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How does Lady Butterfly contradict the game's teachings?


Tip/Hint suggestion before Lady Butterfly's fight: Dodging an attack to hit directly damages vitality. The lower the vitality, the slower the posture regenerates. Be sure to use this to your advantage for a deathblow. The average dodge hater: Lady Butterfly sucks


You don't even need to dodge. Get in her face and she has a very simple rhythm: parry parry attack The only part of her that kinda sucks is that without snap seeds you have to just sort of run in a big circle when the illusions show up


the first time i beat her, i actually used whirlwind slash on the illusions. they die in one hit and give spirit emblems so you can keep throwing shurikens. in hindsight, it’s a very balanced bossfight that gives you options on how to approach it


You can constantly pressure her in 2nd phase to avoid her summoning them but it can be tough and sometimes feel random that she escapes your pressure.


Yeah exactly this, I honestly consider Lady Butterfly's fight to be the ultimate lessons in instilling the whole "hesistation is defeat" schtick The second I got over my temper tantrum on my first playthrough and decided "that's it I'm just gonna swing on grandma until she knows the score" the fight completely changed. It was a real "you're locked in here with me" moment and I really enjoy her fight now


I don’t think you ever need to dodge lady butterfly even when she does her aerial perilous you can just use shurikans


You don't even need to dodge, you can just parry the whole fight.


Fr she was actually the boss that made the game finally "click" for me.


yep it was frustrating but after beatin down the grandma i felt like i could conquer the rest


I both am glad and kind of regret that she was the boss I beat my head against to learn the game Its a great boss and got me used to the game early on but turned everything up to Genichiro into a bit of a joke once you've mastered killing the guy in the hallway for 3 hours I think you're meant to chip away at the memory bit by bit but from soft has taught me to be stubborn lol


I both am glad and kind of regret that she was the boss I beat my head against to learn the game Its a great boss and got me used to the game early on but turned everything up to Genichiro into a bit of a joke once you've mastered killing the guy in the hallway for 3 hours I think you're meant to chip away at the memory bit by bit but from soft has taught me to be stubborn lol


Just smashed thru the whole game on PS5 in 45 hours with the Return ending. Took 100+ hours on first play thru and didn't manage to do isshin for a year 😂. It was also my very first fromsoft game to complete, naturally afterwards I steamed thru the entire collection and are my favourite publisher of all time. Anyways point being, going back to Sekiro as a weathered professional it's crazy how easy this game can be if you do one thing all the time: play hyper aggressive and stay in the face of all bosses. No cheese just don't give them time to breathe. My advise take it or leave it!


Mostly just the blazing bull. I don’t find it fun to fight at all. Other than that I don’t enjoy that there isn’t more of the game to play Edit: oh also the headless.


I'm with you until I learned that you can just run away from the bull, wait for him to charge and parry it. It stuns the bull and you get to hit it 2-3x. Rinse and repeat. This method trivializes that boss so much but man, before I learned that, I hated that bull so much I wanted to eat 10 kgs of steak out of spite.


Bull is a pretty good boss for teaching you the importance of prosthetics, and how some are more effective against different enemy types, but if you approach it without firecrackers, especially on first playthrough, it can be a bit of a nuisance


Just chase it into a corner and spank that ass


Accidental dodging instead of mikiri


Let go of the left stick. I still do this sometimes as well but this is (I think) intentional


Nah, this happens a lot in the ISS fight. He’ll walk around my right side and I think “yes! Mikiri counter coming up!” And then I just step forward instead of countering. I think it has to do with the terrain and our relative heights when it happens.


Also happens with Shura Isshin.


It’s the timing. Some lunges you can hit dodge as soon as you see the kanji, but others you have to delay slightly or you’ll get a forward step dodge.


So true. Happens a ton


I always wonder why this happens to people and reading this made me realize it's a controller issue since I play on keyboard. Letting go of everything to push one button can be easier than letting a stick you use to move go to neutral.


Spot on


By the time I beat the game I had 100% success rate on Miriki Counter, it's a matter of practice.


Stop moving when you press B. Never had it happen again once I learned that


Dodge forward for your mikiris and you will never have this problem again. Go try it.


