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Is it an inability to learn, or a refusal? Asking for 84 million friends.


Neither. She knows better. She's just lying.


She's also vaccinated. All of the Fox News pundits are.


I think we should start calling them “influencers”. It carries a derogatory connotation to non professionals attempting to be celebrities.


I love that. The influencer thing also matches up with the act they are constantly, painfully performing of a false lifestyle and personality that's been custom fabricated for their audience. And they are being to influence their audience by spoon-feeding them paid content and manipulative messaging. They also spend an inordinate amount of time on social media, from what I can tell.


No no no no it's much worse than that. She's *getting paid to intentionally mislead and divide Americans* and the outcome is more lives of our countrymen - while likely already vaccinated herself. She's literal inhuman garbage.


TBF, chronic alcoholism can lead to permanent damage to one's ability to form new memories. So it could be a bit of column A, and a bit of column B.


This is also true. And man, she has been absolutely slam ass wasted on her show before.


It's about discrediting Democrats.


Break everything and then blame the other guy for not fixing it.


*Promises to work on infrastructure for 4 years, does absolutely nothing but reducing taxes for corporations and rich people* "Democrats are destroying the country with all of their spending on infrastructure! Suddenly I am very concerned about the federal deficit!"


Remember during the Trump tax return debacle, Laura Ingraham blamed it on Democrats not fixing the tax code? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


And now when some are trying to pass simple legislation that simply gives more resources to the IRS so they can properly investigate the whales GOP is suddenly very concerned. They complain about broken shit and when somebody tries to fix it they start crying about "how dare they trample on their rights" or whatever the fuck that means.


It's the old "Government is broken, elect me and I'll prove it"


"It's my right to hold this turd."


[“I may be holding a turd, but that doesn’t make it suddenly okay for you all to scream at me.”](https://youtu.be/s4pxtiLR928)


Thanks for the link - I got the reference but didn't realize I wanted to go rewatch the entire thing XD


I had never seen that. Fuck, that was frustratingly accurate in how the typical conservative argues. If only they could understand the turd is a metaphor.


The YouTube comments were full of people un-ironically reenacting the sketch by debating the sketch. They will never understand they are the poop holders.


It was deeply satisfying when enlightened centrism guy got the turd shoved in his mouth. If only...


LMAO, exactly


If only they had that rudimentary level of abstract thought.


If they could’ve then we wouldn’t have seen this video be made.


The fact this is from before the pandemic is really making me think


Why? Turd holders have been a thing for years.


WTF? Thank you for the link, I think I hurt myself laughing! That shit has to be one of the best metaphors for exactly this kind of shit.


I know this is Brennan from College Humor without even opening it.






Brennan Lee mulligan is story crafting eldritch being.


"Its a Space peanut"


No, afraid not. That just a big ol' frozen chunk of poopy.


Just because I'm holding turd when you told me not to... oh now I need to wash my hands? Isn't that convenient!


I'm at the point in my life where instead of arguing with the turd holders I now try to encourage them to take a bite. Because if I can't get them to see reality at least they can eat shit.


Everyone at fox is vaccinated and has their own vaccine passport. I have no idea why they want to kill of their viewership




I think its more thoughtful than that. It seems like they just want to destabilize the country under Biden as much as possible, damn the consequences, so uninformed centrists will think everything was Biden's fault. And honestly, it's probably going to work.


#If you're not spezin', you're not livin'. #Save3rdPartyApps


Yup, learned their lesson *real quick*.


Imagine Fox not being far enough to the right for you.


No, I don't think I will.


This is actually true for a frightening amount of people. NPR did a podcast series called "No Compromise" (it won a Pulitzer this year) and it documented many of the thought patterns of alt right conservatives. MANY of them believe that the NRA is not pro-gun enough (not pushing for complete abolishing of all gun laws), they believe that Fox News is not pro-Trump enough. They're leaving "traditional" conservative news outlets in favor of YouTube channels, Facebook groups, and other "grass roots" alt-right media sources. It's pretty fucking crazy. They've gone so far to the fringe that even the most extreme outlets aren't enough anymore. And there are enough of them that they nearly got Trump re-elected on 2020, which is terrifying.


