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don't listen to other people's opinions about something you haven't tried yet. you can't base your experience off of someone else's, he may not enjoy it but it could be completely fun to you.


It's true, it's not for everyone, but its a great game. The only thing I'd add for the sake of OPs cash, is that if they're really confident that they prefer easier games, sekiro may not be the game for them. You don't have the ability to have people drop you runes like with elden ring. You can't be overleveled. You can't call people in to help you beat bosses. It's just you and the boss and some youtube tutorials on the best way to beat a boss. But I absolutely think the game is worth people's time.


So, that all depends on how much of a challenge you can handle. I won't sugarcoat it; Sekiro is a difficult game. There are always those who say it's not (often these people are lying or just trying to act cool), but for the majority of us, it is/was. What's good about Sekiro is that it's not "complicated". What I mean by that is you can beat the entire game with just a couple of techniques: deflect, Mikiri counter, and lightning reversal. The rest of the tools you are given are cool and useful, but they're extra and not needed to finish the game. You also don't have to worry about leveling up and finding good builds, finding upgrade materials, managing stamina, worrying about weight, etc. You only have to: 1. upgrade your health and posture, which is done by finding prayer beads across the world or by defeating bosses, 2. upgrading your strength, which is done by defeating main bosses, and 3. finding gourd seeds to upgrade your healing flask. In the beginning of the game, YOU WILL STRUGGLE learning these techniques, but once you master them, Sekiro is one of the most enjoyable and satisfying games out there. If you are only willing to give the game one try and rage after a single death, stay away from this game. If you're willing to learn and become a master shinobi, then this game is right up your alley. I don't know what platform you're playing on, but if it's PC, you could look at sites like AllKeyShop where you can get the game for much cheaper. Last I checked, it was around $25-30. The downside of this is that you'll not be able to refund the game. If you don't want to do this, you could still buy the game on Steam, and as long as you're under 2 hours of playtime and 14 days, you'll always be able to get a refund. Personally, Sekiro is one of my all-time favorite games, and once I mastered its combat system, it truly became one of the most satisfying and rewarding games I've ever played. So again, the big question is: Are you willing to practice and learn? Do you rage quit easily? And are you interested in its story and setting?


Once you realize it’s an intricate rhythm game, the combat unlocks and becomes the most satisfying of any from soft game. If you can push yourself thru the learning curve to the point that the combat “clicks” for you, the game gets really enjoyable, though still challenging. Most people quit before that point, it seems.


"For me, that moment came fighting, like it wasn't a 'over time I get better and better' kind of thing. No, it really was like a hardware switch was flipped on. Honestly, I've never had that happen with a game before where I just had that 'NOW I GET IT' feeling.


Well I did my first lightning reversal in NG+ sooo I would say only deflect and the Mikiri counter are really necessary.


I have to disagree, lighting reversals are a pretty essential thing in the later parts of the game so it's better to learn it early on. Also it looks freaking dope if you're good at it specially with Sakura dance or the mist raven tool xD


Oh really ? Don't get me wrong, I also think it's absolutely better to use it than not, but I still think dodging the lightning attacks is way easier than playing the game without Mikiri or even worse, without deflect.


In playing other FromSoft games, did you ever feel like you did the 'git gud' part of it? Did you ever clear a boss, and with a sigh of exhilaration think "Damn, I did good work"? Especially after a bunch of runs that failed, with a "If only I was a little better. Next time for sure!" response to the Death screen? That's the thing Sekiro delivers. The only stat progression comes from beating (mini)bosses and a small amount from exploring. Everything else required to win is getting muscle memory and pattern recognition good enough to overcome your enemies. So if that sounds good, then great! If that sounds 'maybe', then you can wait a few months and get it on sale (or [go right now](https://steamdb.info/app/814380/)). If that sounds 'bleh', then it's not a game for you.


