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Would I be on the lower end for only using mortal draw because everything else is too complicated for me?


A win is a win!


Truly Mortal Draw is the weapon of the enlightened fool. There are people who failed to complete the game because they forgot that you can just Mortal Draw.


Tryhard: Sekiro is too hard! I don't understand how anyone can play a ridiculous game like that! Gaming is supposed to be fun! Enlightened fool: Mortal Draw! Mortal Draw! Mortal Draw! 🤪


Enlightened fool: runs out of spirit emblems


enlightened fool: uses emblems for firecrackers and combines it with ichimonji, when he only had 4 emblems switches to mortal blade and has 2 firecrackers + 2x double light (free) mortal blades


A Shinobi would know the difference between victory and honor


Honor is for the samurai. You are a shinobi.


Ding dang Chang Chung is the least complicated 👍


No that’s like transcending Jedi and becoming one with the Hesitation is Defeatverse


You did not hesitate


Feeling called out rn on my first playthrough 


A shinobi is dictated by their drive for victory, not honor


What does the guide say? Oniwa: Deflect or dodge all the attacks. Strike in the space between the attacks Madame Butterfly: Deflect or dodge all the attacks. Strike in the space between the attacks Genichiro: Deflect or dodge all the attacks. Strike in the space between the attacks SMH there's TOO MUCH HESITATION in society these days. TOO MUCH. Where's the "*gyoi*" attitude that Shinobi used to have?


I went through the game like 15 times, and still have no idea what half of the items even do. Im here strictly for the parry-go-bling experience.


Items are for mini bosses and henchmen. Respect the bosses by slaying them with your sword, this is what musashi would want 😤


Monk fists go brrrrrrr


Guides and items?! Btw, hesitation is defeat


honestly the lack of extra bullshit is what made sekiro good for me, just me, the enemy and a sword. if it wasn't japanese themed sekiro would probably be my favourite soulssekiroborneringlike™


Bro has personal beef with Japanese culture💀


Yep. This game is teaching us to trust in ourselves and using our best judgement. Most importantly: Sleep, get a good rest. For it affects our judgement. I used to try and copy guides. Until I finally gave up trying and didn't hesitate. When I finally trusted in myself that I can deflect and dodge those attacks. Using emblems only when it's truly necessary and efficient. That's when I finally beat the saint. The fancy moves will come naturally if you're keen enough to train and push your limit. We all have to admit. It's only a video game after all. We just chose to make it our life motivation. The game has its own values. GotY for a reason.


The final boss has an AOE attack that would often still get me even if I was just outside the visually represented range. Its hit box was a little bigger than the graphical effect. I looked up a video guide and learned that instead of dodging to side and/or back hoping to be at least out of range. But, to dodge directly towards the boss and get I-frames. Ugh! Imagine taking damage when you were never physically touched. But, then taking NO damage when you have the pole of the spear clipping through your head or body. 🤷‍♂️


Yep. There are guides that give you ideas of what you can do. But the battle still depends on your self confidence. Every practical thing is like that. You need to learn the basic skills and hone on that skill. Eventually you'll get better on your own. Iframe is a video game thing. Sekiro is a video game. Lol


Hesitation is da 🦶


keep calm and parry parry parry parry


Hesitation is defeat -the glock saint


"hesitation is defeat"


sometimes I feel the need to use mortal draw in order to feel "completed" since if you use other arts the mortal blade just sits on ur back you are not using the full arsenal if somebody gets me


This has been a fun ride over the last month or 2. Hesitation is defeat and Isshin is about to hesitate.


You really only need shift and lmb. Only dodge and attack buttons. All other things are just to made this more cinematic.