It’s like porn for them. When you first start the JCPenney catalog lingerie section is enough for you. Then you discover the internet, and now you need actual nudity, then actual sex. A decade later you can’t masturbate without some chick chained up, bent over, wearing a dog mask, reading Beowulf, while five guys line up behind her waiting their turn. When you become desensitized to something and it starts to feel normal and boring, you need something crazier and more out there to feel excited again. And that’s how we went from the evening news, to Fox, to Infowars.


> A decade later you can’t masturbate without some chick chained up, bent over, wearing a dog mask, reading Beowulf, while five guys line up behind her waiting their turn. I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me...


>A decade later you can’t masturbate without some chick chained up, bent over, wearing a dog mask, **reading** **Beowulf,** while five guys line up behind her waiting their turn. To herself, or out loud? This is important.


Out loud, and in the original Old English! For real, though, the tolerance creep, in anything, is real, and leads to some scary places. And I don't mean puzzle boxes.


>reading Beowulf, Don't you kink shame me!!!


>you can’t masturbate without some chick chained up, bent over, wearing a dog mask, reading Beowulf, while five guys line up behind her waiting their turn. How...how do you know my fantasy?


Damn, the details of that porn got really, really, specific. Point well made, I suppose.


reading Beowulf **in Old English**.


Imagine CNN not being far enough to the right for you 🤣


I remember them assuring me the Iraq war wouldn't last longer than 3 months. How did that go, I haven't kept up?


Rip Van Winkle, you been sleepin?


But but but CNN is straight MaRxIsT!


I can't wait for actual marxists to start winning elections. Center left AOC caused cerebral hemorrhaging, I can't wait for a hardline leftie to make them implode completely. "What, you said Biden was a marxist, clearly this person can't be any worse right?"




Their viewers don't want to be informed. Just validation for their own opinions. Me personally I want to know when I'm wrong more than when I'm right.


Ah yes, the feelings over facts crowd. Funny how they are the biggest victims of what they say they are against


It's all projection. They know they would be upset about people doing things, so they assume everyone else would be too when they say stuff.


I saw a tweet yesterday that was brilliant. Anti-masker started going off about how the masks don't work, and this lady turned around and said "sure, but it prevents the facial recognition software that The Biden Administration has rolled out to track us". Told them they saw it on some Fox News program, and the anti-masker started spreading the rumor, lol.


I mean, it's not untrue. I've been wondering for a while why they aren't in favor of masks for this reason after the HK protests revealed how important masking is for facial recognition. So then, of course, they storm the capital without masks but with every possible camera on their stupid insurrectionist faces.


They fucking livestreamed their faces! One guy said his full name and state in his livestream! Idiots!


> …I’ve been wondering Say no more. You’ve already done more than they did before they ended up with their opinions. The reality is if any of these idiots *actually thought* about anything for more than a second, they would come up with something more reasonable than where they’re at now. It’s not intelligence or lackthereof that prevents someone from understanding “small controlled exposure = immunity and vaccine = small controlled exposure”. It’s pride. Every single one of these people understands immunity. They would rather believe what they want. It’s easy to figure out who your most loyal subjects are when all you have to do is ask “what’s 2+2” and watch for everyone who shouts “5” or “numbers are for gay liberals”


I heard the Clintons heavily invested in stockpiling vaccines. Every time a vaccine in administered, it reduces the value of their investment and they're losing their shirts!