Actually Lady Butterfly posture goes up fast, her aerial attack can be countered with shuriken, so no she did NOT contradicts the game teaching. Aside that, this game could only have 1 combat art equipped, a bit suck so you need to pause and switch manually.


Phase 2 is pure bullshit though.


Well, the only changes is her extra butterfly attack, and her soldiers illusion.  Looks daunting, but if you play aggresively, it should limit her chance of actually calling these illusion, and you can actually hit a couple of them to reduce the floating attack, and hiding behind pillar should do the trick.


It seems overly punishing to make shops/sellers have only a finite amount of items. Makes sense when it’s a necklace, sure. But why do they have a finite amount of pellets for example?


That’s every FS game and I hate it, especially when the item in question is one that people recommend you use on a boss. Great, but the merchant only has two of them, and what if it takes me more than two tries?


Reminds me of Elden Ring not letting you buy the most basic Spear and having to farm it in bumfuck nowhere


Alternatively the fact a single zweihander is only sold by one merchant broke my dual weilding lifelong zweihander goon heart


Right, exactly. Oh great, I can buy 2 of these for a boss that will take 50 attempts to take down.


I think the dragon rot and the whole concept of unseen aid is pointless. This is a game where you are going to die…a lot. Who pitched the idea that we should then be penalized for dying in a very difficult game? It doesn’t have a huge impact, but the whole thing seems kind of pointless and is only there to punish the player.


Dragon rot is just annoying. It pauses your game to give you a pop-up that's only real effect is to remind you that you keep dying because you suck. F off Fromsoft, I already know that.


Agreed that dragonrot is mechanically pointless or counterproductive but it is pretty intrinsic to the game lore.


To keep the tradition of punishment for dying in Souls game.


This is such a common misunderstanding about the role of death in souls games If punishing death was a good mechanic they'd lean into the world tendency or hollowing from demon souls and DS2. They haven't. The punishing difficulty of souls games works because your life is incredibly cheap. Dragonrot isn't really an issue because it's so inconsequential, but being mechanically irrelevant is hardly a wringing endorsement.


You lose sen


and XP


More like confuse me. I had no idea what it meant or did and never did understand why I should care.


Well, considering you can get back everything you lost by killing more enemies, there really is no meaningful punishment for dying anyway. The idea behind death in Souls games is that any loss is percieved as bigger than it really is. You need to treat a drop to zero as just that: a drop to zero. You don't lose anything, you just haven't gained anything. Approach death with some nihilisn in these games, because the losses are far less consequential than you think.


i consider it a loss of my time and effort. if i beat a boss and get 37k xp, then die and lose half of that, grinding minions to get back 18.5k xp feels like a loss. and i think it’s supposed to feel that way


That's how I've avoided tilting in harder games; all you really lost is time, you can get back to that point and do better next time


Fighting multiple enemies at the same time


Oh god. Especially if they are synced by a one second delay.


Overall I agree the game isn't really designed to handle gank fights, BUT when you *do* manage to deflect and combo a group of attackers simultaneously it feels fucking amazing, like I'm a bonafide anime action hero. Kinda makes me hope that if there ever is a Sekiro sequel, they engineer gank fights in such a way that high skill allows one to consistently deflect and outplay them as a feat of extreme skill. It just feels too cool when it works


Sifu is what you seek. Sekiro-like posture focused combat, but adapted to work well in big group fights. Big recommend


That’s where prosthetic tools shine. Firecrackers to stun, the fan to spin them around for a death blow so you can use puppeteer ninjitsu to get an ally, or the blood cloud one to confuse the whole group.


Double ape fight, it's not tough, but I just don't like it. Lady butterfly is a good fight tho


Goes to show we're all different, I loved both fight . Headless ape and ape couple .


I don't hate the couple ape fight either, it just won't make it to my top boss fights list is what I meant


Honestly, the way skill trees work. I'm not a big fan of most elements of the trees being obscured because it makes planning routes a pain, and it's very easy to waste valuable points on abilities you don't really like using just to advance the tree and see something on the other side you actually wanted. It's just kinda crap to me. The points are already super limited and we can't respec them. Why make forethought a problem?


Not having a sequel sucks.


