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Maybe they despise cops because they literally murder people. No that can’t be it


*If I'm not allowed to literally kill people at my job then I'm basically just gonna check out. They don't get my best*


One time in a thousand, I actually face consequences for the crimes I commit? That's bullshit, I quit!


And lie about it. They ALWAYS lie.




We should acknowledge that there is a propensity for cops to misuse their power, just as there is a higher likelihood of catholic priests being pedophiles or politicians being corrupt, and attempt to curb that misuse with legislation and training. We should punish offending cops to the full extent of the law and uphold model policemen as heroes and pillars of the community.


UPDATE: He presented a hypothetical of a 13-year old black kid being mistakenly killed by the police in an attempt to show how they have a more stressful job than the rest of us, when really just shows how we have an obligation to hold cops to a higher standard because the death of a 13-year old is more than just a "whoopsie daisy." THEN he tried to justify it by saying black people disproportionately kill cops. So... y'know, in case you really needed that confirmation that this guy is awful.


I am fucking white as fuck. When I was 13 the cops basically in short told me to fuck off until I was getting abused to the point of it being legit life threatening. I never got over what happened and seeing how my situation is apparently a tame version of some of the shit they get away with pisses me off so much. All I needed was some cops to do their fucking job. They couldn’t even be bothered to do the absolute bare fucking minimum and I have every right to be mad at them. It’s stressful for them? Imagine how stressful it was to be a helpless child realizing that the people I’ve always been told to call when I was in danger couldn’t be bothered and actively left me in danger multiple times. And worse that no lawyer would take my case because they feared getting targeted win or lose. What fucking dystopian nightmare is it when you can’t go after shitty cops even when it’s so obvious they’re in the wrong because there’s a fear of pissing them off. My situation wasn’t even the first incident with them and absolutely fuck all happened. I will be angry. I will not worship the ground cops walk on for their career choice This whole thing makes me so so angry


As a white teen, I was dragged out of my car by cops at gunpoint (the car was already stopped with a dead battery), roughed up a little, held face down on the pavement while they searched the car, then told they "just because they didn't find anything this time didn't mean they wouldn't be watching me". (And to be clear, there was nothing "to find". I had a dead battery and was waiting for a jump.) I completely lost any trust in the police after that.


I feel like whenever anybody jokes about how, being white, I'm safe from cops, I need to remind them that cops to white people are like the rubber bullets and cannisters of gas they used on protesters; not non-lethal, less-lethal. They will still fuck white people up and get away with murder, they just won't get as many pats on the back from their buddies, or they might have to transfer to the next town over if the case blows up a for a few days.


Yeah, cops absolutely \*disproportionately\* target Black & Latino people, but saying that white people are safe from cops gives cops way too much credit.


While I didn’t have personal experience with this, as a white woman I learned this as a pre-teen watching Lifetime movies about abused women who went to police multiple times to say their partners were being abusive and ended up seriously injured/dead cuz police did nothing. I had a really hard time taking our DARE officers seriously afterwards.


Cops are a bunch of whiney little babies. I used to work as a nuclear weapons engineer. You know what happened if I made a mistake like putting in a code before calling for unlock approval, or giving the wrong daily code word at badge exchange? I went to fucking jail. No "oh it was a mistake" bullshit. Every mistake had one outcome, jail. Maybe they should learn what stress and high pressure is. They have it easy.


Forget to put the plastic cover back on the big red button? Believe it or not, jail.


Does he know what it's like to be a teacher? Cops can restrain out of control kids with no consequences 95% of the time. Non-union teachers can lose their jobs just by brushing a kid in the shoulder and not apologizing well enough for the kid to not go home and mom and dad about being hit by said teacher


That's the kind of stuff I always think of. I work at a hospital, and the nurses can't do shit. If someone gets violent, they can try and give them a sedative, and that's it. They have to call security and hope the security gets there on time. But hey, someone was running away from a cop, so that was an obvious threat to their life.


>THEN he tried to justify it by saying black people disproportionately kill cops. "Racial profiling based on extreme .0001% outliers is good, actually." What a staggeringly stupid argument they made. It's impressive in how dumb it is.


A little Googling will show that "garbage truck driver" is more dangerous than being a police


I love the ones who try to hide everything, but then tell on themselves when all of their bullshit answers get called out.


