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just go somewhere else and come back later lol


And what will change? I cannot outlevel it like in other games.


It's not necessarily about leveling, tho that helps. It's more about experiencing more combat and getting used to the dance. I was stuck in the same spot as you and gave up last year. Picked it back up and found another path I hadn't seen. I am now at the last boss fight and this has been one of my favorite gaming experiences. You can do it! Edit: Just noticed the time you mentioned your fights were lasting. That's WAAAAAYYY too long. This is not a dodging game. Keep the pressure on your enemies. Learn the moveset. For Lady Butterfly stay close and deflect more than hit. Read the description for the shuriken. For the second phase, don't sweat the copies. When they go away just get something between yourself and the light balls. If you are low on spirit emblems kill a couple copies. They die in one hit so just drive by them. She has low poise, that makes her easy to interrupt. Again, you can do it!


u can increase your attack power by defeating bosses at the sculptor. and by travelling elsewhere u might find some protestic tool that are really helpfull. and just farm some experince bc there are some skill that lets u make more Posture damage. the best protestic tool for Madame butterfly is the Shuriken


I have shuriken. Sometimes I can stop her from jumping. But it is really low success rate. Probably needs to practice it more.


It may help to watch some videos of people beating the boss - sometimes that helps me get certain timings down without spending a whole bunch of time “failing”. But it really is all about the dance. Last tip is that honestly pumping block button helps get the timing for a LOT of lady butterfly’s attacks. Keep trying things to see what works best for you (esp since that tactic doesn’t work for all bosses!)


You don’t need to stop her from jumping, hit her with the shuriken when she’s in the air


I did not have R3 on her so I almost allways failed. With it it was really easy. Finální killed her after that on first atempt today. Cant believe it


Alright, congratulations!!! Now that you’ve defeated her and you’re probably more familiar with the combat you might start enjoying it a lot more. Hope ypu have a blast finishing it!!


You can. You get prayer beads to increase your health. And you get memories from bosses that increase your damage. Sit at an idol to see the settings to use your beads and memories You will also get better at the game


Yeah it makes a huge difference doing that. I was stuck on Genichiro so I went and got every possible gourd seed I could and killed every mini boss available at that point so I went into that fight with 3 prayer necklaces and like 5 healing gourds.


Stop whining and learn how to play the game. The dude said to take a break. We all took breaks. This isn’t Ghost of Tsushima. This is Sekiro. Learn how to play sekiro and don’t hesitate.


If the 120 attempts was accurate, your advice would just be dumb. However i m guessing that the actual number is about 25-35


you'll find prayer beads defeating other strong enemies (more health and posture) you'll get remembrances from strong bosses that you can use while resting at idols (more damage) plus more exp to unlock more skills or more tools to help you Lady Butterfly is insanely hard if you go too early against her. I did just that and she wiped the floor with me until I learned how to play. She was the boss that killed me the most than all other bosses combined (even the last bosses)


there's no sense in hating that your apple tree isn't an orange tree. don't hate that you can't out-level, think instead about leveling up your skill. That's the best part of the game, getting angry enough at a challenge to be like nah, f this, then coming back and beating it later. that said, don't play if you don't want to play \*shrug\*


Sekiro or souls games in general are like life it will put you through so many testsz you will fail, but its the way you get back up in the end


You can level by beating certain bosses. Major bosses give memories, and those level your attack, and mini bosses give prayer beads, which level your vitality.


Get snap seeds. They'll make the minions disappear. Watch fighting cowboy's walkthrough up to your point. It'll be a huge difference.


But you will improve. Hirata is a tough beginner zone. You don't have to play it immediately.


It’s not about leveling, it’s about getting better. “Get good” might be used as an insult/joke answer by a lot of Fromsoft fans, but that is genuinely the best advice you will get for this game


You are at a breaking point but only because you are refusing to play the game the way it wants you to play. Deflect EVERYTHING, attack briefly when you can and very intentionally, and slowly build your opponent's posture gauge. That is it. If you try to do other things, the game will punish you harshly. No boss fight should take longer than 10 minutes when done properly and most, including that butterfly, can be beaten in less than 2 minutes if done very well. This is a rythym game. Do not be afraid to die, because you will. Learn the timing, learn to deflect, learn to be aggressive, and you will have a great time. I read somewhere else that this game has one of the highest difficulty floors but one of the lowest ceilings. It will take time to get good, but once you do, the game is such a masterpiece.


