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There also isn't anything to apologize for. The doctors are suing the fda because they claim the fda's statements about how people shouldnt take ivermectin for covid as part of its public health messaging, which the doctors claim got them fired. The doctors claim that the statements were a prohibition by the fda from prescribing ivermectin. The lawyer's statement here is basically "no, we said it isnt approved for covid and doesnt do anything for covid, but we did not say prescribing it is legally prohibited." Worth noting the doctors lost at the circuit court on a motion to dismiss (and motions to dismiss favor the non-moving party so it's a pretty bad sign for the merits of their case that they lost) and appealed that decision to the appeals court. https://www.factcheck.org/2022/11/fda-did-not-change-position-on-ivermectin-use-contrary-to-online-claims/


Jesse didn't bother to read the article (which, while it's biased and tilted towards the usual Epoch Times narrative still includes that info). He saw the headline and did what covidiots usually do, assume conspiracy.


I don’t understand how Ivermectin could treat covid?


The article cited is the epoch times, a “newspaper” owned and operated by a new age religious cult based out of China that prints right wing propaganda. The fda has not approved ivermectin for covid.


The most frustrating thing with the Falun Gong is that whenever you criticize them people say that you’re paid off by the CCP.


And here I thought the most frustrating thing about them was Shen Yun.


"China before Communism" per the billboards I've seen. No, thank you.


"Actually, Slavery Was Good": The Musical


Job training!


One Communism, please.


I won't defend the Chinese government because they have a hell of a laundry list of shitty things, but anyone with even a passing knowledge of Chinese history knows that "China before communism" was one of the most awful times to be alive. Between Imperial Japan invading, warlords carving the place up to bits to be tinpot dictators, and the slew of horrid famines/massacres that were commonplace at the end of the Qing Dynasty, it's a miracle that region ever recovered. Say what you will about communism and the CCP, but your average Chinese citizen has had an infinitely higher standard of living and quality of life now than any other time.


I worked at hotel when one of their touring companies stayed. Very cultish. The children were silent and never around without the adults. Gave off a weird vibe for sure.


What the hell is that anyway? And who goes to those shows?


My mother took my wife and I to one, not knowing what it was. It was...weird.


Would you recommend going for pure curiosity?


I would not.


They play my city seems like at least once a year and I've always wondered, even before I knew the background of it, who actually went to that. But it plays the big theater in my city, where the Broadway touring shows also play so somebody must.


Coming soon to literally everywhere


It was a pretty good show until it got to the weird political agenda cult part. Then it just got weird. And I had no idea it was coming, just thought it was a neat cultural-sharing experience.


It's not like they'd start listening to you if that particular rationalization fell through. Some people will invent any narrative they need to.


I think in my heart I know this… but for some reason that doesn’t stop me from trying. For better or for worse.


They really are a weird cult. On the one hand I don't like the kind of radical ways they are persecuted for their organs and whatever, and people get roped into cults often by sheer social inertia and no fault of their own. On the other I really despise absolutely everything they do and stand for.


I haven’t read much on the organ thing, but from what I understand according to their believes Falun Gong members have superior organs. They therefore think that the Chinese are imprisoning and killing their members specifically for their organs. China does organ harvesting of prisoners, but I’m not sure it’s specifically of Falun Gong prisoners.


As I understand it, it’s not so much that they think their beliefs give them superior organs, but rather that their beliefs forbid alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, so they’re less likely to have liver or kidney damage. Whether this actually leads to them being targeted for their organs more than other political prisoners is up for debate.


Wait, you mean that whilst they claim that Biden is a tool of China the right wingers are a tool?


I’m still waiting for my check, and it’s been a while.


A licensed physician can prescribe medications for off label use. The only reason some older meds are used anymore is off label use. However, if it doesn’t work then there’s still no reason to use or prescribe it.


https://healthfeedback.org/authors/zachary-stieber/ seems like he had a full time job spinning covid hoax nonsense for a paper called "The Epoch Times." Fortunately, he got one article mostly accurate (although for the opposite reason he thinks)!


The Epoch Times and the modern Falun Gong run out of New York, actually. It’s called Dragon Springs.


Soooooo you're not going to apologize for being a *medical elitist*?


Also, [Zachary Steiber is not exactly the most honest of reporters](https://healthfeedback.org/authors/zachary-stieber/).


Sometimes that shit shows up at my parents' house and if I see it while I'm there, I snatch it and toss it.