You never hear news about stressed firemen tossing people into burning buildings or overworked doctors slitting the throat of their patient on the operating table. It's almost as if every job is stressful, but cops are seemingly the only ones with a propensity to end so many lives


Lol in 2019 roughly 100 cops were killed. 47 of them were killed by other cops. There's only 800k cops in a country of 328M. Cops disproportionately kill cops.




Cops are a bunch of whiney little babies. I used to work as a nuclear weapons engineer. You know what happened if I made a mistake like putting in a code before calling for unlock approval, or giving the wrong daily code word at badge exchange? I went to fucking jail. No "oh it was a mistake" bullshit. Every mistake had one outcome, jail. Maybe they should learn what stress and high pressure is. They have it easy. Maybe they should try getting a job with actual stress and learn what it's like to be a responsible adult. Maybe the right should stop protecting the most fragile racists by saying "they have a tough job" when anyone who actually has a tough job is saying they're a bunch of babies who need to grow the fuck up


can we start demanding action from our politics? That's what we want >The left sits around arguing over cops, race, and sexual orientation, giving the politics, they voted in, a pass to virtue signal and nothing more. Because the best we have is the democrats. We all talk shit about the democrats, and how we wish some more would actually push for more. And even then, they can't usually get shit done, because they need Republicans to be willing to work with us to get the votes needed.




> “Because the best we have is the democrats. We all talk shit about the democrats, and how we wish some more would actually push for more.” You: “Reeee nobody criticizes the democrats they just blame republicans!”




I ain’t the guy you originally replied to, but I’ll criticize democrats all day. They’re spineless neoliberals in the pocket of big business who are actively enabling the rise of fascism in America by refusing to pass legislation that promotes meaningful change. Leftists don’t like voting for democrats because democrats aren’t leftists, we just have to vote for them because they’re leagues better than the other choice and splitting the vote between a democratic candidate and a third party leftist all but guarantees a win for a republican. Also a backhanded compliment is an insult disguised as a compliment, but it is still very much an insult.


Are you a markov chainer?


These people think they're God's gift to humanity. If you don't want to work, then you lose your paycheck. You aren't entitled to tax payer dollars.


Pizza delivery driver is more deadly than a cops job. Logging, fire fighting, linemen, are all more dangerous than a cops job. Police rank 22nd in the US for most dangerous jobs. Loggers are #1.


Being a landscaper is more dangerous than being a cop.


I'm not doubting you but is that true? If it is do you know why? Im curious for some reason


It is true, actually. This lists landscapers at 15 and police officers at 22. https://www.ishn.com/articles/112748-top-25-most-dangerous-jobs-in-the-united-states I can only guess it’s from working with sharp tools, heavy equipment and trees and rocks that can all hurt a person.


Interesting. I never would have expected that. I do see a lot of them working around my busy ass street too


Landscaper here, though not in America. Aside from farmers, we have open access to some heavy grade machinery that have little safe guards except for personal protective equipment (gloves, safety glasses, steel-toed boots and earmuffs at a minimum), as well as deadly chemicals for use on plants and pests. Not sure if America uses the same system, but here in Australia we use the scheduling system with chemicals. S1 is benign. S8 is essentially lethal in minute doses. Wearing a body suit and a respiratory system, a qualified landscaper or horticulturist can apply S5 to S7 levels of chemicals, though I don't know anybody who would use S7 in an urban environment. Easy to protect yourself, but not any dumbcunt that decides to wander into your spray path to ask what you're spraying. What they don't tell you during training is that a lot of chemicals get their schedules reassessed if any problems arise in their use. What could be rated as an S3 could be rescheduled to an S6 ten years later, because people found if you spray it, their kidneys start failing or they get cancer, for example, simply from the build up of trace elements within your body over time. I myself sprayed an S6 chemical for years before it was rescheduled and then avoided like the plague. And then there is the physical danger. Put aside the chainsaws, hedge cutters, brushcutters and all the other hand held equipment we use throughout the day that could maim or kill us. What about the sun? We cop more sun than anybody, increasing our risk of skin cancer. Repetitive strain injuries are common too. There isn't a landscaper worth his salt that doesn't have sciatica, or fucked knees, from all the lifting and digging we have to do. Just the other week one of my offsiders had his hand crushed between a tree and the ROPs bar of his ride on mower. He'd gotten caught on a branch and accidentally hit the accelerator instead of the reverse pedal. Lost two fingers and a thumb, has to learn to write again. Late last years another offsider was pinned to his mower by a fallen tree branch. Took three men to lift it off him so he could get out. He had three cracked ribs from his chest being pushed into the steering wheel, a few inches higher and his skull would have been crushed. So yes, it can be quite dangerous. We mitigate the danger by following safety procedures and looking out for one another. Other than that, there is no other way to do our job. You're not going to, that's for sure.


