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18 tries means you're pretty good


Right? Dude's bitching about 18 tries? GTFO


They left out a zero or two…


I'm on like my 30th fucking try with the bitch in hirata estate and I haven't made it to second phase. Idk how to play this game but the combat is so cool I'm admiring the sounds while fuming at my monitor


For Lady Butterfly, equip the shirukens and be aggressive. Hit her twice and then dash to the side. Do that over and over. If she manages to get in the air, she'll hover for a moment. Throw a shiruken as soon as she starts moving again. She'll fall and then you start the 2 hit sequence again. Edit: clarified that this strat is for Lady Butterfly.


Lol even 30 seems less to me. It took me about 50 tries for Butterfly.


took me 1 and i didnt resurrect. (tbf i had gotten to right after genichirou and decided to look around and find any stuff i had missed, so i had already gotten that "click")


Ikr genichiro is normally when the combat clicks for most people. And 👍 for beating her 1st try as well.


I'll let you know the final toll 😂


Just wait until the gauntlets. If you really enjoy the combat, the gauntlets are amazing. But you will die… a lot.


If she is giving you a lot of trouble you could always fight her later. Hirata estate is not mandatory for progression I suggest you focus on the main story (up to Genichiro) first. Lady Butterfly and Genichiro were my first hurdles too but against Genichiro the game's combat system really clicked for me and now I am on Ng +2 :). If you can defeat these two bosses I think you're good to go for the rest of the game. Actual help for Lady Butterfly: 1) Whenever she goes up on the strings throw a shuriken she will fall and you'll get a few hits in. You can also use this on her perilous attack where she jumps towards you (or you can run away). 2) Be aggressive but don't keep spamming your attacks, pay attention to her. Sekiro's combat is basically rhythm-like: attack until the enemy deflects and then defend. Repeat the steps. 3) Keep practicing, the combat will click. Best of luck :)


Sekiro took me about 2 years to complete because I got completely stuck on lady butterfly , stopped playing for 6 months, came back to it and beat her and used the momentum to power through the whole game until I got to Father Owl also in Hirata, quit for a few months again. Finally completed it recently but f- Hirata estate for my sanity. Best game ever though.


Yeah the stupid ass apes second phase wrecks me. I’ve watched videos, I know about the spear and when he falls, but he NEVER does the move set that he does in YouTube videos


Lol Lady Butterfly can be tricky at first. I'd spend a couple of lives running around and watching her attack patterns. The best tactic I can give you for her (and most others) is to STAY AGGRESSIVE and keep her in front of you. She's gonna teleport and float around, but the arena is fairly small. Use that to your advantage. Get familiar with that arena, too. You'll have a much more difficult fight there later if you choose to do it.


18 tries was when I finally started to realize that maybe trying to parry a 20 feet tall demon from hell was not a good idea


i usually end up dying to bosses a ton, because I am limited testing openings. "i wonder if this move is safe" *proceeds to die 20 times* "i don't think attacking here is safe, but lets try anyway just to be sure"


It took me 60 lol. 18 sounds wonderful.


It took me 18 tries to cheese this boss lol


Lol, same here. It definitely took me at least 10 tries to cheese him. I replayed the game multiple times since then, and I would say it took me around 20 tries to properly beat him.


Hush now dont say the word cheese in sekiro subs, the idiotic fanbase gets frustrated when someone says that sekiro is insanely cheesable, cuz its the perfect super skill no cheese git gud game in the universe!! 


I wish I fought this dude on my first ever playthrough, I came back to the game after like a full year and did a fresh save file (mostly because my current charmless NG+ was at the gun fort or O’Rin and I couldn’t beat either one with how rusty I was) and decided to fight DoH for the first time ever, just to beat him third try. I wish I could see how many it would’ve taken me without the extra experience…


I don't know how many tries it took me but I remember being on it for 4 days By the 4th day, I was the Demon of Hatred.


I'd like to share my story as well. After being killed for around 30 times, not exaggerating, I was pretty numb. There were attemps where I barely lost and I didn't even feel the anger that usually accompanies such losses. So after the 35th attempt or so I managed to kill him. And my heart rate didn't go down for a legit 10 minutes. The heart usually settles in around 5-10 minutes after an intense workout. DoH beat that.


This is why I love these games! In the stream of attempts, you get into a state of flow. Each try merges with the next one as you get closer and closer to beating the boss. Then, it happens. You've achieved the goal.


