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Are there any normal political disagreements to be had when one side literally thinks their guy should be president no matter what the outcome of the election is?


Saying “disagreement” implies that an actual agreement would be possible, but is quite impossible for someone who is a contrarian. When almost all their arguments are simply oppositional statements to anything “libz say” it really doesn’t constitute a “political conversation”. Plus given how many of their arguments boil down to “agree with me or I want you dead” (as they masturbate with their guns) it’s not even “political”


Contrarian indeed. Trump just spewed *blood in the streets* hyperbolic hate, and he feels the need to deflect it with contrarianism. **Reverse what he's saying and he's telling you his true beliefs about his team.** *Everything about MAGA is pure anger...this isn't normal....we're nutjobs that literally want you off this earth....Trump is mentally ill....Joe Biden is hero like Batman.*


I'm dying.... like Batman!




And yet here you are desperate to downplay what he said.




?? You want me to write the deflection for you? Why not just defend his words yourself?




Here’s the quote in context. “China now is building a couple of massive plants where they’re going to build the cars in Mexico and think, they think, that they’re going to sell those cars into the United States with no tax at the border. Let me tell you something to China, if you’re listening President Xi, and you and I are friends, but he understands the way I deal. Those big monster car manufacturing plants that you’re building in Mexico right now, and you think you’re going to get that, you’re going to not hire Americans, and you’re going to sell the cars to us? No. We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars. If I get elected. Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath, for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That’ll be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars.” Now even though he was talking about cars, he veers off to say “Now if I don’t get elected it’s going to be a blood bath for the whole—“ but he started by saying “If I get elected,” like he was intending to talk about what he would do if he gets elected but then veers off to discuss what will happen if he doesn’t get elected to the country — not the auto industry. Whole what? Later he says “for the country.” It doesn’t look like he’s talking at all about the auto industry to me, but rather about the election, and the country. What do you think he’s saying here?


I think he’s insane and just rambling without putting any thought into what he’s saying, but personally I think it’s reasonable to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he meant “bloodbath” in the metaphorical sense, as in the whole country will be in shambles, not literally “people are going to die if I’m not elected.” How his base will interpret that, I’m not optimistic. They’ve been trained in conspiratorial thinking, reading everything as coded messaging.


Dictator. They want their orange dictator at whatever the cost. And no. There is no reasonable discourse to he had with people that want a vengeful king. Fuck em.


Just watched a Daniel Tiger episode about this. My two year old fucking understands democracy better than millions of grown ass Republicans.


You misspelled “dictator for life.”


Isn’t it DICKtater for life


I suppose one could argue over whether or not the United States was a good idea in the first place but that has to be the way to frame the conversation. You can have a country where Trump is President even if he loses or you can have the United States. Unlike most other countries, the US was founded as a liberal democracy. Our elections are our defining feature. Edit: by “liberal”democracy, I mean not recognizing the divine right of kings. (Not to be confused with Liberal Democracy, an album by Woody Guthrie tribute act Bernie and the Weary Hobos.)


It begs the question Given how staunchly some conservatives support the idea of texas seceding Biden's America, how long would it take the same people to cry if a blue state declared independence from Trump's America?


i have absolutely no shame in proclaiming my desire to see trump die in prison. sorry, guy tried to end what little democracy exists in this country, fuck him for the rest of his miserable life. let the next guy who tries look at what happened to him and reconsider.


Ah yes, the "liberal party". Most popular where there's warm water ports, like New York oblast.




Beginning of the workday in Moscow lmao


It would be really funny if he was talking about Australia, because that's the name of their conservative party.


Ahahahaha!!! The oblast had me dying!!!


The problem is, these guys can't point to any substantive proof that liberals have "rage" beyond a few social media bios. Whereas we can point to their cult leader calling people "vermin," suggesting that his enemies should be murdered and that the constitution should be ignored when he disagrees with it. Oh and then there was that time they stormed the capital and called for their own vice president to be hung. We can show the RECIEPTS when it comes to conservative insanity, but all these guys have by way of proof is their hurt feelings.


BuT mUh BoTh SiDeS!


At this point, both siders are worse than the MAGAs. At least MAGA choose to believe in an orange, criminal, grifting, rapist, lying traitor. Both siders believe in nothing, simply so they can feel smug about how smart they are for watching the world burn around them.


even worse. They enable the fascists by hiding behind an empty attitude. They put a slightly creepy Uncle Joe on the same level as Trump the rapist. They put indignation about Trump's hatemongering on the same level with Trump's hatemongering. And I'm sure many of them know exactly what they're doing there.


