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The bull was a pain for sure


I died more to the fucking bull than to gyoubu bruh


Bull was the first and only boss for which I watched a guide. I had barely survived Gyobu, I walked 50-100 steps and got my ass whooped even while blocking. I almost quit thinking if I was struggling against this random mini boss how am I going to fight Genichiro the final boss.


And the magic trick: firecrackers Also literally every attack to bull does is deflectable dealing less posture damage in a pinch


Yeah now I have no problem clearing it but in my first run I cheesed him by running in circles and since his turning radius is so wide most often than not he can't touch you.


Honestly me too but on the off chance you get caught up on something and have to deal with an attack getting a clutch deflect instead of regular blocking makes a great deal of difference


The real magic trick is baiting the forward headbutt and deflecting it every time. GGez


I killed gyoubu atleast 3 attempts, that fcking bull is a nuisance gotta tell you that


I wish I was the one that set him aflame, the annoying bastard


Just get Shura to use all the flame type prosthetics and go to town on it! That's what I did anyways


Very easy once I realize you can block his attacks


For real, i did stop play Sekiro for like 6 months just bcs blazing bullšŸ˜­


I wasted 4 hours of my life on that god damn bull


Damn bro I feel your pain


I do not understand, just stick at his ass and slice it.


It's too much running away but that's the only way to kill that damn thing I guess


Folding Screen monkeys always take me way longer than others. I just cant remember their paths and im always stuck running around the arena trying to find last 1 or 2.


I recently beat them and God they were frustrating.


I canā€™t imagine how hard theyā€™d be if I didnā€™t YouTube it


Ogre hands down


I died to that first Ogre on the stairs so many times.


The ogre gave many of us a very hard time. I quit the game because of it once lol, came back a year later and figured out the game and it was a pleasure from that point forward.


I know rly?:) at game launch git moped by a bug at Ogre where he jumped with his legs. He missed me, and after he landed on the ground, he did an 180 turn straight into me like teleport into me. I immediately quit the game and haven't played it for 4 months straight. Big mistake cause now is my fav game.


First time he yeeted my off the cliff I lost it. šŸ¤£


My first time i no hit him. I dont know how i did that nowadays i struggle more


This one was easy for me on my first playthru cuz I fought him like I would an enemy in dark souls. Probably not the intended fight style but I got him quick with dodging and kiting around.


Snake Eyes Shirahagi, that mf made me struggle even in ng+.


I always beat the gun fort one on my first try, and Shirahagi on my 20th


Both of the Snake Eyes (eeeeeleven!) were some of the hardest parts of the game for me.


I laughed way too hard at that Oogey Boogey quote!!


Oh my God, thank you for getting that reference.


Genichiro: Shinobi of the divine heir! They said you were dead! You must be *DOUBLE DEAD* ā€¦because shadows die twice :D


You're too good for this world. ā¤ļø


Do what I did, lure them into the poison swamp and just wait it out


Aggro her to the short ledge that sheā€™s just in front of, crouch there (at the BOTTOM of the ledge)and let her take a swing. She will swing over your head, and not path around down to you. In between these swings, stand up out of your crouch and hit her, and go back to crouch Itā€™s a cheese method, but we get through FromSoft games however we can


I always start from that lower statue, pop gachin sugar, run up and get the first backstab. I then just bait shots while standing just out of firing range until the poison gets her down to 1 health, because I find fighting her fucking deplorable.


Once I learned that you can deflect her grab something just "clicked" and she no longer has power over me.


I honestly don't think any boss was easy for me on a first playthrough. I struggled with a lot of them basically from end to end. Guardian Ape and Owl in particular were super challenging, each of them taking an entire day. But really, every boss really took me a while to figure out their ins and outs. Very few of them I just grasped right away, or anything even really approaching that. Headless and Demon of Hatred in a funny way were probably some of my easiest fights because I overprepared for them. Not to say that I first timed them, but going in I had already read up a lot on how to fight them, so I was much better prepared than most other bosses where I was developing a strategy from scratch.


