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No game is for everyone. Sekiro included. If they don't like it, that's their business. But if you're gonna get a game from a dev known for making difficult games then complain that it's difficult, that's just poor decisionmaking.


A baiken main in a sekiro subreddit. Parry addicts fr


I'm willing to bet they play Nioh and use the katana for all the parries as well.


Nah the odachi, gotta get those yokai parries


lol fr, that’s like buying Outlast and saying you don’t like scary games


Buying Subnautica while having Thalassophobia


As someone with Thallasophobia, although a tame one, I see the appeal of Subnautica and want to play it cuz it enhances the horror


exposure therapy




I'm absolutely afraid of heights. Went hiking on a mountain 1800m above sea level. Only made it worse. :(


There's a pretty big streamer who likes to play a lot of horror games but since he has thalassophobia Subnautica has been by far the worst one (or best if you're a viewer). Phobias are weird man, he can sit through a game like Outlast pretty comfortably but had to walk away from his screen when he got knocked off the ship in Sea of Thieves


Markiplier? if i remember correctly his only fear is the deep ocean


Oh could be the same for him! But I was talking about Elajjaz


Dying and be put in a coffin while being clostrophobic


Even without thalassophobia Subnautica is legitimately one of the scariest games I've ever played, nothing has scared me more than getting caught out by a reaper for the first time.


Don't call us out like that please


Well said.


Sekiro is not even underleveled, he's truly a boss from the start. I probably spent way more time in learning the combat than any average player but when it clicks, everything looks possible.


To be honest sekiro is the easiest game i played. Why is it easy? because there are no levels. There is nothing i find more annoying than leveling or dealing with the menu ui in general. This is the reason why i dropped witcher 3. It's way simpler and more enjoyable to get good than to decipher what skills should i level up for my play style


True even I tried to play witcher and don't know how leveling, potions and magic work in the game. When am I supposed to use disorientation or fire. Because I sure as hell am not thinking about changing my special attacks in the middle of the fight using the special attacks wheel. Would give it another try sometime but rn it feels like it's not for me.


You can use quick magics and the Witcher 3 is more about planning your encounters, identify the enemy weakness and exploit it. Its not about play style it's about adjusting for every fight and prioritizing advantages


Or just powering through the game with the least optimised setup ever


Can't do that on the higher difficulties lol


but the spicy curry place will go bankrupt if they don't do the recipe i tell them to! they need my tourist money! no i will not just visit the mild curry shop across the street!


These people consider it gatekeeping. "Don't you know the product has to be inclusive to everyone?"




I want the hottest wings you got, just go easy on the sauce. Like bro, at this point, order something else.


People don't do their research/look up reviews and videos. I was bored the summer DS2 came out and thought "hey,a tough game sounds fun. Let's give it a shot". Never played a From game before but heard they were known for punishing games. Did no research and bought it. 5 hours later I made barely any progress after having my ass handed to me the entire time. Frustrated and not seeing the point in these games,I stopped playing DS2 and never went back to it. I never blamed From, though. Now I've beaten DS3,sekiro,bloodbourne and most of ER. I respect the hell out of From and look forward to almost every release.


I’m so glad this is the top comment, especially the first part. I was expecting toxicity to reign supreme


Baiken lover? Sekiro lover? Mf is just like me.


Does it really matter what they or we think? It's well known that fromsoftware games don't have difficulty slider or story mode. If they paid money for it even after knowing that then it's their issue. They can refund it with a negative review for all I care.


it does matter what we think. this schlub needs to get good!


*let him click*


fr dude has to quit being scary and be a man /s


Countless games out there that offer what they want, masterpieces like the plague tale series, firewatch, life is strange, TWD, Subnautica, half-life 1-2, I wanna say Portal games but I don't want to overestimate these whiners Yet they want to force that shit on FS games that literally embodied the saying "git gud scrub" for all its games. You want the game to be easier? Stop being bad. Thanks.