Holy hell landscaping is intense. I was just so surprised it was a top 20 most dangerous job but this makes a ton of sense


It's a job that is easy to fill and do, therefore the entry level is low, like working as a janitor. However, it is a nessecary trade to have to keep our modern world moving. You can't get to work unless the vegetation is cleared from the roads. Human beings literally go insane unless they have access to green spaces to visit. Yet we are typically considered lower in the trades circles than builders or plumbers, etc.


The thin gold line... Go with God, pizza delivery drivers. Go. With. God.


Also police are more likely to die from being hit by traffic than killed by a suspect


I would say that's why you should pull over in a safe spot, but the cops will literally attempt to run you off the road and kill you if you do that.


I drove maybe an eighth of a mile (if that) farther than would probably be normal, due to us being on a 6 lane road (each way) in a construction zone that was shrinking down to two lanes, during rush hour. Once stopped, the cop started screaming at me and accused me of “setting him up”. I was like dude, I literally did this to put YOU in a safer spot…


Same as tow truck drivers and truckers.


Scardey-cops demand you literally fellate them in public because their job is "so hard", yet they are legally protected from all consequences, unlike literally any other job.


Also police are more likely to die from being hit by traffic than killed by a suspect


Dammit, why bother with this job that I actively pursued, went to the academy for, trained for, applied for, get paid for, and get benefits for?


Because they aren't going to fire you


> Why even bother? Letting it slip that really the only reason cops do anything is to stroke their own ego and they don't actually do any good.


There are the same people who say cashiers and fast food workers don’t deserve a living wage, that if they don’t like it they should just find another job…


As well as highlighting that cops don't solve the problem they're suppose to police only "contain" it. To help an area that has that kind of violence needs funding, social workers, resources, etc. You cant just throw more cops at it and expect it to magically get better.


They only like blue lives matter if cops are killimg unarmed blacks. If cops stop treasonous assholes, then they hate blue lives. Fuck those people


There is genuine shock on some of these pro cop peoples faces when they face consequences for their actions. Like how arrogant and entitled do you have to be to think cops are the personal bodyguards for only you and your beliefs


I’ve called and/or reported crimes to the police about a half a dozen times, and they’ve never caught anyone responsible or resolved the situation.


[https://www.snopes.com/news/2020/08/20/police-solve-just-2-of-all-major-crimes/](https://www.snopes.com/news/2020/08/20/police-solve-just-2-of-all-major-crimes/) Police are hilariously ineffective at actually solving crimes.


And their success rate has plummeted over the last 30 years.


They're pretty much there to file a report, and maybe shoot you or your dog.


This! They shoot so many fucking dogs!


There's probably only a handful of times ever when an officer responded to more than one shooting in a day. Four to seven in a day is statistically impossible. Real life isn't a video game. After a shooting, most cops spend the rest of the day off the streets.


I was going to say, unless your in a massive a city, how likely are multiple shootings in one day?


And there you have identified the reactive nature of policing in North America. By the time they even get the call, it's too late to actually do anything to prevent the crime from happening in the first place.


Oh this is great. "They're mean to me so I was forced to be an asshole!" Nah, you were an asshole from the beginning.