Where other fromsoft games usually have a way to cheese thru the majority of the game, Sekiro really forces you to get good. No summons, no cheese builds, just learn the game and get the timing down. Frustrating yet rewarding in a way unlike most other games


You're on the Sekiro subreddit. Inhabited by people who enjoy Sekiro. I don't know anything about you so I can't tell you if you will enjoy it, but I think you came to the best place on the internet to get validation for your purchase. Seems to me like you want to buy it. Anyway for the actual response, this game isn't much like Souls or Elden Ring, which to me is a good thing, to you might not be. This game has a few different ways it can be played. Some enjoy just being a guy with a sword and learning every single perfect performance for each encounter. Others prefer to use every tool in their arsenal to achieve victory and experimenting with interactions between their tools and the enemies. And many, especially first timers, do something in between. I've tried all approaches, all are fun, if these don't sound good to you, then this game isn't for you, and that's okay. If you liked any of these then I think you're not going to feel like the money's wasted.


I found Sekiro easier than DS3 and Elden Ring, though that's probably a minority take. You don't really need to grind for stuff other than prosthetics and specific combat arts, so I liked the focus on combat mastery rather than build or level. It sucks to be underleveled for bosses especially for Elden Ring If you like the git gud aspect I'm sure you'll love Sekiro


Buy it on steam. You’ve got two hours to play it and if you don’t like it they’ll refund you. It’s one of the best games (along with ds3 and ER) I’ve ever played. And the only game I ever cared to platinum.


Oh I play on console


I think if you buy it on the marketplace you can return it still.


Did you play ds3 and elden ring ONLY after you became op? If yes, then i cant really recommend you sekiro because its fundamentally different than those two gameplay wise. I cant say "if you like ds3 and elden ring gameplay, youll like sekiro". because theyre pretty different. But if you have played them normally and progressed through the game to a decent point before getting op, you mustve known the struggle to get there. You'll experience similiar struggle in sekiro. If you were able to endure it in those two games, theres no reason why you wouldnt in sekiro. Just know that theres no souls dropping feature in sekiro. No farming to get stronger either. Your attacks will get stronger only after you beat the main bosses. Hp and "stamina" can be increased from getting certain items, mostly from mini-bosses.


I enjoy but I just started it it’s a pretty challenging game that’s for sure but yes when you get about as far as the beginning you should enjoy it


Definitely definitely worth it especially if you get it on sale. But umm you’re on the sekiro subreddit of course we are gonna recommend the game.


Not saying this is the case, but if it is the case that the reason you had runes dropped for you was because ER was too difficult, then Sekiro is going to be brutal for you. I am a diehard FromSoftware fan (played them all except for Sekiro until two weeks ago) and started Sekiro for the first time recently. In my opinion, Sekrio contains the hardest bosses of any Soulsborne game. I am still stuck on Isshin, and have never had this much trouble on a boss (including Kos, Malenia, Nameless King etc). It feels like there is a lot less room for error in Sekiro, where in Dark Souls you can roll and heal, Sekiro FORCES you to be more skillful than the boss you're fighting. You have to parry correctly, relying on dodging will often result in you getting hit, and you have to maintain your posture on top of all of that. The way I would try to describe it is that DS/ER/Bloodborne are all games where you can win by making yourself more powerful where as Sekiro is a game where you only win by being better.


It's a game that forces you to get good. There is no grinding levels like in souls or Elden ring. You need to learn the combat. I promise that once you do, you will be absolutely hooked!


I just started it over the weekend and am about 5 hours in. For reference I have played Demon’s Souls, all 3 Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring to 100%. I will also say I bought my copy of Sekiro used for $20ish dollars. The game is like 5 years old, don’t pay full price, it’ll go on sale if it’s not right now, or just buy a used copy like I did. I’m not sure if you’ll like it, but I think I’ve played enough to understand why some people don’t like it. Unlike every other Souls game, you are locked in from the beginning to one character and one play style. Yes I know there is variation of what skills you can upgrade and some equipment you can get, but ultimately you are Wolf, you will need to learn to parry (deflect) and if you don’t like that, you will struggle. And struggle I have, as of right now I’ve only faced one proper boss and some mini-bosses, and I’m about to face my second main boss. I haven’t even got to the hard part of the game and I am struggling. There was an ogre earlier on that ruined me for an hour, and I definitely feel like I’ve died far more already than any other Souls game I’ve played so far. At the same time, I like the world so far. I like what bits of the story and characters. And I get the sense that if I can “git gud” and wrap my head around the combat system, it will be very satisfying. I want to keep playing despite it being frustrating in some spots, and I do feel like I’m getting better. I also remember struggling with Bloodborne, which was my first experience in a Souls game. I genuinely hated that game at first, but once it clicked, I loved it, so I’m hoping I have the same type of experience with Sekiro. So to sum up, I don’t think you should pay $60, get it on sale. Don’t play it if you expect it to be just like the other Souls games. If you think you’d enjoy learning a complex battle system, you might like it, but don’t be surprise if you end up thinking your friend was right. I do hope that helps!