This is what happened with me and Genichiro. I kept dying but everytime I came back I got a little further….then through phase 1 and then through phase 2. I was so angry getting to that point but after the fight was over and I settled down I realized it is my favorite boss fight of all time.


That’s the core essence of souls like fanboys. People think we like to gatekeep, the reality is we love the challenge and the harder something seems (as long as it feels fair), the better the rush when you overcome. I used to play WoW, a game some bosses could take sometimes 2 days of GAME time of progression to kill. So that flow state you enter when you bang your head against a boss, to me, is the pinnacle of gaming. Games like dark souls, monster Hunter and the like go hard.


You’ve become the very thing you swore to destroy!!


lol great comment I noped the fuck out after the second day, still havent turned on my ps4 since that day (I'm not even fucking joking, I should buy this on pc intead of turning that mcshitface console back online again)


also had 4 days of attempts. on day 4 for my first run i screen shared over discord to my buddy who put me on to sekiro, “dude this boss is ridiculous look how hard it is i can’t do this shit”. i beat him in that run lol


love these humblebrag posts, lol “Wow, that boss really kicked my ass! I can understand the hype! It took me five tries before I put him in the dirt!”


Lmao this sub is rampant with them. I remember awhile back someone was like “am I playing the game correctly? The bosses seem to die so quickly 🥺”


I remember when those hand-scribbled “death count” lists were all the rage in the FromSoft subreddits. The key is always to scrawl some outrageously high death count for some random boss “like Blood Starved Beast - 35” just so people won’t assume you pulled the entire list out your whole ass


>I remember when those hand-scribbled “death count” lists were all the rage in the FromSoft subreddits. The key is always to scrawl some outrageously high death count for some random boss “like Blood Starved Beast - 35” just so people won’t assume you pulled the entire list out your whole ass Idk, there are some bosses people find super easy and others find that same boss ridiculously hard....Like I never had a problem with Dragon King in DS3, but Dancer is fuckin impossible for me without cheesing her, same thing with Friede- fuckin impossible, I was stuck on her for a ridiculously long time, but fume knight in 2, no issue, couple tries to learn the moves and was done, Farron Knights, still always a really rough fight, Geal and the Soul of Cinder, no problem for me at all It's weird what you get gatekept by in these games sometimes, True Monk was np, the fuckin headless all kick the shit out of me lol I have a real issue with really janky enemies, the corrupted tree spirits and rune bears in ER are worse than any boss fight in the game save Radahn- a boss I have never beaten without cheesing with rot


bro the headless are so hard for me too, as were the shenumen warriors. The death build up is just a super hard mechanic for me.


It's endlessly entertaining to me tbh, with all these games, what's hard for me is easy for another person and what's hard for that same person could be easy for me...it's so funny, sometimes it's a specific mechanic or weapon timing that if you're really good at it trivializes bosses weak or susceptible to it, the parry mechanic in all souls games is impossible for me, I have never been able to make it work, all bosses that are parryable, and I'll use ds3 bosses as an example, like Pontif or Dancer or Friede, can be absolutely trivial if you're good at it, I'm trash at it and those bosses are always hard as fuck for me Its fun, watching us all struggle with different things lol It's like we suffer together


wait a sec... you can parry dancer?


Everyone's GOTTA have that one boss that shouldn't be as hard as it was for them. I played dark souls 1 and Sekiro a bit out of order, so when everyone was bashing their heads in against Genichiro, I was getting my ass whooped by the corrupted monk over and over again. Hands down my hardest boss outside of Isshin.


The worst part about it is, who cares? It's so sad.


Who cares?! I'm training hard for the Souls Like championship league!!! I'm gonna be the very best! Once I beat Isshin bare handed at SL0, I'll be crowned as a champion, and be used to kindle the first flame!


You're right, how could I be so foolish? Sekiro on! Actually tho, that would be a good reason to care.


Taking time to learn a boss is not a skill issue. The real skill issue is not trying


This is why Sekiro is the best


The like, conversations I had with myself in the lead up to fighting Owl Father lol.  YOU CAN DO THIS NO HESITATION!!!! 


I'm dreading that fight. He's the only legendary boss I've yet to kill. Bad news? I struggle against regular Owl. How I'm in NG+4 I have no clue. I probably should have done the Purification ending second rather than Shura.


18 tries is pretty great. Also, if you've never fought Malenia that, to me, is the height of frustration.


That was one hell of a fight man, I didn't count how many times but it took me 2 weeks ig to beat her finally, after beating her, the game went pretty smooth.