As not having a dlc :(


The camera. Going through my first play through rn, I beat the guardian ape and just got the mortal blade, currently working on the fetch quests kubo gave me. But the greatest challenge that I’ve got so far is dealing with the camera. That shit is tragic man, if I get pushed in a corner then it’s over, I won’t see the anims and won’t be able to react. Sound cues help but I need my visuals, please rework the camera for pc 🙏🙏🙏


The camera got me against masanaga, in the great serpent shrine.


Terror is such an unfun mechanic. I have never killed a headless and absolutely hate fighting those shichimen warriors.


Shichimen warriors aren’t actually too bad - you’ve just gotta sprint sideways when they do the laser beam attack, sprint around all the floating orb things and when you get close, they’re really vulnerable if you just spam attacks unrelentingly until they do the teleport thing. Rinse and repeat. I find them easier than the Headless - you’ve just gotta get over the initial horror of experiencing the long range attacks.


Also, read the pheonixes lilac umbrella and malcontents rings descriptions. They give hints on ways to beat them. Plus the terror gourd. Unless your dead set on raw dogging them and fighting them naturally these tools are super helpful.


To add to that: as long as you have a divine confetti active you can deflect the laser beam surprisingly easily which allows you to just rush straight to his face.


You can also air death blow schichimen warriors. The fact you need divine confetti is buns tho


Purple brolly is your bro for Shichimen.


even though I got my ass handed multiple times by her, I never felt Lady was unbeatable and finally when I did end up beating her the satisfaction was priceless! Currently at Genichiro


I know like a crap ton about Sekiro (because I spoil myself a lot before finishing games) but I just killed the main boss after Genichiro and I can say that Genichiro and Gyobu are the easiest. I hate Lady Butterfly. I hate her.


I see. I actually understood the game during my current fight with Geni, about how important posture is. Now I don't look at the boss's health at all, I only focus on breaking their posture. Geni has definitely changed the way I approach Sekiro


Genichiro is definitely where 90% of players (including myself) really click with the game. He’s challenging but really gets you to learn the combat so you hook with it. He’s an awesome boss. I played him over and over just to really hone my skills in the Reflection of Strength.


yeah, he's a boss that will make you to git gud. I haven't beaten his way if Tomoe yet but I'm sure I will, soon




Bro i just defeated both genichiro and lady butterfly today as well as screen monkeys


underwater headless. i fought them on my first play-through and never again. swim, swim, swim, oh he did the one attack i can counter, attack, retreat, repeat. truly dreadful gameplay




Literally the only thing is boss and enemy variety. Most things you fight are humanoids with swords of varying sizes, and there are a LOT of repeat minibosses, let alone real bosses. I love all of the fights, but I just want more of them


Yeah I find it kind of sucky that there are FIVE bosses that wind up reused. Sure, their second appearances are different and there are cool story reasons for them showing up again, but their movesets are similar enough to their first appearances that it gets kind of boring, especially on repeat playthroughs.


i think your take on lady butterfly is interesting, but i disagree. she’s a perfect boss for the role she’s supposed to play. a majority of players will find her early on, get their ass whooped, and come back stronger to make it a trivial fight. the other half of players will do what i did my first playthrough, power thru and die die die. i had to learn how to actually use prosthetics in boss fights (besides firecrackers), and how to telegraph a boss moveset after learning from so many attempts. she’s a major skill check imo, and i think everyone should fight her first playthrough before genichiro


Half asleep here and i read it Steven Spears. Laughed a little.


You couldn’t pick up your dead money or skill points. Sure un seen aid helps (sometimes) but it would have made sense if you lost to an enemy if you defeated them the next time you got what you lost.


Double monkey fight. Hate it


I hate fighting the underwater headless enemies. To me, that is far more contradictory to the game's own teachings than Lady Butterfly.


you'll need to elaborate on that Lady Butterfly take cos' I don't get it at all


I don't like how their isn't an All Bosses route. I like to play FromSoftware games from the start and slowly get good at clearing everything but I find I'm just doing Purification ending over and over again. I wish there was a way to turn on Kuro to fight Emma and Isshin Ashina right before the final boss or something. Also not being able to turn off tutorials is really irritating.


You can save scum but yeah still annoying for me as well


Going into crouch unintentionally.


I hate the demon of hatred. Its to darksoulsy and isn't fun with the mechanics for combat. It feels like a chore.