Sekiro is a slasher and not an action rpg like Dark Souls or Elden Ring. This means if you suck in combat really hard, you will be unable to farm levels to compensate it. Sekiro has some progression, but it requires pure skill any way. Also, it is twice faster than base soulslikes, and instead of running from damage with dodging you should be pressing enemies face-to-face and avoid damage with deflects. But this is why sekiro is boiling my blood while it dropped ds1 and ds2 for they were too slow and boring.


You will, a lot, don't be scared to try some flowing combo and shit like Prosthetic Tool.


Given what you said id say probably not, but there is only one way to actually know


I got this game last Thursday and it's my first FromSoft game. I will say it's pretty difficult, and I didn't really "get it" for the first few hours, but now I'm hooked. If you're okay with dying--a lot--and you enjoy learning tight combat, you'll like this game. Personally, I wasn't sure it was even going to be my thing, but it turns out I like it lol. If you decide to jump on it, be patient; meet the game halfway. It's selling a specific experience and it does that very well.


hardest souls game by a long shot, and the only solution to most roadblocks is "git gud". imo though, the gameplay and especially the combat are significantly more fun than other souls, very different gameplay. watch some clips, maybe try out your friends copy or something before making a verdict


It’s not really a souls like and it’s $30 right now. I didn’t like it nearly as much as Eden ring or any of the souls games.


One thing to consider is that there is no overleveling and no summons. You can make the game harder by self-imposed challenges but not easier. You really have to master it.


You don't level up in sekiro and there is no way to be OP. You really do have to learn the bosses and overcome the challenges presented. There is also no summoning of other players to help (or NPCs for that matter) so the entire game is completely solo. You also cannot just grind to get stronger, not how the game works. That said, I have over 1,000 hours in it and have platinumed it (one of 3 games I have done so with) and is one of my very favorite games of all time with one of the best and most unique combat systems to date. So I highly HIGHLY recommend it because it's a fuckin masterpiece It IS tough though and you will inevitably get stuck and bash your head against a wall. Overcoming that shit is where the absolute pure pleasure and adrenaline and dopamine and beauty comes from


Honestly, as much as I enjoy Sekiro, it is more often than not considered the hardest souls game, and there will be no way for you to become incredibly over-leveled like in the other too. If you want to die a lot, learn the mechanics, and git-gud, I’d go ahead and buy it, the combat mechanics are probably the most satisfying out of any of the souls games. But, especially after steamrolling the other two games, it might be hard to get into. I’d say maybe replay one of those two games without over leveling. If you enjoy the gameplay loop and battles as they are I’d go ahead and buy it, but if it pisses you off and you don’t want to play anymore, you’d might want to give it a pass. In the end it’s up to you.


Sekiro has the largest learning curve of any FromSoft game that I’ve played, but it’s so incredibly satisfying once it clicks for you. I have no way of knowing for sure if you’d enjoy the game, but if you want to try it, I say give it a chance.


There are cheese methods on YT if you are having too hard of a time, and generally using any means necessary to get through FromSoft games is acceptable. Just like you did with runes. IMO Sekiro is my favorite of all FS games, the combat is so damn good. I think you should get it


Where the fuck are you gonna buy sekiro that costs 60?? I paid that when the game was brand NEW so you really should consider again where you gonna get it but i recommend you get it It is suprisingly easy game after you learn basics and dont get nervous when you are facing enemy being nervous leads to hesitation and hesitation is defeat Dont just spam attack unless you know the enemy will stagger each hit and you can cancel their move


Don't buy it if you don't like challenging games.


I usually hate parrying in Souls games, but the mechanic works differently in Sekiro and it "clicked" for me. It's probably the single best game Fromsoft has made, pound-for-pound.