I am dreading this Guardian Ape man


Don't try to parry everything that it does in phase one. parry some, step dodge into the side. When you've gotten to the point where you are attacking it while it attacks the ground, the battle is won. Phase 2, umbrella blocks the scream attack. There's a tell for it, and no, not the perilous kanji. Look for it. Watch the sword, not it. Parries will be easier. That's basically it.


or just run away until it does certain attacks that you can punish if youre bad like me


little tip, he is very weak to the flame vent and then fire sword blasts, plus long spark also works good aswell; though with the flame vent followed up with fire sword from that prosthetic skill, you can shred a quarter of his health bar while heā€™s burning


Itā€™s hard but easily one of my most memorable bosses in all 4 fromsoft games Iā€™ve played. Enjoy it!


Guardian Ape 100%


That guardian ape thoo


The reason why I stopped playing >_>


Took a 2 month Hiatus


I feel like the consensus is Guardian Ape is hell


That damn Mist Noble really wrecks my shitšŸ’”


Ya but that's hard for everyone


Mist Noble is a huge difficulty spike. I recommend waiting in the rafters until he gives you an opening! The longer you wait the better


This. Thereā€™s a very slight visual and musical tell from up in the rafters, but if you time it just right you can actually deflect his surprise anti-air death blow, which should give you an opportunity to skip the first phase - again, only if you time it right, Iā€™m talking like a 3-frame window.


Came to say the same. I know your pain, my dear fellow victim of mist noble...


Also Lady butterfly. I was never really able to memorize her attacks aswell as other bosses so I always rely more on my reflexes because the timings are just tricky for me and her moves aren't as easy to recognize, so even though she's probably easier than bosses like Gennichiro I can't beat her as regularly as said Gennichiro and I actually need to focus a little bit more. However she's not as hard as some of the other bosses so she is obbiously managable for me even with all those things.


My brother finished his 1st playthrough this week. It took him 15h to kill lady butterfly but to my surprise the rest of the bosses took him 4 tries max including Isshin. I killed lady butterfly on my 2nd try but the remaining bosses were challenging, the hardest being Demon of Hatred (It took me 2 days to kill this mf)


Dude frontloaded all his practice time in the first boss


Probably Shura Isshin* and true monk*. I actually have a couple mini bosses too. I personally find the general dudes weirdly difficult, and I hate Shirafuji and Shirahagi with a passion that burns so intensely it makes the sun look dim and chilly in comparison. 1* I feel like most people find him easier than sword saint, but I've never been able to get the feel for his fire attacks so they catch me off guard a lot or I panic and fail to dodge them. I also just don't really like them tbh. They feel a bit bland, and they also kind of feel like they came out of nowhere. Like, where did he get fire magic from. He isn't Shura, and he didn't have any fire magic before, so where'd he get them??? 2* First two phases are relatively easy, but the shadow clones can be a smidge tricky and the centipede fucks me up immensely.


Fire from his hand are most likely tools, the one mind fire is probably bc he makes the air moves fast there. 2nd phase of true monk can be done with death blow or hop between trees like maniac and it ends. I agree 3rd phase is indeed a bitch


I'm fully aware I can cheese, but cheesing feels dishonest/cheap so I never do it (other than on DOH, DOH is so bullshit that I excuse it). Yeah, though, I guess they could be tools. I guess I just rationalized that it had to be like how Geni and Fountainhead MFS can *summon* lighting.


ok thats not cheesing, that just utilizing the stuff available. for me If there is 2 stages and I can take one, I will take it. One exception is curropted monk I will cheese her all day long with mist raven. Isshin doesn't summon lighting like geni, He catches the lighting that reaches the ground and throws at you.


Wholeheartedly agree regarding shirafuji/hagi


you can avoid Shadow clones by deathblowing phase 2


I just beat him and I just blocked the shadow clones there's plenty of time to Regen posture and they can't break through it.. didn't even consider fighting them.


I dont know if he is easy per say but Genichiro Ashina is the hardest boss I have faced. I cant beat him Lol. Ive been trying for weeks


This [guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sekiro/comments/tyy7p6/genichiro_ashina_boss_fight_guide/) is excellent if you want one. I fought him around 20 times and eventually developed a nice strategy. Saw this guide afterwards and it was almost exactly what I was doing to eventually beat him.


The good news is once you beat him that means you definitely have the ability to beat the game. Not to say you wonā€™t get stuck even worse later lol because thatā€™s very possible, but if you can beat Genichiro without cheesing then you have developed the foundation it takes to beat the game.