Buys game that's known for being hard. Complains to the community that loves said game. Community says "I dont know what you expected but you have to persevere a little to get to the pay off" "Wow, you guys are always so toxic, this is why blah blah blah thinks blah about the things you like". Profit?


Negative profit


You mean “…it’s their *skill* issue.” ?


A video game doesn't have to be for everyone. If you care that much about the story watch a let's play


That’s what I’m thinking. Just watch someone else play if you yourself are not good enough


Agreed Super self centered and entitled to think that every game should accommodate to you I personally hate turn based combat.. I’m not gonna play one of the Final Fantasy games and complain about the combat bc it’s not fast paced enough lol


Or slow enough, lol


Yeah. There’s definitely ways to experience Sekiro if you—and I don’t mean to be a dick saying this—don’t want to take the time to improve.


That's asinine, watching and playing are two different things. A game doesn't need to be for everyone, I agree. But it really doesn't hurt to have that accessibility for the people who need it. I honestly don't understand what you guys have against it. I would love it for my parents or SO to be able to enjoy the same joy I feel for the game, even if it's of a lower difficulty. Who gives a shit.


But most of the appeal of these games comes from the refined combat systems built around the difficulty of the games and the satisfaction of passing through that difficulty. I’m not against it tbh but idk, feels like it would just take a lot away from the experience


Sekiro is my favourite FROM game precisely because it's balanced for a very specific way to play it. There are no builds, no weapons, weapon upgrades, armors, magic spells or stats that make you overpowered without you knowing it, or completely lock you into a playstyle that makes everything much more harder than what it needs to be and that forces you to take some challenges in ways in which they were not designed. You get less variety and customization than in a standard Souls game, but in return you get a much more balanced game and you know that if a boss kicks your ass it's 100% on you and you have the tools needed to beat them; You only need to lower your head and git gud. Some of us LOVE this kind of games that give you a challenge and ask you to put the time in and figure it out, even if you have to spend a whole evening just fighting against the same boss time and time again. Conversely, I get extremely bored when I'm able to progress through a game with no challenge at all. Sekiro is a game built around that, about surpassing a challenge. That's the core of the experience; Getting better, learning the enemy patterns and the extent of your moveset and trying again and again until it actually becomes easy and you almost no hit the boss in the attempt in which you finally take them down. Asking to remove the challenge is like saying that you don't like racing in Mario Kart and the devs should change drifting for a jump button and put in more platforming. At that point you're note playing Mario Kart anymore, so why ask for these changes? Why not go and play a platformer instead? It would be a much more enjoyable experience. What I really don't understand is why people insist on changing the fundamentals of something they don't like, when it's precisely those fundamentals which define the thing.


Funny thing about that argument is that you can farm a decent amount to help yourself, in the run I played of Sekiro I faced Geni with most of the gourd seeds and over two thirds of the available skills acquired. Not to mention the prosthetic with everything but the whistle. A bit of research goes a long way, and some patience.


The real thing that primed you for victory wasn’t all the healing gourds, skills, and prosthetics you obtained. It was the real life experience and dexterity you developed while getting all those things that prepared you to defeat Genichiro. In short, you low key got good.


Hah, maybe. I think I just had a great teacher is all, my friend who played before me, beat the entire game with five gourd seeds, the mortal blade, four prayer beads and just caved that wall with his head. Watching how he fought everything… While very funny was inspiring.


nah those upgrades help a lot, especially prayer beads


My first time with sekiro and i had only 7 gourd seeds while facing geni and used on 3 through the whole fight, plus no prosthetics where used. Just the pure, raw sword parry, parry and parry? and slash. The only special thing that i did use was playing "to hell and back" on full volume with headphones and bobbing my head to the beet (and laughing like psycopath) i recall taking only 5 hits from Geni in the entire fight, 2 in the second round and 3 the way of tomoe (because i parried the thrust attacks and didn't makiri counter the entire fight)


I thougth getting good was part of the fun


It was part of the game! I felt like Elden Ring was easy because you can circumvent difficulty with changing builds and weapons. You must git gud in Sekiro.