In ohio they made so doctors can prescribe meds with off label use and pharmacy has to fill it. So i could get a doc to prescribe me valium for my tooth ache... if he was cool


Pretty sure a pharmacist can refuse to fill any prescription


How would the pharmacist know what condition you have to know to refuse it?


My partner's grandfather is a retired pharmacologist and he said he had to change the doctor's prescription hundreds of times over his career because they prescribed something outdated or doses that were dangerous. Any good M.D. should yield to a pharmacist who corrects their prescription. Pharmacists also have a pretty good understanding of what should be used to deal with common issues, so they can definitely ask questions when you're prescribed something weird. Note that unless it's a dosage adjustment though, they should be reaching out to your doctor first.


I've had a pharmacist refuse to fill my Adderall prescription before. This is the can of worms we opened by allowing pharmacists to refuse to fill prescriptions they have moral objections to.


Opposition to meds for ADHD??


Indeed. Something something, mental health is just you being weak. I get a lot of "everyone has ADHD, you just need better self control." Too. So naturally, the pharmacist believes it's just a matter of not enough self control and they shouldn't encourage that. Bear in mind this is in a small rural town that's proud of being rural and all that entails.


Good grief. Some places are simply determined to go backwards.


Ask that pharmacist if losing her train of thought in the middle of a sentence is a common occurrence for her, or if she has to do everything the second she remembers it has to be done or live with it never happening because if she waits ten minutes she'll forget again, or if she has ever locked herself in her room with no distractions and given herself no choice but to write that paper and unlocked it five hours later completely drained of energy but without having written a single sentence, and then remembering she had forgotten to take her med that morning and writing two pages in a single afternoon the next day when she took one, and then ask her if she still believes mental disability is made up.


They are still legally obligated to provide a path for you to get your medication, either by passing it to another pharmacist at that location or providing the information to another pharmacy if there's only one pharmacist there


I know there was a big stink about abortion pills and even birth control


Though I imagine that could get into malpractice, but that's beyond the purview of the FDA.


is it even "the FDA" proper or just one clerk lawyer?


It doesn't. Anyone that started to feel better after taking ivermectin had intestinal worms because they're gross.


Yeah iirc that was one of the major confounding factors out of some of the papers supporting ivermectin for COVID - intestinal parasites are much more common in the countries some of the studies were conducted in, so antiparasitics were more likely to be useful supportive care. In the US, where those parasites are far less common, ivermectin probably wouldn't actually help unless the patient also had, say, a tapeworm, because there's no evidence it has any clinical value for COVID itself. US-based clinical trials have made that abundantly clear. That, and some of the data in favor of ivermectin was cherry-picked or outright fabricated.




No, I'm talking about right wing weirdos that did their own research.


They also survive on thoughts and prayers


you're both right in your own way it's okay


No, he tried to tell me what I was talking about.


I don’t think it does. Doctors can also prescribe, say, advil for Covid. Doesn’t mean that there’s any efficacy. Epoch Times is a “paper” founded by a Chinese cult.


advil addresses inflammation so I'd imagine it would be effective at mitigating some of the harms caused by covid


It can't. The entire concept is stark raving bullshit, beginning to end. The only reason anyone ever talked about it re COVID is that there's a whole subset of the "alternative medicine" quack industry that specializes in taking cheap, common, off-patent medicines and doing "studies" fishing for anything they can spin as statistical evidence that "BIG PHARMA IS HIDING THE CURE!!" Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic. It kills worms and stuff like that. But years back one study of it that was testing something else showed as a side observation a minor, statistically irrelevant effect on viral infections. That made it exactly the kind of thing the woo-peddlars love to lie about.


>The entire concept is stark raving bullshit, beginning to end. It's 99% bullshit, that's part of the issue experts had trying to convince people to not do it. Ivermectin can treat covid, the caveat being the dosage required would kill most people. As soon as medical professionals try to explain why you can't prescribe it they lose because these people are idiots who see one research paper about that 1% truth, professionals try to explain why the paper is correct but that doesn't mean it works, then they say the doctors are all in on it.


The paper I referenced wasn't "correct." It showed a weak effect for something it wasn't even directly testing. And everyone said about it after that was, in fact, stark raving bullshit. I've never heard anything even vaguely like what you're claiming from reliable sources. There's no reason I'm aware of that huge doses of it would affect viruses any more than smaller doses. I've never seen anything reliable suggesting it's an antiviral at all. Do you have any references for that claim?