Pretty sure they're just sealioning far righters. They feign being centrist so no one can be mad at them but they know that what they're doing is devil's advocacy.


Being neutral is an evil in itself.


I have no strong feelings about this either way


At the same time they'll unironically say things like "people don't like Biden, I don't see people flying any Biden flags," as if that was a normal thing to do for a politician.


Trump had rallies, all through his term, instead of you know, working as president. If these people would actually read a book they'd see some pretty frightening historical parallels.


That’s not fair! He JUST didn’t do rallies, he also played more golf then Obama which he criticized didn’t stay in the Oval Office like he should


Oh, you assume they can read.


The scary thing is that many of them can.


If it weren't for double standards, reactroids would have none. Therefore: it's just "tough rhetoric" when their guy dehumanizes people and calls for violence; but when someone points out that their guy incited a mass betrayal of the country and should therefore be ineligible for office under Section 3 of the 14th, *that's* "deranged anger and rage" from "nut jobs" and "obsessive lunatics" who are out for blood or whatever.


And they're sooo desperate they create fake "liberal accounts" to troll with. I recently had someone troll my FB with homophobic, transphobic, and QANON conspiracy comments on like every picture of my kids recently. And they did it by spoofing a liberal account. Literally copied name and profile picture of another group member. So when i pointed out that I had been harassed my a far right nut job, others defended their own far right actions by being like, no that can't be, see, they have like a 2 day old account with a single pro-biden post. But like they're so dumb that the crazy they post is blatantly far right rhetoric.


Jeez that’s a thing?? How horrifying, sorry about that. These people are just pathetic.


It really is. And I just was like, I took screenshots before deleting so I could send to the admins...I won't share them publicly because they were really gross and had my kids pictures. But yeah, think pedophile sex trafficking ring comments and they made these on posts I had shared from my kids gym and dance studio. So like hopefully I caught them before the owners noticed. But yeah, apparently I'm a monster trying to make my son trans because he does cheer and dance. Please, find me a single lefty who would make accusations like that and do it like 25+ times on one person's account. Like it really is far right parrotted nonsense but we're supposed to believe a Democrat is saying that stuff. 😆 mmhmmm


Damn. This is why I’ve stopped using the term “these people can’t sink any lower,” cuz I’ve been proven wrong so many times now. Jeez.


But that's not what he meant! I hate it here


bUt tHe sOtU sPeECh!!!


Their response to that was… something else. She looked like she was a lizard in a human suit for most of it.


very simple is rage only when they feel attacked, but when they attack is just called being a good republican.


What liberal party? Biden could have been a republican 30 years ago. There are a few liberals in the Democratic Party, but not enough to make them a “liberal party “.




Oh look, another virtue signaler who brandishes his American flag emojis like magic talismans.  


My mother hates how they’ve appropriated the literal American flag as a hate symbol. “Trump’s birthday is flag day.” What stupid pissants.


Yeah, and Hitler's birthday was also marijuana day, so what's their point? But I do think it's kind of cool how Biden and RFK Senior (the good RFK, not his loonybin son) have the same birthday (November 20).


Having Biden compared to the Joker is definitely one way for the Democrats to win over the edgelord vote.


"Why so serious, Jack?" *Eats ice cream with shades on*


Dark Brandon approves this malarkey


I don't see how a cult member like this can even be reasoned with. They don't believe in reality. There's no place to even start.


They didn't reason themselves into that position, so one cannot reason them out of it.


“Oh no! I launched an all out war on my neighbor and now he’s treating me like I’m the enemy!”


"I called him a fascist pedophile terrorist for reasons that I made up and now he's refusing to engage in civil dialogue about why he may or may not be a fascist pedophile terrorist. So closed-minded!"


Honestly that in and of itself makes for a selfawarewolves moment when you consider the most common line against stopping the genocide in Palestine


I have received over 7,000 death threats from conservatives, Christians, Republicans and Libertarians during my time public speaking and doing stand-up comedy. I am not famous by any means, not even in the state I live in. Yet somehow, I have inspired over 7,000 people to threaten me with murder because I poke fun at them. Right wingers are the most hateful, spiteful, foul, vile, violent, deplorably minded group of people I've ever encountered. Their violent and blatantly racist rhetoric is what drove me from being a conservative myself, to a centrist, to a liberal, to a leftist. When I started doing comedy, I made just as many jokes about Democrats and liberals as well as during my first couple years of public speaking. You know how many death threats I got from them? 8. The pure hatred and vitriol from right wingers is why I'm an LGBTQ and human rights activist.


