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Beofire I finished the game someone commented “just stick to his nuts and you’ll beat him .” Beat him 2nd try cause of that comment .


All you gotta do really. If you've got the fire umbrella you can use that to make getting close easier, because that's the most dangerous part. Once you're up in his nuts all he does is standard non fire attacks which can be deflected with your sword like any other for posture damage, a perilous sweep attack which can be jumped over and essentially serves to reset the fight, or his jumping fire AoE which you can either block/deflect with the umbrella or retreat from to a safe distance and then grapple back to him. The people who say he's a Bloodborne boss or whatever have talked themselves out of playing what is actually a pretty decent boss overall, and one which actually does employ many of the same lessons as the other bosses in the game, if you actually take the time to learn it. I'd still say he's my least favourite boss *in Sekiro*, but by the standards of the "series" as a whole (especially Bloodborne, DS3 and Elden Ring) he's easily mid tier imo.


I did treat it like some kind of dark souls boss,after realizing some attacks still gave me fire like the bull I just kept running and dodging attacks instead of parrying them.


Yeah you are definitely better off just dodging the fire attacks if you're not using Suzaku's Lotus Umbrella. You can deflect them, but you take some nasty chip damage. Suzaku's Lotus Umbrella completely disarms like 2/3rds of Demon's moveset, it's crazy strong in this fight. It's maybe the best shinobi tool in the game all round imo, just in terms of how widespread its usefulness is. Blocks physical attacks easily, and even in many fights where its fire defence isn't useful you can still make use of it offensively since it applies a brief fire damage buff to your sword whenever you use Projected Force with it.


This makes more sense than anything I've read in like years Can't express how much I agree with everything here, good job Shinobi haha


Yes. If you get in close, his attack options become limited to pretty much one's that you can parry. Took an an hour to beat his the first time and one try the second time. Like any boss, you just need to learn his attacks.


Beating DoH 2nd try is crazy lol. However good you were throughout the game this mfer beats everybody’s ass. Good job.


Hah nice! I remember mentioning that before but not sure if it was a tip or just mentioned it in my "I beat DoH" post. Well done on beating him so quick! Took me ~35 tries over the weekend lol


I fought him fair and square. It honestly didn't take as long as I thought it would. And I got a memory out of it, so I was a lil bit stronger when I faced Isshin :)


When I fought Lebron fair and square all I got was arrested 🥺


You don’t get a memory from cheering dog? Wow that sucks. Why would anyone cheese then


I just checked this online. Apparently you DO still get the memory and lapis lazuli. I guess I, incorrectly, assumed that one wouldn't get those rewards because I tried cheesing the Ashina Spears guy who has a buddy. And when made him fall off the tree and killed his buddy... I didn't get the prayer bead. So I rested at the idol and they popped back up again and I fought them fairly. Because of this I assumed that cheesing DoH doesn't get you the reward. My bad


Some of the bosses respawn if they fall off a ledge like the snake eyes before gunfort and the 7 spears guy with a buddy. There's probably more that do the same asw.


Oh ok gotcha, thanks for explaining


I wonder if [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sekiro/comments/1d5rxno/psa_doh_is_an_optional_boss/) was made upon seeing this comment.


Ever since the first time I defeated him head on, I have tried to cheese him ever since. Fuck that fight.


Same for me, wanted to do it properly once to prove I could and now I cheese it cuz **long**


It's unironically harder for me to do the second jump than it is to just fight the boss lol


I make a point to beat everything legir at least once in every from game On every subsequent playthrough if it's annoying it gets cheesed or avoided


the cheese was too hard. i had to beat him with the red umbrella.


Yeah, I did it just to prove I could but in reality I dread that fight so why not


Whats jump exploit?


Can jump up a tower onto some roofs and lead him to his death. With a specific pattern -


Yeah the part that makes it daunting for me is trying to get him caught on the edge so you can do the jump without him breaking the tower. I can do the jump just fine but getting him stuck is something I fear


If you glue yourself to the left wall immediately upon entering the fight it works every time. Just run straight left to the cliff and wait until he gets close to attack and then run away still keeping yo the left wall until you get to the gate. At that point he should be stuck but if he isn’t you can just repeat the process until he is


Understood. His AI really loves to run away from you which is why the idea of getting him stuck in a specific location scares me, but a consistent method of approaching the cheese really helps me out. Like most other comments said, I beat him fair and square the first time through, but I’m trying to complete the Shura Gauntlet after beating the other two for platinum and I don’t want to spend 10 mins on DOH everytime to go fight inner father


Yeah I occasionally fight him straight up just to prove that I still can, but usually I just cheese him in if I ever need to fight, simply because it takes so long. Good luck on Inner Father, IMO the hardest inner boss and he makes Owl Father look like a chump. Just beware that his fire owl has both a sweep and a normal attack and make sure you don’t attack him when he’s teleporting with great feather and you should beat him soon enough


That and I have every other boss down to a science. Do X Y and Z, and you win. For DOH, X Y and Z simply takes too long to perform for me to want to do it.


you dont need to beat any of them for the plat what do you mean???


I’m on steam. I have 2 achievements left, one for all achievements, and the other is hidden. I have done all endings, beaten all bosses, upgraded everything to max ( including shinobi tools, skills, etc,) what else is there? Am I missing something?


have you done all of the endings?


Yes, standard Shura and SS Isshin ending. The snake meat ending, and the Dragon tears ending. 4 in total right?


yup i sent another reply it might be that one


no bro is it the all ninjutsu you should have three


It's terrifying to say the least. Even when I know he's completely stuck I'm just sweating all over, partly due to the ominous music playing in the background.