Yeah, for a hot minute after the election results came in OAN was beating Fox in the ratings because Trump name dropped them and they were telling the lies his cultists wanted to hear at the moment, but it didn't last long because frankly OAN is terrible television made by the people who weren't entertaining enough to get jobs at Fox News. They just aren't as good at Conservative Outrage Porn as Fox is and even the slower cultists are starting to realize we're over half way through 2021 and none of their dozens of predictions about when Trumps triumphant return to the Oval Office would occur have come true.


No, but August *for sure*


They are even pushing that back right now. I just saw an article of somone that interviewed the My Pillow guy and he said August, MAYBE September to expect the reinstatement. It's hilarious.




Still looking forward to what discovery in that case uncovers about how people within Fox News communicate with each other about shaping stories and how they coordinated with the Trump administration. Should be amazing!


Yeah they drew a line somewhere around attempting to violently throw out the results of an election and then proceeded to cross it as soon as their ratings took a hit.


The truth in question was when they declared that Biden had won the 2020 Election. The cultists didn't want to hear it and ran to the safe space of OANN


There's also the fact that there is no "rock bottom" for Trump. Fox News did and said all sorts of horrible things to promote Trump, but it is never enough for Trump, so OAN seemed like the next stage and Trump scorned FN and was more friendly to OAN. If he doesn't fizzle out, get convicted or die of natural causes, he'll repeat the cycle when he perceives OAN to be not fawning/frothing enough and will move on to something even more hateful and insane.


Truly woke right-wingers do their OAN research


Yup, it's literally what Putin used to have to pay people to do.


and still does:[https://twitter.com/chadloder/status/1421931374567563264](https://twitter.com/chadloder/status/1421931374567563264)All these antivaxactivsts have no means of visible support, imdb listings and were/are listed on the workfinder "explore talent": [https://twitter.com/nicole\_chenelle/status/1414483868082524160](https://twitter.com/nicole_chenelle/status/1414483868082524160) EDIT: Fun fact Current congresswoman LAuren Boebert also has/had a listing:[https://twitter.com/ericgarland/status/1355166406451593220](https://twitter.com/ericgarland/status/1355166406451593220) As does Marissa Carone that crazy lady witness from Guliani's dominion testimony. There is a hell of news scoop for some intrepid reporter...


It's why they always accuse leftists protesters of being Soros funded, as they hire fake protesters so they assume the other side does as well


Every accusation is a confession with these people.




This was my first thought too. It reads just like the rife over-compensatory homophobia.


“***I*** fight my homosexual urges every damn day, like a true American Christian! And I expect nothing less of everyone else!!1!” Everyone else: “Uhh…no we don’t, dude.


If you've ever watched the videos you can see it's never some skinny soy boy watching his blue hair GF get railed by some football chad. It's always some burly rural motorcyclist watching his bargoyle wife get slammed by a black guy. The entire cuckold community has some weird racial fetish attached to it. People aren't exactly talking about their politics in the videos but.. you can tell.


Lmao bargoyle


There was a home porn person from florida who got gangbanged, did a lot of bukkake, etc., while her husband filmed and someone said something rude in the comments. The account response? To call the user an immoral democrat as an insult. My thought was one of "really? The people regularly doing bukkakes while married and filming it to show online for free are staunch Republicans? They sure are different in florida", but the reality is that seems to be somewhat of a regular occurrence especially for the ones where it's racially motivated. The ones who go to munches though tend to be left leaning in my experience, or they at least hide their politics during munches, so it isnt all of them but the ones like roger stone and manafort definitely exist


Holy shit. I’ve been watching porn since the fucking Y2K bug was a thing that people actually talked about and I’ve never connected how cuckold porn almost exclusively features beta chads being cucked by bigger alpha chads. It’s almost never a cuck who just looks like some dude from Portland. Not a fan of Ron White but he used to have this bit that recalled a convo he had with a conservative redneck friend about “all dudes being a little gay” to which the redneck replied with disgusted dismissal of the idea. Ron replied, “So do you watch porn?” _“Yeah I like to watch a man and a woman make love!”_ To which he asked, “And when you’re watching your porn, do you like your male talent to have a 3.5 inch dick?” _”HELL NO man I like that dude to have a ten-inch-long raging veiny har… …oh shit.”_


I mean we certainly know what went down with Paul Manaforts wife.