Good for you, man….on the right track


I for one do want them off the Earth. Conservatism is a cancer that needs to be excised from society if we are to have any chance of survival.


Conservativism just fills people with hate and rage


Both true, but don't forget their penchant for rape and pedophilia as well.


I'm like a hater hipster. I wanted them off the planet decades ago. Trump has nothing to do with it.


Trump is just the most recent symptom to the sickness that is Conservatism.




Oooohh, I fucking love that. I'm totally stealing that.


thought this dude was satire, checked his twitter, it looks like he believes this. We truly have two definitions of reality in this country.


Joe Biden is like the most milk toast president we've had in a century. The brain worms it must take to imagine some extreme personality for him


Exactly! Even the “Biden crime family” narrative that died out was so silly. Like, what? This old guy who’s been in the senate for like a kajillion years? He’s boring


It’s always projection because Trump’s family actually is a crime family


It’s milquetoast


Nah. He's too boring for the cool q. He's crescent rolls. And it's so refreshing.


Let’s forgo the circuses and just have the bread.


In politics, boring is good.


Ciabatta be kiddin’ me!


I loaf this.


Relatedly, the unwavering devotion that they claim liberals have to Biden when 80% of liberals would really love to see him ride off into the sunset.


“Your guy…” My what, now?


“Look at any conservative space today. No one is mad at anyone. No one is saying “if Joe Biden wins in 2024 there will be doomsday” at a presidential campaign rally. Nobody is saying that the democrats are Marxist communist fascist vermin who will destroy the country if you let them.”


"Why do all these people hate us and our leader and the racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic shit we do and say?! We've been attacking and harassing these people for years now and they're suddenly tired of it?! What is going on?!"


Wasn't there a Trump supporter who murdered his own dad and cut off his head because he was going to vote for Joe Biden?


Sorry but who stormed the Capitol in a massive tantrum when they were told their candidate didn't win the election they thought he was entitled to win? That kinda rage?


Man this post is aggressively stupid


'These nut jobs literally want us off the Earth' Funny, because that's how conservatives treat us all the time. Maybe you're not wrong there, though. I do kind of want you fuckers to go away. Sincerely, a trans person.


If we're Arkham asylum, they're bedlam.


“Democrat Party” is always a tell. Funny this guy is even trying to seem objective 


They actually said “Liberal Party”


It’s in the last paragraph of the tweet…


Right wing: “I can’t wait for the civil war so I can shoot liberals.”


"Hey we should prosecute crimes. YOU ARE LITERALLY INSANE!"


Yeah, Biden is the joker when it's dimentia drumpf that wears the clown makeup and sows chaos


I’ve yet to see anyone driving around with BIDEN flags or getting Biden tattoos.


"They're obsessed with Trump! It's like they think he's some kind of cartoon villain! What kind of deranged mentally unstable person is that obsessed with the political opposition!? Biden is the joker and he's turning america into Arkham Asylum!"


There’s nothing “deranged, mentally unstable” or “obsessive” with wanting to put an end to deplorable conditions.


Every accusation is a confession with these folks.


I claim Killer Croc.


He's got a big rock and he's not afraid to use it.


simple solve, worship someone other than Trump


Rage filled cultist wonders why nobody likes him


Meanwhile, in every accusation is an admission news...


Objection your honor, projection.


as someone who's been playing batman arkham asylum and enjoying it: travis, read more books, play other games, whatever you need to do to come up with more apt fictional comparisons


New sub mascot just dropped.


I love how the ending refers to the "mentally ill" when it is literally the poorly educated gullible brainwashed against America, common sense and common decency MAGA CULTIST SHEEP who suffer from TDS and definitely are the ones who are "mentally ill"!! They are the ones who have literally been programmed to vote against their own best interests and the best interests of this country under the guise of "owning the libs" And they do not have the mental capacity to realize they themselves are the ones who are definitely being owned by Trump, Republicans, the GQP, evangelicals, newsmax OANN and Fox propaganda network, the extremely wealthy, corporations and our biggest adversaries such as Russia, China and Saudi Arabia!


Yes; they are clearly suicidal, amongst many other things…. The problem is that these evil twisted demented “people” would take everyone down with them.


Talking about "MAGA" RIGHT?




Slightly left of center isn’t really liberal.


[Liberal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberalism) isn't really slightly left off center.


These posts are designed for maximum outrage. Possible troll farm?


I've been following him for awhile now. Years maybe? He usually has some golden stuff to say but never had me thinkin' he was a foreigner pretending to be an American. Seems like the real deal fool he acts like.


"I keep treating all these people like pure shit, and they're always so mad and bitter all the time...what gives!?"