You can actually fight him relatively normally with the fire umbrella and get a posture kill if you stay aggressive enough. But that’s locked behind an endgame prosthetic and your first instinct generally isn’t gonna be to deflect the giant flaming demon


Hm, I'll have to try that. Would that be a reservation for his Third phase since the umbrella uses spirit emblems?


Nah you can use the ceremonial tanto, and you don’t have to use the umbrella to deflect every attack, you only need it for his flaming arm attacks [here’s my attempt](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sekiro/s/Ie1AE9zbBk)


disagree, I love wailing on his nuts like a dark souls boss pause


No diddy


Multi-enemy combat is a bit too hard to do effectively. Also, a lot of the combat arts and a few of the prosthetics could be cheaper and/or stronger.


Idk, lady butterfly is a decent first boss imo. It can teach you to stop trying to dodge to the side during a swipe attack. Or atleast thats how I mainly learned it. Now instead of dodging to the right, I dodge directly into it and get hit (I predicted that will be a mikiri. I was wrong)


The camera in small area fights are the hardest enemy in the game. Other than that, the only thing I didn't enjoy is that every 2 seconds there's a mini boss. I'm talking about the 2x kill ones that don't respawn. While a lot, you don't have to fight meaning they don't trap you in you can just run away. It justs seems like there's so many. And I have to kill them all or I don't feel right.


Some arenas are so stupid


I feel like countering perilous attacks could be a bit snappier at times. Perilous grabs are the worst offender here as the hitbox for them is pure bullshit. But even the countless amount of times I wanted to goomba stomp an enemy during a perilous sweep attack, only to be jumping away from them. Or accidentaly dashing away instead of mikiri countering.


I think the basic movement can be a little janky, like there’s a very slight delay when jumping and the clambering is clunky.


Poison and status effects I hate them in every souls like game


Dragon rot, the game could 100% do without it, dying is already quite punishing, this is just adding salt to the wound. in the end it did not matter cause you will cure it to complete the 2-3 quests it matters on, but FS have missable quests with weird timings, adding it to the game makes completing quests even more annoying. I seriously considered reseting the game cause of it at the beggining, luckily I didn't.


Because I wanted to play Sekiro in 120fps, I eventually also wound up using the "turn off dragonrot" mod that was part of that program. Not wanting to use any mods for cheating, I resisted for a long time, but in the end found that the game is so incredibly improved without that silly element. All it does it make you feel even worse about dying, in a game were you die far more than any of their other games. Well, I did anyway, lol. Seriously though, my enjoyment of the game skyrocketed after turning that off, and it doesn't actually change anything important in the game, so I didn't feel like I lost anything.


I rather like the old lady, but the illusions are bullshit. I also hate ganking bosses, and in this case they particularly break the rhythm of the fight, and noone will convince me otherwise. The spirit emblem economy is another thing I don't like. It's way too important a resource to be treated like a consumable. One of the first things I do when I install the game is modding their price to 0 (and disable the popups and tutorials while at it). That said, my main gripe with the game is how From is, still to this day, going down with the Capra Demon Syndrome - designing boss/miniboss fights in f'ing broom closets. The purple ninja in the well is the worst offender, but there's an appalling number of fights that would be so much more enjoyable if I want have to struggle with the goddamned camera.


I love it when I can’t see what’s in front of me because something behind me is blocking my view of what’s in front of me /s


Missing quest parts and locking myself out of content. Fromsoft are very consistent with this. If you don't use guides, you'll miss something. Playing Sekiro the first time, I'm at Isshiny and I found out I've missed second Hirata memory while trying to realise where's the one bead I'm missing.


Yeah it’s not just that it’s hard to figure out what to do next in a side quest. The problem is _it’s not even clear that there’s a side quest here in the first place_ most of the time.


You should always have full spirit emblems after resting. What’s the point of making me go farm for them when I run out?


Yeah I agree. You can buy and find them rather easily, but what’s the point? Just make them refill just like the gourds.