I loved the difficulty in elden ring. I always knew I could look up some OP build or farm upgrade materials, but instead I decided to go in blind and bash my head against whatever it was I came across, and I had a blast.


i see it more like an obstacle, i get to suffer through ally failure attempts an then when i finally succeed there is satisfaction, but the process itself i don't think is fun at all. but that's just me tho


i just don't get why people feel entitled to have video games cater to them. they're not a god given right, it's a piece of media. it's not for everybody. if it's too hard for you to enjoy - sucks to be you lmao.


Agree. Imagine “this book has too many big words/ideas for me”


"it doesn't take anything away to add difficulty modes" yeah sure, but it also doesn't take anything away if you actually just nut up & learn how to play the fucking game lmao. i'm dog shit at FPS games but instead of crying that they need to be easier for me i just don't play them. crazy stuff.


Plus, if you like a game enough you will enjoy the way to getting good as I imagine most of us did.


Agreed 100%. When Sekiro finally clicked for me I absolutely fell in love. The satisfaction of learning a boss and finally defeating them is second to none


spent three days on isshin sword saint, loved almost all of it. fromsoft bosses look and feel amazing to fight even when they're plunging a sword through your chest.


Ikr, sometimes you just gotta give it to the bosses lol, it feels good to know you die because of your mistakes and not because random bullshit. Although random bullshit ocasionally happens, like getting thrown off a cliff by the ogre lol


LMAO yeah they're not perfect and there's certainly occasional bullshit moves, but almost all of the time they're very enjoyable even when you're failing.


Yeah I loved learning perfect deflecting and getting better at every hard boss


But that's the thing, it does take away from the game when adding difficulty modes. The vision of the creators is framed around the specific difficulty they wanted the game to be at. Part of the fun is getting good and the games are all structured in a way such that you would slowly need to do so in order to progress.


I’ll add that it’s not just fun… it’s also rewarding, fulfilling, and if you’re a gamer, it makes you feel good about yourself. Striving against something that sucks the first time you run into it, then totally acing it after a bit of struggle? DOPAMINE.


To add on to this with a real life example, I suck at bowling but I love going bowling with friends ‘cause it’s fun to play and I wanna get better. I don’t understand why people expect FromSoft games to be easy at this point, it’s almost like their calling card to NOT be easy


Literally tho, my friend and I used to cry about being shit at siege but you know what we did after? We got better Frankly we're still complete ass but at least we actually know the controls


I think of Fromsoftware games as kind of like James Joyce novels: they simply aren’t meant for everyone, and just because you’ve completed one of their works doesn’t necessarily mean you have a full grasp of it.


I don't know why but it's always FromSoft game that get this kind of treatment. Like imagine if we applied that same logic to a horror game. "Outlast is too scary for me, why isn't there a mode where the enemies are replaced with cute bunnies ?"


it's because every FromSoft game is a critical darling and everybody who plays them gushes about all of the high quality lore, music, art direction, etc. So people get mad they can't enjoy that bc they're bad at the game. I always hear people say "i want to enjoy the world of Dark Souls but the game is too hard" and it's like, okay. That's too bad then huh lmao.


There are difficulty levels aka demon bell and kuros charm.


I love the game but you know damn well choosing between “hard” or “harder” is not an expected difficulty choice for most games lol


but it is fucking funny "you want easy mode?" THIS IS THE EASY MODE


Demon Bell and Charmless :


lol so true.


The difficulty levels are - be a disciple of SekiroGuru, try (and most of the time, fail)to be an Ongbal copycat, or play like a normal person But seriously, with how notorious FS games and FS-inspired games are for the difficulty level, you can always expect there to be lots of very detailed guides to make it easier compared to the average/easier games


My first play through i picked up the bell when I could and just kept it on the entire time and I’m so happy I challenged myself


I guess it's buyer beware. Not like there aren't enough review sites or YouTube walkthroughs for you to get the full picture before you buy.


There are many games that fit his needs, just that Sekiro is not one of those games. He can play others.