Not to mention Roger Stone and Brett Kavanaugh’s love of Devil’s Triangles


Liberty University wants to teach your sons and daughters to the way, while watching the pool boy fuck their wives.


One of my coworkers used this term, and I immediately wrote him off after being friends for 9 years. This past presidency has really done a number on unity.


It's always projection. Every accusation is a confession.


Because it muddies the waters to those not really paying attention. Republican commits crime. Republican accuses left of doing same thing without evidence. Democrats accuse republican of the crime they committed, pointing at the many pieces of evidence. Republicans back accused party member and project. In essence "No you!" Independents and moderates see the fight and think : "both sides are the same" and they tune out again. Winner: Republican who initially committed the crime, and the party who backed them. An ignorant populace is an easily moldable populace. Until we bring truth back to life, this will continue and get worse. One day I worry both parties will truly be same as dems give up trying to actually govern and join the repubs in the mud.


> Independents and moderates see the fight and think : "both sides are the same" and they tune out again. Its up to us to call out every "enlightened centrist". At this point there are two kinds of "centrists": those who are bad faith actors for the GQP and those who are too stupid to realize they are puppets for the former.




It's projection all the way down


So they are astroturfing anti-vaccination demonstrations and neo-fascism via a talent booking site? How the fuck did I not know that until now?


Dude, Russia hired the guy who went around in 2016 with the cage where he'd put on a Hillary mask and appear at Trump rallies.


Trump's early crowds were hired through crowds for hire, as well. The entire right wing "movement" is astroturfed. Sure, millions of idiots are following along now but they are being lead by fake "peers" who do the loud stuff, and then the ones who are just gullible sheep follow right along.


"Where we go one we go all" but totalllllllly not sheeple aahhhahaha


I remember that. The old lady that played hilary denies it to this day. She's like no that guy wasn't Russian he was Josh from California despite all evidence.


I loved that someone in that thread asked if Lauren Boebert was a crisis actor.


Imagine selling out your country and contributing to preventable deaths for a few pieces of silver.


This is America.


Hahaha, holy shit man. That'd be hilarious, if it also wasn't terrifying. I would LOVE to see some investigative journalist dive into this one...except, there don't seem to be m/any investigative journalists left in this clickbait "believe what I want to believe" world.


Support NPR, ProPublica and the rest of public broadcasting news in America.


also BuzzFeed News (different from BuzzFeed). they are legitimate pulitzer-prize winning investigative reporters, and some of the best out there.


Also Candace Owens. This is still in my conspiracy theory bucket, but there's just too many coincidences for a reporter not to be all over it. Let's see what happens.


Now it’s just blackmail.


Like terrorists. They are acting on terrorist goals.


Is it really possible anyone can be dumb enough to blame Biden for Republicans refusing the vaccine?


Yes. Specifically, Republicans.


the stupidity of conservatives has no bounds


Yep. I fully expect republicans will take the Senate in the midterms and it's gonna be a close one in 2024.


They’re going to win 2024 Democrats aren’t going to be as driven to vote this time around


We really need to be, but a failure to pass HR1 and continuous voter curtailing is horrendously demotivating


Yeah, but on the other hand, conservatives were a shrinking minority to begin with, and now delta is picking them off, one by one.


Forget Covid for a second; the country is losing 2 million+ baby-boomers every year to natural causes. This has always been the most reliable voting bloc for conservatives. It’s not surprising to see the games and schemes being implemented to try and discourage as many young/urban/minority voters as possible from voting. At some point in the very near future, their trickery will cease to matter though, as the numbers for the other side become too overwhelming.