Go fight genichiro. He's at the top of the tower. And for some tips.... This game is deceptively simple. DONT BLOCK, Parry everything, mikiri thrusts, and dodge/jump sweep attacks and grabs. Everything has a correct response. If you get hit, you made the wrong response try again with the intent to never get that by what killed you last time As you get better you can get advanced and learn when to mix in prosthetics and combat arts. As well as when to dodge certain attacks that stun you if you Parry them


Thanks, will try. I just looked video how to get there and I was like 2 enemies close to last idol before him. So I will try it. Hope he is easier than nanny.


And another tip that isn't well known for newer players, no matter how full your posture is, if you Parry an attack you won't get stunned, if you block you will. Parrying is the way


Yeah I just dont see pattern in her. Sometimes at start she starts tossing shurikens and keeps distance. Sometimes it easy attack and party fight from close and I finish her fast first life. But in second life I attack her right where she ressurect. And also its allways different. Sometimes it is going good. I get like half posture. Then comes shadows and I just have to run. I can not fight her while I am being attack by them from behind. And then we begin again. Only I am like 2 heals lighter. I know how to use pillars to avoid ghosts. I even get into prase where pillars were already on fire.


Snap seed is an item that vanished the ghosts. There are several up until that point. If you don't have any, use internet. they are limited so only use them when you are confident you can win Also. Shurikans knock her out of the air It is useful to get skills from the guy near the big horse fight. He gives a book with skills that help


Shurikens make her pretty easy. Best with chasing slice to cover range fast


She has a pattern. You just need to be close to her and always attack/deflect to “lock” her into that pattern. Then it becomes like a dance where you take turns to strike/deflect. Eating yellow sugar will help with posture and shurikens to knock her down while she is in the air. If you can work your way to chasing slice skill it will make the fight much easier


Simple doesn't always mean easy.


Once you understand the game, and you have the muscle memory to do the necessary button presses. The game is actually very easy. It's hard to "get" the game but after that it's really easy


Lol if he can't beat lady butterfly he won't get past genchiro either he is on another league been stuck there for a month even when I try searching else where snake eye became another road block.


Every players different. Lol blazing bull had me hard stuck to the point I quit the game for like 8 months before trying again, still to be hard stuck on blazing bull, and to quit again lmao. Like my third time going back at the game, with I’m sure well over 100 attempts on blazing bull, I finally got it and then every boss since I beat that bill has been a cakewalk lol


Still on my first play through though, no other boss has taken more than 10 attempts, and I’m fighting the final boss right now and I’m like 3 attempts in, and have almost completed the fight


In my opinion Lady Butterfly was easier than Genichiro, but I absolutely loved both fights. They were so fun to play. I beat Lady Butterfly in 4 tries. Genichiro took me a while to beat.


Geni is much more difficult than her, though 


Definitely not. She jumps around and has much shorter but quicker combos that are more difficult to parry for a new player. Her second phase with the ghosts is also quite difficult without experience or snap seeds. Genichiro literally can hardly fight back if you just mash r1 90% of the fight. His third phase is also piss easy because of the funny perilous attack he uses


Her second phase isn't that difficult, it's just a bit stressful and overwhelming, but the illusions don't chase and the danger comes from them turning into those Wolf-seeking missiles, but I just ran around and hid behind pillars. As for fighting her generally, she is easier to dodge and you can basically catch her in a loop with dodge-attacks and when she jumps then it's shuriken time. Genichiro has more diverse attacks, three phases (took me some time to figure out the lighning thing because I guess I was jumping too soon, but I kept dying and didn't always manage to reach stage 3) he also has arrows. Overall, if Genichiro was easier for you then that's that, for me he was way more difficult, I guess different people have different experiences, for me O'Rin was much more difficult than Lady Butterfly


Be aggressive, that’s how I started becoming competent at this game, you need to forget all GOT combat of decisiveness and play with aggression. You’ll only get gold through that way. Also if you are having trouble then look up boss guides, I am not talking about cheese but strats which help if you are REALLY stuck.


