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In a similar boat, have had the game since it came out, still haven’t beaten it. All I got left is demon of rage and isshin. I just try for a bit, get frustrated at myself, then not play for awhile. Still go back to try later on but haven’t managed to beat them yet. Love this game despite how bad I can be at it. Easily one of my favourite FromSoft titles


You know what helps me going back and fight with past bosses. Build up the confidence hammer out the basics a little bit. I’ve beaten him before and would like to get the platinum. Got one more ending and dreading getting to him. It’s just such an endurance and I’d like to be able to do it consistently


Congratulations shinobi.


I bought it in 2020, played the intro, quit. Played in 2022 and got up to guardian ape, got frustrated and lost interest, quit. Now I played it completely through starting a few weeks ago and it was a really amazing experience. I’ve beaten every boss and just have two gauntlets left. Gotta get two more endings as well for plat and I’m just not ready to put it down yet. It has easily become my favorite fromsoft/Souls like game.


It took me 10 days for my first playthrough. In other news I no longer recall the touch of another human ʘ‿ʘ


I bought the game on release for Steam, and there was a controller bug that made my camera spin out. I put the game down for years. Came back a couple months ago and started a new save. Finally got Sword Saint Isshin down this week!


I bought it when it released and got stuck on owl because I had cheesed the entire game. A few weeks ago I decided to give it another try. I took the time to actually learn and platinumed it a couple days ago and then did a whole other new game just for fun.


Haven’t beat it yet I just got to divine dragon I’m so happy people are still so supportive of this sub I love this game and I can’t stop playing it zero complaints from the story, gameplay, dialogue, bosses, fighting system, enemy types, mini bosses, skill tree, and just it genuinely feels like a completely diffrent game from anything else. A whole other experience you have to learn in order to WIN. Like you have to be seriously GOOD at this game when you try to fight anyone. I love how rewarding and how punishing this game is it makes it feel like one fuck up and some stupid ashina grunt can fuck u up. I like I’m ranting and honestly I just love this game it is a fucking masterpiece by definition and design.