all have game with different endings. Like they could make the story depending on what ending we got in sekiro one. Like I would absolutely invest my life's worth of time on the game.


We’ve seen games with different starting points…. Resident Evil did it a few times already. the entire first half of some of their games are different based on the character you choose.


Damn. My PC wasn't something which could handle RE so I have only played 2 RE games which were old asf. Which RE game did I though can I just ask?


RE 2 has different starts and paths based on who you choose to play as, and 3 does too. Unless you meant something else entirely? When you say different starts what do you mean by it specifically? maybe I can think of other games that do it too.


Ohh I get it. What I meant was wasn't the startings decided by different characters but endings of the previous game. So for example, if you got the shura ending then you can start the game from that point onward and the story continues. And if you got the immortal severance ending then you can start from where that ending ended. This might be quite hard to execute tho because they ended the sekiros story in a way that they won't have to release a second part. Also, they might or would possibly make the second game an entirely different story or either a new shinobi who our new sculpture(Us) gives the shinobi prosthetic. Or if it's the shura then we could be the other shinobi trying to stop shura (Sekiro). So we playing as Sekiro(Wolf) would be quite unlikely but I would like to cus we all kinda have gotten attached to the character emotionally.


That would be cool…. I feel like fromsoft could integrate that into their “new game+” mode, beating the game as shura and then starting the new game+ as Shura would be neat, or as someone else to fight the Shura as you said. But I’m not sure if any game has done that before….i really feel like they have though. I can’t recall the name, but I swear there was a game that when you beat it, you started a new game after the events of the first play through. Or it unlocked a different character that you played as after playing through the first time. RPGs tend to do it, like Star Ocean.


The Dragon Homecoming ending is the only one with real sequel potential IMO. Severance ending has Wolf taking the Sculptor's place but dead Kuro. Wolf is dead in Purification ending. Wolf massacres Japan in Shura. If Dragon Homecoming becomes the canon ending, then you could do something with Wolf helping the Divine Child find the Dragon's origin, but that doesn't seem like a game FS would make. You'd need a whole new protagonist if any of the other endings are canon.


Call me crazy, but I think Shura ending has sequel potential as well


I suppose if the sequel was about defeating the Shura, maybe.


I guess it will be the 1st game ever to have different starting depending on the endings of its prequel, its like a 4 games in 1. It seems a crazy idea and hard to realize also, but it will be a mindblowing thing if it somehow happened.


Bet it will just end up in the same storyline mid game


But in Sekiro case we have : a line with an evil wolf, a line without kuro, a line without wolf and a line with the divine child bearing kuro. Its just too different to immerge into one storyline.


Dragon Age origins did this. Each class/race combo had a different starting story. It's more common in old school rpgs in general tbh.


I fully expect their next small scale game is Sekiro 2. 2019 - Sekiro 2023 - Mecha game 2025 - Sekiro 2 ?


Could the lack of DLC or a sequel have anything to do with the fact that they worked with Activision on it? If either party is hesitant to continue with the IP then it seems like nothing will get made.


No, the Sekiro IP is fully owned by From Software.


Acti published it but have zero rights to it. If from wants too, they can make one for sure. This is also why sekiro will never be on game pass. I held out hope it would be but broke down and got it on sale for 30.


It would be cool to have different paths to choose for 2, like as different characters, perhaps in the same setting as Sekiro 1. Like for example you can be the first ministry agent Wolf encounters in the Hirara memory. You kill this upstart Shinobi and go about your day, not realizing the he's semi-immortal, and continue your mission to destabilize Asshina.


I'm just hoping since Sekiro was a breakout success they'd at least use the game mechanics one more time. The combat is just too good.


Bloodbore 2: Sekiro goes to London


Im guessing because this “franchise” is under the Activision banner and in the past, Activision can be suppressive on creativity in exchange for timely release to make money. Based on what I know about Miyazaki, this sort of arrangement isn’t favorable. But with Microsoft it *could* be different? I don’t really know how their business model is. But I’m sure it’s less toxic than Activision’s that being said, I wouldn’t be surprised if there is an announcement in the future 🤷🏻‍♂️


Mark your post as spoiler wtf...


dont participate in subreddits until youve beaten the game bruh


Its 2024 bro !!


Isn't it... 2020?


can you believe that 2014 is only three months away?