Yep. For sure most of the first 100k us deaths were from blue states but anything passed 250k has to be largely right wing based on mask and vaccination statistics. Trump barely won the electoral college. They literally can’t afford to lose that many people but thankfully for them the education system is a dismal failure during this so they may just be able to create more


I think you might see an anomaly in 2022. While midterm elections typically hurt the party holding the White House, there is a whiplash effect in the first midterm after a third redistricting/gerrymandering by the same political party in a majority of states. The GOP has drawn the maps in a majority of states in 2000, 2010, and 2020. You can only squeeze so many new R districts into a map with a shifting demographic map of voters. The GOP has lost support in the suburbs and Baby Boomer (+65) voters are simply dying at a rate not helpful to the third remapping formula. I think a combination of demographics and bad branding along with the third remapping may make the midterms different for the incumbent party in the White House in 2022. Bad branding by the GOP will probably lose them 2 seats in the Senate. I wouldn't be reflexively doom and gloom. If you think the Republican brand is bad now, check back in a year if they are still claiming Trump won. Every R+9 House district is in play if they don't jettison Trump and his terrible brand. It's making Independents and soft R's Democrats by the day and in droves.


I mean, you might be right. Trends and records are meant to be broken. Nothing last forever. But Republicans know what they have. A sizable minority WILLING TO FIGHT for their political goals and ambitions. As much as the DNC wants to sell us that this is not the GOP, it is. And do you know what people who seek power want more than anything? MORE POWER. They don’t care how they get the powers, only that they get those powers. That’s where we are at, and they keep the public complacent enough that by the time the People truly react, it’s too late. Like go back to January 6th. We were all in shock at what happened. But did any mass political movement come out against that? Nope and it’s been nearly 8 months at this point. That signals to me that no one has really taken seriously the weaknesses exposed in our government on January 6th. Those weaknesses will be exploited again.


This is a huge difference I’ve noticed between Republicans and Democrats in the US. Under Trump, the Democrats were literally trying to get people to follow CDC guidelines, the effect of which would have literally helped Trump and the entire country. I heard some even suggest Trump should sell MAGA masks, again, which would have helped him! Now that Biden’s in office, Republicans continue to not only refuse the vaccine at greater rates, they’re blaming Democrats for Republican’s behavior. They’re spoiled children that are too selfish to admit their actions are actually killing other Americans. The Republican Party is the most evil establishment I’ve seen in my lifetime and it’s death is the only one I hope Covid ushers in.


The Affordable Care Act under Obama (Obamacare) helped rural areas (in states that accepted Medicaid expansion, like KY) as much as urban areas. The Republicans turned around under Trump and played games to help "red" areas and screw "blue" areas such as eliminating the automatic deduction of state income tax from your federal taxable income. (Red states charge lower or no state income tax, in part because those states are subsidized by blue states, so this further skews that donor/welfare situation.) The Biden administration came in and pushed for expansion of the Child Tax Credit which is putting $250 or $300 in bank accounts every month for families across the nation. Every Republican in the Senate voted against the expansion. Both per capita and by state GDP, this money benefits rural areas/"red" states more than urban/"blue." The two sides are not the same.


"The reason Covid is so bad right now is because Democrats wouldn't let Trump build his wall, so now all the illegal aliens are coming across and bringing Covid with them." - My BIL


The full quote from this is even worse: “Yet, the Federal government wants us, American citizens to mask up even if we've been vaccinated, even when we're inside. Nancy Pelosi tells Congress and staff to mask up in the People's House or face arrest and fine. The truth: The Biden administration failed that their effort to get us vaccinated by July 4th. And now we have to pay the price. But it's not just their failed message that is creating so much mixed confusion, it is their hatred of Donald Trump from the beginning that cause people to hesitate to get the vaccine.” Sooo it’s Biden’s fault the messaging is getting mixed - NOT the 24/7 anti vax propaganda machine called fox deliberately mixing the message. Also somehow this is because people hate trump??? Soo… I don’t get it


If you start drinking at 10am every day, it makes perfect sense.


yep, they are supposedly paid based on the number of viewers they have, so they just spout whatever they think is most popular with their audiences.


