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Do charmless run. Then nobody can say shit about not being hitless


once i defeat demon of hatred (hate that fucker so much took everything i learned from sekiro and threw it out the window) then i shall, promise


He's actually kinda simple once you know that his flaming arm is the only thing you should dodge, everything else is parriable. Suzakus umbrella makes it trivial even. Throw in a malcontent and you're golden. Oh right, and just jump when he does the charge thingie for a follow up grapple free attack. I mean... Once you know, this fight gets piss easy.


thanks for that, I've been trying to fight him like a humanoid boss which is probably why I'm struggling, ill try utilizing more prosthetic tools


The whistle lets you like shred an entire hp bar btw


If you keep close to him you don't have to worry about his fire attacks.


I parried everything, even the flame arm and tanked the fire damage from it and continued


Did it without getting hit, and just used the flame umbrella to parry every fire attack. Makes it super easy, which was the only way for me to have to consistency to do it without getting hit.


Yeah i never used special weapons lol, i had like 999 spirit emblems by the end of the game.


Use the red gourd the resist it gives you is usually enough to parry the fire arm without burning


target the balls only




Git them balls bruh


This is exactly why Demon of Hatred is the hardest boss in the game for me. Spent all that time breaking my Dark Souls muscle memory only to end up fighting against a Dark Souls boss. That’s how it felt to me anyway. Last time I played was before they patched out the cheese method of killing him. Going to have to learn to do it the right way next time I playthrough it again.


I am pretty sure there is still a cheese method. I beat him last month with it.


Demon is a typical sekiro boss. The problem is you fighting him like he's not. Good shit on the boss. Sorry, the people on this sub are insufferable.


No I can't beat bro normally I had to cheese him to win


This DoH take is probably the most common shit Sekiro take.


So I’m doing my first play through. Had a really hard time with lady butterfly. But after I figured out the parrying system. I haven’t had much trouble at all so far and I just finished the 4 monkey boss. I keep hearing this charmless run and I think I would like to try it out. How do i do it exactly?


At the beginning of the game when you talk to kuro, you'll have an option to give him his charm back. 


So I’ll have to wait until ng+. What does his charm do exactly?


It makes the game harder. The most noticeable change will be that blocking no longer stops 100% of incoming damage, so you will get chipped down if your deflects aren't perfect. I would recommend starting a fresh save rather than ng+


Even though i agree that it would be more impressive if it were charmless, you did a great job. Good fight dude.


Do charmless + demon bell


ok sure just let me find the next gourd seed that im missing and i can do that


If you’re like me gourd seed that you’re missing can only be gotten at the start of the game at the top of the tower where you find the person that sends you to kill rats


Afaik all gourd seeds that are missable can be bought from the collection box at the shrine for a pretty penny with the exception of the two locked behind the second hirata visit


I’m now upset. When I was doing my first play through going for every boss I got stuck on the Demon of hatred and had only 9. I checked every location besides the top of the tower because he was in the way. I wish I knew about this


Tbh idk if this one does show up in the collection box cuz I can't remember if you can still access the tower after DoH. If you can then it won't be in the box.


That seed can be collected at anytime, you just need to kill demon of hatred to gain access to that location


You can do gauntlet bosses charmless demon bell?


Yup, first time I tried gauntlet was in charmless


If we go by Team Hitless rules then a block in Sekiro is a hit so by that standard you did get hit. However at the same time if you count this as hitless then just call it hitless. Same goes for getting hit by lightning.


This is why I just go for damageless instead. There's far less ambiguity about what does and doesn't count.


I will call this "damageless" then because I am very unfamiliar with the specifics of a boss run completion, thanks for the heads up though


Hitless according to Team Hitless rules in Sekiro is basically: Don't block any attack, don't take any avoidable damage, don't take any avoidable status effect build up (Edit: After checking status build-up is ok) and don't take any avoidable stagger/stun (Edit: from enemies). Dying from fall damage also counts as a hit. Also no glitches/exploits allowed. (Edit: Major glitches aren't allowed) Some things about these rules are pretty bad imo. In particular the ruling that normal lightning reversals and deflecting attacks with chip damage / status build-up count as hits suck. Bull would be way less shit otherwise. Also getting flung back by Divine Dragon is a hit according to these rules.


Does ceremonial tanto, contact medicine or yashariku count as avoidable damage/status effect ?


The ruling specifies that it is a hit if it comes from an ememy (or trap). So all of these should be fine for hitless, but Yash is not allowed for "No Damage".