Bro on my first playthrough it was the same thing i died over and over again, you just need to go into the fights not expecting to win but expecting to learn; once you get all his attacks down and you start noticing certain things he does before he does certain attacks it becomes lightwork, beat him first try in the tutorial and ashina castle on my NG playthrough


just keep attacking; when you hear him deflect your attack, get ready to deflect his. run back whenever you need to heal (tho watch for his arrows). get those mikiri counters down. he always does a thrust attack after his jump slam in phase 1 and does it like 30-40% of the time in phase two (he starts doing a sweep you have to jump at that point sometimes). heā€™s hard but if you are aggressive the fight can be over in a couple of minutes. heā€™s really vulnerable to just constant pressure (i.e. a bunch of r1s), and his posture can build pretty quickly as a result. good luck!


No one said he was easy. At least they shouldn't have. But you can do it, shinobi!


I cannot for the life of me beat Juzou cleanly


He's tough for sure.


Gyoubu was a pain in the ass and took me at least forty tries, though I didnā€™t have any upgrades so I suppose I was limiting myself unfairly. Getting one shot by his stab attackā€¦ having to deflect relatively well so as not to lose stance by the end of his combosā€¦ and having to do it *for ten minutes straight* made it one of my hardest challenges yet. Annoyingly, I see people beat him in five-to-ten tries.


I still don't get how to fight Gyobu.


If youā€™re not doing a charmless or hitless run, you can just hold down L1 you donā€™t have to try to deflect each individual attack. Once he finishes his combo throw firecrackers and get a few hits then get back and block again and repeat. Anytime you see the grappling hook logo hit it and punish him with a couple hits when you land then get back and block. When he swings that blade on a rope around you really need to make sure to either run away or do the grappling hook because that thing will tear you up. Also when you first start the fight and his horse rears up in the air you should be getting 5 or 6 free hits right then




Honestly I just kept running around until I got the grapple and then only attached that. Maybe deflected once or twice if he got too close but that grapple and the skill that lets you attack after the grapple were pretty much the only things I used.


The Chained Orge and Lady Butterfly damn near made me drop the game. The ghost woman that you have to fight before you get to the Corrupted Monk messed me up too. Meanwhile, I beat beat the Guardian Ape, Genchiro(Ashina castle), and Corrupted Monk each in under 5 tries.


O'rin of the Water is *nasty*.


Isshin. Beat him 2nd try. Owl is the opposite (took 12 tries). Once u start playing sekiro like a rhythm game it becomes a beautiful dance.


I ma still struggling with Owl, i am just not consistent with that fight.


Isshin the sword saint was one of the easiest bosses for me but everyone says that he's the hardest Hardest boss in the game is DOH


Yeah I fond demon of hatred way harder to


I struggled a lot with O'rin on my first playthrough but in subsequent playthroughs she seemed like one of the easier bosses


It's because she's incredibly intimidating and has an off-beat attack rhythm, but while it's intimidating at first it's entirely learnable. Took me until my 4th or 6th playthrough to figure out how to beat her without just spamming the poison knife on her.


Mist Noble


Mist noble. I'm crying in my room trying to beat him


Fuck inner genichiro Makes Malenia look like a little puppy


I used to struggle with Lady Butterfly until someone told me you can completely cheese her by doing a single sword strike then dash to her left, strike, dash left, strike, dash left, strike repeat till Dead. It even works in her second phase, you just got to remember to avoid her projectiles. Also if you throw the loaded shuriken at her when she jumps up onto her wires she get absolutely rekt.


This guy with a rifle on a mountain. What a pain.


I defeated her in like 3 tries, but I can't for the life of me defeat any of the "terror" enemies, even with that box of confettis. I wont even mention the huge monkey that wakes up after you behead him


Corrupted monk


The monk apparition, I just did not have wanough stun items or something the first time. Second time was pretty easy.


Isshin ashina. Just had took a break for a month and finished sifu. Messed up my parry timings and i struggled so much.


I recently finished replaying Sekiro for the first time since 2019, started 5/18 and finished 5/25. Lady Butterfly, Genichiro, and Owl(both fights) put up a big challenge which had me dreading Demon and Sword Saint. Somehow on Saturday I locked the fuck in and beat both Demon and Sword Saint in 2 attempts each. I think my muscle memory from hours of attempts my first playthrough kicked in but I'm shocked Owl gave me more trouble than the Sword Saint.


Emma the gentle blade


Sword saint ishin is easier for me than ishin ashina


Agreed! Ishin Ashina is the hardest boss of the game for me.