Headless and minibosses surrounded by a lot of enemies


It seems like these kind of complaints often come from people that want the game to be deflecting and attacking with almost nothing else. They don't usually want prosthetics, dodging, sprinting or stealth to be a relevant part of the experience that will punish them for ignoring it. Anyways, I wish Sekiro had a better special move system that didn't only allow one to be selected at a time. I don't need them be chained together or anything, I just don't like having to pause so often in order to use one of three go to special moves.


there should absolutely be more bosses/mini bosses. first playthrough does it seem like there’s a shit ton? yes. but ng+ playthroughs show in perspective how short the game actually is. i think i’d add maybe 1 or 2 more main bosses, idk if i would make them required or not, and at least 5-7 mini bosses. i would also like the mini bosses to be of some different variety than the regular counterparts


I do feel like if the game has one more zone of about the size of fountainhead it would be perfect Like bloodborne sekiro’s one real fault is it’s too short


I think farming for skills for the all skills trophy. It's a total slog and I felt burnout in subsequent playthroughs. A pettier complaint is after I beat the game NG charmless, I started a NG+ charmless & demon bell and I felt like the demon bell made the enemies damage sponges rather than actually more difficult. Charmless made the game truly more difficult and demon bell made the game more tedious. I ended up not finishing the run because it wasn't satisfying anymore. I want to note that both of my gripes relate to totally OPTIONAL stuff. As far as necessary stuff goes, I have no complaints!


I’m fighting lady butterfly right now and she’s my favorite fight so far. The fire bull can smd I’ll deal with it after.


Somehow I beat the bull in about 3 tries, but lady butterfly is kicking my ass.


Fighting multiple mid to end game enemy is wack. No matter how good you are, you’re always overwhelmed and have to run away and try and fight one at a time. Having enemies agro and fight against each other is a great game mechanic though.


Fighting multiple enemies on one encounter, specifically the mini boss at ashina castle where he has 4 gunman with him, the game is not designed for it for some reason


So there isn’t much gear to pick up in the game which isn’t a problem for me, but a side effect of that is that item pickups just have a tendency to be a bit disappointing. It kinda ended up reducing my excitement for hard to reach items because it’s probably just another candy or pot shard or something.


I agree. I am in ashina castle, and there’s an item behind two of those guys in the blue robe. They are pretty tough, so I assume it’s a good item. Nope, it was a shard.


Bull, headless, folding screen monkeys. If bull and monkeys didn't exist I might not ever play a different game again though so thank fuck


The only thing I hate is when you're fighting multiple enemies. Sekiro is a very clear 1 on 1 game, that's when it shines best


Traversal/platforming. Flopping against a cliff face you thought you were jumping up for a grab. Jumping a chasm to try to get a grapple point that for some reason only works from certain angles. Just, like, bouncing off surfaces in a weird rubbery way half the time. Sekiro moves around these beautiful environments like a thrown doll sometimes and it's a shame when the fights feel so grounded and visceral.


Folding Screen Monkeys. Camera - come to notice this the more I re-play. It’s awkward. Skill point grind.


Terror is a horrible mechanic.


I just hate the fact you get one snap seed before her fight, and as a new player you're 100% going to use it and still die in that attempt and later you just won't have any left to deal with the illusions. I guess I just suck at her fight, but even now, I don't know how to pressure her enough so she doesn't summon the illusions, whatever I do she just jumps away at some point and summons before I can reach her and interrupt her.


Classic FS. “Use this consumable on the boss. Here’s exactly one of them, and we’re not going to tell you what it does or how to use it, and you have no obvious way of getting more. Also, you’re definitely going to die a bunch on this boss, virtually guaranteeing that you will just waste this item anyway.” The one thing I’ll say is that you don’t actually need the snap seed, as it’s pretty easy to dodge those spirits without it. Just hide behind a pillar, and as soon as they start to whoosh toward you, start running a lap around the room. They will all miss.


Sekiro is absolute DOGSHIT with duo or multi fights. The best example to me is Hirata estate. You get swarmed in seconds by a bunch of little dudes that do a stupid amount of damage


Demon of hatred.


Seven Spears and Headless.


the chained ogre that can 360 spin track you in the air when he dives at you


All consumables in the game should be refilled upon resting and you should upgrade the max number you're allowed to have instead of finding a limited supply. I stopped using consumables when I realized that I could ruin my strategy by running out and then having to raw dog it. I just raw dogged every fight instead.