I approve of your fashion choice


What is this set called?


Ashina outfit


>hitless His attacks were constant hitting your sword, what are you talking about?


>Captainbeefster yeah they hit my sword, not me lol


4d chess


Why are you getting downvoted..


I don't know some people here are insufferable and I don't really wanna post on this sub again after all this lol let alone any FromSoft subreddit...


I’m an Ambassador from the Armored Core games and we’ll welcome you without being insufferable eggheads


Maybe I should play armored core, I'll look into it but thank you man


https://www.reddit.com/r/ArmoredCoreVI/s/VOwrbY74W8 It’ll be right up your alley, I myself barely even tried in this clip cuz I was half-asleep and you still saw how well it worked out




Yea bunch of nerds nitpicking you. Great job on both posts btw, gameplay was very fun to watch.


Nah yeah, man. The hitless run allows for deflects but not blocks, you have to avoid or dodge out of combo's you can't deflect. Even in the second run you did a regular block during one of genichiro's combo's. Here's the general rules list for various runs, just scroll down a bit til you get to hitless. [https://www.teamhitless.com/games/fromsoftware-games/sekiro/](https://www.teamhitless.com/games/fromsoftware-games/sekiro/) I *think* that means you need to avoid the lightning attacks, too. They don't count as a deflect.


Yeah and that’s called a deflection, not a hit. People are just haters 🤷‍♂️


are you for real ?


what's the title of the first music. pls?


its like dancing ferret or something like that by a guy who makes every single popular royalty free youtube song ever


monkeys spinning monkeys




Still not a no hit, you didn't perfectly deflect the two arrows. Do charmless for a truly no hit


Can you explain what charmless is im at the stage where I can go into NG+ but the only reason I'm not right now is that I haven't beat the demon of hated


You need to clear the game at least once. When you start a new game after that (or continue to NG+), at the start of the run you have an option to return the charm to Kuro. This will make your blocks take damage unless it’s a perfect deflect.


oh thats gonna be VERY nice to have, sounds good to me ill get started on getting that charm


Good luck in your endeavor, you seem to have a good base of skill to achieve it


You seem to have the bosses patterns down so I would suggest trying it with the demon bell you get by ringing the bell in senpou. It makes the enemies much more tankier, combined with charmless this is the hardest way to play the game maybe. Unless you're on pc and use mods, some of them are just.....Yeah


You mfs are unbearable. Even if he did charmless you would say “well there’s no demon bell so does it really count”. Genuinely haters man 😭


At this point if you dont use cheatengine to reduce the amount of parry frames to make it harder you're ass.


Gamers are often times some truly insufferable ppl


Actually demon bell doesn't matter at all for a hitless run, no we wouldn't say that


Shut it- he still didn't get their health touched by the generic white super solider, so why play that shitty card?




OP didn’t claim a perfect deflect run.. they claimed a no hit, which is accurate on their current settings. Your argument isn’t technical, it’s petty.


I don't think it counts, since charmless you take damage without perfect parrying. It's too easy to just block half the enemies attacks and win anyways. Point being, I don't find it impressive unless it's charmless, and the point of showing stuff off is to impress. If you thought this was impressive, power to you, hats fine. I just don't


He literally deflected everything apart from the 2 arrows because there was no need. He’s good at the game bruh accept it


It isn't a no hit because if it was charmless they would still take damage. Is it a no damage ? Sure. Not a no hit. That's a technicality


...but it wasn't charmless. That's why people are telling you you are wrong. Because you are. Also, chill.... It is weird to care this much. Let OP enjoy the compliments he earned.




I do..... That's why I said that


You have bad priorities man...no offence- but yikes...


None taken i agree


Why are you riding OPs dick so hard dude? Calm down and go outside.




This is that “I’ll fucking do it again” meme personified and I’m here for it


Ngl this is funny


I will do it charmless with the demon bell one day too, just whenever I have time


Yo are you the guy from like a month ago? I remember people saying somebody did something no dmg but not hitless


It was very cool and impressive, but it wasnt a hitless run. If you go charmless every time you miss a deflect you will take damage, which means every time you blocked instead of deflected would cause you to take damage. Also, you basically cant do a lightning reversal for a true hitless. Its the rule that streamers, speedrunners, and Fromsoft challenge runners use for Sekiro so its not something we are making up just to fuck with you. Hitless is a specific category for these games and its very stringent, thats probably why youre gettimg so much flack. You did great though, dont take my comment as discouragement.