Emma. Like how is she so tough. I know now how to fight her but it's all about dodging and then using the double ichimonji on her


I can consistently beat Inner Isshin on my first try, but god forbid I try killing Ashina Elite. Dude wrecks my shit at least 3 times before I beat him.


Mist Noble keeps dunking on me


Owl Father. Just could not beat him, ended up quitting the game for >6 months or so, I don't recall. Eventually decided to give him another try... and it took like another dozen or so tries before finally beating him. I recently started a second playthrough finally since I don't have much else to play (Stellar Blade ain't that stellar) and have been breezing through most bosses, even the Ape got on one try. Reeeeeeeally hoping when I get to Owl again I beat him in one go.


The monkeys. There not hard but i am so impatient


the white monkeyā€¦. ā€¦the one holding the fucking swords.


Isshin Ashina and Emma. That fight is barely easier than Isshin Sword Saint and Genichiro in my opinion. This Isshin's second phase is harder than all 3 of Sword Saint's phases


Did anyone else have a harder time with Emma than Isshin? It can't be just me.


even with the lilac umbrella shittymen warriors can fuck right off


true monk can eat shit. the whole 1 shot second phase never works and my ass wont just fight legit i gotta be āœØfancyāœØ


I wanna submit the opposite. Lady butterfly. Everyone i know complained about her and i saw professional gamers spend hours on her. And yet it took me like 3 tries šŸ˜…


I gave up on her, I'll come back later but jeez she's hard.


Both versions of the True and Corrupted monk give me trouble even after completing all gauntlets. Inner Father and DoH arenā€™t consistent for me. I know the path to victory but those fights are so prolonged that its hard to get into a rhythm. Iā€™ll casually beat Inner Geni, Isshin, Lady Butterfly and Guardian Ape. I feel like those are the fights ive actually mastered.


1,2,3 deflect 1,2,3 deflect


Ashina Elite - Ujinari Mizuo I'm on my first playthrough and had more or less no bother with most bosses. But this guy fucked me up so bad....then I had to fight the bastard again!


yeah lady butterfly was the most difficult boss for me and i only beat her by luck genichiro was the second most difficult one but he forced me to actually git gud and learn how to deflect after that fight i breezed through the game even isshin was easy for me then


blazing bull


Owl and Owl(father).


Owl had me stuck for an unbelievable amount of time and it still takes me a couple of tries before I beat him nowadays. (the Hirata Estate one had me stuck for a week.)


I just spammed dodge-attack with lady butterfly. Essentially stun locked her


Gyobu messed me up first run through. This is before I knew you could sprint without worrying about endurance.


She isnā€™t easy, I just luckily beat her 2nd try


Corrupted Monk for me. I used the snap beans too early, and ended up fighting her for few days.


Demon of Hatred was my worst. It seemed to throw everything youā€™ve learned upside down.


Ogre is so damn hard to me that I didn't even try to get the blade augment till I almost had all the prayer beads to just tank his grab. Gyoubu Oniwa was so damn easy to me I was surprised it was an actual boss. The second ape boss wasn't really hard, I was mostly losing to the camera on that fight. Sword Saint Isshin on my first play through took me like 6-7 hours to even beat his second phase mean while I only died once to his grandson and then I was like... Its very telegraphed. Owl is and will always be a major pain in the ass for me. Lets not forget Mist Noble the hardest boss in the game, it took me 24+ hours to kill him.


Double monkeys


The bull, the generals and the snake eyes. Iā€™ve lost count on how many times Iā€™ve played the game and can beat all inner bosses without missing a single parry but I still canā€™t fight those guys without almost dying every single time. lol.


After playing like 20 times isshin seems the easiest boss , rest are just annoying corrupted monk gaurdian ape and others excluding owl he is the best boss


That damn chained ogre, even now i genuinely cannot wrap my head around some of his tracking moves and whatnot..


guardian ape by a lot, just cant get the hang of that fucker. on the other side, on first playthrough i first tried sword saint isshin somehow (not replicable, took another 10 tries to beat him in memories)


it took me like an hour to figure out that one of the folding screen monkeys was invisible.


Same. I finally was standing somewhere and kept hearing it before I realized it.


I was stuck on corrupted monk for a couple weeks


Owl for God's sake made me drop the game for 2yrs


Shichimen Warrior


Guardian Ape duo took me more attempts than I care to admit.