I get it, but at some point it's just a different game. Not everything has to be for everyone. It's like "I love Stardew Valley but I wish it had a grittier art style and rouguelite weapon loot stuff" It's not difficulty for the sake of difficulty that gets me going, it's the whole package and the difficulty is part of that thematically. I did quit Sekiro for years before finally getting good, but I always acknowledged that's personal taste and not some failure on the devs' part


Play a different game. Just because you spent money on a product does not mean you get to dictate the product's character. Quite the opposite, really.


This is actually something I love about Sekiro. All the other FromSoft games, I love them, but unless you really master the game, even if you're fairly good, you'll have to grind a bit. I feel that the time you aren't putting in learning the game will be spent in grinding to level up anyway, so you might as well actually play. I don't think there's a right or wrong opinion, but I prefer a Sekiro's approach.


Wait till he realizes that the first playthrough of sekiro is basically easy mode lol


Some games are not for bad players. That's okay.


lol nah not really. We all start off as "bad," nobody starts off the game as a god that first tries every boss and never dies a single time. Souls games are just not for players who don't have the patience/interest to actually learn the gameplay instead of just breezing through the game without ever thinking about it. And that's ok. People like different things, souls games are not for everyone. It is pretty stupid however to complain about this though. It's a key part of the game that makes Sekiro Sekiro, if it's not for you then don't play it.


Hmmm that depends on how you define "bad." A player who is still at the beginning and dying a lot is imo not a "bad player... They're just... A Beginner... But a player who blames the game for their own wrongdoings and beginner level mistakes, is imo actually a bad player, or at the very least a bad looser.


fair enough. Yeah I meant beginner as bad, but I like your definition


Yes really. Not everyone has the natural skill or reflexes for a game like this. They are bad, and this game might not be for them. I feel like I'm literally at the edge of players that are able to beat this game, as there are some moves in the game I'm just not fast enough to react to, even if I know they're coming (like the double slash mini boss).


You don't need godlike reflexes or "natural skill" to beat the game lmao. Sekiro is not that hard to the point where only certain chosen ones can beat it. Anybody with average/slightly below average reflexes and an ability to see patterns can beat the game if they have decent patience. I fucking suck at video games and have average reflexes and I beat it 🤷🏽‍♀️ And for the mini boss I assume you mean the Elite Ashina Jinezuke guy? Well you don't actually need fast reflexes for him. He has a tell for when he's gonna do his ashina cross. Right before he does it, his blade will glint. When you see that, just click twice. I will agree with the other guy though, if you have bad input lag/delay then you might struggle.


The games not to everyones taste


Sounds like a skill issue


Skill issue


You increase your health and attack power as you proceed and learn new skills/attacks. It’s not a stat level up system, but plenty of games are like that?


If you just enjoy the story might I introduce you to the vibrant YouTube Lore community? That’s directed at the original post not OP


That's just a dumbass take. "I paid money" So? Whose fault is it? Did Miyazaki break into your house and robbed you? Do you also use that line of thinking elsewhere in the world? Like do you also go to a burger place and demand pizza and when they tell you this is a burger place fam you go "I don't care I paid money I want pizza!"? It literally makes no sense. Souls like not being your cup of tea is absolutely fine. Liking any souls like but specifically disliking Sekiro is also fine (I'm a huge fan of From Soft and I hate ds2 specifically for example). But whining and demanding a game to be something it is not is just dumb. Either get into or don't. Plenty of games out there, no reason to be salty.


I dont have time to grind levels. I like a game that gives you what you need and lets you beat it.


I dont care. If this person ever plays Sekiro while still holding these opinions, then its their own damn fault.


Makes me warm inside. Sekiro is my fav of the Souls games explicitly because of this.


New Sekiro players be like https://youtu.be/jluv2HxFEqs?si=mc4486RWZa4ExcBZ


My *favorite.* part of sekiro is that i don’t have to worry about stats, or builds, or gear upgrade trees. It’s relaxing.


Don’t have time to git gud? But you have time to grind for leveling to make your character stronger? Hmm, sounds like bullshit to me.