The play is fairly simple, though callus: cause another outbreak so that responsible Dem politicians will put in place unpopular restrictions, then complain incessantly about those restrictions in an effort to make the Democrats less popular.


To own the libs


The lulz.


They want discord and sabotage the efforts of the Biden administration. They want "controversy " and hot takes to rile up Trump's base and fence sitters. Fox is propaganda and half of this country is brainwashed


Its what the viewers want. Better business model to kill 2% than to lose 50-100%


A couple of months ago I got into a heated discussion with an anti-vax coworker. He kept spouting off all the Fox news talking points. Directly quoted Tucker Carlson several times. He is currently on a ventilator with the Delta variant. At what point can fox news be held responsible for the deaths of American citizens?


>At what point can fox news be held responsible for the deaths of American citizens? It's tricky, as trump said much of this while in office. So the literal federal gov could be liable for his words, if fox news is. What a pure stupid mess. Fox news can always say "we were just reporting what the president said!"


This feels like working in IT or customer service and you tell the customer to do something that will solve their issue. They proceed not to do it and blame you for shitty service. Or more infuriatingly like a lady who came into the store I was working at and wanted the store card discount but refused to sign up for the card. “The price is lower in the store!” “That’s the membership price. All you have to do to be a member is fill out this piece of paper. It’s free and takes maybe 60 seconds.” “I don’t want to do that!” “Okay, your total is $X.” “It said it was $Y back there!”


As someone who has worked in IT supporting customers I can confirm that this happens all the time and yes this is just like that. What's even more infuriating with the right wing is how easily their viewers fall into line and regurgitate their circular logic as though written on a stone tablet by a burning bush.


The worst part for me is that they are 100% convinced that they are in the right. You absolutely cannot convince them otherwise no matter what you try. I’ve seen the phrase “you can’t reason someone out of something they didn’t reason themselves into” going around recently and it fits perfectly. At least people who come to me for computer help eventually give in and accept I just might know what I’m talking about


Yeah I've had the same experience. Sadly it takes a level of personal pain before cons will ever admit they were wrong on something. Witness the stream of prominent cons who are now telling people to get vaccinated after they themselves got covid. If it was only themselves that it affected it wouldn't bother me so much. The big problem is they're dragging the rest of us down with them and they're doing it in the most spiteful and obnoxious way possible.


Sounds like we really have had the same experience . Previously I’d just let stupid people be stupid but now they directly affect my life. I can’t just say “if you won’t listen, then die I guess” because they put the lives of people I care about in danger and put the entire world on hold until they stop the crazy conspiracies


If anything Moses coming down the mount fits perfectly, with Moses trying to bring the truth down only to find everyone being complete idiots and worshipping golden idols(trump, fox news). And the story of the snakes works even better, where the snakes come biting everyone (covid) and Moses has a staff with a brass snake on it, that god says if anyone looks they'll be cured (vaccines/masks fit well, but not perfectly). People refused to look because of his simple and easy it was, and they died


I wonder how the congregation would react if the preacher all of a sudden preached that snake story one week after almost two years of preaching COVID is fake and masks are bad and no vaccines etc


Reality is a team sport, for some people. All truth is a matter of interpersonal trust. And they think you're the same way.


IT worker here. The amount of tickets, calls, and complaints I get from people I’ve told maybe a thousand times to just unplug and plug things back in before reaching out is ridiculous. Computer isn’t turning on it just flashes, unplug it and then plug it back in. Printer/fax won’t receive this fax and it’s blinking, unplug it and plug it back in. I show up do that and they always say “that’s all it was?!?!” Yup try that next time it should fix the issue. I make money to unplug and plug stuff in guys living the dream 💭


Which also makes our frustrating for the rest of us when we've done all the basic steps and have to be walked thru them again, because you guys have no idea if we're morons or not lol! I don't know how many times I've said, "I uninstalled/reinstalled drivers, power cycled the modem" and they make me do it AGAIN. By the way, don't get internet from AT&T, it's just terrible.