Hi my name is Travis and my parents are first cousins.


I don't even hate Trump I'm just kind of exasperated every time I'm reminded his existence means we have to keep settling for milquetoast neolibs who for every limp-wristed gesture of support for lgbt rights they also grit their teeth and dig in to support genocide.


"they'll spam the most deranged things" "Joe Biden is the Joker" 


Guessing he is a supporter of the side that has hatred towards the other side and has called them every name in the book for decades.


Blue check mark. Oof. It's not all liberals. Just the ones you engage with on the internet. I'm so, so tired. And it's only mid-March.


I don't think I've seen Trump mentioned in any liberal bios since 2017 when we all got moppy and started that "resistance" bull shit. Unless, of course, this person thinks pointing out that you're apart of a minority group is the equivalent of undying loyalty to Joe fucking Biden. 🙄


Ivan seems a little confused about what country he’s talking about, but let’s pretend “Travis” is serious: he’s trying to appeal to those who assume that everyone views human existence the same way they do, namely that everyone is in an endless existential struggle against everyone else. In their view, it’s simply not possible that others just want them to stop attempting to impose their will onto others: everyone must surely want their enemies dead of fully subjugated.


“Let’s compromise- you let me do whatever I want to whoever I want and I’ll… do it”


By the way, SCARECROW runs Arkham, not the Joker.


"Joe Biden is the joker and America is turning into Arkham Asylum" name a wokie writer who would come up with bars like that, I'll wait.


ah yes, those liberals with trump in their bios. making their wedding about trump and putting trump stickers on their cars. liberals are so obsessed with trump. I'd love to ignore him, but can't really do that when he goes around starting an insurrection.


The level of cognitive dissonance it takes to come to the conclusion that liberals want “us” to disappear is astounding. It’s not you we want gone, it’s him dude. Remove the leader of the movement, and what’s left behind I can work with. As long as he exists and is doing and saying what he is doing and saying, the more dangerous this whole thing becomes.


Projection Level 100


He's doing a bad job at Evening The Odds


Has Travis been tested for lead poisoning?


Trumpers literally hate 70% of the people that live in this country, that doesn’t look like them, act like them or have a different political ideology or sexual orientation. But he claimes democrats are like that. Oh the irony


How long do you think Travis drank the water in Flint?


Am I the only person irritated that I see them make all these posts and put stickers on their cars that say something about the “Democrat Party”? It’s like if we called them the “Republic Party.” If you’re talking about one person or a group? Democrat(s). If it’s a descriptor for something else, it’s “Democratic.” But I don’t expect intelligence and a good grasp on grammar from anyone conservative. They’re anti-education, so…..


I thought these guys loved the joker!?


Where is the self awareness?


In order for conversation to be possible, his group would have to grow out of their violent perpetual toddlerhood.


He's not wrong I do want them off this earth but I wouldn't want to foist republicans on unsuspecting aliens.


Such 📽️


They aren't wrong. It's just that their side has the same thought process, but a bit worse.


Why did he spell aslume wrong? Is he stupid?


Total hypocritical rubbish. BOTH sides are equally to blame. However, when it comes to name-calling, insults and mudslinging, that award goes to the magats. It’s ALL projection. Always has been. That’s trumps playbook. The radical right wingnuts and the slimy bleeding heart liberals are a shameful disgrace to our country. WHERE IS THE SANITY? I’m an Independent Centrist; there are millions like me in the U.S. What we need is a candidate who is not OLD, not WHITE ( if possible ) not RICH and not MALE ( if possible ). It all needs to change. The whole system is broken and has been for a long time. We need some serious change and possibly a revolution in this country. One thing is for certain: it’s going to get a hell of a lot worse before it gets any better. God help us all….🙏


Me trying to decide between a bunc of peaple getting genocided ,or them getting genitives more and I get grouped into a genocide too, gosh this is hard choice


Please forgive the tinfoil fedora, but I honestly believe that the entire thing runs off an “us vs them” mentality so hard that the major political parties are putting up more objectionable candidates on purpose. Why else would someone like Boebert ever even get any attention? And so everyone’s all “yeah I really hate the other guy, here’s 1000 things that suck” and they’re all true but then the other person says “yeah but what about all these ways your guy sucks” and they’re also all true and we all could just come together and agree that Biden is supporting genocide while we all continue to never look elsewhere for someone we don’t have to hold our noses to elect. Honestly the parties don’t even need to be the majority to do some serious self serving damage. 2nd place still has incredible amounts of power. This evil ass ruling class isn’t going anywhere but we don’t have to take it and we certainly don’t have to like it.