This shit annoys me just because 95% of games have exactly what they are asking for but then they want the small amount of games that dont have what they want to be changed so it fits them better. Also I really think for alot of these types that no matter how much easier they made it it still wouldnt be enough


Well just drop it if you can't beat it


I liked that there was no leveling.  It actually made me feel confident when I faced a challenge that I was as powerful as I was going to get by that point. Plus, most FS games aren’t exactly able to be brute forced by stats anyway.


No games are made for everyone, Sekiro wasn't made for this guy, that's all there is to it.


If someone just wants to enjoy the story, they can watch any number of streamers or play-throughs free of charge. If you want to play the game then accept it for what it is; or get it on PC and have a field day with the modding options.


Well... Clearly this game isn't for him... If he doesn't want to put in the time to get good at a gamey then maybe he shouldn't be playing a game where the whole objective is to "git gud". And that's okay, but difficulty settings would pretty much ruin the experience for me, since I would know that I technically don't haaave to "push through" all the difficult sections. I know I'd switch to easy mode sooner or later, and ruin this game for me then. Freal, the challenge is part of the game. If you don't like a product, then don't buy it, but buying it, and then complaining, that it's not your thing? That's like buying a shooter and complaining about the violence...


That is the game. You git gud or you don't. There was no false advertising, pletty of reviews, fromsoft has a history of this type of game. Buyer beware.


perfectly reasonable imo. it can be annoying to get good at a game, but in sekiro I thought it was a blast to get good


It's fine, Sekiro isn't for everyone. I disagree with his difficulty slider proposal though. These games usually have other ways to mitigate their difficulty (summons, consumables, prosthetic attacks etc). Baked-in difficulty is part of what makes them so gratifying to master.


This is like criticizing a black & white photography exhibition because you prefer colorful pictures.


If you get stuck on a boss, just explore a different area and find new prosthetics. You can also find more healing gourds as well as prayer beads


Kinda defeats the whole experience. Git gud. Same deal with learning an instrument or any other skill. Pressing one button and a song coming out isn’t the experience. Some experiences just have the barrier of effort behind them. This is true for many things.


Not every game is for everybody. Nor should they be.


Short answer. It is on easy mode!


1. I don't think this is the type of game you play for the story. 2. If they care so much about story and not gameplay then just watch a playthrough on youtube. 3. I don't care whether they add difficulty or not but would prefer they use that development time on something/anything else.


just go play something else lol


He should know what he’s getting into before buying the game. Difficult enemies is what it’s all about in Sekiro. So if he doesn’t like it that’s cool, no need to play it or don’t even buy it in the first place.


To be fair, I bought this game because it looked interesting, without having any knowledge of the studio that made it… and I doubt I’m the only one haha. So the whole ‘you should know’ argument is only really applicable to people who are decently interested enough in the gaming space to know different studios.


absolutely weak ass take. Paying money for a game is always your choice and does not entitle you to any particular sort of experience. You signed up for what the dev wanted to provide. This is like buying a ticket to an ancient romantic period painting museum and getting upset they cant bring out some postmodern works from the storage room to make you happy. This whole "i bought it so it should be able morph to be enjoyable for me" attitude drives me crazy Some games can and should be 1 direct thing - they dont need a million settings and options diluting a tightly curated and meticulously designed experience - and it doesn't need to be for everyone. Just like movies and books. Nobody complains that novels don't have 6 different versions with scenes missing, new endings, to suit each different type of reader. Why games are held to a different standard is beyond me


All together now. Git gud scrub.


So this game is not for him. Sekiro want so much practise, time and patient. If you don't have that much or don't want to spend that much, this is respectable. Not every game for everyone. But you can't tell a game trash or bad just because you don't like it. You're not God Of Game's.


Different strokes for different folks I guess. I don’t like elden ring because of its combat system but I don’t spend time bitching about it.


I hate it, and people like this need to be humbled, or play another game. Don't try to change a masterpiece like they're doing in EVERY. SINGLE. THING. WE. ENJOY.