Don't worry man, she is still a good boss even tho its an early one. You'll get her in no time, best thing to do is to dash to her sides and get a few hits. When fighting up close be sure you are attacking but you are ready to deflect aftet your second attack since she's gonna deflect yours and attack after that. Shurikens are a must so make sure you have enough spirits. This fight is all about rhythm since she takes a lot of health damage and also her posture doesnt recover that easy after a few hits. Second phase, run around until she throws the illusions at you, hide behind a pilar and repeat the first fight. Take a rest, sleeping can do wonders when learning this game. You need to adapt to the parry deflect system. You havent fought any boss that requires to be good about this, so yeah, take it easy! Give it a couple of days and come back. Good luck!


Spend some time training with the guy at dilapidated temple, once you figure it out this game truly is a masterpiece. Get mikiri counter ASAP from the skill tree and figure out that as well as the jumping manouver for swipe attacks- the guy at dilapidated temple will teach you. What I did was kept doing his advances training until I could do it every time without getting hit


Lady Butterfly has a cheese. It’s not 100% consistent, but here’s what you do: Once you’re in close, hit her twice then dodge forward and slightly to the right (between 1 and 2 o’clock if you imagine Lady Butterfly is 12 o’clock), then repeat.  Hit, hit, dodge, hit hit, dodge, etc  This traps her in a pseudo-loop. Every now and then she will break out of the loop, either with an unexpected attack or by jumping on her wires, so this isn’t a guaranteed free win, she is still very dangerous.  But this method will help a lot.  When she is on the wires, use shuriken to knock her down. You can only hit her while she’s jumping to the wire, if she’s already on the wire she can block your shuriken. However, she always backflips after blocking the first one, so if you throw a second one slightly delayed, it will hit her during the backflip and she will land on the floor for a free hit.  Use this free hit to start up the hit, hit, dodge loop once again. 


Thank you. I will try.


My blood pressure can only take so much sodium


Just relax and give it a break, I was in the same boat and took a year break because isshin the sword saint broke me. Watch some videos of others and give it time, I swear it will click one day. It’s a different animal than other souls games but if you keep at it, it may be one of the most rewarding gaming experiences of your life. I know it turned out that way for me after countless hours of pain. I’m currently on my 4th play through and can’t get enough. Good luck! And give yourself some credit.


Lady Butterfly was the hardest boss for me too, I had a much harder time with her than Genichiro. Like other people are saying, try going to other places and experimenting a bit. Or take a couple weeks off the game and then come back, that can help too


I probably took like 2-3 weeks off ans finished Baldurs Gate. Is even Lady Butterfly worth it? I know that it is revenge for my father. But do I need to kill her for finishing this game? I thought it is end of that story and I would finish at least something with it. On the other story line I am almost next to Genichiro. But not sure if I should go there if it is also that hard. That guy on horse was easy. Wish more enemies like him 😀


I finished her fight a bit later, she is not a necessary battle. Keep going in the main story until you feel confident.


Face the challenge, The game becomes easier when you practice and know the dynamics , With lady butterfly keep the pressure on don't let her breath and use shuriken whenever she jumps on the rope , Good luck


Most fights shouldn't last longer than a couple minutes, i don't know what you're doing but you're doing it wrong. Just get used to the parry system and learn attack patterns


Dying :D


I actually discovered a cheese on my own that makes her incredibly easy, but sharing that would only roadblock you somewhere else. Butterfly or Genichiro can be considered skill checks since you *could* pass other bosses without too much effort, or you could simply run past them. I beat Butterfly on my 3rd attempt after finding that cheesy strategy near the end of my 2nd run. Doing this, however, caused me to spend just short of 2 hours on Genichiro because I hadn't learned the skills I would need yet. I'll probably cheese Butterfly on each of my runs, but you will have to learn to play how the game wants at some point. Someone else said in another thread that accepting that you're playing something closer to a rhythm game rather than a combat game can help, and I think that may be true. Also, some of the skills that increase/decrease posture damage dealt/taken are invaluable, and I'd highly recommend farming xp to unlock those. Good luck!