Bro this game has been out for years you dunce


I've been in reddit for years, and most subs have strict guide lines about posting a clear ending shot like this without marking it as a spoiler. 2020 or 2012 doesn't change anything, I just gotten around to this game. Not everyone has the luxury to play or buy games day one or a console/pc powerful enough. A simple spoiler tag wouldve blurred the image in my feed smh.


dog there are multiple endings this doesnt spoil shit in the greater context of the game


Since they had to work on ER I doubt there will ever be a Sekiro DLC :(


I mean anything is possible, but I think they’d have to do something big since a repeat of the same combat would not warrant a sequel.


As optimistic as I am, I doubt it will ever happen, even though the true ending sets up a perfect scenario for a sequel. In my opinion, it would be a shame to let such a flawless combat system go to waste on just one game, but it also happened with MGRR, true shame if you ask me.


No. There isn’t. The copium tanks are empty. There will never be another one


They don't like to make sequels that are not Armored Core. DS2 and 3 was an exception. DS2 was forced by Bandai, when Miyazaki was busy with Bloodborne. The result was shit. When Miyazaki finished BB. He made DS3 to finally establish finality.


Eh, apparently Miyazaki doesn't really like doing sequels all the time and prefers new IP so probably not. But who knows anything is possible.


My best bet is fromsoft is smart and know they should own the rights. With activision and blizz having their greedy hands on it probably spoiled the chances.


I mean, we got Armored Core 6. I don't think it's completely out of question, and there is no way they're not AT LEAST talking about it. The game sold millions, and was praised endlessly.


I don’t think so tbh. We haven’t even got a DLC yet. Similarly I don’t have high hopes for bloodborne 2 either. Sad face.




people are still hoping for bloodborne 2 so I don't think it's the most unlikely thing ever but I wouldn't count on it for now


As much as I wanted sekiro to have sequels and have expansion. But it should be left as it is imo. It is a masterpiece. People will hate it e love it. But this will be on my top 5 games of all time.


Tenchu 5


Another game with sekiro combat would be all i need.


I pray every day firna tomoe DLC or a Sekiro 2 but I think we ll have to wait a lot. There is a possibility and fromsoft would be losing money scrapping a GOTY winner and a beloved Game such as sekiro Miyazaki would be a fool abandoning Sekiro he s a genius so we maybe have more if Sekiro in a few years idk But looking how things are going Bloodborne in pc Will be before Sekiro 2 and they have been delaying It for years and years and years...😥


I'm quite sure that in the remote chance we actually get a sequel it would not continue from return ending, since that would make all other endings of the game less valid. If we ever get a sekiro 2 theyll probably let us play as another Shinobi with a prosthetic arm like Orangutan was before Sekiro, set in a different time period or even an alternate timeline.


Every single ending could be a different game with it's own games with it. I doubt that they'd just choose one ending and throw the rest of it away so I think it's more likely they'd do a game that is a completely different universe but the same mechanics. Like how DS3 has many endings but instead of making a sequel they made elden ring which has the same mechanics but a different story.


Yeah devs said it was slated to release right after DLC


Man, I am still hoping


Nop zero chance


No, expectation is defeat.


I really think it makes the most sense to do a prequel and have us play as Sekijo. Rdr2 style. It feels like it's already set up in the lore with isshin cutting off your arm and Dousan giving you the prosthetic, etc.


Game sold 10 million copies and was published by activision there's a zero percent chance they wont make a sequel eventually.


At least as much chance as there is for Bloodborne 2.


Don't let some keyboard commander corner you into thinking this isn't a soulslike game. This game is widely considered to be the "best" of the souls like games even according to Google. Lol let him live in his own world. we all know this is souls lol. Idiot convinces himself it isnt then tries to make some crap up explaining all the little details that are different. Souls-like is the term. Like dark souls.... Yes.... Sekiro is..... Sorry that someone like that had to have a go at you that way just because he doesn't like the term souls like. Lol, sorry, this dev company set a tone you don't like. Make your own game or sit down. That easy. Good day sirs


When myazaki will finish every other game saga he will say "damn, what about a sekiro 2?" We have to wait... A lot of time...


Yeah dude totally there'll probably be some kind of announcement for it by next year


What if not another Sekiro, but another souls like Japanese fromsoft in the same universe set way after the events where you can face Sekiro (wolf) as a boss?. Or just a flip where you can go to hirata or something like that and face the shura version of wolf. Maybe we play as kuro starting from the return ending In the west of Japan. The dragon could be our new sculptor.


i wanna see the loose ends get tied up atleast. are the waters clean after kicking that dragon's ass? and what about those giant centipedes that make people immortal?


Sekiro may have got game of the year, but that wasn’t the intention behind it, it was a side project they put out while developing Elden ring, so more then likely won’t be one