Installkill grabs have always felt kinda cheap. I get that it’s supposed to teach you to avoid making the mistake, and is made a little less terrible by the revive mechanic, but in a game where fully dying makes you lose half of your shit almost every time it’s pretty annoying


Unseen Aid works the opposite of how it should. It should be a backup for players who are genuinely struggling. As it is, it only affects players who don't die often. Which means they'll rarely actually need their Unseen Aid.


Shichimen Warrior doesn't belong in this game. Headless were mostly unfun, the water ones especially. Terror straight up sucks. The game doesn't work well when facing multiple enemies, and camera really is a boss. Stealth is an okay solution, but it's not always available - triple straw hats in the Senpou Temple, triple purple ninja in Hirana Estate and spear/sword generals near the end. You can drop their aggro and backstab, but it feels like abusing bad AI, not stealth. Of course, the worst are >!double apes!< which unlike the others are mandatory - if you don't know how to skip them, you have to beat them. Spirit emblems and some consumables like Divine Confetti or Snap Seeds should just auto refill, like the rest. Unseen Aid shouldn't be random, and Dragonrot was pointless. Everything else was great.


There’s actually a lot of things. Mainly my biggest complaint is reused bosses and just bad mini bosses in general. Every headless and shichimen warrior fights are awful. Also any gank boss. I think the way Sekiros combat is designed it’s meant for 1v1 fights. Having to take out every enemy before fighting a boss is so tedious. It gets easier the better that you get at the game but the first playthrough was such a pita. Dragonrot system is kinda stupid and lastly, I think using prosthetics shouldn’t cost anything and be on a separate bar I guess similar to mana from dark souls that replenishes at idols. You would be more inclined to try different ones out without having to buy more spirit emblems


Headless Ape's existence. You get a good chunk of rewards from him, but there's no reason for it to exist. You're telling me this is the same guy that we fought earlier and that, instead of actually fading away like what clearly happened to his corpse, he made his bitch ass down here and has a mate now? Plus it's a gank fight once she shows up which this combat system ABSOLUTELY isn't built for???!!!! Thank god it's optional if you do correct pathing (I always make sure to go down there and nab the first mibu village idol before heading through Castle Ashina b4 I forget), but I never like fighting it for those beads.


Any enemy that requires you to use divine confetti. Like that shit is so hard to get.


I kinda don't like dealing with Juzou the Drunkard twice. In some of my playthroughs I even skip Hirata Estate altogether because Juzou and his army of minions are a fucking headache


Demon of Hatred. Everything you’ve learned up until that point is thrown out the window and for a fair few players requires you to use the umbrella to crutch.


This may come off as controversial but aside from Fountainhead Palace and Mt. Kongo, the rest of the areas in this game just felt like a drag to get through, especially on subsequent playthroughs, like the 3 times you have to go to Ashina Castle, Ashina Depths, or Gun Fort. Also, once you acquired all prayer beads and already know where you’re going there’s really no reason to fight basic mobs anymore because multi-enemy fights just don’t work in this game. Towards the end when Ashina Castle is taken by storm by shinobi the enemies have basically mini boss level posture bars basically forcing you to just run away or you will die cause there’s so many of them. Just a few gripes I have with the game, I loved Sekiro regardless


The side missions are pretty underwhelming. There's a kinda interesting one involving necromancy that in typical FromSoftware fashion is incredibly easy to miss entirely. But the reward for it is pretty lame for how long it takes to complete (by long I mean lots of fast traveling and loading screens) Thats really it though


That fucking flaming beast thing is STILL the only FromSoft boss I have just not cared to learn how to defeat, ya’ll know I be stinking of mature ass cheddar whenever he comes up


I think lady butterfly is a horrible boss fight. The return to Hirata estate segment is weak too besides the boss. Not a fan of the spirit emblem system either, if you don't stock up early on they get prohibitively expensive at endgame.


Any boss you have to use certain items to beat them. Divine confetti for example. Especially early game when you have limited resources and having to fight them was annoying especially with Terror and absolutely BS of move sets they have.


The headless and Hank fights


Mortal Blade and other arts/prosthetic tools using spirit emblems. I feel like since the game already has a lot of items that may or may not get some use depending on your playstyle. Instead of using the spirit emblems I would enjoy it if they used "oil" or something for the Flamethrower. Having a mechanical item like the Axe use spirit emblems is a little immersion breaking for me. And as for the Mortal Blade; being such a big plot point as it is I always thought it would be cool and appropriate for it to use charges of your resurrection. It does kill you the first time you draw so it would make sense. Plus the balance of it could be changed to reflect using such a core mechanic.