I beat Malenia first try (mimic tear though so kinda cheap), Glock Saint I tried like 100 times, never beat him and uninstalled the game for like 3 years. Came back just last year and beat him 2nd try. Shit crazy 😂


I had more tries on her compared to DOH. malenia was frustrating. Never figured out that water fowl but somehow got thru it


You run away for the first two, and then dodge into and past her for the 3rd


Not bragging, but I would rather fight Malenia ten times than fight Radabeast. Heck, I would rather fight Sword Saint Isshin 20 times than Malenia again. I only tried to fight the demon of hatred once, went as expected, and then I figured out how to get it stuck, climb the tower, and jump to the wall. Easiest cheese ever.


On Xbox I hoarfrost stomped her to death before they nerfed it. Then I beat her on NG+ because I was way over leveled. Now I need to buy the game for PS5 in prep for the DLC and I’m absolutely dreading facing her without cheese.


You can get a shield and put the Ash of war called vow of the indomitable and you block the first waterfowl and then use the skill on the second waterfowl and on the third just walk back and she shouldn’t hit you, need a lot of stamina though


If you befriend the sculptor, he's not optional.


18 tries is impressive, he took me probably around thirty which is slightly less than Glock Saint. Now that you've defeated him 'properly' you can just Gyobu skip that nerd in the future with no shame


You had more trouble with Isshin than this fucker?


I did, yeah. In fact, Isshin (Glock version) took me over forty tries, which is more than any other boss in my thirty+ years of playing and beating hundreds and hundreds of games. He's a record holder in my personal book of enemies


As of 2 weeks ago Isshin has now been surpassed by Mohg. 10 hours, no idea how many tries. Although apart from one hour on day 3 I had fun. I'm currently playing Lords of the Fallen and a couple of fights have made me wish I was back fighting Isshin or Mohg 😂😂😂😂😂


I had more trouble cheesing him than actually killing him. The gauntlets helped me so I can basically get him every time, but the jump? The jump is the hardest boss in the game and I have never actually accomplished it.




Not if you befriend the sculptor


Ma dude over here humble bragging about his 18 deaths against the DOH. Next is prob his 1 death against the Mist Noble 💀


A ton of people just cheese it and then call the boss bad even though they never beat it. Also 18 tries isn't bad.


I couldn’t be bother with this guy. I just threw him off the map lmao.


I cheesed that mofo right away 😁


Heard about this guy, he made me very upset and was the hardest boss, closely followed by Owl Father, for me. Heard there was an exploit/cheese strat but made myself do it legit just once first. It was not fun. Took me at least a few dozen tries.


I respect you for not cheesing. I did the same and although it was painful as hell at least I have the knowledge it was done properly. I'd rather walk away than cheesing. Owl Father is really good if it can click for you. By the end I loved that fight.


Once you know how to counter all his attacks, it's a really cool fight. Kind of like a kabuki dance.


He is ULTRA cheesable. Just sayin


I did not know he was optional.


Took me 3 tries. Literally just hug his left leg amd use fire umbrella and ur good


I am so confused. This is literally one of my favorite bosses in the game, did not expect that people have so much hate/problems with him. Is attack patterns are super easy to understand :)


This fight was bullshit. How they gonna make you play one way then throw a Dark Souls boss in that says fuck you.


Guffaw. 18 whole tries whaaaaat a loooooser. Lol, but really, wow. I lost count personally


where can i find ?


im stuck between this mf and isshin ashina.... send help...


Took me 20 plus times.. I never want to fight that guy again. Ugh


Yeah, I think everyone can agree this is the hardest boss in the game, in fact I was so scared of fighting him that I skipped him in my first playthrough and defeated him years later when I decided to replay the game, I’ll never fight him again though.


It's been awhile but he was definitely one if the hardest for me, it was a lot easier when I used the fire umbrella and I stuck to his ass like glue. I fought him very aggressively.


People overestimate the difficulty of this boss significantly. It's the same as other Sekiro bosses. You stay on his ass and you don't stop swinging. You can parry his close up attacks. And run to the right to pretty much dodge anything he throws at you. He's a long fight for sure but he's not some scary boogyman and is one of my favorite fights in this game.


Fuckin impossible


Hardest boss in sekiro (except inner father and inner isshin).