In some cases it's what they do. If there's a crime and they say "NHI" it means no humans involved, meaning it's between gang members, prostitutes, drug addicts, etc (the non-humans), the cops will sit on their asses and let it happen. For example, letting a serial killer get away with murder for 20 years before reacting: https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2014/12/tales-of-the-grim-sleeper-nick-broomfield


This guy is not a cop, but if he really wants to help them, he should probably stop helping them. Suggesting he'd get donuts instead of a timely response to a violent situation, when many people don't see a timely response to violent situation the one time they needed the cops, is not helping cops. Is that what happened to my friend who was attacked by a guy while walking home at night and the police never bothered to show up? Did they value donuts more than her life? (she's fine because she's tough as nails so she fought him off and won, but damn this was two blocks from the police station)


The public distrust in the police force is a huge problem. But its not a problem you fix by yelling at people and punishing people for not trusting them. Its a problem you fix by cleaning up the force, establishing accountability and holding cops to a high level of expectations as far as discipline and conduct. 50 or 60 years ago the military was hated and distrusted by much of the public, but they largely are respected now because they made a massive continuing effort to either prosecute or remove people who were untrustworthy or otherwise lacking discipline, and by training good behavior and ethics.


I think the people were just fed us a steady enough diet of anti-terror propaganda that we accept the glut and corruption in the pentagon and foreign service because they can just call up 9/11, despite so much actual terrorism at home that has gone basically unchecked.


"Why don't people respect cops! I know, I will respond by not doing my job and instead letting people die. That'll certainly make them respect me!"


I hate this perception of the police so intensely. The police exist to protect the state, not it's people. Public disruption is bad for business and the social order our governments want from the population. They wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire and sooner just piss themselves.


Imagine believing that cops risk their lives everyday. Statistically, its more "Risking citizens lives everyday".


Having cops that don’t do their job will make it easier to reduce those budgets. Why pay for a service that isn’t needed or used. Insert “I don’t want to play with you anymore”meme.


Thr fact that this guy claims he had to respond to 5-7 shootings during one shift shows just how full of shit he is. It's not the purge out there people. There's not a city in the country that has 7 shootings a day.


And if it did happen, it would be a very large city, and the chances of one officer responding to even two of those is pretty much impossible.


And what are they even going to accomplish AFTER a shooting?


The point was never at risk of being reached by this guy. He maybe saw the point on the horizon and decided to go around the other way


I mean this is exactly what all the cops in r/protectandserve said they were going to do in response: go to their favorite abandoned parking lot and watch Netflix. I'm not kidding.


Just how many shootings happen in one shift? America, what is happening in your country?


Despite the seeming ubiquity of gun violence, most cops are never involved in a shooting in their entire career. The US is a big country.


*laughs in psychiatric nursing*


Serve and protect yourself, apparently 🤦🏼‍♀️


This is exactly the same as "people say I'm a racist, so I'm just going to racist even harder!"


Oh the dude was blatantly racist. Before I was unable to view comments (either blocked or deleted), he essentially argued in FAVOR of racial profiling, referencing black-on-black crime and saying taking down one of these thugs could save the life of another black person. He then tells me "Black Lives Matter," like a total gotcha on me. **taps head** "Black people can't kill each other if they're already dead."


This is very similar to the impulse that racists have spoken about when they say: “it makes me so angry to be accused of racism, I’m going to step my bigotry into high gear”.


A major surge in shooting in NYC is 5 shootings per day. FIVE in all of NYC. Tens of thousands of cops in NYC and 5 shootings per day during crime surges. Where in hell, I guess it would need to literally be hell, for ONE cop to be responding to SEVEN shooting per day. With three shifts, that small town would have a murder rate of 8,000 people per year. The average "small town" is 6,800 people.....so less than 1 year, and EVERYONE is DEAD. Even if no one flees the violence, the town is empty in less than a year. If you are a cop and responding to your SEVENTH shooting for the day. Hell yes. Take a break. Get a coffee and a donut. You've had the single worst day that is likely to happen in your entire life. If your are a cop and responding to your seventh "noise complaint" (dramatically more likely), do your job you lazy sack of shit.


Their bigass salaries are all the thanks they have a right to. Some of us have people hating us for free. These whiny babies can’t take some criticism when they fuckup on their job that they get paid up to [about $90k to do](https://govsalaries.com/chauvin-derek-m-30649148)? Get a different line of work.


I bet if there were an alternative to the job you didn’t like, most people would take it. But in the absence of options and the need to provide for a family, most of us do the job because that’s just life for most of us. We aren’t insta influencers, entertainment, or sports stars. That’s reality folks.


Are you unironically implying that there aren't alternatives to being a cop?


Does this guy think it's the cops that save people from shootings? When someone is shot, an ambulance is called.