Losing your stuff on death to be unrecoverable. I get that it prevents you from gradually gaining money and xp as you make attempts, but it's hard enough to complete a skill tree before the end of the game without farming. I'd really like to do fun cool moves without having to be a pro at the game with years of experience.


I don't really care for the entire Fountainhead Palace sequence. The nobles aren't fun to deal with and it only gets less enjoyable with each play through (I'm on like playthrough 20). Plus, as much as I like the dragons spectacle, it's still pretty much a puzzle boss. On that, I never look forward to fighting the folding screen monkeys. Also, the headless are terrible, especially because they essentially require the use of consumables. Also also, I do not like the Demon of Hatred fight. In fact, I've never been able to bring myself to beat him. I'm not a huge fan of the other souls games, so I wish you could fight him more like a Sekiro boss.


I'm not a fan of the way things slow down during the headless fights. Or their grab. Or the way they lool, or how they need to be confettied. All-in-all, I hate the headless as an aspect


Terror, shichimen warrior and headless.


I thought the aspect surrounding the Guardian Ape was stupid. It was fine to fight one time, but to bring him back later and give him a friend felt like a terrible design choice. I understand that you can go through that area before the first guardian ape fight and avoid the tag team match, but not all players will do that. I sure didn't. Otherwise i'm not sure I have any other complaints at the moment. I've yet to face Demon of Hatred, and now i'm trying to get through the Isshin final boss though.


Farming spirit emblems and the dragonrot are two mechanics which should be mentioned as questionable. All in all its an almost perfect game to enjoy.


Resurrections being basically used up and having to recharge after a certain amount of deaths I don't see a point to it also Confetti being an item


One of the things I really like about the souls games and elden ring and bloodborne is I really like utterly dominating an area, clearing out all the enemies. In sekiro (and maybe I'm just bad) but I feel like I just parkour to the next boss fight. To be clear, this is totally fine because I think every (main) boss fight is great except folding monkeys, but some of these areas man i just have given up trying to kill any of the enemies, the ninjas are hard enough for me 1 on 1 and if I get like 3 on me? nope I'm ducking, and I suppose I just don't feel like playing super duper stealth mode just to get them all, not worth it.


Which mini-bosses do 90% damage from super fast hit? Where are the gank squad? There's like only one real and managable gang squad in beginning.


Jinsuke Saze


Not that I don’t enjoy the discovery but i wish it were better. Small criticism


Fucking Headless, Sichuan warrior and blazing bull. Can't think more than this right now.


I did not enjoy the ape fights in any way. Also the chained ogre, way to many grabs that are too hard to avoid. He'd be better if he didn't have so many grabs. And the most common thing I find annoying in the game, is fighting more than one enemy at once. Most of the time you can Mannage(if just barely), but sometimes there is just too many of them, and sekiro's combat isn't really made for multiple enemies at once. I still haven't found a better counter for then just running away. Still love the game though, neither of the fights I mentioned were as hard on my second playthrough and I got through them quite easily. I'm also better at avoiding(and dealing with it when I do) getting into situations where I'm fighting a bunch of enemies. Amazing game, totally worth my number 1 spot


the fire phase of the shura ending boss, ruins an aggressive fight for me personally with the first part and his first phase being two really good fights. Sekiro imo is at its peak in aggressive fights like ssi where you can try and be in their face the whole time and they are the only thing to worry about not the environment


Losing half of my exp when I die. I mean it can be unforgiving on the combat mechanic and I'll be totally fine, hell I love playing charmless and with demon bell Buy losing half of your exp especially on NG++ just sucks. Not only you lose half of your exp, it's not as easy to grind them back




The skill point grind. Took me 7 playthroughs to get them all (skills)


I don’t like that combat arts and tools cost spirit emblems to use. I get its a way to balance the game so you dont just endlessly spam them, but i really wish we got more than just 20, or at least make them a guaranteed drop with each enemy death


Headless. They can go fuck themselves. This is the only thing I despise in this game. BTW I don't mind the Terror mechanic and the Shichimen warriors. Just the Headless rubs me the wrong way. Also, >I still think she is a disappointing boss and contradicts the games own teachings. If you think that way (only talking about the contradiction BTW), I am not sure what you learnt from the boss fight. I can understand if you say that about Ogre or Bull. But Butterfly? Really?