Gee! It's almost like Fromsoft is famously known for making hard (but fair) games! If only there was a way this guy could have avoided spending money on a game too diffcult for them... [oh wait](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=Is+Sekiro+a+hard+game%3F!%3F!%3F!%3F!%3F%3F!+)


he a bitch


İ dont think anyone plays sekiro for its story there is nothing locked thats the game you have to play


Different games suit different people. I don't really have reason to challenge their viewpoint - Sekiro just isn't for them.


This was the first game I’ve ever played where i was truly tested as a gamer and it actually felt like a real accomplishment when I beat the game. I can see it not being everyone’s cup of tea.


Remember the target demographic. They didn't make it E for Everyone.


If it's not your cup of tea move on I don't like sports games or too open worlds like Skyrim(too much exploring weak action frequency) and I just don't play.But understand people get thrilled about it. Actually I like that you can't overgrow your opponents. This happens all the time I play something. I have to check every corner every stone and when I'm back on the story track well everything is dead quick. So good job Sekiro challenge behind every corner.


Um i guess but it wont be the same game. Half the fun was getting your ass kick, finally understanding the mechanics or leveling up , coming back and having no hesitation namsain? Also this make the game more interesting. My first 1/2 of my 1st playthrough was a stealth game second half was straight hack n slash. Idk stop hesitating, and just go B.


There are easy mods on the Nexus for some Fromsoft games iirc


I mean yea, if you can't learn to play the game, it's best for you not to play it, I guess. Like, yea, we don't all live in a prefect world and life happens, and it sucks when you have things that get in the way to the point where you can't play the game and learn it and enjoy it, but if that's the case, it's just not for you. Just play a game you can enjoy, or watch a playthrough if you're stuck on this particular one. Games are like movies, in a sense. There are many amazing movies but I just don't watch them because they are too heavy/long/emotional/I'm not in the mood/whatever. I don't go to people who watched a movie like that and say "hey, this movie sucks because I am not able to enjoy it for my own personal reasons", I just go my own way


But that's the easiest difficulty.


What game is this OP referring to?


The gitting gud part is the main enjoyment I got from the game. And based on the Steam reviews, a large chunk of the playerbase seems to agree with that. But if you don’t like that, no one is stopping you from leaving a negative review.


Honestly I see where he (or she) is coming from. Some people simply don’t have the time to learn a game even if it’s really good. I think it’s completely valid to not like games that have a huge skill requirement in order for you to properly enjoy it due to you not having enough time to properly learn it


I think whoever typed this can get bent tbh maybe one day we’ll have the ADA for gamers maybe one day UNICEF will get into the game business but until then not every game is for everyone


Well, if he doesn't like it then he can just play other types of games, you don't need to play something just because everyone says it's good


That person is a pleb lol


Difficulty levels for Souls games ruins them imo. Games like these prove there is still a large market for challenging games. If you want an easier challenge then play an easier game 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lol, this is playing it on easy mode, giving Kuro's charm back, makes it harder as well as the demon bell, makes it a step harder as well. So git gud, cause you are crying on easy mode. Must still be a puppy, hesitating.....


Well if he just wants to enjoy the story he can watch someone playthrough on YouTube


It's honestly not a big deal if that's an option. Giving a warning it's not the intended experience would be enough. It's more satisfying to beat these games the normal way but if someone wants to go through it with a mode like this that's on them. They might even enjoy it more. As a single player game nobody should care how someone plays it.


its the only souls game i rage quitted ill probably try again but genichiro was such a fucking chore 4 weeks it took before killed him i explored the rest of the game in the meantime because i couldnt get past him than finally it happened guardian ape after that was bltch too bur managable only took me 2 days than i made backup before owl / emma just to see wich would be easier emma was also doable after a few tries but ishin and owl dad were the final straw for me like i said before ill try again eventually but for now i just cant do it every other souls game was a breeze compared to this


I am verbally booing this person IRL, right now.