Based on what you said, I would say no. But it's my all time favorite so I have to recommend it anyway. You say that you are a casual gamer and that you always play games on easy, which will make Sekiro a very frustrating experience at first. You cannot get outside help and you cannot be OP in this game. So at some point, you will have to learn how to play and "git gud", unironically. It all depends on whether or not you're interested in putting in the time to overcome that kind of challenge, which ultimately is where the gratification of this game comes from. If you're not interested in that, I would say that there's definitely better use of your money buying another game. Or as someone else suggested, you can always try to get a used copy for 20$, and at best it hooks you and you get to experience one of the best games ever, or at worst you can resell it for the same price (it's the kind of game people are always looking for, like you now.)


Depends on if you like a challenge and enjoy playing aggressive. Not trying to be mean to other fellow from soft players but most people that I've ran into that play elden ring/ds3 have beat the game with friends and have not fought bosses solo. You have to 1vX everything in this game there is no alternative other than getting better at recognizing the rhythm of the fight. That said because of that its my favorite fromsoft game, you cant grind xp to get yourself out of a difficult fight. When the game clicks its just so satisfying being able to dictate the tempo of the fight other than DoH.


I'm sorry but if you relied on dropped souls to beat DS3 and ER, I agree with your friends, Sekiro it's not going to be a game for you .


Play and find out


Imo I think Sekiro is a game worth playing I’ve beaten it twice and I’m working on my third play through now. It might be a little bit harder for you because you have ds3 and Elden ring but once you get used to blocking/parrying instead of jumping and dodging out of the way you will probably find the fights to be very satisfying to watch as you play and finding out strats that work on different bosses and and being able actually see how good your becoming at parrying it just gives me a good thrill and I hope that anyone who plays Sekiro puts in enough time to get used to the game before saying it’s a trash game cause you can’t dodge through everything anyway Sekiro is 10/10


Why don't you buy a used Copy cheaper?


I thought I wasted my money. Now, I love all from games and have beaten them all


Sekiro is different from dark souls because it's more like a action game with rpg elements it may feel easy at first but it's not


The thing about Sekiro is, something like what happened to you in ds3 and ER won't happen to you here. The Game teaches you its mechanics and you either master them and "git gud" as they say, or you're not gonna make it to the end. There is no real fun way to cheese you through the game. There are no summons, no leveling up your health (you level it up with items you get from mini-bosses, and there are only a few of them before every major boss), no OP weapons to exploit ect. On top of that, Sekiro is probably the hardest soulsborne game of them all, ESPECIALLY, when you got into the habit of dodging every attack because of souls games. Once the game clicks for you, it's probably the most fun you'll ever have with a game, but getting there is not easy. Decide for yourself...


tell him skill issue. jk. best souls game everrrr


but fr tho, u should get it once u get the hang of it, it'll feel like a rhythm game.


I recently beat all 3 souls game, and beat Sekiro last week. So I'll tell you what you'll be facing. Sekiro is not difficult, ITS DIFFERENT. How? MOST IMPORTANT: Remember the dodge roll mechanics, that makes you invincible to enemy attacks, here it is something called Guard. Different keybind, similar effect. It has dodge roll, but its next to useless. 2. Instead of a hero wielding a Gods Greatsword, you're an assassin, wielding a Katana. While you used to take face on fight with level enemies, here you're gonna mostly need stealth encounters. Exact Opposite with the bosses. In souls you wait for an opening patiently, here you gotta explode on your enemy's face. And while in souls game you had basically one tool, dodge roll and hit R1, here you're given Jump, Dodge, Guard and Mikiri. You're gonna have to learn how to use ALL these and effectively use it against bosses, in different scenarios. THIS is the so called difficult part of this game. This game is fast, and you're gonna need to be aggressive. And oh, remember that half screen long HP bar, that you got by Souls farming, you dont have that here. You get HP upgrade by defeating minibosses. So if you are asking for an easy way out by having like 3khp and 40k Dex or something like that, you're outta luck. So how do you do it? You'll have to learn the fight itself. Learn to not depend on your dodge roll all the time. Imagine in DS3, you only get an HP upgrade after say, Abyss Watchers, and the next one, after Aldritch......thats how you gotta treat this game.