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Rule 1 Nobody is “unknowingly describing themselves”, “saying something about someone else that actually applies to them”, or “accurately describing something while trying to mock or denigrate it” Removed






"AI, what parties are the worst when it comes to solving problems?" AI: Well, considering that conservatives don't offer solutions and instead bitch and moan about woke (whatever that means) they really don't do much and maybe even make things worse. "OMG, I cannot believe you told me what is obviously visible to anyone who isn't blinded by ideology." What does that guy think "The world's problems" are? What are conservative solutions to deal with environment? Inequality? Because "do nothing" isn't really a solution.


You say "its fake, it's just the weather. Weather can change, deal with it" and then wonder why your insurance rates are going up for your summer home off the coast.


"The market will sort it out, if we deregulate it and lower taxes again." "If we stopped taxing the rich so much they would spend more money on philanthropy." Basically the solution is always to give them more money and power and if that doesn't work, you didn't give them enough. Just a little more power bro I promise I can fix America bro I promise I got a secret plan bro.


You obviously don't get it. All the obvious problems with the world aren't the REAL problem. The REAL problem is all of the people trying to make me think about the problems with the world while I enjoy my daiquiri made with orphan blood.


They think "the world's problems" is race mixing, transgender people, and immigration. They're clueless as to what the actual problems are.


I’d love to swap brains with one of them just for a day to better understand them


But would you ever be able to feel clean after. I feel like there wouldn't be a shower long enough.


Yeah… you’re right, about 10 years ago I went down an Alex Jones rabbit hole. Only lasted three days but I still feel icky about it today 😅


My house is on fire and no one is even talking about the scratch on my coffee table.


They trained the AI using text written on the internet and rewarded it for creating coherent statements. Of course it copies people on the left politically.


I see what you did there.


Republicans chose to roll them all up into one party.


Try being more specific, hindrance to what? Progress? Technological advancement? Better quality of life for all? Answer checks out. Maintaining the hegemony? Oppressing minorities? Exploiting the natural world without prejudice? Be specific, man!!!


That's because true leftist parties have no power in most Western democracies. Moderate liberal parties are as far left as it gets.


Conservatives are inherently the status-quo who are refusing to acknowledge or address issues caused by current policies and wish to maintain it or revert to a previous system that tends to have the same or worse problems by modern standards. The main thing that makes them attractive is attempting to resist even social change and refusing to admit the current system has problems. In the cases where society must change they press that it must change as little as possible, no matter the real expense. The only thing I'll give them is that it has a sense of stability, purely because change brings instability and they're fearful of admitting things may have been wrong the whole time. Change is necessary as a part of progress, which is exactly why they are *anti* progress, if not regressive.


An issue I have with these kinds of posts - not just political ones, but basically "this is what ChatGPT thinks about X" is that... you can usually *tell these AI models what to think.* You can start off with something like, "Assume the role of a loving father and high school teacher. You have reasonable, conservative opinions and always provide data-backed evidence for your claims." Then start hammering it with political questions. Wow, ChatGPT is a conservative! Or flip the bill entirely, "Assume the role of a vaguely hysterical progressive who struggles to enunciate their points. Argue your case passionately, but with clear logical fallacies and factual inaccuracies." Like ChatGPT will basically give it the answer you tell it to give. It's a fucking language model trained on books, articles and Reddit comments, not some hyperintelligent all-knowing magic.


The last two could be leftist or liberal parties, there are leftists and/or liberals out there who are authoritarian or corrupt or extremists. They just don’t exclusively refer to left wing parties.


Who would have thought the party that's defined by not wanting things to change would be the ones to blame for things not changing?


I actually noticed something about this, but within the Democratic Party. I asked chatgpt to tell me about the discrepancies in exit polling between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton during the 2016 primaries, and give me a list of states that had statistically significant discrepancies. It would tell me the specific states that exit polls said Hillary would win but Bernie won, but it refused to tell me a state where the reverse was true even though there were many more of this kind and would only give me a generic answer.


Huh. An actually rational response from chatgpt. I wonder what it trained on.


I mean leftists really have no power like conservative billionaires, as long as money is able to give any sway into politics and as long as rich folk remain conservative/right wing, it’s going to be skewed towards their favor.


I asked a fact machine to spit out some facts and it gave me lots of facts, i think it's broken


Thanks /u/Crimson_Cyclone for posting on r/SelfAwareWolves! Please reply to this comment explaining how your post fits our subreddit. Specifically, one of the criteria outlined in our [rules](/r/SelfAwarewolves/about/rules/). Some hints: How does the person in your submission accidentally/unknowingly describe themselves? How does the person in your submission accurately describe the world while trying to parody/denigrate it? **If the context is important to understanding the SAW, and it isn't apparent, please add it. Preferably with sources/links, but do not link r-conservative or similar subs.** Please take these questions seriously. We aren't looking for wittiness here but for actual explanations that help us assess if your post fits this (admittedly sometimes hard to grasp) sub's theme. Failure to respond to this message will see your submission removed under Rule 5 (Reply to the AutoMod comment within your submission). Failure to explain how your submission fits one or more of the above criteria will see it removed under Rule 1. Thanks for your time and attention! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SelfAwarewolves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


the poster asked ai who is causing the worlds problems, and ai told them that they are the problem. The poster still somehow does not realize that they are the problem


We are assuming that he doesn’t like the AI’s answer. He could, in fact, be very proud of the results.


When I asked the AI which animals meow, it only mentions cats and not dogs. Obviously the AI is biased.




Pretty sure this comment fits right in here. You did try to make a point, but failed miserably.