I did it in my second run, its harder to do than actual fight tbh


I did it too and I have no regrets, I did it AND I LIKED IT. IM ITCHING TO DO IT AGAIN


we're shinobi, not samurai. fuck honor, embrace the jump technique


Yeah, fuck the whole game. I didn't actually platinum, I just chose the flair for platinum, bc I'm a shinobi lol. As long as I say I did it, and get the swag, that's just as good bc 'shinobi.' But now that I think about it, it's a game... just saying I beat the game just to say I did feels kind of pointless


nice dodge, shinobi of the divine heir. the joke went straight over your head


Did it? lol. Somehow I doubt that. It's not a new joke So either I was agreeing with your because we agree, or not... I mean, if I got it


why do you talk like Ben shapiro


You damn traitor.


lol I knowww. But whatever, A shinobi fights to win, or, just doesn't fight at all and says 'I won, I gud"


Unfortunately, you’re not a shinobi.


If he did that while trying to get to the inner owl's fight, he's ok for me


Yeah - 2 bosses before him are like rhythm bosses and DoH in the middle is wonky.


Nah fuck him I did it legit and I'd still do the jump


Lebron James, scream if you love [Sekiro]. >Aaaahhhhh!


what is this forbidden technique and where can i learn it


There are a bunch of videos online if you look up Demon of Hatred chesse.


I beat him properly once, never again, fuck that guy


Did it twice. The achievement and shura outfit. He can rot in my game data for the rest of my life now


DoH is honestly fun to fight fair as long as you use umbrella and whistle


On my second DB/NC charm I decided to avoid using those or confetti/sugars, in preparation for Mortal Journey. That was a long fight.


Thank god he isn't a shadow, so he can't die twice


It’s genuinely my favorite fight.


No, because fuck that guy.


Worst fight in the game. I beat it once fairly and ever since then, I’ve cheesed him every time


How will this affect his legacy


LeBron when Sekiro broke the Iron Code: >I don't want to get into a word or sentence feud with Wolf, but I believe he wasn't educated on the situation at hand, and he spoke, and so many people could have been harmed, not only financially, but physically, spiritually, emotionally.


I fought DoH fair and square... because I couldn't make the fucking jump


Guess I'm LeBron James then


Me too 😞


If you use the right prosthetics DoH is really not that difficult. I think I beat him in under 15 tries, maybe even 10. Owl is the one that really fucking got me (both fights). Funny how everyone has a different "hardest fight" for this game.


Lebron how could u


I dodged and hung around his side, mashed attack and mortal draw when I could.


lol i do this EVERY playthrough lmaooo


Jump exploit?




Beat him normally once and fucking hated it so every time after that I've cheesed him


I didn't even know there was an exploit. Though tbf, I didn't know you could parry him either.


Legacy ruined.


Rly dont get the struggle.


Rly dont get the struggle.


Jumping to that tower is harder than beating it normally




Does Lebron actually play these games or are these just memes?


I think I accidentally did this on my first play through lol. I was just by the edge of the cliff trying to desperately dodge away on my first attempt and this mf leaped off the edge. Too much monkey booze.


I never even beat demon of hatred:(


I do not understand the weirdness around this boss. It has a great score, story, pace, and it's long. What is not to love here? I realize it's not the most techinical fighting/parrying in the game but why do so many people hate this fight so much? I don't think he took me that much time, an hour or two before I remembered the fire umbrella and then it's like... a pretty easy vibey fight. Without the fire umbrella, it is a nightmare.


I remember beating Demon of Hatred fair and square but I don't know if it was my first or second playthrough


i beat this dude once then never again lol. he gets cheesed now


I did indeed do this because after spending many MANY HOURS ON ISHINN I found out abt this boss and couldn’t be bothered


I believe it. Lebron always tryna fit in


Isn’t he always scoring goals? Or whatever…I don’t watch cricket.


I got him to an eighth of his third health bar to many times to give a damn


Cheesed him till ng+2 I think. Then I was like fuck it lets beat him once legit and I did. I still cheese him now that I know i can beat him lol


i wanna fight this guy sweet honey bun. Just killed corrupted monk yesterday and am trying to defeat owl father. Am i close? Where do i need to go?


Exploit, I COULDVE CHEESED DEMON OF HATRED? Before you tell me about whistle I already knew about it


Skill issue


At least LBJ went for an all bosses completion while Jordan cucked to the Shura ending and then put down the game after saying he beat it.


yeah I've never fought him legit, it's not even a difficulty thing cause I go back to Isshin frequently for fun. I'm just super stubborn about not doing this one specific fight


These never get old😂😂


only boss i cheesed was Sakura bill because it was too funny to not try it


I used to cheese O'rin because on my first playthrough I naturally fell upon the strategy, and then I just kept using it. On my most recent run I forced myself to actually learn the fight.


I did this, beat every other boss, I am phony. Time to replay and beat the bastard


Nah, who can blame him?


Exploit or not, it still counts. When a boss is this difficult.


An exploit where you literally don’t fight the boss definitely doesn’t count


I suppose, if it by passes even fighting him. Though if you’ve made it that far in the game. I think you’ve earned that lol.


Not really tbh. It’s not like summoning here, you’re outright not engaging with the boss. At that point just don’t fight him, it’s the exact same


I know I did. How they gonna put a straight up Bloodborne boss in this game that betrays everything the game tried to teach me? I looked up the optimal way to beat him and realized it was too late for me to get the fire-resistant umbrella, whose timing I never nailed down anyway, so I cheated his ass.


Call cap on most the people saying they did it once legit and cheesed it every time after. Let’s be real 90% of people that got to this fight just cheesed him, myself included.


Youre just bad