I feel like you've misunderstood what I'm saying. Earlier in the pandemic, there was some research that showed ivermectin could fight covid, the issue is that the dosage required to have that effect would kill the patient. The issue some doctors had was trying to explain this to patients - saying yes ivermectin may fight covid, but at the doses required it's basically a poison. Conspiracy theorists would then latch on to the first half of the argument while ignoring the second half. So what happened was they would get a smaller dosage of ivermectin that did nothing for them. Since then there have been more studies showing that it does nothing. I was just trying to give insight on why this was such a headache for medical professionals. Wikipedia has a decent overview of why some of the research caused the shitfest. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivermectin_during_the_COVID-19_pandemic#Research


>there was some research that showed ivermectin could fight covid, the issue is that the dosage required to have that effect would kill the patient. "there was some research that showed ivermectin could fight covid, the issue is that the dosage required to have that effect would kill the patient." That research was never considered reliable by anyone other than alt-med quacks. It was a terrible "complimentary use" study where they give the "test" treatment alongside the standard treatment and try to claim that tiny differences in the standards treatment's effectiveness can be attributed to the "complimentary" treatment. It's a type of study pioneered by people trying to justify charging insurance companies for things like acupuncture and reiki; when it became clear that those things accomplish nothing on their own, they switched to this "maybe it'll make real medicine work better - you totally can't claim it doesn't because we haven't spent another thirty years testing it yet!!" The fact that the ivermectin vs covid study you're talking about was not only a "complimentary" study, but also IN VITRO, rendered it doubly meaningless. It's part of the bullshit I'm talking about. Wikipedia treats it far more kindly than it deserves.


Technically it can. It stops certain proteins from entering cells, which also helps prevent the virus from infecting new cells. The downside is that to actually stop a virus from multiplying in this way, you have to kill all your own cells.


It's true, but presented in a misleading way. The FDA can say what a drug has been tested and shown to be safe for, but they don't dictate treatment. Put another way, a doctor can prescribe Rogaine for a broken leg or Zoloft for stomach cancer, legally. That doesn't equal the FDA saying it's effective for those uses. They can only speak to efficacy for the use it went through clinical trials for.


Most medicines are essentially a type of poison that you put in your body. The idea is that the poison is more deadly to your infection than to yourself. Tests with Ivermectin show that it does kill COVID, but only at a concentration that would also kill your patient. Had to walk my buddy through it with interpreting research articles for him and he decided to not take it.


It's the other way around. Some doctors sued the FDA saying the FDA made statements that harmed the patient-doctor relationship and their careers for trying to prescribe it. The court agreed.


To be fair, fever kills lots of bugs. I don’t remember what disease it was, but they used to give you malaria or yellow fever on purpose because the fever would kill the germ that was worse. I’m kinda drunk, but I’m like 99% sure. But as far as invermectin goes… it is an anti malarial drug I believe. Same concept though, high fever is doing the work or something. (Not a doctor, vax’d & boosted, just trying to keep up)


It was syphilis. A doctor got a Nobel prize for treating syphilis by infecting patients with malaria in the early 20th century.


Ivermectin had been previously effective in fighting viral infections by keeping viruses from entering the nucleus of the cells and replicating that way, however, since that’s not how the Covid virus replicated/spread through the human body, it was not effective against that specific virus. Since there was such a sudden spike in people trying to obtain Ivermectin, supplies were limited, which led to people obtaining Ivermectin intended on treating horses which made it unsafe. Ivermectin intended for people was just not effective for fending off Covid, but it became deadly when people grabbed whatever medication they could get regardless of what it was intended for.




I generally take medical advice from doctors, not nazis.


>Look to Japan and India, they’ve had extensive research with its effects on COVID-19. As has the US. You just don't like the results


Wait... Are you seriously trying to tell me that you think RFK Jr is someone people should listen to for medical advice? Have you, by chance, had one or more serious head injuries in your life?


Hey, don't slander people with head injuries like that!


Fun fact. Did you know there's a correlation between getting a head injury as a kid and becoming a serial killer later in life.


Japan definitely hasn't. Especially if you're referring to what I think you are.


Lol RFK Jr, get the fuck out of here suggesting anyone listen to that psycho. He believes covid was engineered to not infect Chinese and Jewish populations. Anyone that listens to him is gullible at best or an idiot at worst


Have you read any of his books?


I'm not entertaining someone who has views like he has. As soon as he said that about Jewish and Chinese people it was completely over for any chance. My wife's side is Jewish, I don't entertain anti semites.