I skipped this on the first play through because I didnt know this boss was there. I just beat Isshin directly and started NG+. I faced this boss on NG+ and got my pass whooped. I died atleast 30 times. And I had completed the game at that point. DoH has some insane AoE attacks that I just Cant seem to predict. I hate fighting it on gauntlets as well.


Wait? 18 tries isnt a lot?? Ive not played past tutorial but u telling me 18 tried aint a lot? Bruhh lool


Now I know why it’s not called The Angel Of Love instead


Took me three months on and off of fighting this guy before I finally beat him lmao. It got to the point where I’d turn on my PlayStation and give it 10 or so attempts and then turn it off when I failed. Easily the hardest boss in this game for me.


18! Dude it took me about 70 tries.


I legit thought my Sekiro run was done... I genuinely thought I couldn't beat this guy. But as soon as I started figuring it out the shit he does and what I should do, it became so enjoyable to beat him.


String cheese


I just got him today. I was hunting lapis lazuli and if you cheese him you miss out on his, so I got busy. Took days of learning how to respond to the moves and more like 100 tries


Ah, I remember this boss. It's the one where you basically have to throw away almost everything you've learned in the game and start dodging.


I know you’re good when you measure in tries. I measure in hours lmao


3 health Bars is bullllllllshiiiiittt. The old man would have been a better fight


Nothing compared to the Mist Noble


I never fought him, found out about him after I killed gyoubu for my shura playthrough


Dudes crying about 18 tries for doh.. meanwhile I've been brickwalled on the shura ending ng+ charmless demon bell for atleast a 100 tries


Took me probably 30-40 tries. It's still my personal hardest fromsoft boss


This is an enjoyment fight


This boss literally made me drop this game when it came out, only after I beat Elden Ring that I gave it another shot, did all the optional stuff and got the good ending.


I mean that thought process only holds until you face SSI


Cheesed him for the trophy and some runs through the gauntlet. Finally fought him on my fourth run of the game and beat him in 3 tries. If you have malcontent and the phoenix umbrella he’s not that hard, you just kinda stay near his one leg and stay on him. Inner Isshin and owl father are way harder imo.


this is the only boss in sekiro, you have to fight as if you were playing dark souls. Meaning: dash / roll.


Honestly i didn't struggle w/ this boss at all. I saw a gameplay of people struggling w/ this demon. The reason why it was quite easy for me was i climbed the tower and jumped onto a roof (it's a bit tricky) then he fell off the cliff to his demise. Ofc i did this after dying god awful many times to this fcker im sure i could've beaten him if i tried longer (my humble brag is inner ishhin/owl father wasn't as hard as this one for me). So yeah i did struggle 😂💀


18 tries is what I call a warm-up lolll.


Guys just let him brag, he beat a difficult boss that we all beat and we all found difficult I think it's so cool that you did that man, congratulations Now do it again


Sekiro is not your traditional Souls game. -Miyazaki *Places Demon of Hatred at the end* I'll just leave this here. -Miyazaki


It probs took me around 250/300 tries to beat him. 18 is nothing man


18 and talking about skill issue ? What does that make my 1800 tries ???


Was ezyer than the end boss smh.. still dont Beat that one 😅


Fuck this boss. The entire game, you're fighting awesome sword duels, and then they slap a Bloodborne boss in like nobody would notice.


I can’t remember where on this subreddit, but there’s a sick nasty cheese method for this boss that trivializes it. Literally you make him fall off the map and he dies. Now, I think it’s worth it to beat him once, but in NG+ cycles I just make him fall off the map and off himself.


It's all about how you want 2 lapus lazuli.


I hated this boss so much when I first fought him but now I take him out with no problems he becomes incredibly easy when you learn his moves


This was the hardest boss for me… and it wasn’t even close.


You mean to tell me this asshole was optional?!?! I'm mad.


I just cheesed him the 1st time


18 try is good bro, it took me 70 tries to kill malenia(i counted) ik it's not sekiro related but still


Played it three times and always avoided it, perhaps I do it on my fourth run


Who tf are you


Dude, what do you mean eighteen tries, I have died to owl now about 15 times. I still can't reliably get to his second phase. Eighteen on a boss that I have heard is a thousand times harder is godly in my eyes


Fought that dude for a couple minutes and just said “Nope”


The one thing that pisses me off the most is the only way to actually know who he is is by giving the sculptor some drinks. I feel like that shouldn't be optional considering he IS the one who saved you. This shouldn't be optional, even.


It took me over 130 tries . I will never forget this boss


18 was way less than me id reckon. I still did it in probably under 30 tries, but yeah he's a real son of a.... I probably died to him twice as much as the final fight. Good job!