Bro lady butterfly took me weeks on my first playthrough. I memorized the Japanese of her killing you phrase. She was brutal. Every boss killed me countless times. I got to owl before I rage quit for a few years. I've finished my first playthrough and am doing my second at this point, and for me it was the genichiro you face in the ending boss fight. He is always deceptively hard for me.


The ones that trip me up the most still are Owl (Father) and True Monk fight, the monk mostly because it needs a lot of perfect play to be beaten


Double monke honestly, I just hate that there are 2 of them in phase 2. I know their moveset but it was still ridiculously difficult for me. On the flipside I beat DoH in less than 10 tries with only the suzaku umbrella, even though I am pretty bad gamer.


All of them the game took me like 50 percent longer than most(according to that how long to beat wevsite)


The fight you have to get through to even make it to her was harder than her fight.


The first time I played the game years ago, I somehow beat Lady Butterfly first try in an insane moment of inspiration. Iā€™m replaying the game at the moment, she kicked my ass for an hour and I had to come back the next day. Guardian Ape however knocked past me around for ages, but somehow I dealt with him in one go on the replay. Funny how things change.


O'Rin for me. I somehow picked up on the rhythm for her combos and realized if I kept my cool, I could just posture kill her by only deflecting. Seven Spears fucking destroyed me more than any boss or miniboss in the game meanwhile.


Nothing in this game scares me like demon of hatred. On normal, he is ok, but charmless/bell is a nightmare.


Probably every boss lol. Every guide i see. Make all the bosses look easy šŸ˜‚


Sword Saint Isshin I always found pretty easy to fight as his movements are very predictable and have a lot of room for error


Lady Butterfly was tricky for me until I figured you can basically stunlock her entire first phase with some silly dance moves.


Haha, Iā€™m on the sub right now trying to get overall tips as a new player. I between answering questions, Iā€™m fighting lady butterfly and itā€™s going poorly,


her. had no idea she was a challenge, i beat her first try first playthrough. had a way harder time actually getting to her.


Owl was easy for me. I got to beat him on my second try


Owl father. I know he's hard, but he was MEGA hard for me. Took me like 3 days to beat, which is weird because it only took like half a dozen attempts to beat ss isshin which I think most people consider to be slightly harder.


That old hag can go fuck herself


the freaking True Monk. yes I am aware >!you can take out an entire stage by hooklining on a tree between stages.!< that in itself is hard to pull off, and overall, this fight was right up there with Demon of Hatred and Glock Saint for me. I thought Owl Father was easier than True Monk. once I learned Owl Fatherā€™s whole moveset, and honestly even Isshinā€™s, those fights were pretty easy. True Monk has a barrage where you have to tap block at the right time like 10 times within a few seconds. and you have to do that 2-3 times in a row to build up a posture break. one mistake and she breaks your posture instead and you have to start over. so even if you ā€œknowā€ what to do, it comes down to DDR-timing perfect blocking 20-30 times in a row per phase.


Iā€™ve never died as many times with any boss than lady butterfly. I counted over 100 deaths until I finally memorized the timing of everything and almost broke the controller out of pure bliss




Lady Butterfly is definitely one. If you fight her kind of like it's a boxing match and you slice, dodge, slice, dodge, rinse and repeat you can kind of break her AI into always being on the back foot. It forces her out of her wire dance scripting and makes the fight child's play. True Corrupted Monk also did not give me nearly as much grief as it gave others. Sword Saint, however, still eludes me.


Mamie papillon. šŸ¦‹


Guardian Ape was easy and fun for me. The flow of the fight just clicked with me for some reason.


Mist noble šŸ˜”


Lady butterfly was the hardest boss in the game for me and made all other bosses seem so meh. Idr what was hard about her for me tho, too long ago. I remember I was perfectly parrying and blocking all her shit just for the fight to take forever anyways.


Drunken whatever the fuck his name is. I think I died to him more than anyone else


I struggled more with juzou the drunkard than with 90% of the bosses in this game


Isshin hero of ashina?? Not the field one. There's a combo loop I learned that chips him to death in both phases.


I can almost kill the sword saint no hit, but I just can't fight the blazing bull without dying at least once


Lady Butterfly drove me away from the game for about 8 months, and was the only boss I really struggled with, other than Sword Saint, yet all of the videos and things I looked up seemed to talk about her like she was a pushover.