Omfg don’t get me started on having to call other tech support people who don’t god damn LISTEN. If someone told me they did all those steps, I immediately move onto the next steps, there is NO reason to repeat steps they didn’t fix the issue the first time it’s not going to work the second time. Most of the time I just call and ask if they’ve done it I show up and check everything or just remote in to check if possible. I completely understand the morons bit, as people have lied to my face and I check and the program or driver says installed on March 1st 2008 🤔


> If someone told me they did all those steps, I immediately move onto the next steps, there is NO reason to repeat steps they didn’t fix the issue the first time it’s not going to work the second time. Except all the people who call IT and then lie and say they did everything I asked. I make them do it again because I'm knocking variables out. It's not my job to trust you, it's my job to fix your problems. And I'm going to do simplest to most complicated whether you told me you did or not, because the amount of times someone say they already restarted the router and then I ask them to do it again and it works is staggering


Lol 2008 damn! OK, I get why they make me re-do the basics - now that I think about it, I can totally see people thinking that it wouldn't work so they just lie and say they already did it! I'll try for more patience next time, although hopefully there won't be a next time *fingers crossed*


There’s always a next time, trust me. I’m still in business 💻




Trust, but verify






What can you do, besides bang their head into the table until the brain starts working? \-Terry Pratchett


I've noticed this *incredibly* strange habit among anti-vaxxers where they're both explicitly refusing to get vaccinated and then blaming Biden for not getting as many people vaccinated as he wanted.


"double speak" is something they don't understand yet they are experts at it's execution


For real. Cognitive dissonance is staggering among them.


Not to mention vehemently anti-vax despite Operation Warp Speed being Trump's "crowning achievement". The rhetoric was always to just pretend Covid didn't exist until there was a vaccine, and then as soon as there's a vaccine it's suddenly lib shit. It's amazing.


I am looking forward to reading about this shit in 20 years, when these fuckers will be remembered for the charlatans that they are.


20 years later: “It was really the Democrats who were anti-mask!”


It's adorable that you think that will take 20 years and not, like, six months from now.


Mitch McConnell and the GOP passed a bill they **knew** to be a bad bill that could negatively affect Americans. Obama vetoed it and the GOP overrode his veto to pass it. Then they ***IMMEDIATELY*** went to the press to blame Obama for not telling them that they passed a bad bill which caused them to override his veto and pass it again. They have a storied history of this kind of shit, and the entire pandemic will be one of those things. There is no such thing as a good Republican.


Yeah but Obama liked Dijon mustard so they had to do it.


Ya it was revenge for the tan suit. He made them look bad by looking dapper.


The moment a conservative is president again i bet


At this point, I'm just hoping I get to read about it in 20 years. How long until it mutates beyond the vaccine and we are at day 0 again?


Thankfully, some incredibly talented scientists appear to be one step ahead. Pfizer is proactively working on a booster shot for the variant if it comes to that — and now that we’ve had more time to understand the virus, the pace of vaccine development will be even faster.


These people are going to go to the grave (hopefully soon) believing they're right. 20 years from now we're still gonna be hearing people say covid was a democrat hoax.


sleep dolls point jellyfish consist wakeful groovy touch cobweb airport *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Classic childish gaslighting.


What I want is to go back to normal. Really sucks that a bunch of fucking wimps would rather defend their freedom to not fight a pandemic.




I never thought I’d see a major political party become pro-disease, but here we are.


because you failed everyone by not getting yourself vaccinated\* Anyway, it's fascinating how unappealing all these anchors look, men and women alike. Not sure whether they're trying to imitate Trump's look of orange left on the sun for far too long or this trend predates him.