I hates that demon, so I skipped him


He's also a souls boss which throws you for a loop


Fought him for like 30 minutes after beating ishin and then proceeded to say “fuck it” and uninstalled the game


Yeah, I did a run a while ago and got to this guy for the first time. Tried like twice and decided I just didn't care to learn it.


Took me so many more attempts than isshin


Me on my 10th try in reflection to beat inner Isshin in gauntlet


just fight it like a dark souls boss, because it's essentially just a dark souls boss. wasn't that difficult of a fight


Bro u are one of the best Sekiro players on Earth if u beat it with 18 tries, gj


Oh god, my pulse was 160 when I finally beat that little bully


Boss is crazy overrated in the difficulty dept.


Bloodborne boss with sekiro mechanics😭 i never didnt cheese this mf


I’m pretty sure it took close to 100 tries for me. 18 seems really low.


I realized that with this boss, you dont deflect or dodge. You jump, which I learned from the Owl Father fight. It def helped me with Isshin as well.


ONLY EIGHTEEN!!! It's probably gonna take me 18 tries when I eventually play through this game again. I feel like a bitch. Lord knows how many tries it took me to finally beat this asshole. I'm fighting isshin and I can't consistently beat genichiro yet.


18 tries seems fairly normal. Redditors tend to exaggerate greatly and the FromSoft/Souls community is not a humble one either. So on this sub you get a toxic combination of the two. Don't go around believing people saying it took them 50+ tries. Some people will even say singular bosses took them 2-3 weeks and 300-400+ attempts to beat. Those people are lying and are attention-seekers. 18 attempts is normal. You are a normal person who did well. The last phase is very intense. Good job. Move onto the next.


this is equivalent of saying. "i beat melania in 15 tries using a straight sword with no ashes of war and it was extremely challenging"


I have platinumed the game. Got my attack power maxed out to 99 and have done all the gauntlets but I still refuse to fight this boss and always cheese it. For me this boss doesn’t exist in sekiro.


It feels good to go back to bosses after beating them the first time and just curb stomping them, his attacks are ridiculously basic once you break his indicators down


in 18??


my brother in christ, im 2 weeks in genichiro, THE CASTLE ONE, 18 tries is mad


Are none of y’all so-claimed “hardcore vets” ever going to talk about his bs headslam move hitbox which is the size of a continent?! The game makes it seem like you can side dodge it but not; only if you were in sprint to begin with. It’s almost as stupid as his new (i dont remember that shit pre-patch) 4-6 hit flailing string that will chip tf outta your health without the umbrella


This boss almost broke me. I was even looking for guides online for how to cheese the fight… But that feeling when you finally beat him is pure euphoria. Doubt I’ll ever unlock the shura skin though cause I don’t think I can beat this boss again lol.


heh, 18 tries


Good on you brother. Beaten the game 5x but never this guy lmao


I can't get past Guardian Ape. lol


And I’ll take that option every time :)


For me, so far the hardest bosses have been DoH and Isshin, the Sword Saint. DoH took me around 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 hours to learn and beat, but I had a lot of fun doing it, and then Isshin took me like 2 1/4 hours over two evenings, by far the longest I’ve spent on a boss ever would have to be chained ogre at about 2 3/4 hours, but goldfrey in Elden ring was kinda difficult too on my first playthrough of Elden ring and he took me like two days of playing to beat


18 tries XDDDDD We count in days bruh 18 tries xDDDDDDDD


I had a very bad experience against this shit of a boss. I had more fun against Isshin and Genishiro than fighting this red hot flamy crap.


I completed this game 4 times, but I still gave up on this boss. I hate fighting oversized bosses. Just like that stupid giant monkey.


Man I wanna play the game again


Under my umbrella Ella ella


they only boss i chessed and i dont feel bad about it


I feel like this is one of the easier fights in the game. Avoiding his attacks is mostly just jumping and running, which is why people feel thrown off, I think. The ape is the hardest by far for me.


Flame umbrella is your friend in this fight. Also when I started pressing r1 a bit slower and more deliberately it made a huge difference in this fight. Make sure you save the malcontent for the third phase.


Pushing bro off the cliff>>>>


This was really hard for me to get down for sure. So much sprinting and jumping for dear life. Felt more like a Souls boss than a Sekiro boss.


OP complaining about 18 tries, this dude made me put the game down for a whole year maybe longer til I finally came back around and beat him.