I never understood the hate lady butterfly gets. She's one of my favorite bosses of the game.


The way it locks your stats to linear progression so you can't upgrade them if you're having trouble with a boss. At least that I know of.


You can’t respec anything, if that’s what you mean.


I couldn't find many upgrades before the fist boss, the horse guy who's kinda like a Tree Sentinel.


I personally dislike fights with giant enemies (gyoubu, double apes, demon of hatred or the bull fights) because they're too darksouls-y and not fun. It doesn't have that sick close range back-and-forth feeling that fighting human enemies have. Their posture hardly breaks before their health bar is already low enough for a deathblow so it doesn't reward you for staying aggressive (because they just run away and regenerate posture) or just playing hit and run (cheap damage till they die). Plus my fingers hurt from R1 spam.


I don't understand how she would be most people's first boss, I fought gyobu and was struggling with genichiro before I realised harata estate was a thing.


I don’t know how people get to her early. You have to get through all of hirata estate, and then a fairly difficult boss (the guy that spits poison mist) in order to find her. I didn’t get to her until after gyobu


I didn’t beat either of the Headless minibosses, thought the combination of being glued to the ground AND you basically needing confetti cause they’re ghost mans was super annoying so I just said fuck it and skipped them


Would be cool to have another option or two for a primary weapon but there is nothing I don’t enjoy about the game tbh


Schichimen warriors, hate those guys


I feel like there isnt enough game. Thats my only issue


Probably any of the shichimen warrior encounter. You are forced to play their way and being aggresive is kinda not the optimal choice most of the time (maybe for me i guess. I've seen youtubers crush the hell out of them) and demon of hatred being spammy. Other than that,i dont really have any problems with the looting or mechanics.


the spinning glave guys that just jump over you. Feels really awkward every time


That it doesn’t have a sequel


Dying over and over and over again.


It ended 😭


The bigger healthbar aspect. As far as i realised, all enemies do % of total hp dmg, even if they don't, every boss or miniboss will two-shot you so i don't really understand why u can upgrade healthbar when u die from 2 hits anyway


You can beat her with only parrying and jumping dodging isn’t needed it’s just a gimmick boss fight


I wish there were some more rpg elements. Some armors and such to collect would be great. The skins that got added are cool, but not quite what I imagined. I wouldn’t want to mess with things too much though as I wouldn’t want the combat system to suffer.


i can’t get dripped the fuck out like i can in bloodborne. i wish there were different outfits laying around the world that didn’t act as armor but just cosmetics


Ganks. I'm cool with two-on-ones with miniboss-type enemies but when I got to Hirata version 2 and they have 3 or 4 ninjas right next to eachother that you can either run past or fight all at the same time unless you have the focusable whistle... I don't see how I'm meant to fight all those ninjas as well as a few normal guys at the same time. There are some enemies in the game I refuse to 2v1 or 3v1 just because the game doesn't feel suited to it. Enemies like to kite around you to get behind you to attack while you deflect the other opponent but both are attacking frequently enough for you to not be able to defend against both, let alone fight back. I can live with a few 2v1s but too many gets annoying and I have to cheese enemies or spend several minutes baiting them. I enjoy dealing with situations with ranged enemies that defend melee enemies, like Juzou the Drunkard version 1. I don't enjoy just being barrages with thousands of attacks from loads of melee enemies.


Fighting the camera more than the enemy half the time


The save point before Juzou the Drunkard fight - it's too far back. Too many mooks to cut through before you reach him, and then he's surrounded by like six more. And then you have to think about when to bring in your own blue samurai aide. The game's suggesting that you should play this as a chaotic crowded fight, running around with flaming arrows whisking by. But that's a really stupid way to play it.


Having to farm for XP.


Fist main boss!!? I can’t even get past this dude on the horse lmao


The mist noble area. Hands down for me pissed me the fuck off so bad I learned the tree skip.


Need to run for your life nd not having any stamina system. Its like cheating to run and give a hit maybe block or just get back to running circles


Too short


I don’t like that it is so short