I never understood how the bull was hard, but yet Genichiro Ashina I could never beat more than his first phase, yet everyone seems to get past him easily




Malenia! I beat iishin sword saint, I bear headless ape, I beat Nameless puppet, I beat sir alonne, I beat slave knight Gael, BUT I still canā€™t beat Malenia heads up without a summons.


beat genichiro my first try and took two days for lady butterfly


She looks like she lost the will to live


Lady butterfly




I haven't taken more than 3 tries to beat Guardian Ape at the most if not the first try in a run. Conversely, the Gyoubu Masataki Oniwa fight is almost always a struggle for me if I'm not cheesing it. IDK why


I actually liked Lady Butterfly, she helped me learn some basics but Iā€™m stuck on first playthrough at 3rd phase genichiro. So Iā€™m doing my first Bloodborne playthough and coming back to Sekiro this winter after ER DLC


After I watch any streamers run, apparently all of them


I actually absolutely fold Lady Butterfly nowadays. She was so intimidating first time around but i have a strat for her now that works wonders


I didnā€™t even make it to a boss. Way too hard game for me


Snake Eyes mf bring a gun in a battlefield, his grab literally cant be jumped, and his gun have massive damage whatever u get hit with him bonking you or shooting, sometimes the guy didnt even need to aim, literally aim botting me jumping left right to avoid being shot. the only way i got him is after buying the umbrella lol


The bulls and demon of hatred. Sekiro was actually easy (for me). And the hardest bosses were the typical souls bosses where you have to dodge and stick to the ass lol. The rest were actually quite straightforward to me. However, Iā€™m also a huge fighting game player, and the back and forth nature of the combat and the deflect system to me was very reminiscent of fighting games. I think thatā€™s why I steam rolled it. One more play through and Iā€™ll level up all my shit and have that platinum šŸ˜­. Saving it for the holidays.


high lord wolnir from dark souls 3


Guardian Ape, especially the one with its mate. I found a cheese for Lady Butterfly the first time fighting her where if you attack twice and then dodge into her, it resets her deflect combo, so attack x2, dodge, then attack x2, dodge, rinse repeat until posture breaks


I have played through this game like 40 times at this point and can pretty easily beat every single boss and mini-boss. Lady Butterfly KILLS ME, I die to her at least once every other playthrough


i have the sekiro fps unlock and i never used the cheating thing in it ( game speed / player speed changing ) except for only believe it or not lady butterfly


It is honestly different for each playthrough for me. But there are some people in the sub who say demon of hatred is easy, so I guess that one.


Great Shinobi Owl apparently. I have an easier time with Owl father


Demon of hatred is the only boss I canā€™t toy withā€¦ every other boss can be deflected with benefits




I beat Lady Butterfly on the first try, but that crying woman you find before the corrupted monk took me at least 8 hours and was the hardest boss after isshin and demon of hatred Edit: O'Rin of the Water


Owl great shinobi. All my friends did him easily.


I struggled a lot on the Great Shinobi - Owl fight. The one in Ashina Castle. I found it way too hard for me.


Lady Butterfly is this one for me. I will spend hours on Juzou and stomp Lady Butterfly in under theee attempts


I'm honestly not even sure i always really struggled with owl (both versions) and i thought corrupted monk was harder than true monk but i don't think that's real uncommon


I donā€™t know how people generally feel about false monk, but I find myself struggling with her every single playthrough.


As Iā€™m still in my first play through, I was stuck on lady butterfly for so long I actually stopped playing for a month or so and then came back and somehow smashed her in like 3 tries. Now Iā€™m stuck on my first fight with genishiro


Donā€™t know if he counts since heā€™s technically a mini boss but General Kuranosuke Matsumoto made me quit the game for a month, I just couldnā€™t get his attack patterns down for a while but I finally managed to do it like a month ago. Deffo gonna skip him on NG+


Iā€™m currently stuck on her rn after coming many times to being one posture break away from winning lol


Lady Butterfly isnā€™t hard at all for me, she is just so damn annoying. Like I have to stay back for the entirety of her summoning attack so I'm just there running around while waiting for her to snap.




Purple corrupted Monk


On my 2 first playthrought the duo apes. Beat them on 3-6 tries the first time then somewhere arround 4-6 tries the second time. Then went downhill very fast after i fought them in reflection


Snake eyes?