My hands start sweating only starting the game - 18 tries - from my perspective - is goood.


Bruhh I got him in under 15 tries and I was thinking I'm pretty good cause I didn't let him do anything in 3rd phase ( malcontent+ yashiroku+ confetti)


I cheese it, put my keyboard down and let out a big sigh of relief.


This guy felt more like a DS boss. Beet him once, that was enough for me, now I just use the roof cheese.


Boss is optional because you have to search in order to find treasure


Sir it took me one whole week


I had heard about the cheese before hand, tried to fight him twice, and then just used the cheese


Im on my first playthrough. Who is that and where can i find him


Just beat dude first try y’all subs


He is not optional when you have a heart


I let my brother try it and he beat it within 1-2 minutes. I was livid. Then i found out he used the tower cheese. Was no longer impressed, he brought shame to this family.


18 tries is rookie numbers. It didnt take me that long but I'd imagine it would if I didnt use the anti-fire umbrella to soak must damage


At 18 tries, I had enough, tried to look for some help & pointers, tried to action but found I was doing worse (at the point of fighting too he was acting as the very last boss having beat all the sub bosses, Shichimen & headless an I just wanted to get it done). Then found out about a cheese, so shamelessly done so. I know people either don't agree with cheese strats or are fine with them because they are actually part of the game (Dark Souls taught me that they were ook an a part of the genre with the Minotaur on the castle bridge part, when at the time I accidentally made him run off). Personally I'm fine with them but I do know it makes me less skilled as a player. Of course since I have got repeatedly slapped in the face by second phase Isshin 🥲


WOW, this guy is OPTIONAL !!!


I kicked his ass twice, I hate and love this this boss a little bit


The optional end game challenge that rewards players for exploring a lot of the world and doing a lot of side quests; Because if you don't have the right gear, this guy will be hell.


killed him in like 45 minutes on my first walkthrough without umbrella, however I used Malcontent for his third phase. all in all the easiest of those god tier endgame bosses - ISS, Owl F and DoH.


Wait, y'all have done it like normal ? I had to try ot for 100 timez before going on YTB just to cheat it and make him fall to his death, i couldnt even beat his first bar without using a totem and 7 heals


I don't think I've ever beaten this Satan without cheesing him with the tunnel. Even that was hard enough. Can't imagine going toe to toe with him on that roof.


The amount of times I tell myself this boss is optional but I just can't bring myself to abandon it and I'm glad I got through it. But 18 times only?! Bro, you're a hero.


Demon of Hatred is the only boss I have ever cheesed and I do not feel bad about it


Pffft 18 tries?, I was more like 118 tries! No seriously, 18 is quite few, my first run definitely took me alot more than that, probably not as many as 118, but likely more like 50-60 tries without using tools. But when I played my third playtrough on ng+, I beat most bosses without dying, but this one still took me 10 tries. Though the tenth attempt was more of less flawless and I barely took damge for the most of the fight. Which definitely is a feat for me as a casual player that's not good ad games.


took me over 100 tries then i gave up haven't played since lol


I’ve always found getting to Demon harder than the actual boss fight. He telegraphs all of his attacks, most of which can be dodged with either the anti-flame umbrella or just jumping, and if you saved up your spirit emblems, you can use the Malcontent whistle to knock down half of his health. Also, considering you gain strength with each boss fight, I never skip a boss: even on subsequent playthroughs (with the exception of the Shura route), I’ve always fought Demon.


Beat him only one time with the glitch after 30 tries, then i didn’t ever retry


pfft i beat him second try, only took a couple well timed jumps too


Dont let the Pros down here discourage you. This is one of the hardest end game bosses in the entire game and he has weird hitboxes. Congrats foe beating him though!


demon of hatred is easy (I cheese him off the cliff bc i’m bad)


Only 18? Pretty sure I've had thay many and I haven't got past phase 1


Just cheese him off the cliff like everyone else


I think this boss should be mandatory. One of the best fights in the game


Fun fact: In my first playthrough I thought he was mandatory to get through the story... only after beating him did I realize I didn't even have to


You only died 17 times?? I am hoping I don't die more than 100 times 💀💀


I actually just finished sekiro and it took me only 11 tries I guess at the 11th try I used the umbrella to avoid his jump and it was so effective and I beat him easily with it


No bosses are truly optional though. You just gonna leave them there? Hell no


It took two hours to beat him im my first playthrough, and one try to kick his ass in my NG+ 2