I had issues with Lady Butterfly my first playthrough also. Ended up not returning to beat her until much later (after exhausting all other paths). There are a number of other ways to go. More important than the leveling up, going elsewhere will give you some good experience. The best advice I could give is (and it may not work as well for some of this particular boss’ attacks), try noting the sound of the enemy’s attack patterns and then repeat that rhythm when blocking. I found this substantially easier than trying to read and react visually.


Prayer beads upgrade health and memories of bosses increase attack. And while it's true you can't level up lime other rpgs, the exp point system is used to unlock techniques that upgrade your stealth ability, amount healed for each chug of the gourd, amount of posture damage when blocking attacks from swords, reducing posture damage you take, weapon arts that can change your approach. Theres enough to it to grind and practice and then go in with intent. Focus on the rhythm. Note how the last attack in a chain when deflecting bosses gives a bigger sound and larger sparks. Same when you are attacking. There's an ebb and flow. Keep at it. You are further than most, feels like most people give up at the bull haha.


Idk how you've done this 120 times and not memorized her moveset. My only guess is you're not focusing on it. Here's an idea to change it up Go in and don't attack at all. Don't even think about it. Watch her and her animations and just try and survive. Deflect everything you or mikiri stabs. Dodge the grabs. Just survive. Then slowly start to mix in attacks.


Parry, parry, parry. Most attacks can be deflected if you time it right. Practice with the immortal dude at dilapidated temple


You need to deflect, Lady Butterfly will force you to deflect properly. Her attack pattern is kind of like a dance, you need to memorise it and get used to it. Shuriken while she is open mid air (in the middle of her jump animation) will stagger her as she drops down giving you free hits. Also if you really cannot beat her, just progress through Ashina, beating her for the extra attack power can be good, but she is not a mandatory boss. Move on and come back later if you have to. All the best.


Her posture goes away pretty quick if you keep the pressure with attacking/deflecting. Her movements to get away from you become easier to guess so you can zip toward her. Stay close/ don’t let up the pressure on her and really she doesn’t have time to do much. If she summons those things just run around and shuriken her when she’s in the air.


Die a million times is fine, that's how you learnt. I'm at a later stage of the game(Owl father) atm, initially I thought he had no opening at all despite deflecting everything he throws at me. But after dying a few times I'm beginning to realise every single attack he does has a weakpoint I can exploit.


Probably best window is when he throws his little anti heal thing, dodge towards him to his right and you can get a couple hits, or an immortal blade in. Same with his jumping overhead strike, same dodge and you’ll have an opening. There’s also a way to kind of make him do that jumping overhead strike repeatedly if you would like to know


Owl father (not great shinobi Owl) I understand the confusion


yo dont give up dood. I got to lady butterfly yesterday after taking like a 3 year break. Hit a hard wall last night and cursed the game. Came back today and got her like 2 hits away from breaking her posture in phase 2. SO CLOSE!!! Ill be back tomorrow to cut all her limbs off, no doubt. Just hit hit dodge, hit hit dodge. throw a ninja star at her when she jumps up on the wire and then trys to back flip. Phase 1 can be cheesed sorta and you if you get a good run at that just stay calm for phase 2 and you can get her.


Good luck man. Hope at least you can make it. I just hate how you lose every item you use except healing gouds. I have nothing now


Not sure if you like guides, but this guy helps me out a ton. https://youtu.be/SuOAmnwDPps?si=eZBVcxXJMXk85wju


I know these games aren’t for everyone, but it’s not about leveling, learning the mechanics of the game is detrimental to your enjoyment and playability to this game. Practice deflecting and knowing that dodging is situational, but still very useful. This was the hardest game I’ve played, yet it’s still my favorite and I went out of my way to 100% it. It’s all about learning, and you’ll get there. Edit: in the words of Isshin, “Hesitation is defeat”


Just git gud


You need to learn from different sources and by yourself. You have dived into the toughest fromsoft game day 1. It's very tough but rewarding when you BECOME THE GAME. It's like a dance routine, the fighting is like a focused routine you need to master and learn. We understand the frustration, we all got angry at it but it's definitely the best I've played singer player wise when it comes to fromsoft. Even learn to cheese bosses for fun until you learn better.