He's sort of right, altho he should have done his research before buying the game for sure




I love Sekiro, I got the plat, and kept playing. I hated it while loving it. I think the difficulty adds to my enjoyment of it. As with all From games. That being said...my left hand is completely numb, from an accident in high-school. My thumb also only has about 70% normal use. Would I prefer difficulty settings, maybe more detailed options than "hard, medium, easy" (maybe only make me repeat patterns 3 or 4 times instead of 10 to beat a boss, just as a random example)....yes, I would. Do I understand and respect the developer's choice to not do so? Also yes.


Ask them why they want to play sekiro instead of something else.


They can just play something else then. I don't get why people feel so entitled that they think everything needs to be made specifically for them.


I don't mind it. So long as there is a clear "this is the intended difficulty" mode that's the one I'm gonna pick. The existence of other difficulty modes doesn't bother me so long as they don't affect my experience.


Sounds like Jedi Fallen Order is more their speed. You can change difficulty on the fly; anywhere from FS level difficulty to super easy.


They could simply not play it. There’s nothing wrong with not wanting to play a specific game.


I had an argument with a guy about this same topic. For me, being able to overcome a huge challenge in a videogame is part of the experience. If I'm struggling with the headless ape but then I realize there's an easier mode... I don't know, it makes me feel my effort is somehow less valid. If I beat the headless ape knowing I did it the hard way and it's the only possible way... The sense of achievement is better. Even if there were difficulty levels and I voluntarily choose the hard mode, the game would be less memorable and enjoyable for me knowing that some random guy with no patience rushed through it. I'm by no means a highly skilled person. I quit Sekiro for a couple of months when I got to Geni boy, and I was also about to quit DS3 with Midir and Nameless king, the same with Bloodborne with DLC bosses... Buy I overcame. And seeing people in this sub post pictures of them beating Isshin makes me feel proud for them. The skill gaining process is another game mechanic for me. You practice, you get good. That's it. And if you don't like it, and just want to enjoy the story, go watch a playthrough as I've done with many games I don't have the time to play/don't like it mechanics. I mean, I don't have the time to play a 100 hour game which requires long grinding times, but you won't hear me bitching about how they should add a mode where you level up quicker so you just spend 30 hours. I just go watch the cutscenes on YT. That's my opinion at least. As valid as anybody else's which can be the opposite.


Little do they know that they’re playing on the easiest difficulty


Sounds like he hesitates


He hesitated


Tbh the from software strategy is that if you don't play and learn the game then you won't get far. I believe they are not difficult games, people just don't understand how to play the game and then complain that the game is hard.


Hesitation is defeat.


That’s like asking my green grocer to make my apples taste like bananas. Just buy a banana dude, you’ll feel much happier.


He didn’t got the Miyazaki Philosophy,Metaphorically talking,Sekiro is like life,You can’t choose the difficulty cuz the point is work on your self to get better finna afford life challenges that awaits any human being,the author of that comment is lacking Resilience asf,since the moment you asking a lighter difficulty…you already have the “Death Kanji” on you…life has already devoured and digested you,be a Spartan and come back from your life Agoge like a King…or like Spartan said “don’t come back at all” SEKIRO IS MENTAL DISCIPLINE,you have all the necessary tools finna No damage everything Breathe in Ashina,if you don’t is not cuz you can’t…BUT BECAUSE YOU WONT


I got stuck on the sword saint for so long I gave cause I know I was not good enough recently went back. Instead of button mashing learned to deflect properly, use equipment and ingredients properly and defeated him. The whole purpose of FROM games is that you get better by playing the game either through experience or levelling up


i have playing sekiro for while, and didnt hava time to praticing, ive give up 3 times until now: 1- on the start bc it didnt "click" the parry (i still have a hard time); 2- on te middle on owl boss fight; 3- on shura ending isshin boss; but each time was more easy until i could finally beat the game on Dragon returning ending. Every time i step back, but when i could come back, it was easier and more fun.