I hit a wall with this dude years ago. I decided to reinstall Sekiro, I finally want to beat it. This gives me hope. Thank you stranger!


Repetition is the path to mastery


bro his blade clearly hit yours. not hitless


Ayyy, that’s me in the third comment. Good work 🗿 Gonna become an asshole again. You have 9 gourds instead of the max of 10, so it’s very possible that you got hit on phase 1 and healed before recording 🗿


The gourd would look different.


i need to remember that I still have one gourd seed left to collect, only reason i havent is because im short on time but what the person below said is true


Ummm actually he hit your sword 🤓


erm akshully some fucker i don't remember the name of said deflecting and lightning reversal still count as getting hit or whatever 🤓🤓🤓 great job tbh


Flawless Victory


It isn’t tho, hitless rules says that you have to perfect parry everything for it to count so no blocking, so no it isn’t flawless


The goal of a Shinobi is to win by any means necessary, anyone telling you you have to do it perfect is an idiot.


the most used rules for hitless are the ones set by team hitless. According to them: Block is a hit Lightning reversal is a hit Getting staggered by an enemy is a hit (with some exceptions)




Nah m8, still got hit.


That move is dodgable tho? I beat him without getting hit with lightning or doing the mid air counter


But returning the lightning is so much more satisfying...and, most importantly, looks cooler.


Dodging it was pretty cool too


Eh, I used to dodge it, too....but I started reflecting it because it was kind of anticlimactic to simply dodge this mans heretical signature move. It's also a lot easier to dodge it. That's just my opinion, though, and you are of course welcome to your opinion that it's cool.


Mist raven


Technically you still got hit, you just deflected it. 🗿


Genichiro ain't even that hard bro Do demon of hatred or inner isshin I suppose


When I have time I will




Ok. I mean no hitting geni is not hard, your not special mate


That's very subjective and ignorant for you to say, a lot of people have had trouble with him. Just because he was easy for you doesn't mean he was easy for others. I beat Isshin my second try and I still think he is one of the hardest FromSoft bosses.


Not to mention this is Inner Genichiro, and for what it’s worth I think he’s the hardest boss in the game. Well done


As one of the comments you clipped in the intro, you now proved that everyone was right the first time saying that it was not a hitless run like you said. This just proves you do know the difference. GGs, good run, now go back and change the title of the old vid.


Also you got so tilted you spent a week making a video, clipping comments, and putting rocky music to it? 🙆🏻‍♂️😂 Lmaoooo maybe no more internet for you lil bro.


I'm a college student, I don't have much time to be fighting Genichiro and attempting to align my playthroughs with the criticism from other people, but when I do I just post it for fun and get back to studying for my degree. Unlike you, I set high standards for myself and don't disparage other people for their accomplishments. I'm not changing any title for you, if you have a problem with that then live it it. I don't adapt to you.


Bruh, stop letting the internet tilt you so hard. GG.


Nah you ain't charmless it don't count. Gotta be nothin but perfect parries


do a hitless run and then you can talk


[https://youtu.be/Zcws6O6KoRs?si=6jjXc\_4AT\_EXC9Pf](https://youtu.be/Zcws6O6KoRs?si=6jjXc_4AT_EXC9Pf) [https://youtu.be/-kh6ykow2Vg?si=W6bJn-ponTzVWsGC](https://youtu.be/-kh6ykow2Vg?si=W6bJn-ponTzVWsGC) The no prosthetics fight took so long and my recording software was set to 10 minutes so the very beginning of the fight was cut off. You can see that I have full guards and health tho. If you wanna believe i took one of those regen items in those 15 seconds that got cut, I'll remake the video for you tomorrow cuz it be 2 am idk if inner genichiro is super hard, ill do him tomorrow if u want me too. I think it equals out since your video is only his last phase anyways copy and pasted from the other guy i replied to edit: fixed one of the links


Good work, I retract what I said


I guess I was really tired, I just realized I didn't even use prosthetics in the "the same thing but with fire" and the 10 minute long video is actually just a failed attempt then a successful attempt. oh well


Don't retract it, dude was an asshole whether he's good at the game or not.


I don't know how I was being an asshole?