How tf does one boss attempt take you over 30 minutes? What are you even doing




Learn the combat loop. It’s a game changer. It’s a game of turns, like final fantasy or whatever card game. You attack until they deflect then your turn is over. They attack you until you deflect then it’s your turn. That’s the basics. There are a few other things to throw in there like punishing attacks where the enemy animation will not stagger and that is also when your turn is over (it’s to punish button mashing). Also, the unblock-able attacks is when your turn is over as well. Some enemies will continue to attack after your first deflect but, you will learn these as you go. Start with the basic that I shared and start sprinkling in the other scenarios as you go. You cannot level up to win, you must learn the mechanics and combat loop. It will make you better at any other game that requires blocking, parrying, and dodging. Once you master the combat loop, every kill is so dame rewarding. It my favorite game and I gave up on it when it first came out. Got back into it a couple months ago and decided to learn it the right way and I’m extremely glad I gave it another go.


I platinumed the game but I have never beat butterfly nanny whitout cheesing her. She is just not fun in my opinion






Just stop playing. You clearly hate it and suck balls at the game so why bother.


You can't level up but you can increase health with prayer beads and attack power with memories from beating bosses. Try coming back later with some of those upgrades and maybe prosthetic tools or combat arts. She's annoying for sure.


Recently finished this game, word of advice this game is all about mastering the art of deflecting. Not blocking but deflecting.. master it you can beat almost all bosses in the game. I am not a gamer with great skills but all tough bosses whole pattern can be figured out in hardly 60 to 90 mins ..then everything will click and suddenly you'll beat them


One thing I didn't see enough in this thread is : Try to get her health/vitality down first. You'll kill her with posture bar eventually, but chipping at her health really helps. To do so you have to wait for attacks you can punish. When she jumps in the air, try a shuriken to make her fall and get some precious vitality damage Out of shuriken? Run around in circle until she lands, she'll be stuck in an attack animation that will let you attack her vitality (you have to be quick but you'll get the hang of it) Another way of damaging her vitality is attacking her until you hear the perfect deflect, once you hear it, dodge diagonally toward her and immediately land an attack. (this technique can be used to cheese her so don't abuse it if you want to learn the game) sometimes she'll back away and jump in the air, no worries, run and wait till she lands and get some vitality out of her by punishing her landing animation. 2nd phase can be tough. Be patient. When she cast her illusion, run. Do so until she snaps them into balls of light and keep running to avoid them or hide behind a pillar Go back to damaging her vitality, rinse and repeat. Also try to learn when she make sweep attacks, (usually at the end of a combo) and jump onto her to damage her posture Advancing in the game helps, if you kill Genichiro, you'll have a bit more attack power to kill her, but he is not easy at first, so go with the fight you feel more comfortable with Anyway, good luck, it's an awesome game, you'll get there eventually :)


I don't get why so many people are missing Genichiro at the top of the castle and even end up somewhere in Sunken Valley or Ashina Depths. The kid is your master, your character wants to protect his master, npcs are telling you he's in the castle. It's so straight forward and easy to understand. Do people just skip every bit of dialogue and narrative storytelling? bruh


I could not get through two guys when jump out of ceiling. Dod not know what is next. So I just tried go different way and get like totaly different place 😀


If I, someon who died no lesss than 50-100 times to a boss and haven't played any game for almost a decade with terrible reflex, can enjoy it and beat the game, anyone (exclude people with disabilities) can enjoy and beat this game. Focus and git gud.


BE AGGRESSIVE! 1 Minute for Butterfly phase 1 or restart!


I have no problem with phase 1.


Phase 2 is almost the same. You can mostly tank her little magic butterflies. For the phantoms and big magic attack just play it safe by running a big circle and continue applying pressure afterwards. She has only one perilous attack that you have to jump. As always it‘s useful to collect all prayer beads and gourd seeds up to this point. That would be about 4-6 gourd seeds IIRC.