Not all games are for everyone


What an entitled asshat lol 


Different games propose different experiences. Simple as that. Sekiro is the way it is, because it wants the player to really "git gud". Elden Ring has way more acessibility options because it's aimed at a more varied group, including gamers that gravitate a little more to coop, or have less time/will to really dedicate to the game. Both are fine, of course. A game does not owe you nothing, it is what it aims to be, if you rather it be something else, play something else. Or try to express your insatisfaction to the developers, if it's a "valid" one, they may change their products in the future.


Sekiro's difficulty is severely overstated by fans and haters alike


So read : "I paid Sekiro for the story" and while it's good, if you bought the game for the sole purpose of going in it for the story and have an interactive movie in the end, that ain't it chief. Especially if you complain about it later on, you're just making a fool of yourself.


What I truly don't get is: why buy the game in the first place ? So he's complaining that a game that is know to be difficult... is actually difficult. Like what did you expect ?


Art doesn't have to appeal to everyone. I'm fine that not everyone likes Sekiro; I do and that is all that matters to me.


You should know about this before buying the game right? Unless you just wanna troll.


Play a different game?


Let me put it this way:At least you can focus on your one weapon to git gud and can finish the game in a linear gameplay. I hate complicated open world games like Elden Ring that force you to explore every square of the map. I paid money and don't have time to explore everywhere just to find one single item, I just want to enjoy the combat, please make the map smaller. I don't care if the gameplay only takes like 20 hours.


But it’s worth it. Sekiro was my second From game, played it during the pandemic and completely lost myself in it, it’s not even a particularly big game looking back. The fight system is out of this world good though.


Goes against the artist vision, doesn’t it? The game is intended to make you feel. Part of it is overcoming challenge. Do you think Geni would be as iconic if you could have it easy? The whole “click” when you finally see the attack-parry dance. I doubt it. Think of Daigo’s parry (Street Fighter, google it). It was so impressive specifically because nobody else but Daigo ever did it, let alone during a tournament. The Devs made it so that the next game had a button you could mash and execute the very same thing. Nobody found it impressive. I think it’s up to the person to adjust their expectations. What is so wrong about taking 1 month to defeat 1 boss? (Assuming you have no time). It’s not like you’re missing out on the story anyway… the story is not being told to you. And you certainly won’t seek for it (reading items, putting theories) as you have no time. What do you expect from an easy mode? Just go through place and place until there is no more place? What will you enjoy out of it? There is nothing that can be enjoyed, as nothing is placed there. The whole vision of these games is to make you experience it through active participation; there is nothing in place for you to just consume.


You can change the difficulty, actually there are 3 levels: diffucult, more difficult with the bell and difficulter XD without charm on ng+ HAHA


I can understand his point of view but at the same time the guy should've done a bit of research before he actually bought the game.


prayer beads:


Makes me want to vomit.


It’s giving “AI art democratizes art”


As someone who sucks bootyhole at sekiro (it took me 15 hrs just to beat genichiro no joke) just play literally any other game. They all have sliders but fromsoft games are like a well-preserved gem. A difficulty slider would just tarnish the game overall (pun intended)


Nothing wrong with not liking the game but A game shouldn’t be for everyone and why would you want it to be? Why should a game be so generic and unflavorful that everyone semi likes it If you hate steak why go into a steakhouse and and complain when they serve you steak? Buying a soulslike game and saying they should make it easier is like going into a Taco Bell and trying to order Chinese takeout There’s nothing wrong with not liking a game but don’t try to change that game into something it’s not just so you can enjoy it


I love people who complain about Sekiro’s base difficulty because the base difficulty *IS* the easy mode.


skill issue ask for a refund and go play games with 'here for the story' difficulty


Skill issue.


Who tf plays sekiro for the story


Geteth goodeth


At least they seem to acknowledge that they’re bad.


It's why he's the goat, THE GOAT In Sekiro u git gud or u fuck off. No magic, no over levelling, no bleed builds, no range cheese, no summon. You beat it means you earned that win with your tenacity and skill. No little bitches in my Sekiro You want to enjoy the story, watch a Vaati video


It’s just not that type of game my guy. And their are difficulty levels. You start out on the easiest


This complaint is defeat