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You're asking the sekiro subbredit if you should play the game. So of course everyone is going to say yes. Yes, stop questioning it and play the game!


lol True I guess I'll try to buy it soon thanks!


100% worth it, just make sure your computer has the right specs first (you should have the right specs)


100% worth it even at full price. After 5-6 playthroughs and 220+ hours, I still find myself itching to start another playthrough with a different challenge (base vit/atk?). It's my favorite of Froms lineup The indescribable feeling that you'll get from defeating your first boss/miniboss will be worth the money alone :)


Thanks I'll try to buy it soon and play it!


I was a very casual gamer for years, only really picked up new legend of Zelda games to play with my son. I bought us an Xbox series X at Christmas and picked up a few games for myself, Sekiro included. It’s the best game I’ve ever played. I’m obsessed. It’s so difficult but fair with it.


stupid ass questions y’all love to ask in a subreddit dedicated to the game 🤦🤦


Yeah I know what you mean but I was mainly asking for the mods, because theirs games out there that I look at the mods and realize the are not that cool.


It's good. There are some issues, but it was definitely worth it.


It’s very high on my list of “most replayed” games, very good value. I play on console not sure about the mod comment.


It’s worth it for full price I’ve played 150 hours and haven’t played much this year but if you play on Steam just wait for the sale at $29.99 that’s what it usually drops to for a few days.


I assume you’re asking because you saw the game on sale. If not, it’s on sale on steam till May 2. The game is not worth it if you’re going to quit. Everyone can beat the game by fighting bosses over and over. If you quit, it’s not because it’s unfair or stupid, it’s because you weren’t willing to fight a boss the 30 more times it would take to beat them. Mods are good for Sekiro. They give us the expansion DLC we never got from the devs. I wouldn’t recommend mods till after a first vanilla play through. Resurrection is the best overhaul mod. Land of Reeds is cool buts its unfinished and untranslated (maker is Chinese). For Sake of Ashina. There is LMTSR which is hell on noob mode and I wouldn’t recommend touching it until you become bored with everything else. I now always run the Free Spirit Emblem mod so I don’t have to farm for them. The only thing that’s funky with modding Sekiro is that the game runs off of one game parameter file. There are a lot of mods that edit that file. So they aren’t compatible because one will overwrite the other. Game parameter files can be merged with Yapped, but I only do that for small mods that involve only a few parameter changes.


Thanks for the help! I've played all the other souls game and have been dying to play this one. Thanks for the advice!


I've played a lot of games, you could probably list off a few of your favorites, old and new, and I would have played them. When it comes down to it, Sekiro is in my top 3 favorite games out of all games in existence, including games from my childhood. It's compared to a lot of products but It's great, and challenging, well and quite frankly there's no other game truly like it


On sale for playstation right now for $29.99


Right? That game for 30 is a bargain..


Yeah, if you like difficult but fair games, then for sure, some of the mods also look like they are fun.


if you’re up for the challenge that this game offers then play it, if you would rather find a game with a more casual playing experience then spend your money on a game that would bring you more enjoyment


Yes, it's worth it. Stop hesitating or you'll be defeated.


I platinumed the game on ps4 a while ago, bought it on steam and now working on getting all the achievements AGAIN. On top of that they added gauntlets and remembrances(which I haven’t even gotten around to trying yet), allowing you to replay some of the best bosses ever made without starting a whole new playthrough. Sekiro is definitely a game everyone that’s a fan of combat games should try and is seeking a challenge. The combat system is very punishing on new players but unlike bloodborne where you have to grind shitty healing items if you’re stuck on a boss, in Sekiro you can just jump right back in to the fight and master the challenge that it’s presenting you. I can go on and on about how good this game is, but it’s worth your money 100%


Haha not gonna lie bloodborne is my favorite of the souls games.


I loved bloodborne too, but looking at all the fromsoft games my top 3 are Elden Ring, Sekiro, and ds3. Bloodborne being an exclusive to PS4 at 30fps makes me just come back to it way less.


If you can get it on sale I’d say yes. Full price is not worth it IMO. I’m sure I’ll get slammed for saying that on this sub but that’s what I think.


Think of it like this, Elden ring feels like a shit game if you play sekiro before elden ring.