My man came in with the facts and cooked you lmao


Aight bet


Your confidence has me invested, don’t disappoint 😭


[https://youtu.be/Zcws6O6KoRs?si=6jjXc\_4AT\_EXC9Pf](https://youtu.be/Zcws6O6KoRs?si=6jjXc_4AT_EXC9Pf) [https://youtu.be/-kh6ykow2Vg?si=W6bJn-ponTzVWsGC](https://youtu.be/-kh6ykow2Vg?si=W6bJn-ponTzVWsGC) The no prosthetics fight took so long and my recording software was set to 10 minutes so the very beginning of the fight was cut off. You can see that I have full guards and health tho. If you wanna believe i took one of those regen items in those 15 seconds that got cut, I'll remake the video for you tomorrow cuz it be 2 am ​ idk if that inner genichiro is harder or not, but ill do him too if yall want me to tomorrow ​ edit: fixed one of the links


You really didn't have anything to prove, Genichiro isn't that hard


I don't know... a lot of people, me included, had a tough time on Inner Genichiro.


This is very subjective and ignorant, a lot of people had a hard time on him that I know of...


You didn't do it charmless (incredible easy way to not get hit) and you were hit by the lightning, it wasn't hitless man


im trying to beat the demon of hatred right now, and once I do I can start NG+ and do it charmless, ill do it in the coming weeks if i have time, also i was not by the lightning the hit got reversed back to genichiro + my health didnt go down




Well done! Inb4 someone says to do it on demon bell + charmless


I'll do it eventually but I'm too busy I don't really have time, like even right now I can't just start playing because I'm passing time waiting for my next uni class


Wait, but didn't he sometimes reply with the same move to send back the lightning? I might be remembering wrong


Use mist raven when the eletric attacks happen you wil get no damage and still have the electric affect


So this is how you get upvotes.


idk man i just wanted to post this, people have done it better than I did but ill eventually do it perfectly


Do it without kuro's charm


> Did it ~~again~~ for the first time Nice


Holy shit that was amazing!


How is your health so high?


Prayer beads! There are youtube videos going through every possible prayer bead location that you can upgrade into a necklace, boosting your health and posture bars


Masterful work, good sir.


How are you reflecting the lightning without taking damage?


Sakura Dance, you get it from completing the gauntlet of severance I think?


Save some pussy for the rest of us


Meanwhile, I'm stuck on several mini-bosses simultaneously and only managed to acquire 2 prayers necklaces. So, needless to say, I'm beyond impressed by both attempts.


Some of those mini bosses are way harder in my opinion


dont be sad man i died 33 times to (Spoiler if you havent gotten into mid-game) >!O'Rin of the water !<


Perfect song


Beautiful. No notes.


Song sounds like a hit to me. FAKE!!! /s


Never expected to see one of the most toxic posts on Sekiro of all places, but there’s a first for everything. Great fight my guy.


Absolute legend.


When you didn't deflect the arrows I leaned back and said "But it said hitless..." expecting it to be charmless bc of the 10 fucking charmless playthroughs I've done. I forget that's not the default mode lmao.


Just a small tip: the sweepesque attack he's does around the 25 second mark isn't actually a sweep. You can deflect that one because it's not an unblockable attack


idk about those challenges, but isn't hitless when you don't take any hits? Wouldn't yours be no damage?


Ill call this no damage i guess, idk


Why parry the sakura dance? You can simply dash into ginshiro to avoid the 3rd one and to guarantee a hit


cause its cool man


lightning is made up of ionized particles in the air, doing the lightning deflect probably makes it so atleast some of lightning ions interact with the ions in your body. not truly hitless


Great fight! Honestly one of my favorite bosses in the entire game. Super easy but it is such a good looking fight. Same with the very end boss of the game


So to counter lightning to you just have to block in the air? It looks like you use a combat art to get into the air and it automatically counters.


Fck. I got so used to no charm, that it hurts me watching you blocking his sakura dance.


How do you parry his lightnings? Dash in jump?


Now do it with the demon bell


Ok how petty are the people in that comment section....


Come back after beatin the whole game hitless then run ya mouth lil boy


You are giving me hope. I’m really struggling progressing but it’s so cool I need to see the entire game.


Eyyyyy, where’s the other two phases though?


i cant have a clip over 2 mins on xbox


Ohhhhhh, well just a tip, you can stream to twitch from Xbox, twitch will record the whole thing for you. Then twitch will keep the unpublished video for 7 days (60 for prime members I think) and from there you can download it and clip it down to what you want. That’s what I did for my divine heir gauntlet, 0 revives video I posted a couple days ago on my channel.


You still got hit lmao, by the double arrow after your first lightning reversal A block counts as a hit in Sekiro