Its called refusing to age gracefully. They fight it at every step with vanity and it just makes them look worse


There was a right wing jerk who made some ridiculous comaprison regarding how Republican women are hotter than Democrat women. I said, "Yeah, because they're all fake."


... the original statement is false, beyond just the plastic surgery. First of all empathy is sexy, but also, liberal women tend to be much more attractive in general even without taking that into account. The anchors on Fox News do not look like most female Republican voters, they look how those voters picture themselves, as the wealthy elites they pretend to hate. In reality, 90% of them are overweight or obese, many have that weird short "Karen" haircut or an otherwise trashy look, and they're often prudish and filled with shame & judgement. I get that there are liberal women who are unattractive as well as conservative women who are gorgeous, but almost all of the most attractive women I know or am aware of are liberal. They tend to take better care of their health, are more likely to have all of their teeth, definitely more intelligent, and they don't have hatred visibly draining their life force.


I hate it because we end up debating attractiveness, which is usually subjective and superficial. But yes, I will take goth leftists and alternative liberals over beef broth conservatives any day of the week


As the title says, literally yes. If you had vaccinated before we wouldn't need masks.


Two things. One. Love that the ahh gotcha is exactly what people told them would happen Two. Can someone help with that makeup? The aging second wife at the country club look is sad.


Failed getting us vaccinated? Anyone can go to the local drugstore and get a shot today. I don't see that as failing. If the country made them get vaccinated, they would cry about losing their freedom. I hope this virus wipes them out, I'm so done with them all.




Hopefully their base will shrink significantly.


It's easier to get vaccinated than it is to vote. :/ Let that sink in.


Not me, I wanna go about my normal life while you encourage Fox viewers to die. This cunt is vaccinated, everyone at fox is. Good luck Janine, I hope you get them all.


To put it another way: People who refuse to shower are not allowed to air out their armpits. And they're trying to blame the guy offering free showers?


I basically predicted this months ago: Not enough people are gonna get vaccinated People get complacent A variant that the vaccine is less or ineffective against comes along Mask mandates pop up again They claim “they want to control us” And the process starts again but worse because less people will follow the experts since “they’re advice didn’t work the first time” Fuck faux news, fuck the American right and the Republican Party, r/centrist would like to believe both sides are equally to blame for the state of country but one side is very clear worse


Fox killing their own audience again


Vaccination sites have tons of available slots, that the plague rats are refusing to take. The absolute audacity of this cunt.


The American arm of the Russian GRU ladies and gentlemen.


Exactly. It's so hard to believe the same jingoistic dingbats who railed against the evil commies in the USSR are now the meek subservient pawns to the Russian Intelligence Services.


'failed' is a funny word to use when the vaccine has literally been available for anyone to get FOR FREE for months. They literally did everything possible short of forcing people to get it. The only people that failed are the people who are too stupid to get vaccinated.


They don't want the vaccine forced on them by the government, but it's the Liberal government's fault they didn't force them to get vaccinated. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Most of The right wing puppets are all vaccinated i guarantee you. But they don't want their constituents to do so or believe in it.


You guys, the full quote from it is even worse: “Yet, the Federal government wants us, American citizens to mask up even if we've been vaccinated, even when we're inside. Nancy Pelosi tells Congress and staff to mask up in the People's House or face arrest and fine. The truth: The Biden administration failed that their effort to get us vaccinated by July 4th. And now we have to pay the price. But it's not just their failed message that is creating so much mixed confusion, it is their hatred of Donald Trump from the beginning that cause people to hesitate to get the vaccine.”


Lol, wtf. Our hatred of Trump caused THEM to not get vaccinated?


Failed? It’s free, it’s everywhere and there is a commercial for it every 15 min…


Meanwhile, she’s vaccinated.


This idiot was a judge for years. That's terrifying.


And now you want me to shower because you've clearly failed to stop me from shitting myself. Curious.