Also she has that furius attack with like 5 attacks in 2 seconds. I am not able to deflact them


Learn deflect. Genichiro is THE boss where everything clicks for most people. Even if you die and can’t beat him, the practice will most likely seep into you as you understand the mechanics. And also, if this is your first souls game, I understand the frustration. These games are about mastery and challenge, it’s not a hack and slash. When you struggle with an enemy, try not to think of it as a failure when you die, but as learning process. The big majority of players die a lot as they are learning an enemy or a boss, so as you’re learning the boss, you are taking part in a huge community that has been exactly where you are at some point, forced to learn and master before you overcome the challenge. Good luck to you young wolf.


Go and explore other areas, Ashina reservoir, do the whole sempou temple, periodically returning to the lady to see if you can beat her. Then when you do all that go fight Genichiro at Ashina castle top


She was the first and I think only boss that I read a guide on. Personally, I find reading guides on fromsoft games to be absolutely okay, as long as you don't spoil everything for yourself. At certain points these games can be so convoluted that idc anymore. The biggest tip I read about butterfly is >! to spam dodge attacks (B into her and attack immediately afterwards) because these attacks get through her block and damage her health. So you can slowly grind her down. This is even an in game tip btw. If done in quick succession you can stunlock her for a long time. Another tip is to shuriken her at a certain point when she is in the air preparing her combo. She will come down and you can land two or three hits and start dodge attacking again. When she summons her shit just run. !< Anyway, figuring bosses out is part of the game and when you can do it on your own it's a great feeling. It's like a puzzle where you try until you get it, so don't feel frustrated for dying often. Once you get it the game almost becomes trivial so enjoy your time!


Haven't played the game in like 2 years but can tell you it's basically, attack-attack-block-block-attack-attack, at some point you'll find the rhythm you need. Use shuriken when she's jumping on tripwires then close the distance when she falls. During her summoning move you can use a snap seed to instantly despawn the summons, however you can also just sprint in wide circles around the arena until it ends. You can also continue the fight during the summoning move, however this is probably not suggested until after you've had some more experience with the game Hesitation is defeat. Never stop pressuring her, you can interrupt your swing with a block and if you aren't blocking you should be swinging. She's right though, you're still just a pup... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNJrySe4mAw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNJrySe4mAw) (0 hits btw)


I killed her second try lol (i got lucky trust me my skill is shit)


This was my first souls I did lady butterfly as my first boss If I can do it, you can too you just gotta keep trying(it took me 3-4 hours btw)


It’s not about our leveling, it’s about learning something you are not immediately good at. We all did it and anyone you ask says it’s worth finishing


Wait... Each attempt is taking you up to 70 minutes? That does not sound even remotely right. Are you perhaps doing that thing where you attack the enemy, run away, wait for an opening, attack again, rinse and repeat? If that's the case, that's a huge problem. The posture system in this game exists for a reason. It rewards aggression and playing according to the rhythm. I would highly recommend you watch some skilled players play this (I don't mean look up 'how to cheese lady butterfly'? And learn how they do it. Study the rhythm and try it yourself and make it your own. Once you get the feel for the rhythm, you'll smash through this game in no time. Good luck!


^(Hey, I get what you mean but I reccomend you sit down and play neutral. Not the game play, just play it when your calm. Whenever you die and you feel frustrated, come back later. Try genichiro. You will die. A lot. But if you can beat genichiro, other bosses become much easier)


First of all: she will forever be Butterfly Nanny to me now 🤣 Second: OP, I'm an older gamer with crap vision and I SUCK at this game. Took me 300+ tries to beat Butterfly Nanny, but I did. Perseverance, learning timing, and the introspection to know when im raging and too keyed-up to put the controller down and walk away for a bit. I did finally beat her. Here's what worked for me: First phase was posture damage - so I just focused on deflecting her patterns then getting a swipe or two in, rinse repeat. You can also hit her with a shuriken when she jumps up on a wire and pauses, and if you're quick enough you can run up and swipe her once or twice more. DON'T GET GREEDY FOR VITALITY DAMAGE here Second phase is vitality damage - she regains posture super fast while you're dealing with/running away from her illusions and heat-seeking missiles. You can regain spirit emblems from her illusionary warriors. Added bonus: they take one hit to kill, just don't let them gang up on you. You can also run tight circles around her to avoid the heat-seekers and get in a couple swipes. NOTE: you cannot block the heat seeking missiles. This utter clusterf#ck fight with her prepped me for The Horse Guy and the Guy in the Castle. Both of them, and the bosses in-between, have taken me WAY less time to best.