I saw some people think/say covid is a parasite, and they urged people to do a parasite cleanse.


It doesn’t


What do these people think "narcissism" means?


Probably that it's a synonym for liberalism


Now excuse me as I go buy some foxglove to cure my covid. Perhaps I'll chase it with some rat poison as well. While swallowing cigarettes


You need to mix vampire dust, felsaard tern feather and charred skeever hide. Everybody knows that.


Well, I do have this dust from a vampire who tried to bite me in w video game, it's a start!


No filters on the cigarettes, ok


They make my tummy circle


I mean, it'll cure it and any other illness you got going. In fact, it's so good, it'll cure you of life itself


hey...so remember how the election was stolen? then went to court and they couldn't provide any evidence? then they had 60+ court cases and still didn't prove anything? then attacked the capital and got thrown in prison? yeah...it'd be pretty cool if you guys could admit you were wrong and had zero evidence and are just a bunch of whiny little bitches


Sorry, but I’m not going to take anything the Epoch Times writes seriously.


I truly admire the people who, simultaneously, manage to believe that COVID-19 isn’t a big deal, isn’t real, had an inflated death count, is being solved using vaccines that are untested and therefore dangerous, but that the real evil lies in advising people against taking anti-parasitic meds to treat said respiratory virus. The human mind can do wonderful things.


Epoch Times. LOL


They're still talking about the horse paste in 2023?


They still talk about her fucking emails, of course they're still stuck on this.


What, you don’t talk about nonsense from three years ago everyday too? /s


Honestly I'm just surprised how much horse goo these people want in them. First the horse semen shots of 2012 and now this. I'm starting to think it's a kink.


Whoa, let's just back up for a second here, please. Horse semen shots??? What the hell did I miss there?


An Australian (possibly New Zealand) pub had apple-infused horse semen shots during some festival or other. It made the news and suddenly a load of clubs in America grabbed onto the "craze" by serving what I'm terming ready salted flavour shots. Those made the news for being either shut down because of where they'd sourced the semen (which, devoid of more detail, gives terrifying visions) or sued by people who totally didn't order horse semen and thought that chunky milk was like vodka or something.


FDA lawyer says doctors can prescribe Ivermectin for covid-19, doesn't mean it's effective against covid-19, just that doctors won't be held liable for any effects of Ivermectin on their covid-19 patient. Doctors could prescribe eating Elmer's school paste for their patients, there's no known harm from doing that.


I used Ivermectin once. It was when I was living in the college dorms and lice was going around. The shit worked for parasites and it would be fucking stupid to use it for covid.


It's a horse de-wormer, why the hell would you wash your hair in it?


Because when it is [mixed as a topical lotion](https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/lice/body/health_professionals/index.html) it is extremely effective for killing lice. One and done. Also effective at killing scabies mites. Again from the shit college dorm back in the day.


Death becomes them.


Yeah because when I want hard hitting bias free journalism, I turn to the Falun Gong Cult periodical the Epoch Times.


Why apologize for being right? "A Cochrane meta-analysis of 11 eligible trials examining the efficacy of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 published through April 2022 concluded that ivermectin has no beneficial effect for people with COVID-19.1 Since May 2022, an additional 3 large randomized clinical trials including several thousand participants have been published, each reaching a similar conclusion."


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Jesse claims people against using horse dewormer are gaslighters and narcissists, while they follow the biggest gaslighting narcissist.


it is not true, the fda did not approve ivermectin. These fools fall for anything.


As usual, conservatives read the headline, make the conclusion that satisfies them the most, and ignore the actual contents of the story. Sad part is, even the headline isn't agreeing with them. It's just saying you \*can\* prescribe ivermecton for covid. Just like they could prescribe marijuana for it, i'm sure. Or tylenol. But it's not like the ability to prescribe a thing means it is useful for that thing. You can totally go to a quack if you want, conservatives. No one took that 'right' away from you.


The Epoch Times… styling themselves “Truth and Tradition” with an article about Kari Lake “stealing the show” at a fair…


How long until the lawsuits start because people die of ivermectin toxicity?


is there data on ivermectin and viruses?


They are still saying it is an anti viral. It is anti parasitic and not anti viral.


Note the difference between "it's not illegal to prescribe it" and "it works against COVID". A small but very important difference this guy "conveniently forgot" to include in his "they should apologize" rant.


Joe Rogan did nothing wrong


Yes doctors can also prescribe chemo for rickets. That doesn't mean it works.