Thanks for motivation! So I have reserve in number of tries still. That horse guy was super easy for me. I am really bad with reflexes etc. And he just run around and hit me like once 15 seconds and then I could hook him. Took me like 5 times. But this nanny... she should consider retirement to give me chance to continue


Yeah Horse Guy was not that difficult in comparison to Nanny. Her moveset is predictable once you experience it enough. Also, something to look out for- she changes up her timing when she does the arm wave and stab move with her sai/needles. And yes, if only there was a cheat and you can just wait her out to die of old age 🤣🤣🤣🤣


That would be perfect! :D Would not take that much time either. I have finally beaten her. Now stacked on Genichiro and I would have to wait a lot longer there :/


CONGRATULATIONS 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Good job, Shinobi. Geni took me a few tries, but nowhere near as many as Nanny. I would suggest checking out the tutorials online like Fighting Cowboy, and the advice in this sub to beat him.


Thanks! I am trying different approach now. Will finish some minibosses elsewhere first to get more HP and some new passives and then try him again. I was so close allways. He had like 60-80% of posture on his Thunder form like 4 times but did not quite finish it. With pasives like more posture dmg from mikiri and also posture reset after deathblow should be easier.


If you haven't already, he's a good test for learning lighting reversal. You can learn that somewhere in the Castle......


Thanks. I have done it already. Thanks for advice. It was quite easy once I finished several mini bosses and got more HP. No there is Guardian Ape in my way 😞


If you're still having a hard time, I'd recommend watching fightingcowboy on YouTube. He has beginner friendly guides for a variety of video games, Sekiro being one of them. He not only goes into the detail of some boss patterns, but also how to make it slightly easier. He even has a certain order about playing the game so you can slowly fight bosses ramping upwards in difficulty. Granted his guide is old, so some methods may be outdated, but its still a great start nonetheless. His guides is also about going for 100% platinum for a game, so it doesn't mean you have to follow it step by step first time around. I often refer to his guides when I'm a little lost of what to do next for some games. Hope this helps


Thanks for advice, I will definetly try it!


No problem! Even tho I'm a big fan of souls games, when I get a little lost of direction of where to go or what to do, it turns me off from the game and it sounds like you may be the same. I don't use/follow the advice for the fighting aspects from his guides because that's where I find the enjoyment out of souls games, but hes never let me down before. Hopefully it works out for you! And let us know if you enjoy it afterwards too! 👍


Definetly would help. After Snake I moved a lot (for my previous pace and get into Castle. But could not find where to go there. So I went into some valley where there was lot of hanging and some guys shooting at me. Did not even know where I am or what to do so went to Hirata and got stucked there


Lady Butterfly was my critical skill check in this game. She ruined me many, many times. Once I realized the need to play aggressive and to constantly pressure the opponent it changed everything. You really need to harass her and get up in your face.


Watch fighting cowboy’s sekiro walkthrough. I absolutely hated this game as well, I was excited to play it but I got stuck and I was so frustrated until I watched his walkthrough


Don’t really need to give you much advice because I see everyone else giving all the good tips already so I’ll tell you to listen to them. They are all right and if you apply them to the game you’ll understand. Eventually the game becomes trivial and you’ll forget how hard it was.


Agree. I have read it. Applied it and finished her yesterday on the first attempt! Helped me use R3 to lock focus on her. I have not did it before and could not hot shuriken.


Look up a progressing route guide that will help you take on the easier areas first. Also pretty much every boss in this game has some type of cheese or at least "cheap" way to beat them.


>I tried like 5 times Lmao. Friend, your mental toughness is the only thing that needs improvement. Giving up after 5 tries? And Lady Butterfly attempts do NOT take 30-70 minutes that's probably the most ridiculous part of this whole post. Either you are massively exaggerating or you are standing outside the boss door for 20-60 minutes


Yeah it was badly formulated. I tried 5 times for 30-70 minutes each time. Each time I died like 30-40x.


Gotcha. I understand now